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 * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 2.0 Module
 * -------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * \file
 * \brief Uniform API tests.
 * \todo [2013-02-26 nuutti] Much duplication between this and ES3.
 *							 Utilities to glshared?

#include "es2fUniformApiTests.hpp"
#include "gluCallLogWrapper.hpp"
#include "gluShaderProgram.hpp"
#include "gluVarType.hpp"
#include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp"
#include "gluTextureUtil.hpp"
#include "gluTexture.hpp"
#include "tcuRenderTarget.hpp"
#include "tcuTestLog.hpp"
#include "tcuSurface.hpp"
#include "tcuCommandLine.hpp"
#include "deRandom.hpp"
#include "deStringUtil.hpp"
#include "deSharedPtr.hpp"
#include "deString.h"
#include "deMemory.h"

#include "glwEnums.hpp"
#include "glwFunctions.hpp"

#include <set>
#include <cstring>

using namespace glw;

namespace deqp
namespace gles2
namespace Functional

using std::vector;
using std::string;
using tcu::TestLog;
using tcu::ScopedLogSection;
using glu::ShaderProgram;
using glu::StructType;
using de::Random;
using de::SharedPtr;

typedef bool (* dataTypePredicate)(glu::DataType);

static const int MAX_RENDER_WIDTH			= 32;
static const int MAX_RENDER_HEIGHT			= 32;
static const int MAX_NUM_SAMPLER_UNIFORMS	= 16;

static const glu::DataType s_testDataTypes[] =




static inline int getGLInt (const glw::Functions& funcs, const deUint32 name)
	int val = -1;
	funcs.getIntegerv(name, &val);
	return val;

static inline tcu::Vec4 vec4FromPtr (const float* const ptr)
	tcu::Vec4 result;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		result[i] = ptr[i];
	return result;

static inline string beforeLast (const string& str, const char c)
	return str.substr(0, str.find_last_of(c));

static inline void fillWithColor (const tcu::PixelBufferAccess& access, const tcu::Vec4& color)
	for (int z = 0; z < access.getDepth(); z++)
	for (int y = 0; y < access.getHeight(); y++)
	for (int x = 0; x < access.getWidth(); x++)
		access.setPixel(color, x, y, z);

static inline int getSamplerNumLookupDimensions (const glu::DataType type)
	switch (type)
		case glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_2D:
			return 2;

		case glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_CUBE:
			return 3;

		default: // \note All others than 2d and cube are gles3-only types.
			return 0;

template<glu::DataType T>
static bool dataTypeEquals (const glu::DataType t)
	return t == T;

template<int N>
static bool dataTypeIsMatrixWithNRows (const glu::DataType t)
	return glu::isDataTypeMatrix(t) && glu::getDataTypeMatrixNumRows(t) == N;

static bool typeContainsMatchingBasicType (const glu::VarType& type, const dataTypePredicate predicate)
	if (type.isBasicType())
		return predicate(type.getBasicType());
	else if (type.isArrayType())
		return typeContainsMatchingBasicType(type.getElementType(), predicate);
		const StructType& structType = *type.getStructPtr();
		for (int i = 0; i < structType.getNumMembers(); i++)
			if (typeContainsMatchingBasicType(structType.getMember(i).getType(), predicate))
				return true;
		return false;

static void getDistinctSamplerTypes (vector<glu::DataType>& dst, const glu::VarType& type)
	if (type.isBasicType())
		const glu::DataType basicType = type.getBasicType();
		if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(basicType) && std::find(dst.begin(), dst.end(), basicType) == dst.end())
	else if (type.isArrayType())
		getDistinctSamplerTypes(dst, type.getElementType());
		const StructType& structType = *type.getStructPtr();
		for (int i = 0; i < structType.getNumMembers(); i++)
			getDistinctSamplerTypes(dst, structType.getMember(i).getType());

static int getNumSamplersInType (const glu::VarType& type)
	if (type.isBasicType())
		return glu::isDataTypeSampler(type.getBasicType()) ? 1 : 0;
	else if (type.isArrayType())
		return getNumSamplersInType(type.getElementType()) * type.getArraySize();
		const StructType& structType = *type.getStructPtr();
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < structType.getNumMembers(); i++)
			sum += getNumSamplersInType(structType.getMember(i).getType());
		return sum;

static glu::VarType generateRandomType (const int maxDepth, int& curStructIdx, vector<const StructType*>& structTypesDst, Random& rnd)
	const bool isStruct		= maxDepth > 0 && rnd.getFloat() < 0.2f;
	const bool isArray		= rnd.getFloat() < 0.3f;

	if (isStruct)
		const int			numMembers = rnd.getInt(1, 5);
		StructType* const	structType = new StructType(("structType" + de::toString(curStructIdx++)).c_str());

		for (int i = 0; i < numMembers; i++)
			structType->addMember(("m" + de::toString(i)).c_str(), generateRandomType(maxDepth-1, curStructIdx, structTypesDst, rnd));

		return isArray ? glu::VarType(glu::VarType(structType), rnd.getInt(1, 5)) : glu::VarType(structType);
		const glu::DataType		basicType = (glu::DataType)s_testDataTypes[rnd.getInt(0, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_testDataTypes)-1)];
		const glu::Precision	precision = glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(basicType) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;
		return isArray ? glu::VarType(glu::VarType(basicType, precision), rnd.getInt(1, 5)) : glu::VarType(basicType, precision);


struct VarValue
	glu::DataType type;

		float		floatV[4*4]; // At most mat4. \note Matrices here are column-major.
		deInt32		intV[4];
		bool		boolV[4];
			int		unit;
			float	fillColor[4];
		} samplerV;
	} val;

enum CaseShaderType


struct Uniform
	string			name;
	glu::VarType	type;

	Uniform (const char* const name_, const glu::VarType& type_) : name(name_), type(type_) {}

// A set of uniforms, along with related struct types.
class UniformCollection
	int					getNumUniforms		(void) const					{ return (int)m_uniforms.size();	}
	int					getNumStructTypes	(void) const					{ return (int)m_structTypes.size();	}
	Uniform&			getUniform			(const int ndx)					{ return m_uniforms[ndx];			}
	const Uniform&		getUniform			(const int ndx) const			{ return m_uniforms[ndx];			}
	const StructType*	getStructType		(const int ndx) const			{ return m_structTypes[ndx];		}
	void				addUniform			(const Uniform& uniform)		{ m_uniforms.push_back(uniform);	}
	void				addStructType		(const StructType* const type)	{ m_structTypes.push_back(type);	}

	UniformCollection	(void) {}
	~UniformCollection	(void)
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_structTypes.size(); i++)
			delete m_structTypes[i];

	// Add the contents of m_uniforms and m_structTypes to receiver, and remove them from this one.
	// \note receiver takes ownership of the struct types.
	void moveContents (UniformCollection& receiver)
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniforms.size(); i++)

		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_structTypes.size(); i++)

	bool containsMatchingBasicType (const dataTypePredicate predicate) const
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniforms.size(); i++)
			if (typeContainsMatchingBasicType(m_uniforms[i].type, predicate))
				return true;
		return false;

	vector<glu::DataType> getSamplerTypes (void) const
		vector<glu::DataType> samplerTypes;
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniforms.size(); i++)
			getDistinctSamplerTypes(samplerTypes, m_uniforms[i].type);
		return samplerTypes;

	bool containsSeveralSamplerTypes (void) const
		return getSamplerTypes().size() > 1;

	int getNumSamplers (void) const
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniforms.size(); i++)
			sum += getNumSamplersInType(m_uniforms[i].type);
		return sum;

	static UniformCollection* basic (const glu::DataType type, const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		UniformCollection* const	res		= new UniformCollection;
		const glu::Precision		prec	= glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;
		res->m_uniforms.push_back(Uniform((string("u_var") + nameSuffix).c_str(), glu::VarType(type, prec)));
		return res;

	static UniformCollection* basicArray (const glu::DataType type, const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		UniformCollection* const	res		= new UniformCollection;
		const glu::Precision		prec	= glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;
		res->m_uniforms.push_back(Uniform((string("u_var") + nameSuffix).c_str(), glu::VarType(glu::VarType(type, prec), 3)));
		return res;

	static UniformCollection* basicStruct (const glu::DataType type0, const glu::DataType type1, const bool containsArrays, const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		UniformCollection* const	res		= new UniformCollection;
		const glu::Precision		prec0	= glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type0) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;
		const glu::Precision		prec1	= glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type1) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;

