// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
#include "src/compiler/typer.h"
namespace v8 {
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
Node* JSGraph::ImmovableHeapConstant(Handle<Object> object) {
Unique<Object> unique = Unique<Object>::CreateImmovable(object);
return NewNode(common()->HeapConstant(unique));
Node* JSGraph::NewNode(const Operator* op) {
Node* node = graph()->NewNode(op);
return node;
Node* JSGraph::CEntryStubConstant() {
if (!c_entry_stub_constant_.is_set()) {
ImmovableHeapConstant(CEntryStub(isolate(), 1).GetCode()));
return c_entry_stub_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::UndefinedConstant() {
if (!undefined_constant_.is_set()) {
return undefined_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::TheHoleConstant() {
if (!the_hole_constant_.is_set()) {
return the_hole_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::TrueConstant() {
if (!true_constant_.is_set()) {
return true_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::FalseConstant() {
if (!false_constant_.is_set()) {
return false_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::NullConstant() {
if (!null_constant_.is_set()) {
return null_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::ZeroConstant() {
if (!zero_constant_.is_set()) zero_constant_.set(NumberConstant(0.0));
return zero_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::OneConstant() {
if (!one_constant_.is_set()) one_constant_.set(NumberConstant(1.0));
return one_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::NaNConstant() {
if (!nan_constant_.is_set()) {
return nan_constant_.get();
Node* JSGraph::HeapConstant(Unique<Object> value) {
// TODO(turbofan): canonicalize heap constants using Unique<T>
return NewNode(common()->HeapConstant(value));
Node* JSGraph::HeapConstant(Handle<Object> value) {
// TODO(titzer): We could also match against the addresses of immortable
// immovables here, even without access to the heap, thus always
// canonicalizing references to them.
// return HeapConstant(Unique<Object>::CreateUninitialized(value));
// TODO(turbofan): This is a work-around to make Unique::HashCode() work for
// value numbering. We need some sane way to compute a unique hash code for
// arbitrary handles here.
Unique<Object> unique(reinterpret_cast<Address>(*value.location()), value);
return HeapConstant(unique);
Node* JSGraph::Constant(Handle<Object> value) {
// Dereference the handle to determine if a number constant or other
// canonicalized node can be used.
if (value->IsNumber()) {
return Constant(value->Number());
} else if (value->IsUndefined()) {
return UndefinedConstant();
} else if (value->IsTrue()) {
return TrueConstant();
} else if (value->IsFalse()) {
return FalseConstant();
} else if (value->IsNull()) {
return NullConstant();
} else if (value->IsTheHole()) {
return TheHoleConstant();
} else {
return HeapConstant(value);
Node* JSGraph::Constant(double value) {
if (bit_cast<int64_t>(value) == bit_cast<int64_t>(0.0)) return ZeroConstant();
if (bit_cast<int64_t>(value) == bit_cast<int64_t>(1.0)) return OneConstant();
return NumberConstant(value);
Node* JSGraph::Constant(int32_t value) {
if (value == 0) return ZeroConstant();
if (value == 1) return OneConstant();
return NumberConstant(value);
Node* JSGraph::Int32Constant(int32_t value) {
Node** loc = cache_.FindInt32Constant(value);
if (*loc == NULL) {
*loc = NewNode(common()->Int32Constant(value));
return *loc;
Node* JSGraph::NumberConstant(double value) {
Node** loc = cache_.FindNumberConstant(value);
if (*loc == NULL) {
*loc = NewNode(common()->NumberConstant(value));
return *loc;
Node* JSGraph::Float64Constant(double value) {
Node** loc = cache_.FindFloat64Constant(value);
if (*loc == NULL) {
*loc = NewNode(common()->Float64Constant(value));
return *loc;
Node* JSGraph::ExternalConstant(ExternalReference reference) {
Node** loc = cache_.FindExternalConstant(reference);
if (*loc == NULL) {
*loc = NewNode(common()->ExternalConstant(reference));
return *loc;
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace internal
} // namespace v8