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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center_export.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center_observer.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center_tray_delegate.h"
#include "ui/message_center/notifier_settings.h"

namespace ui {
class MenuModel;

namespace message_center {

class MessageCenter;
class MessageBubbleBase;
class MessagePopupBubble;
class QuietModeBubble;

// Implementation found with each supported platform's implementation of
// MessageCenterTrayDelegate.
MessageCenterTrayDelegate* CreateMessageCenterTray();

// Class that observes a MessageCenter. Manages the popup and message center
// bubbles. Tells the MessageCenterTrayHost when the tray is changed, as well
// as when bubbles are shown and hidden.
class MESSAGE_CENTER_EXPORT MessageCenterTray : public MessageCenterObserver {
  MessageCenterTray(MessageCenterTrayDelegate* delegate,
                    message_center::MessageCenter* message_center);
  virtual ~MessageCenterTray();

  // Shows or updates the message center bubble and hides the popup bubble.
  // Returns whether the message center is visible after the call, whether or
  // not it was visible before.
  bool ShowMessageCenterBubble();

  // Hides the message center if visible and returns whether the message center
  // was visible before.
  bool HideMessageCenterBubble();

  // Marks the message center as "not visible" (this method will not hide the
  // message center).
  void MarkMessageCenterHidden();

  void ToggleMessageCenterBubble();

  // Causes an update if the popup bubble is already shown.
  void ShowPopupBubble();

  // Returns whether the popup was visible before.
  bool HidePopupBubble();

  // Toggles the visibility of the settings view in the message center bubble.
  void ShowNotifierSettingsBubble();

  // Creates a model for the context menu for a notification card.
  scoped_ptr<ui::MenuModel> CreateNotificationMenuModel(
      const NotifierId& notifier_id,
      const base::string16& display_source);

  bool message_center_visible() { return message_center_visible_; }
  bool popups_visible() { return popups_visible_; }
  MessageCenterTrayDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; }
  const message_center::MessageCenter* message_center() const {
    return message_center_;
  message_center::MessageCenter* message_center() { return message_center_; }

  // Overridden from MessageCenterObserver:
  virtual void OnNotificationAdded(const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnNotificationRemoved(const std::string& notification_id,
                                     bool by_user) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnNotificationUpdated(
      const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnNotificationClicked(
      const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnNotificationButtonClicked(
      const std::string& notification_id,
      int button_index) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnNotificationDisplayed(
      const std::string& notification_id,
      const DisplaySource source) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnQuietModeChanged(bool in_quiet_mode) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnBlockingStateChanged(NotificationBlocker* blocker) OVERRIDE;

  void OnMessageCenterChanged();
  void NotifyMessageCenterTrayChanged();
  void HidePopupBubbleInternal();

  // |message_center_| is a weak pointer that must live longer than
  // MessageCenterTray.
  message_center::MessageCenter* message_center_;
  bool message_center_visible_;
  bool popups_visible_;
  // |delegate_| is a weak pointer that must live longer than MessageCenterTray.
  MessageCenterTrayDelegate* delegate_;


}  // namespace message_center