		StructType* const structType = new StructType((string("structType") + nameSuffix).c_str());
		structType->addMember("m0", glu::VarType(type0, prec0));
		structType->addMember("m1", glu::VarType(type1, prec1));
		if (containsArrays)
			structType->addMember("m2", glu::VarType(glu::VarType(type0, prec0), 3));
			structType->addMember("m3", glu::VarType(glu::VarType(type1, prec1), 3));

		res->addUniform(Uniform((string("u_var") + nameSuffix).c_str(), glu::VarType(structType)));

		return res;

	static UniformCollection* structInArray (const glu::DataType type0, const glu::DataType type1, const bool containsArrays, const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		UniformCollection* const res = basicStruct(type0, type1, containsArrays, nameSuffix);
		res->getUniform(0).type = glu::VarType(res->getUniform(0).type, 3);
		return res;

	static UniformCollection* nestedArraysStructs (const glu::DataType type0, const glu::DataType type1, const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		UniformCollection* const res		= new UniformCollection;
		const glu::Precision prec0			= glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type0) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;
		const glu::Precision prec1			= glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type1) ? glu::PRECISION_LAST : glu::PRECISION_MEDIUMP;
		StructType* const structType		= new StructType((string("structType") + nameSuffix).c_str());
		StructType* const subStructType		= new StructType((string("subStructType") + nameSuffix).c_str());
		StructType* const subSubStructType	= new StructType((string("subSubStructType") + nameSuffix).c_str());

		subSubStructType->addMember("mss0", glu::VarType(type0, prec0));
		subSubStructType->addMember("mss1", glu::VarType(type1, prec1));

		subStructType->addMember("ms0", glu::VarType(type1, prec1));
		subStructType->addMember("ms1", glu::VarType(glu::VarType(type0, prec0), 2));
		subStructType->addMember("ms2", glu::VarType(glu::VarType(subSubStructType), 2));

		structType->addMember("m0", glu::VarType(type0, prec0));
		structType->addMember("m1", glu::VarType(subStructType));
		structType->addMember("m2", glu::VarType(type1, prec1));


		res->addUniform(Uniform((string("u_var") + nameSuffix).c_str(), glu::VarType(structType)));

		return res;

	static UniformCollection* multipleBasic (const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		static const glu::DataType	types[]	= { glu::TYPE_FLOAT, glu::TYPE_INT_VEC3, glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3, glu::TYPE_BOOL_VEC2 };
		UniformCollection* const	res		= new UniformCollection;

		for (int i = 0; i < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(types); i++)
			UniformCollection* const sub = basic(types[i], ("_" + de::toString(i) + nameSuffix).c_str());
			delete sub;

		return res;

	static UniformCollection* multipleBasicArray (const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		static const glu::DataType	types[]	= { glu::TYPE_FLOAT, glu::TYPE_INT_VEC3, glu::TYPE_BOOL_VEC2 };
		UniformCollection* const	res		= new UniformCollection;

		for (int i = 0; i < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(types); i++)
			UniformCollection* const sub = basicArray(types[i], ("_" + de::toString(i) + nameSuffix).c_str());
			delete sub;

		return res;

	static UniformCollection* multipleNestedArraysStructs (const char* const nameSuffix = "")
		static const glu::DataType	types0[]	= { glu::TYPE_FLOAT,		glu::TYPE_INT,		glu::TYPE_BOOL_VEC4 };
		static const glu::DataType	types1[]	= { glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4,	glu::TYPE_INT_VEC4,	glu::TYPE_BOOL };
		UniformCollection* const	res			= new UniformCollection;


		for (int i = 0; i < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(types0); i++)
			UniformCollection* const sub = nestedArraysStructs(types0[i], types1[i], ("_" + de::toString(i) + nameSuffix).c_str());
			delete sub;

		return res;

	static UniformCollection* random (const deUint32 seed)
		Random						rnd			(seed);
		const int					numUniforms	= rnd.getInt(1, 5);
		int							structIdx	= 0;
		UniformCollection* const	res			= new UniformCollection;

		for (int i = 0; i < numUniforms; i++)
			vector<const StructType*>	structTypes;
			Uniform						uniform(("u_var" + de::toString(i)).c_str(), glu::VarType());

			// \note Discard uniforms that would cause number of samplers to exceed MAX_NUM_SAMPLER_UNIFORMS.
				for (int j = 0; j < (int)structTypes.size(); j++)
					delete structTypes[j];
				uniform.type = (("u_var" + de::toString(i)).c_str(), generateRandomType(3, structIdx, structTypes, rnd));
			} while (res->getNumSamplers() + getNumSamplersInType(uniform.type) > MAX_NUM_SAMPLER_UNIFORMS);

			for (int j = 0; j < (int)structTypes.size(); j++)

		return res;

	// \note Copying these would be cumbersome, since deep-copying both m_uniforms and m_structTypes
	// would mean that we'd need to update pointers from uniforms to point to the new structTypes.
	// When the same UniformCollection is needed in several places, a SharedPtr is used instead.
								UniformCollection	(const UniformCollection&); // Not allowed.
	UniformCollection&			operator=			(const UniformCollection&); // Not allowed.

	vector<Uniform>				m_uniforms;
	vector<const StructType*>	m_structTypes;

}; // anonymous

static VarValue getSamplerFillValue (const VarValue& sampler)

	VarValue result;
	result.type = glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4;

	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		result.val.floatV[i] = sampler.val.samplerV.fillColor[i];

	return result;

static VarValue getSamplerUnitValue (const VarValue& sampler)

	VarValue result;
	result.type = glu::TYPE_INT;
	result.val.intV[0] = sampler.val.samplerV.unit;

	return result;

static string shaderVarValueStr (const VarValue& value)
	const int			numElems = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(value.type);
	std::ostringstream	result;

	if (numElems > 1)
		result << glu::getDataTypeName(value.type) << "(";

	for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
		if (i > 0)
			result << ", ";

		if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(value.type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(value.type))
			result << de::floatToString(value.val.floatV[i], 2);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec((value.type)))
			result << de::toString(value.val.intV[i]);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec((value.type)))
			result << (value.val.boolV[i] ? "true" : "false");
		else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler((value.type)))
			result << shaderVarValueStr(getSamplerFillValue(value));

	if (numElems > 1)
		result << ")";

	return result.str();

static string apiVarValueStr (const VarValue& value)
	const int			numElems = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(value.type);
	std::ostringstream	result;

	if (numElems > 1)
		result << "(";

	for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
		if (i > 0)
			result << ", ";

		if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(value.type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(value.type))
			result << de::floatToString(value.val.floatV[i], 2);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec((value.type)))
			result << de::toString(value.val.intV[i]);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec((value.type)))
			result << (value.val.boolV[i] ? "true" : "false");
		else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler((value.type)))
			result << value.val.samplerV.unit;

	if (numElems > 1)
		result << ")";

	return result.str();

static VarValue generateRandomVarValue (const glu::DataType type, Random& rnd, int samplerUnit = -1 /* Used if type is a sampler type. \note Samplers' unit numbers are not randomized. */)
	const int	numElems = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
	VarValue	result;
	result.type = type;

	DE_ASSERT((samplerUnit >= 0) == (glu::isDataTypeSampler(type)));

	if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(type))
		for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
			result.val.floatV[i] = rnd.getFloat(-10.0f, 10.0f);
	else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(type))
		for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
			result.val.intV[i] = rnd.getInt(-10, 10);
	else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type))
		for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
			result.val.boolV[i] = rnd.getBool();
	else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(type))
		result.val.samplerV.unit = samplerUnit;

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			result.val.samplerV.fillColor[i] = rnd.getFloat(0.0f, 1.0f);

	return result;

static VarValue generateZeroVarValue (const glu::DataType type)
	const int	numElems = glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(type);
	VarValue	result;
	result.type = type;

	if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(type))
		for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
			result.val.floatV[i] = 0.0f;
	else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(type))
		for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
			result.val.intV[i] = 0;
	else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(type))
		for (int i = 0; i < numElems; i++)
			result.val.boolV[i] = false;
	else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(type))
		result.val.samplerV.unit = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			result.val.samplerV.fillColor[i] = 0.12f * (float)i;

	return result;

static bool apiVarValueEquals (const VarValue& a, const VarValue& b)
	const int		size			= glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(a.type);
	const float		floatThreshold	= 0.05f;

	DE_ASSERT(a.type == b.type);

	if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(a.type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(a.type))
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			if (de::abs(a.val.floatV[i] - b.val.floatV[i]) >= floatThreshold)
				return false;
	else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(a.type))
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			if (a.val.intV[i] != b.val.intV[i])
				return false;
	else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(a.type))
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			if (a.val.boolV[i] != b.val.boolV[i])
				return false;
	else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(a.type))
		if (a.val.samplerV.unit != b.val.samplerV.unit)
			return false;

	return true;

static VarValue getRandomBoolRepresentation (const VarValue& boolValue, const glu::DataType targetScalarType, Random& rnd)

	const int				size		= glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(boolValue.type);
	const glu::DataType		targetType	= size == 1 ? targetScalarType : glu::getDataTypeVector(targetScalarType, size);
	VarValue				result;
	result.type = targetType;

	switch (targetScalarType)
		case glu::TYPE_INT:
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				if (boolValue.val.boolV[i])
					result.val.intV[i] = rnd.getInt(-10, 10);
					if (result.val.intV[i] == 0)
						result.val.intV[i] = 1;
					result.val.intV[i] = 0;

		case glu::TYPE_FLOAT:
			for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
				if (boolValue.val.boolV[i])
					result.val.floatV[i] = rnd.getFloat(-10.0f, 10.0f);
					if (result.val.floatV[i] == 0.0f)
						result.val.floatV[i] = 1.0f;
					result.val.floatV[i] = 0;


	return result;

static const char* getCaseShaderTypeName (const CaseShaderType type)
	switch (type)
		case CASESHADERTYPE_VERTEX:		return "vertex";
		case CASESHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT:	return "fragment";
		case CASESHADERTYPE_BOTH:		return "both";
			return DE_NULL;

static CaseShaderType randomCaseShaderType (const deUint32 seed)
	return (CaseShaderType)Random(seed).getInt(0, CASESHADERTYPE_LAST-1);

class UniformCase : public TestCase, protected glu::CallLogWrapper
	enum Feature
		// ARRAYUSAGE_ONLY_MIDDLE_INDEX: only middle index of each array is used in shader. If not given, use all indices.

		// UNIFORMFUNC_VALUE: use pass-by-value versions of uniform assignment funcs, e.g. glUniform1f(), where possible. If not given, use pass-by-pointer versions.

		// ARRAYASSIGN: how basic-type arrays are assigned with glUniform*(). If none given, assign each element of an array separately.
		FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_FULL				= 1<<2, //!< Assign all elements of an array with one glUniform*().
		FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_BLOCKS_OF_TWO		= 1<<3, //!< Assign two elements per one glUniform*().

		// UNIFORMUSAGE_EVERY_OTHER: use about half of the uniforms. If not given, use all uniforms (except that some array indices may be omitted according to ARRAYUSAGE).

		// BOOLEANAPITYPE: type used to pass booleans to and from GL api. If none given, use float.

		// UNIFORMVALUE_ZERO: use zero-valued uniforms. If not given, use random uniform values.

		// ARRAY_FIRST_ELEM_NAME_NO_INDEX: in certain API functions, when referring to the first element of an array, use just the array name without [0] at the end.

								UniformCase		(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, CaseShaderType caseType, const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>& uniformCollection);
								UniformCase		(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, CaseShaderType caseType, const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>& uniformCollection, deUint32 features);
								UniformCase		(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, deUint32 seed); // \note Randomizes caseType, uniformCollection and features.
	virtual						~UniformCase	(void);

	virtual void				init			(void);
	virtual void				deinit			(void);

	IterateResult				iterate			(void);

	// A basic uniform is a uniform (possibly struct or array member) whose type is a basic type (e.g. float, ivec4, sampler2d).
	struct BasicUniform
		string			name;
		glu::DataType	type;
		bool			isUsedInShader;
		VarValue		finalValue;	//!< The value we ultimately want to set for this uniform.

		string			rootName;	//!< If this is a member of a basic-typed array, rootName is the name of that array with "[0]" appended. Otherwise it equals name.
		int				elemNdx;	//!< If this is a member of a basic-typed array, elemNdx is the index in that array. Otherwise -1.
		int				rootSize;	//!< If this is a member of a basic-typed array, rootSize is the size of that array. Otherwise 1.

		BasicUniform (const char* const		name_,
					  const glu::DataType	type_,
					  const bool			isUsedInShader_,
					  const VarValue&		finalValue_,
					  const char* const		rootName_	= DE_NULL,
					  const int				elemNdx_	= -1,
					  const int				rootSize_	= 1)
					  : name			(name_)
					  , type			(type_)
					  , isUsedInShader	(isUsedInShader_)
					  , finalValue		(finalValue_)
					  , rootName		(rootName_ == DE_NULL ? name_ : rootName_)
					  , elemNdx			(elemNdx_)
					  , rootSize		(rootSize_)

		static vector<BasicUniform>::const_iterator findWithName (const vector<BasicUniform>& vec, const char* const name)
			for (vector<BasicUniform>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it++)
				if (it->name == name)
					return it;
			return vec.end();

	// Reference values for info that is expected to be reported by glGetActiveUniform().
	struct BasicUniformReportRef
		string			name;
		// \note minSize and maxSize are for arrays and can be distinct since implementations are allowed, but not required, to trim the inactive end indices of arrays.
		int				minSize;
		int				maxSize;
		glu::DataType	type;
		bool			isUsedInShader;

		BasicUniformReportRef (const char* const name_, const int minS, const int maxS, const glu::DataType type_, const bool used)
			: name(name_), minSize(minS), maxSize(maxS), type(type_), isUsedInShader(used) { DE_ASSERT(minSize <= maxSize); }
		BasicUniformReportRef (const char* const name_, const glu::DataType type_, const bool used)
			: name(name_), minSize(1), maxSize(1), type(type_), isUsedInShader(used) {}

	// Info that is actually reported by glGetActiveUniform().
	struct BasicUniformReportGL
		string			name;
		int				nameLength;
		int				size;
		glu::DataType	type;

		int				index;

		BasicUniformReportGL (const char* const name_, const int nameLength_, const int size_, const glu::DataType type_, const int index_)
			: name(name_), nameLength(nameLength_), size(size_), type(type_), index(index_) {}

		static vector<BasicUniformReportGL>::const_iterator findWithName (const vector<BasicUniformReportGL>& vec, const char* const name)
			for (vector<BasicUniformReportGL>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); it++)
				if (it->name == name)
					return it;
			return vec.end();

	// Query info with glGetActiveUniform() and check validity.
	bool						getActiveUniforms						(vector<BasicUniformReportGL>& dst, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& ref, deUint32 programGL);
	// Get uniform values with glGetUniform*() and put to valuesDst. Uniforms that get -1 from glGetUniformLocation() get glu::TYPE_INVALID.
	bool						getUniforms								(vector<VarValue>& valuesDst, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, deUint32 programGL);
	// Check that every uniform has the default (zero) value.
	bool						checkUniformDefaultValues				(const vector<VarValue>& values, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms);
	// Assign the basicUniforms[].finalValue values for uniforms. \note rnd parameter is for booleans (true can be any nonzero value).
	void						assignUniforms							(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, deUint32 programGL, Random& rnd);
	// Compare the uniform values given in values (obtained with glGetUniform*()) with the basicUniform.finalValue values.
	bool						compareUniformValues					(const vector<VarValue>& values, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms);
	// Render and check that all pixels are white (i.e. all uniform comparisons passed).
	bool						renderTest								(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd);

	virtual bool				test									(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd) = 0;

	const deUint32								m_features;
	const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>	m_uniformCollection;

	static deUint32				randomFeatures							(deUint32 seed);

	// Generates the basic uniforms, based on the uniform with name varName and type varType, in the same manner as are expected
	// to be returned by glGetActiveUniform(), e.g. generates a name like var[0] for arrays, and recursively generates struct member names.
	void						generateBasicUniforms					(vector<BasicUniform>&				basicUniformsDst,
																		 vector<BasicUniformReportRef>&		basicUniformReportsDst,
																		 const glu::VarType&				varType,
																		 const char*						varName,
																		 bool								isParentActive,
																		 int&								samplerUnitCounter,
																		 Random&							rnd) const;

	void						writeUniformDefinitions					(std::ostringstream& dst) const;
	void						writeUniformCompareExpr					(std::ostringstream& dst, const BasicUniform& uniform) const;
	void						writeUniformComparisons					(std::ostringstream& dst, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const char* variableName) const;

	string						generateVertexSource					(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms) const;
	string						generateFragmentSource					(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms) const;

	void						setupTexture							(const VarValue& value);

	const CaseShaderType						m_caseShaderType;

	vector<glu::Texture2D*>						m_textures2d;
	vector<glu::TextureCube*>					m_texturesCube;
	vector<deUint32>							m_filledTextureUnits;

deUint32 UniformCase::randomFeatures (const deUint32 seed)
	static const deUint32 arrayUsageChoices[]		= { 0, FEATURE_ARRAYUSAGE_ONLY_MIDDLE_INDEX										};
	static const deUint32 uniformFuncChoices[]		= { 0, FEATURE_UNIFORMFUNC_VALUE												};
	static const deUint32 arrayAssignChoices[]		= { 0, FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_FULL,			FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_BLOCKS_OF_TWO	};
	static const deUint32 uniformUsageChoices[]		= { 0, FEATURE_UNIFORMUSAGE_EVERY_OTHER											};
	static const deUint32 booleanApiTypeChoices[]	= { 0, FEATURE_BOOLEANAPITYPE_INT												};
	static const deUint32 uniformValueChoices[]		= { 0, FEATURE_UNIFORMVALUE_ZERO												};

	Random rnd(seed);

	deUint32 result = 0;

#define ARRAY_CHOICE(ARR) (ARR[rnd.getInt(0, DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(ARR)-1)])

	result |= ARRAY_CHOICE(arrayUsageChoices);
	result |= ARRAY_CHOICE(uniformFuncChoices);
	result |= ARRAY_CHOICE(arrayAssignChoices);
	result |= ARRAY_CHOICE(uniformUsageChoices);
	result |= ARRAY_CHOICE(booleanApiTypeChoices);
	result |= ARRAY_CHOICE(uniformValueChoices);


	return result;

UniformCase::UniformCase (Context& context, const char* const name, const char* const description, const CaseShaderType caseShaderType, const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>& uniformCollection, const deUint32 features)
	: TestCase				(context, name, description)
	, CallLogWrapper		(context.getRenderContext().getFunctions(), m_testCtx.getLog())
	, m_features			(features)
	, m_uniformCollection	(uniformCollection)
	, m_caseShaderType		(caseShaderType)

UniformCase::UniformCase (Context& context, const char* const name, const char* const description, const CaseShaderType caseShaderType, const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>& uniformCollection)
	: TestCase				(context, name, description)
	, CallLogWrapper		(context.getRenderContext().getFunctions(), m_testCtx.getLog())
	, m_features			(0)
	, m_uniformCollection	(uniformCollection)
	, m_caseShaderType		(caseShaderType)

UniformCase::UniformCase (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, const deUint32 seed)
	: TestCase				(context, name, description)
	, CallLogWrapper		(context.getRenderContext().getFunctions(), m_testCtx.getLog())
	, m_features			(randomFeatures(seed))
	, m_uniformCollection	(UniformCollection::random(seed))
	, m_caseShaderType		(randomCaseShaderType(seed))

void UniformCase::init (void)
		const glw::Functions&	funcs						= m_context.getRenderContext().getFunctions();
		const int				numSamplerUniforms			= m_uniformCollection->getNumSamplers();
		const int				vertexTexUnitsRequired		= m_caseShaderType != CASESHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT ? numSamplerUniforms : 0;
		const int				fragmentTexUnitsRequired	= m_caseShaderType != CASESHADERTYPE_VERTEX ? numSamplerUniforms : 0;
		const int				combinedTexUnitsRequired	= vertexTexUnitsRequired + fragmentTexUnitsRequired;
		const int				vertexTexUnitsSupported		= getGLInt(funcs, GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
		const int				fragmentTexUnitsSupported	= getGLInt(funcs, GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
		const int				combinedTexUnitsSupported	= getGLInt(funcs, GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);


		if (vertexTexUnitsRequired > vertexTexUnitsSupported)
			throw tcu::NotSupportedError(de::toString(vertexTexUnitsRequired) + " vertex texture units required, " + de::toString(vertexTexUnitsSupported) + " supported");
		if (fragmentTexUnitsRequired > fragmentTexUnitsSupported)
			throw tcu::NotSupportedError(de::toString(fragmentTexUnitsRequired) + " fragment texture units required, " + de::toString(fragmentTexUnitsSupported) + " supported");
		if (combinedTexUnitsRequired > combinedTexUnitsSupported)
			throw tcu::NotSupportedError(de::toString(combinedTexUnitsRequired) + " combined texture units required, " + de::toString(combinedTexUnitsSupported) + " supported");


void UniformCase::deinit (void)
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_textures2d.size(); i++)
		delete m_textures2d[i];

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_texturesCube.size(); i++)
		delete m_texturesCube[i];


UniformCase::~UniformCase (void)

void UniformCase::generateBasicUniforms (vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniformsDst, vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsDst, const glu::VarType& varType, const char* const varName, const bool isParentActive, int& samplerUnitCounter, Random& rnd) const
	if (varType.isBasicType())
		const bool				isActive	= isParentActive && (m_features & FEATURE_UNIFORMUSAGE_EVERY_OTHER ? basicUniformsDst.size() % 2 == 0 : true);
		const glu::DataType		type		= varType.getBasicType();
		const VarValue			value		= m_features & FEATURE_UNIFORMVALUE_ZERO	? generateZeroVarValue(type)
											: glu::isDataTypeSampler(type)				? generateRandomVarValue(type, rnd, samplerUnitCounter++)
											: generateRandomVarValue(varType.getBasicType(), rnd);

		basicUniformsDst.push_back(BasicUniform(varName, varType.getBasicType(), isActive, value));
		basicUniformReportsDst.push_back(BasicUniformReportRef(varName, varType.getBasicType(), isActive));
	else if (varType.isArrayType())
		const int		size			= varType.getArraySize();
		const string	arrayRootName	= string("") + varName + "[0]";
		vector<bool>	isElemActive;

		for (int elemNdx = 0; elemNdx < varType.getArraySize(); elemNdx++)
			const string	indexedName		= string("") + varName + "[" + de::toString(elemNdx) + "]";
			const bool		isCurElemActive	= isParentActive																						&&
											  (m_features & FEATURE_UNIFORMUSAGE_EVERY_OTHER			? basicUniformsDst.size() % 2 == 0	: true)	&&
											  (m_features & FEATURE_ARRAYUSAGE_ONLY_MIDDLE_INDEX		? elemNdx == size/2					: true);


			if (varType.getElementType().isBasicType())
				// \note We don't want separate entries in basicUniformReportsDst for elements of basic-type arrays.
				const glu::DataType	elemBasicType	= varType.getElementType().getBasicType();
				const VarValue		value			= m_features & FEATURE_UNIFORMVALUE_ZERO	? generateZeroVarValue(elemBasicType)
													: glu::isDataTypeSampler(elemBasicType)		? generateRandomVarValue(elemBasicType, rnd, samplerUnitCounter++)
													: generateRandomVarValue(elemBasicType, rnd);

				basicUniformsDst.push_back(BasicUniform(indexedName.c_str(), elemBasicType, isCurElemActive, value, arrayRootName.c_str(), elemNdx, size));
				generateBasicUniforms(basicUniformsDst, basicUniformReportsDst, varType.getElementType(), indexedName.c_str(), isCurElemActive, samplerUnitCounter, rnd);

		if (varType.getElementType().isBasicType())
			int minSize;
			for (minSize = varType.getArraySize(); minSize > 0 && !isElemActive[minSize-1]; minSize--);

			basicUniformReportsDst.push_back(BasicUniformReportRef(arrayRootName.c_str(), minSize, size, varType.getElementType().getBasicType(), isParentActive && minSize > 0));

		const StructType& structType = *varType.getStructPtr();

		for (int i = 0; i < structType.getNumMembers(); i++)
			const glu::StructMember&	member			= structType.getMember(i);
			const string				memberFullName	= string("") + varName + "." + member.getName();

			generateBasicUniforms(basicUniformsDst, basicUniformReportsDst, member.getType(), memberFullName.c_str(), isParentActive, samplerUnitCounter, rnd);

void UniformCase::writeUniformDefinitions (std::ostringstream& dst) const
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniformCollection->getNumStructTypes(); i++)
		dst << glu::declare(m_uniformCollection->getStructType(i)) << ";\n";

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniformCollection->getNumUniforms(); i++)
		dst << "uniform " << glu::declare(m_uniformCollection->getUniform(i).type, m_uniformCollection->getUniform(i).name.c_str()) << ";\n";

	dst << "\n";

		static const struct
			dataTypePredicate	requiringTypes[2];
			const char*			definition;
		} compareFuncs[] =
			{ { glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec,				glu::isDataTypeMatrix				}, "mediump float compare_float    (mediump float a, mediump float b)  { return abs(a - b) < 0.05 ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																		},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC2>,	dataTypeIsMatrixWithNRows<2>		}, "mediump float compare_vec2     (mediump vec2 a, mediump vec2 b)    { return compare_float(a.x, b.x)*compare_float(a.y, b.y); }"														},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC3>,	dataTypeIsMatrixWithNRows<3>		}, "mediump float compare_vec3     (mediump vec3 a, mediump vec3 b)    { return compare_float(a.x, b.x)*compare_float(a.y, b.y)*compare_float(a.z, b.z); }"								},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4>,	dataTypeIsMatrixWithNRows<4>		}, "mediump float compare_vec4     (mediump vec4 a, mediump vec4 b)    { return compare_float(a.x, b.x)*compare_float(a.y, b.y)*compare_float(a.z, b.z)*compare_float(a.w, b.w); }"		},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2>,	dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_mat2     (mediump mat2 a, mediump mat2 b)    { return compare_vec2(a[0], b[0])*compare_vec2(a[1], b[1]); }"													},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3>,	dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_mat3     (mediump mat3 a, mediump mat3 b)    { return compare_vec3(a[0], b[0])*compare_vec3(a[1], b[1])*compare_vec3(a[2], b[2]); }"							},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4>,	dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_mat4     (mediump mat4 a, mediump mat4 b)    { return compare_vec4(a[0], b[0])*compare_vec4(a[1], b[1])*compare_vec4(a[2], b[2])*compare_vec4(a[3], b[3]); }"	},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INT>,			dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_int      (mediump int a, mediump int b)      { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INT_VEC2>,		dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_ivec2    (mediump ivec2 a, mediump ivec2 b)  { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INT_VEC3>,		dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_ivec3    (mediump ivec3 a, mediump ivec3 b)  { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INT_VEC4>,		dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_ivec4    (mediump ivec4 a, mediump ivec4 b)  { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_BOOL>,			dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_bool     (bool a, bool b)                    { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_BOOL_VEC2>,	dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_bvec2    (bvec2 a, bvec2 b)                  { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_BOOL_VEC3>,	dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_bvec3    (bvec3 a, bvec3 b)                  { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					},
			{ { dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_BOOL_VEC4>,	dataTypeEquals<glu::TYPE_INVALID>	}, "mediump float compare_bvec4    (bvec4 a, bvec4 b)                  { return a == b ? 1.0 : 0.0; }"																					}

		const bool containsSamplers = !m_uniformCollection->getSamplerTypes().empty();

		for (int compFuncNdx = 0; compFuncNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(compareFuncs); compFuncNdx++)
			const dataTypePredicate		(&typeReq)[2]			= compareFuncs[compFuncNdx].requiringTypes;
			const bool					containsTypeSampler		= containsSamplers && (typeReq[0](glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4) || typeReq[1](glu::TYPE_FLOAT_VEC4));

			if (containsTypeSampler || m_uniformCollection->containsMatchingBasicType(typeReq[0]) || m_uniformCollection->containsMatchingBasicType(typeReq[1]))
				dst << compareFuncs[compFuncNdx].definition << "\n";

void UniformCase::writeUniformCompareExpr (std::ostringstream& dst, const BasicUniform& uniform) const
	if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(uniform.type))
		dst << "compare_vec4("
			<< (uniform.type == glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_2D ? "texture2D" : "textureCube")
			<< "(" << uniform.name << ", vec" << getSamplerNumLookupDimensions(uniform.type) << "(0.0))";
		dst << "compare_" << glu::getDataTypeName(uniform.type) << "(" << uniform.name;

	dst << ", " << shaderVarValueStr(uniform.finalValue) << ")";

void UniformCase::writeUniformComparisons (std::ostringstream& dst, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const char* const variableName) const
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)basicUniforms.size(); i++)
		const BasicUniform& unif = basicUniforms[i];

		if (unif.isUsedInShader)
			dst << "\t" << variableName << " *= ";
			writeUniformCompareExpr(dst, basicUniforms[i]);
			dst << ";\n";
			dst << "\t// UNUSED: " << basicUniforms[i].name << "\n";

string UniformCase::generateVertexSource (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms) const
	const bool			isVertexCase = m_caseShaderType == CASESHADERTYPE_VERTEX || m_caseShaderType == CASESHADERTYPE_BOTH;
	std::ostringstream	result;

	result << "attribute highp vec4 a_position;\n"
			  "varying mediump float v_vtxOut;\n"

	if (isVertexCase)

	result << "\n"
			  "void main (void)\n"
			  "	gl_Position = a_position;\n"
			  "	v_vtxOut = 1.0;\n";

	if (isVertexCase)
		writeUniformComparisons(result, basicUniforms, "v_vtxOut");

	result << "}\n";

	return result.str();

string UniformCase::generateFragmentSource (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms) const
	const bool			isFragmentCase = m_caseShaderType == CASESHADERTYPE_FRAGMENT || m_caseShaderType == CASESHADERTYPE_BOTH;
	std::ostringstream	result;

	result << "varying mediump float v_vtxOut;\n"

	if (isFragmentCase)

	result << "\n"
			  "void main (void)\n"
			  "	mediump float result = v_vtxOut;\n";

	if (isFragmentCase)
		writeUniformComparisons(result, basicUniforms, "result");

	result << "	gl_FragColor = vec4(result, result, result, 1.0);\n"

	return result.str();

void UniformCase::setupTexture (const VarValue& value)

	const int						width			= 32;
	const int						height			= 32;
	const tcu::Vec4					color			= vec4FromPtr(&value.val.samplerV.fillColor[0]);

	if (value.type == glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_2D)
		glu::Texture2D* texture		= new glu::Texture2D(m_context.getRenderContext(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, width, height);
		tcu::Texture2D& refTexture	= texture->getRefTexture();

		fillWithColor(refTexture.getLevel(0), color);

		GLU_CHECK_CALL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + value.val.samplerV.unit));
	else if (value.type == glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_CUBE)
		DE_ASSERT(width == height);

		glu::TextureCube* texture		= new glu::TextureCube(m_context.getRenderContext(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, width);
		tcu::TextureCube& refTexture	= texture->getRefTexture();

		for (int face = 0; face < (int)tcu::CUBEFACE_LAST; face++)
			refTexture.allocLevel((tcu::CubeFace)face, 0);
			fillWithColor(refTexture.getLevelFace(0, (tcu::CubeFace)face), color);

		GLU_CHECK_CALL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + value.val.samplerV.unit));




bool UniformCase::getActiveUniforms (vector<BasicUniformReportGL>& basicUniformReportsDst, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const deUint32 programGL)
	TestLog&			log						= m_testCtx.getLog();
	GLint				numActiveUniforms		= 0;
	GLint				uniformMaxNameLength	= 0;
	vector<char>		nameBuffer;
	bool				success					= true;

	GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetProgramiv(programGL, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &numActiveUniforms));
	log << TestLog::Message << "// Number of active uniforms reported: " << numActiveUniforms << TestLog::EndMessage;
	GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetProgramiv(programGL, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH, &uniformMaxNameLength));
	log << TestLog::Message << "// Maximum uniform name length reported: " << uniformMaxNameLength << TestLog::EndMessage;

	for (int unifNdx = 0; unifNdx < numActiveUniforms; unifNdx++)
		GLsizei					reportedNameLength	= 0;
		GLint					reportedSize		= -1;
		GLenum					reportedTypeGL		= GL_NONE;

		GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetActiveUniform(programGL, (GLuint)unifNdx, (GLsizei)uniformMaxNameLength, &reportedNameLength, &reportedSize, &reportedTypeGL, &nameBuffer[0]));

		const glu::DataType		reportedType		= glu::getDataTypeFromGLType(reportedTypeGL);
		const string			reportedNameStr		(&nameBuffer[0]);

		TCU_CHECK_MSG(reportedType != glu::TYPE_LAST, "Invalid uniform type");

		log << TestLog::Message << "// Got name = " << reportedNameStr << ", name length = " << reportedNameLength << ", size = " << reportedSize << ", type = " << glu::getDataTypeName(reportedType) << TestLog::EndMessage;

		if ((GLsizei)reportedNameStr.length() != reportedNameLength)
			log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: wrong name length reported, should be " << reportedNameStr.length() << TestLog::EndMessage;
			success = false;

		if (!deStringBeginsWith(reportedNameStr.c_str(), "gl_")) // Ignore built-in uniforms.
			int referenceNdx;
			for (referenceNdx = 0; referenceNdx < (int)basicUniformReportsRef.size(); referenceNdx++)
				if (basicUniformReportsRef[referenceNdx].name == reportedNameStr)

			if (referenceNdx >= (int)basicUniformReportsRef.size())
				log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: invalid non-built-in uniform name reported" << TestLog::EndMessage;
				success = false;
				const BasicUniformReportRef& reference = basicUniformReportsRef[referenceNdx];

				DE_ASSERT(reference.type != glu::TYPE_LAST);
				DE_ASSERT(reference.minSize >= 1 || (reference.minSize == 0 && !reference.isUsedInShader));
				DE_ASSERT(reference.minSize <= reference.maxSize);

				if (BasicUniformReportGL::findWithName(basicUniformReportsDst, reportedNameStr.c_str()) != basicUniformReportsDst.end())
					log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: same uniform name reported twice" << TestLog::EndMessage;
					success = false;

				basicUniformReportsDst.push_back(BasicUniformReportGL(reportedNameStr.c_str(), reportedNameLength, reportedSize, reportedType, unifNdx));

				if (reportedType != reference.type)
					log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: wrong type reported, should be " << glu::getDataTypeName(reference.type) << TestLog::EndMessage;
					success = false;
				if (reportedSize < reference.minSize || reportedSize > reference.maxSize)
					log << TestLog::Message
						<< "// FAILURE: wrong size reported, should be "
						<< (reference.minSize == reference.maxSize ? de::toString(reference.minSize) : "in the range [" + de::toString(reference.minSize) + ", " + de::toString(reference.maxSize) + "]")
						<< TestLog::EndMessage;

					success = false;

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)basicUniformReportsRef.size(); i++)
		const BasicUniformReportRef& expected = basicUniformReportsRef[i];
		if (expected.isUsedInShader && BasicUniformReportGL::findWithName(basicUniformReportsDst, expected.name.c_str()) == basicUniformReportsDst.end())
			log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: uniform with name " << expected.name << " was not reported by GL" << TestLog::EndMessage;
			success = false;

	return success;

bool UniformCase::getUniforms (vector<VarValue>& valuesDst, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const deUint32 programGL)
	TestLog&	log			= m_testCtx.getLog();
	bool		success		= true;

	for (int unifNdx = 0; unifNdx < (int)basicUniforms.size(); unifNdx++)
		const BasicUniform&		uniform		= basicUniforms[unifNdx];
		const string			queryName	= m_features & FEATURE_ARRAY_FIRST_ELEM_NAME_NO_INDEX && uniform.elemNdx == 0 ? beforeLast(uniform.name, '[') : uniform.name;
		const int				location	= glGetUniformLocation(programGL, queryName.c_str());
		const int				size		= glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(uniform.type);
		VarValue				value;

		deMemset(&value, 0xcd, sizeof(value)); // Initialize to known garbage.

		if (location == -1)
			value.type = glu::TYPE_INVALID;
			if (uniform.isUsedInShader)
				log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: " << uniform.name << " was used in shader, but has location -1" << TestLog::EndMessage;
				success = false;

		value.type = uniform.type;

		DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(GLint) == sizeof(value.val.intV[0]));
		DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(GLfloat) == sizeof(value.val.floatV[0]));

		if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(uniform.type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(uniform.type))
			GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetUniformfv(programGL, location, &value.val.floatV[0]));
		else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(uniform.type))
			GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetUniformiv(programGL, location, &value.val.intV[0]));
		else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(uniform.type))
				GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetUniformiv(programGL, location, &value.val.intV[0]));
				for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
					value.val.boolV[i] = value.val.intV[i] != 0;
			else // Default: use float.
				GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetUniformfv(programGL, location, &value.val.floatV[0]));
				for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
					value.val.boolV[i] = value.val.floatV[i] != 0.0f;
		else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(uniform.type))
			GLint unit = -1;
			GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetUniformiv(programGL, location, &unit));
			value.val.samplerV.unit = unit;


		log << TestLog::Message << "// Got " << uniform.name << " value " << apiVarValueStr(value) << TestLog::EndMessage;

	return success;

bool UniformCase::checkUniformDefaultValues (const vector<VarValue>& values, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms)
	TestLog&	log			= m_testCtx.getLog();
	bool		success		= true;

	DE_ASSERT(values.size() == basicUniforms.size());

	for (int unifNdx = 0; unifNdx < (int)basicUniforms.size(); unifNdx++)
		const BasicUniform&		uniform		= basicUniforms[unifNdx];
		const VarValue&			unifValue	= values[unifNdx];
		const int				valSize		= glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(uniform.type);

		log << TestLog::Message << "// Checking uniform " << uniform.name << TestLog::EndMessage;

		if (unifValue.type == glu::TYPE_INVALID) // This happens when glGetUniformLocation() returned -1.

#define CHECK_UNIFORM(VAR_VALUE_MEMBER, ZERO)																								\
	do																																		\
	{																																		\
		for (int i = 0; i < valSize; i++)																									\
		{																																	\
			if (unifValue.val.VAR_VALUE_MEMBER[i] != ZERO)																					\
			{																																\
				log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: uniform " << uniform.name << " has non-zero initial value" << TestLog::EndMessage;	\
				success = false;																											\
			}																																\
		}																																	\
	} while (false)

		if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(uniform.type) || glu::isDataTypeMatrix(uniform.type))
			CHECK_UNIFORM(floatV, 0.0f);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(uniform.type))
			CHECK_UNIFORM(intV, 0);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(uniform.type))
			CHECK_UNIFORM(boolV, false);
		else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(uniform.type))
			if (unifValue.val.samplerV.unit != 0)
				log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: uniform " << uniform.name << " has non-zero initial value" << TestLog::EndMessage;
				success = false;


	return success;

void UniformCase::assignUniforms (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, deUint32 programGL, Random& rnd)
	TestLog&				log				= m_testCtx.getLog();
	const glu::DataType		boolApiType		= m_features & FEATURE_BOOLEANAPITYPE_INT	? glu::TYPE_INT
											:											  glu::TYPE_FLOAT;

	for (int unifNdx = 0; unifNdx < (int)basicUniforms.size(); unifNdx++)
		const BasicUniform&		uniform				= basicUniforms[unifNdx];
		const bool				isArrayMember		= uniform.elemNdx >= 0;
		const string			queryName			= m_features & FEATURE_ARRAY_FIRST_ELEM_NAME_NO_INDEX && uniform.elemNdx == 0 ? beforeLast(uniform.name, '[') : uniform.name;
		const int				numValuesToAssign	= !isArrayMember									? 1
													: m_features & FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_FULL				? (uniform.elemNdx == 0			? uniform.rootSize	: 0)
													: m_features & FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_BLOCKS_OF_TWO	? (uniform.elemNdx % 2 == 0		? 2					: 0)
													: /* Default: assign array elements separately */	  1;

		DE_ASSERT(numValuesToAssign >= 0);
		DE_ASSERT(numValuesToAssign == 1 || isArrayMember);

		if (numValuesToAssign == 0)
			log << TestLog::Message << "// Uniform " << uniform.name << " is covered by another glUniform*v() call to the same array" << TestLog::EndMessage;

		const int			location			= glGetUniformLocation(programGL, queryName.c_str());
		const int			typeSize			= glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(uniform.type);
		const bool			assignByValue		= m_features & FEATURE_UNIFORMFUNC_VALUE && !glu::isDataTypeMatrix(uniform.type) && numValuesToAssign == 1;
		vector<VarValue>	valuesToAssign;

		for (int i = 0; i < numValuesToAssign; i++)
			const string	curName = isArrayMember ? beforeLast(uniform.rootName, '[') + "[" + de::toString(uniform.elemNdx+i) + "]" : uniform.name;
			VarValue		unifValue;

			if (isArrayMember)
				const vector<BasicUniform>::const_iterator elemUnif = BasicUniform::findWithName(basicUniforms, curName.c_str());
				if (elemUnif == basicUniforms.end())
				unifValue = elemUnif->finalValue;
				unifValue = uniform.finalValue;

			const VarValue apiValue = glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(unifValue.type)	? getRandomBoolRepresentation(unifValue, boolApiType, rnd)
									: glu::isDataTypeSampler(unifValue.type)	? getSamplerUnitValue(unifValue)
									: unifValue;


			if (glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec(uniform.type))
				log << TestLog::Message << "// Using type " << glu::getDataTypeName(boolApiType) << " to set boolean value " << apiVarValueStr(unifValue) << " for " << curName << TestLog::EndMessage;
			else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(uniform.type))
				log << TestLog::Message << "// Texture for the sampler uniform " << curName << " will be filled with color " << apiVarValueStr(getSamplerFillValue(uniform.finalValue)) << TestLog::EndMessage;


		if (glu::isDataTypeFloatOrVec(valuesToAssign[0].type))
			if (assignByValue)
				const float* const ptr = &valuesToAssign[0].val.floatV[0];

				switch (typeSize)
					case 1: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1f(location, ptr[0]));							break;
					case 2: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform2f(location, ptr[0], ptr[1]));					break;
					case 3: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform3f(location, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2]));			break;
					case 4: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform4f(location, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3]));	break;
				vector<float> buffer(valuesToAssign.size() * typeSize);
				for (int i = 0; i < (int)buffer.size(); i++)
					buffer[i] = valuesToAssign[i / typeSize].val.floatV[i % typeSize];

				DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(GLfloat) == sizeof(buffer[0]));
				switch (typeSize)
					case 1: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
					case 2: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform2fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
					case 3: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform3fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
					case 4: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform4fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
		else if (glu::isDataTypeMatrix(valuesToAssign[0].type))

			vector<float> buffer(valuesToAssign.size() * typeSize);
			for (int i = 0; i < (int)buffer.size(); i++)
				buffer[i] = valuesToAssign[i / typeSize].val.floatV[i % typeSize];

			switch (uniform.type)
				case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniformMatrix2fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), GL_FALSE, &buffer[0])); break;
				case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT3: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniformMatrix3fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), GL_FALSE, &buffer[0])); break;
				case glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniformMatrix4fv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), GL_FALSE, &buffer[0])); break;
		else if (glu::isDataTypeIntOrIVec(valuesToAssign[0].type))
			if (assignByValue)
				const deInt32* const ptr = &valuesToAssign[0].val.intV[0];

				switch (typeSize)
					case 1: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1i(location, ptr[0]));							break;
					case 2: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform2i(location, ptr[0], ptr[1]));					break;
					case 3: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform3i(location, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2]));			break;
					case 4: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform4i(location, ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3]));	break;
				vector<deInt32> buffer(valuesToAssign.size() * typeSize);
				for (int i = 0; i < (int)buffer.size(); i++)
					buffer[i] = valuesToAssign[i / typeSize].val.intV[i % typeSize];

				DE_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(GLint) == sizeof(buffer[0]));
				switch (typeSize)
					case 1: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1iv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
					case 2: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform2iv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
					case 3: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform3iv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
					case 4: GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform4iv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &buffer[0])); break;
		else if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(valuesToAssign[0].type))
			if (assignByValue)
				GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1i(location, uniform.finalValue.val.samplerV.unit));
				const GLint unit = uniform.finalValue.val.samplerV.unit;
				GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUniform1iv(location, (GLsizei)valuesToAssign.size(), &unit));

bool UniformCase::compareUniformValues (const vector<VarValue>& values, const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms)
	TestLog&	log			= m_testCtx.getLog();
	bool		success		= true;

	for (int unifNdx = 0; unifNdx < (int)basicUniforms.size(); unifNdx++)
		const BasicUniform&		uniform		= basicUniforms[unifNdx];
		const VarValue&			unifValue	= values[unifNdx];

		log << TestLog::Message << "// Checking uniform " << uniform.name << TestLog::EndMessage;

		if (unifValue.type == glu::TYPE_INVALID) // This happens when glGetUniformLocation() returned -1.

		if (!apiVarValueEquals(unifValue, uniform.finalValue))
			log << TestLog::Message << "// FAILURE: value obtained with glGetUniform*() for uniform " << uniform.name << " differs from value set with glUniform*()" << TestLog::EndMessage;
			success = false;

	return success;

bool UniformCase::renderTest (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd)
	TestLog&					log				= m_testCtx.getLog();
	const tcu::RenderTarget&	renderTarget	= m_context.getRenderTarget();
	const int					viewportW		= de::min(renderTarget.getWidth(),	MAX_RENDER_WIDTH);
	const int					viewportH		= de::min(renderTarget.getHeight(),	MAX_RENDER_HEIGHT);
	const int					viewportX		= rnd.getInt(0, renderTarget.getWidth()		- viewportW);
	const int					viewportY		= rnd.getInt(0, renderTarget.getHeight()	- viewportH);
	tcu::Surface				renderedImg		(viewportW, viewportH);

	// Assert that no two samplers of different types have the same texture unit - this is an error in GL.
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)basicUniforms.size(); i++)
		if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(basicUniforms[i].type))
			for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
				if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(basicUniforms[j].type) && basicUniforms[i].type != basicUniforms[j].type)
					DE_ASSERT(basicUniforms[i].finalValue.val.samplerV.unit != basicUniforms[j].finalValue.val.samplerV.unit);

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)basicUniforms.size(); i++)
		if (glu::isDataTypeSampler(basicUniforms[i].type) && std::find(m_filledTextureUnits.begin(), m_filledTextureUnits.end(), basicUniforms[i].finalValue.val.samplerV.unit) == m_filledTextureUnits.end())
			log << TestLog::Message << "// Filling texture at unit " << apiVarValueStr(basicUniforms[i].finalValue) << " with color " << shaderVarValueStr(basicUniforms[i].finalValue) << TestLog::EndMessage;

	GLU_CHECK_CALL(glViewport(viewportX, viewportY, viewportW, viewportH));

		static const float position[] =
			-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
			-1.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
			+1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
			+1.0f, +1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
		static const deUint16 indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3 };

		const int posLoc = glGetAttribLocation(program.getProgram(), "a_position");

		glVertexAttribPointer(posLoc, 4, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, &position[0]);


	glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), viewportX, viewportY, renderedImg.getAccess());

	int numFailedPixels = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < renderedImg.getHeight(); y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < renderedImg.getWidth(); x++)
			if (renderedImg.getPixel(x, y) != tcu::RGBA::white)
				numFailedPixels += 1;

	if (numFailedPixels > 0)
		log << TestLog::Image("RenderedImage", "Rendered image", renderedImg);
		log << TestLog::Message << "FAILURE: image comparison failed, got " << numFailedPixels << " non-white pixels" << TestLog::EndMessage;
		return false;
		log << TestLog::Message << "Success: got all-white pixels (all uniforms have correct values)" << TestLog::EndMessage;
		return true;

UniformCase::IterateResult UniformCase::iterate (void)
	Random							rnd				(deStringHash(getName()) ^ (deUint32)m_context.getTestContext().getCommandLine().getBaseSeed());
	TestLog&						log				= m_testCtx.getLog();
	vector<BasicUniform>			basicUniforms;
	vector<BasicUniformReportRef>	basicUniformReportsRef;

		int samplerUnitCounter = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_uniformCollection->getNumUniforms(); i++)
			generateBasicUniforms(basicUniforms, basicUniformReportsRef, m_uniformCollection->getUniform(i).type, m_uniformCollection->getUniform(i).name.c_str(), true, samplerUnitCounter, rnd);

	const string					vertexSource	= generateVertexSource(basicUniforms);
	const string					fragmentSource	= generateFragmentSource(basicUniforms);
	const ShaderProgram				program			(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::makeVtxFragSources(vertexSource, fragmentSource));

	log << program;

	if (!program.isOk())
		m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Compile failed");
		return STOP;


	const bool success = test(basicUniforms, basicUniformReportsRef, program, rnd);
	m_testCtx.setTestResult(success ? QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS	: QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL,
							success ? "Passed"				: "Failed");

	return STOP;

class UniformInfoQueryCase : public UniformCase
				UniformInfoQueryCase	(Context& context, const char* name, const char* description, CaseShaderType shaderType, const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>& uniformCollection, deUint32 additionalFeatures = 0);
	bool		test					(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd);

UniformInfoQueryCase::UniformInfoQueryCase (Context& context, const char* const name, const char* const description, const CaseShaderType shaderType, const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>& uniformCollection, const deUint32 additionalFeatures)
	: UniformCase	(context, name, description, shaderType, uniformCollection, additionalFeatures)

bool UniformInfoQueryCase::test (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd)

	const deUint32					programGL	= program.getProgram();
	TestLog&						log			= m_testCtx.getLog();
	vector<BasicUniformReportGL>	basicUniformReportsUniform;

	const ScopedLogSection section(log, "InfoGetActiveUniform", "Uniform information queries with glGetActiveUniform()");
	const bool success = getActiveUniforms(basicUniformReportsUniform, basicUniformReportsRef, programGL);

	if (!success)
		return false;

	return true;

class UniformValueCase : public UniformCase
	enum ValueToCheck
		VALUETOCHECK_INITIAL = 0,		//!< Verify the initial values of the uniforms (i.e. check that they're zero).
		VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED,			//!< Assign values to uniforms with glUniform*(), and check those.

	enum CheckMethod
		CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM = 0,	//!< Check values with glGetUniform*().
		CHECKMETHOD_RENDER,				//!< Check values by rendering with the value-checking shader.

	enum AssignMethod


						UniformValueCase			(Context&									context,
													 const char*								name,
													 const char*								description,
													 CaseShaderType								shaderType,
													 const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection,
													 ValueToCheck								valueToCheck,
													 CheckMethod								checkMethod,
													 AssignMethod								assignMethod,
													 deUint32									additionalFeatures = 0);

	bool				test						(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd);

	static const char*	getValueToCheckName			(ValueToCheck valueToCheck);
	static const char*	getValueToCheckDescription	(ValueToCheck valueToCheck);
	static const char*	getCheckMethodName			(CheckMethod checkMethod);
	static const char*	getCheckMethodDescription	(CheckMethod checkMethod);
	static const char*	getAssignMethodName			(AssignMethod checkMethod);
	static const char*	getAssignMethodDescription	(AssignMethod checkMethod);

	const ValueToCheck	m_valueToCheck;
	const CheckMethod	m_checkMethod;

const char* UniformValueCase::getValueToCheckName (const ValueToCheck valueToCheck)
	switch (valueToCheck)
		case VALUETOCHECK_INITIAL:	return "initial";
		case VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED:	return "assigned";
		default: DE_ASSERT(false);	return DE_NULL;

const char* UniformValueCase::getValueToCheckDescription (const ValueToCheck valueToCheck)
	switch (valueToCheck)
		case VALUETOCHECK_INITIAL:	return "Check initial uniform values (zeros)";
		case VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED:	return "Check assigned uniform values";
		default: DE_ASSERT(false);	return DE_NULL;

const char* UniformValueCase::getCheckMethodName (const CheckMethod checkMethod)
	switch (checkMethod)
		case CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM:	return "get_uniform";
		case CHECKMETHOD_RENDER:		return "render";
		default: DE_ASSERT(false);		return DE_NULL;

const char* UniformValueCase::getCheckMethodDescription (const CheckMethod checkMethod)
	switch (checkMethod)
		case CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM:	return "Verify values with glGetUniform*()";
		case CHECKMETHOD_RENDER:		return "Verify values by rendering";
		default: DE_ASSERT(false);		return DE_NULL;

const char* UniformValueCase::getAssignMethodName (const AssignMethod assignMethod)
	switch (assignMethod)
		case ASSIGNMETHOD_POINTER:		return "by_pointer";
		case ASSIGNMETHOD_VALUE:		return "by_value";
		default: DE_ASSERT(false);		return DE_NULL;

const char* UniformValueCase::getAssignMethodDescription (const AssignMethod assignMethod)
	switch (assignMethod)
		case ASSIGNMETHOD_POINTER:		return "Assign values by-pointer";
		case ASSIGNMETHOD_VALUE:		return "Assign values by-value";
		default: DE_ASSERT(false);		return DE_NULL;

UniformValueCase::UniformValueCase (Context&									context,
									const char* const							name,
									const char* const							description,
									const CaseShaderType						shaderType,
									const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection,
									const ValueToCheck							valueToCheck,
									const CheckMethod							checkMethod,
									const AssignMethod							assignMethod,
									const deUint32								additionalFeatures)
	: UniformCase		(context, name, description, shaderType, uniformCollection,
	, m_valueToCheck	(valueToCheck)
	, m_checkMethod		(checkMethod)

bool UniformValueCase::test (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd)

	const deUint32	programGL	= program.getProgram();
	TestLog&		log			= m_testCtx.getLog();

	if (m_valueToCheck == VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED)
		const ScopedLogSection section(log, "UniformAssign", "Uniform value assignments");
		assignUniforms(basicUniforms, programGL, rnd);

	if (m_checkMethod == CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM)
		vector<VarValue> values;

			const ScopedLogSection section(log, "GetUniforms", "Uniform value query");
			const bool success = getUniforms(values, basicUniforms, program.getProgram());

			if (!success)
				return false;

		if (m_valueToCheck == VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED)
			const ScopedLogSection section(log, "ValueCheck", "Verify that the reported values match the assigned values");
			const bool success = compareUniformValues(values, basicUniforms);

			if (!success)
				return false;
			const ScopedLogSection section(log, "ValueCheck", "Verify that the uniforms have correct initial values (zeros)");
			const bool success = checkUniformDefaultValues(values, basicUniforms);

			if (!success)
				return false;

		const ScopedLogSection section(log, "RenderTest", "Render test");
		const bool success = renderTest(basicUniforms, program, rnd);

		if (!success)
			return false;

	return true;

class RandomUniformCase : public UniformCase
						RandomUniformCase		(Context& m_context, const char* name, const char* description, deUint32 seed);

	bool				test					(const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd);

RandomUniformCase::RandomUniformCase (Context& context, const char* const name, const char* const description, const deUint32 seed)
	: UniformCase (context, name, description, seed ^ (deUint32)context.getTestContext().getCommandLine().getBaseSeed())

bool RandomUniformCase::test (const vector<BasicUniform>& basicUniforms, const vector<BasicUniformReportRef>& basicUniformReportsRef, const ShaderProgram& program, Random& rnd)
	// \note Different sampler types may not be bound to same unit when rendering.
	const bool		renderingPossible						= (m_features & FEATURE_UNIFORMVALUE_ZERO) == 0 || !m_uniformCollection->containsSeveralSamplerTypes();

	bool			performGetActiveUniforms			= rnd.getBool();
	const bool		performGetUniforms					= rnd.getBool();
	const bool		performCheckUniformDefaultValues	= performGetUniforms && rnd.getBool();
	const bool		performAssignUniforms				= rnd.getBool();
	const bool		performCompareUniformValues			= performGetUniforms && performAssignUniforms && rnd.getBool();
	const bool		performRenderTest					= renderingPossible && performAssignUniforms && rnd.getBool();
	const deUint32	programGL							= program.getProgram();
	TestLog&		log									= m_testCtx.getLog();

	if (!(performGetActiveUniforms || performGetUniforms || performCheckUniformDefaultValues || performAssignUniforms || performCompareUniformValues || performRenderTest))
		performGetActiveUniforms = true; // Do something at least.

	do																					\
	{																					\
		const ScopedLogSection section(log, (SECTION_NAME), (SECTION_DESCRIPTION));		\
		const bool success = (CALL);													\
		if (!success)																	\
			return false;																\
	} while (false)

	if (performGetActiveUniforms)
		vector<BasicUniformReportGL> reportsUniform;
		PERFORM_AND_CHECK(getActiveUniforms(reportsUniform, basicUniformReportsRef, programGL), "InfoGetActiveUniform", "Uniform information queries with glGetActiveUniform()");

		vector<VarValue> uniformDefaultValues;

		if (performGetUniforms)
			PERFORM_AND_CHECK(getUniforms(uniformDefaultValues, basicUniforms, programGL), "GetUniformDefaults", "Uniform default value query");
		if (performCheckUniformDefaultValues)
			PERFORM_AND_CHECK(checkUniformDefaultValues(uniformDefaultValues, basicUniforms), "DefaultValueCheck", "Verify that the uniforms have correct initial values (zeros)");

		vector<VarValue> uniformValues;

		if (performAssignUniforms)
			const ScopedLogSection section(log, "UniformAssign", "Uniform value assignments");
			assignUniforms(basicUniforms, programGL, rnd);
		if (performCompareUniformValues)
			PERFORM_AND_CHECK(getUniforms(uniformValues, basicUniforms, programGL), "GetUniforms", "Uniform value query");
			PERFORM_AND_CHECK(compareUniformValues(uniformValues, basicUniforms), "ValueCheck", "Verify that the reported values match the assigned values");

	if (performRenderTest)
		PERFORM_AND_CHECK(renderTest(basicUniforms, program, rnd), "RenderTest", "Render test");


	return true;

UniformApiTests::UniformApiTests (Context& context)
	: TestCaseGroup(context, "uniform_api", "Uniform API Tests")

UniformApiTests::~UniformApiTests (void)


// \note Although this is only used in UniformApiTest::init, it needs to be defined here as it's used as a template argument.
struct UniformCollectionCase
	string								namePrefix;
	SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>	uniformCollection;

	UniformCollectionCase (const char* const name, const UniformCollection* uniformCollection_)
		: namePrefix			(name ? name + string("_") : "")
		, uniformCollection		(uniformCollection_)

} // anonymous

void UniformApiTests::init (void)
	// Generate sets of UniformCollections that are used by several cases.



	struct UniformCollectionGroup
		string							name;
		vector<UniformCollectionCase>	cases;
	} defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_LAST];

	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC].name							= "basic";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_ARRAY].name						= "basic_array";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_STRUCT].name						= "basic_struct";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_STRUCT_IN_ARRAY].name					= "struct_in_array";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_ARRAY_IN_STRUCT].name					= "array_in_struct";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_NESTED_STRUCTS_ARRAYS].name			= "nested_structs_arrays";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_MULTIPLE_BASIC].name					= "multiple_basic";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_MULTIPLE_BASIC_ARRAY].name				= "multiple_basic_array";
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_MULTIPLE_NESTED_STRUCTS_ARRAYS].name	= "multiple_nested_structs_arrays";

	for (int dataTypeNdx = 0; dataTypeNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(s_testDataTypes); dataTypeNdx++)
		const glu::DataType		dataType	= s_testDataTypes[dataTypeNdx];
		const char* const		typeName	= glu::getDataTypeName(dataType);

		defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC].cases.push_back(UniformCollectionCase(typeName, UniformCollection::basic(dataType)));

		if (glu::isDataTypeScalar(dataType)													||
			(glu::isDataTypeVector(dataType) && glu::getDataTypeScalarSize(dataType) == 4)	||
			dataType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4												||
			dataType == glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_2D)
			defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_ARRAY].cases.push_back(UniformCollectionCase(typeName, UniformCollection::basicArray(dataType)));

		if (glu::isDataTypeScalar(dataType)		||
			dataType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4	||
			dataType == glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_2D)
			const glu::DataType		secondDataType	= glu::isDataTypeScalar(dataType)	? glu::getDataTypeVector(dataType, 4)
													: dataType == glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT4	? glu::TYPE_FLOAT_MAT2
													: dataType == glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_2D	? glu::TYPE_SAMPLER_CUBE
													: glu::TYPE_LAST;
			DE_ASSERT(secondDataType != glu::TYPE_LAST);
			const char* const		secondTypeName	= glu::getDataTypeName(secondDataType);
			const string			name			= string("") + typeName + "_" + secondTypeName;

			defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_STRUCT].cases.push_back			(UniformCollectionCase(name.c_str(), UniformCollection::basicStruct(dataType, secondDataType, false)));
			defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_ARRAY_IN_STRUCT].cases.push_back		(UniformCollectionCase(name.c_str(), UniformCollection::basicStruct(dataType, secondDataType, true)));
			defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_STRUCT_IN_ARRAY].cases.push_back		(UniformCollectionCase(name.c_str(), UniformCollection::structInArray(dataType, secondDataType, false)));
			defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_NESTED_STRUCTS_ARRAYS].cases.push_back	(UniformCollectionCase(name.c_str(), UniformCollection::nestedArraysStructs(dataType, secondDataType)));
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_MULTIPLE_BASIC].cases.push_back					(UniformCollectionCase(DE_NULL, UniformCollection::multipleBasic()));
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_MULTIPLE_BASIC_ARRAY].cases.push_back				(UniformCollectionCase(DE_NULL, UniformCollection::multipleBasicArray()));
	defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_MULTIPLE_NESTED_STRUCTS_ARRAYS].cases.push_back	(UniformCollectionCase(DE_NULL, UniformCollection::multipleNestedArraysStructs()));

	// Info-query cases (check info returned by e.g. glGetActiveUniforms()).

		TestCaseGroup* const infoQueryGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "info_query", "Test glGetActiveUniform()");

		for (int collectionGroupNdx = 0; collectionGroupNdx < (int)UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_LAST; collectionGroupNdx++)
			const UniformCollectionGroup&	collectionGroup		= defaultUniformCollections[collectionGroupNdx];
			TestCaseGroup* const			collectionTestGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, collectionGroup.name.c_str(), "");

			for (int collectionNdx = 0; collectionNdx < (int)collectionGroup.cases.size(); collectionNdx++)
				const UniformCollectionCase& collectionCase = collectionGroup.cases[collectionNdx];

				for (int shaderType = 0; shaderType < (int)CASESHADERTYPE_LAST; shaderType++)
					const string								name				= collectionCase.namePrefix + getCaseShaderTypeName((CaseShaderType)shaderType);
					const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection	= collectionCase.uniformCollection;

					collectionTestGroup->addChild(new UniformInfoQueryCase(m_context, name.c_str(), "", (CaseShaderType)shaderType, uniformCollection));

		// Info-querying cases when unused uniforms are present.

			TestCaseGroup* const unusedUniformsGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "unused_uniforms", "Test with unused uniforms");

			const UniformCollectionGroup& collectionGroup = defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_ARRAY_IN_STRUCT];

			for (int collectionNdx = 0; collectionNdx < (int)collectionGroup.cases.size(); collectionNdx++)
				const UniformCollectionCase&				collectionCase		= collectionGroup.cases[collectionNdx];
				const string								collName			= collectionCase.namePrefix;
				const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection	= collectionCase.uniformCollection;

				for (int shaderType = 0; shaderType < (int)CASESHADERTYPE_LAST; shaderType++)
					const string name = collName + getCaseShaderTypeName((CaseShaderType)shaderType);
					unusedUniformsGroup->addChild(new UniformInfoQueryCase(m_context, name.c_str(), "", (CaseShaderType)shaderType, uniformCollection,

	// Cases testing uniform values.

		TestCaseGroup* const valueGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "value", "Uniform value tests");

		// Cases checking uniforms' initial values (all must be zeros), with glGetUniform*() or by rendering.

			TestCaseGroup* const initialValuesGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context,

			for (int checkMethodI = 0; checkMethodI < (int)UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_LAST; checkMethodI++)
				const UniformValueCase::CheckMethod		checkMethod			= (UniformValueCase::CheckMethod)checkMethodI;
				TestCaseGroup* const					checkMethodGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, UniformValueCase::getCheckMethodName(checkMethod), UniformValueCase::getCheckMethodDescription(checkMethod));

				for (int collectionGroupNdx = 0; collectionGroupNdx < (int)UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_LAST; collectionGroupNdx++)
					const UniformCollectionGroup&	collectionGroup		= defaultUniformCollections[collectionGroupNdx];
					TestCaseGroup* const			collectionTestGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, collectionGroup.name.c_str(), "");

					for (int collectionNdx = 0; collectionNdx < (int)collectionGroup.cases.size(); collectionNdx++)
						const UniformCollectionCase&				collectionCase		= collectionGroup.cases[collectionNdx];
						const string								collName			= collectionCase.namePrefix;
						const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection	= collectionCase.uniformCollection;
						const bool									containsBooleans	= uniformCollection->containsMatchingBasicType(glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec);
						const bool									varyBoolApiType		= checkMethod == UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM && containsBooleans &&
																						  (collectionGroupNdx == UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC || collectionGroupNdx == UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_ARRAY);
						const int									numBoolVariations	= varyBoolApiType ? 2 : 1;

						if (checkMethod == UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_RENDER && uniformCollection->containsSeveralSamplerTypes())
							continue; // \note Samplers' initial API values (i.e. their texture units) are 0, and no two samplers of different types shall have same unit when rendering.

						for (int booleanTypeI = 0; booleanTypeI < numBoolVariations; booleanTypeI++)
							const deUint32		booleanTypeFeat	= booleanTypeI == 1 ? UniformCase::FEATURE_BOOLEANAPITYPE_INT
																: 0;
							const char* const	booleanTypeName	= booleanTypeI == 1 ? "int"
																: "float";
							const string		nameWithApiType	= varyBoolApiType ? collName + "api_" + booleanTypeName + "_" : collName;

							for (int shaderType = 0; shaderType < (int)CASESHADERTYPE_LAST; shaderType++)
								const string name = nameWithApiType + getCaseShaderTypeName((CaseShaderType)shaderType);
								collectionTestGroup->addChild(new UniformValueCase(m_context, name.c_str(), "", (CaseShaderType)shaderType, uniformCollection,
																				   UniformValueCase::VALUETOCHECK_INITIAL, checkMethod, UniformValueCase::ASSIGNMETHOD_LAST, booleanTypeFeat));

		// Cases that first assign values to each uniform, then check the values with glGetUniform*() or by rendering.

			TestCaseGroup* const assignedValuesGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context,

			for (int assignMethodI = 0; assignMethodI < (int)UniformValueCase::ASSIGNMETHOD_LAST; assignMethodI++)
				const UniformValueCase::AssignMethod	assignMethod		= (UniformValueCase::AssignMethod)assignMethodI;
				TestCaseGroup* const					assignMethodGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, UniformValueCase::getAssignMethodName(assignMethod), UniformValueCase::getAssignMethodDescription(assignMethod));

				for (int checkMethodI = 0; checkMethodI < (int)UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_LAST; checkMethodI++)
					const UniformValueCase::CheckMethod		checkMethod			= (UniformValueCase::CheckMethod)checkMethodI;
					TestCaseGroup* const					checkMethodGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, UniformValueCase::getCheckMethodName(checkMethod), UniformValueCase::getCheckMethodDescription(checkMethod));

					for (int collectionGroupNdx = 0; collectionGroupNdx < (int)UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_LAST; collectionGroupNdx++)
						const int numArrayFirstElemNameCases = checkMethod == UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM && collectionGroupNdx == UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_ARRAY ? 2 : 1;

						for (int referToFirstArrayElemWithoutIndexI = 0; referToFirstArrayElemWithoutIndexI < numArrayFirstElemNameCases; referToFirstArrayElemWithoutIndexI++)
							const UniformCollectionGroup&	collectionGroup			= defaultUniformCollections[collectionGroupNdx];
							const string					collectionGroupName		= collectionGroup.name + (referToFirstArrayElemWithoutIndexI == 0 ? "" : "_first_elem_without_brackets");
							TestCaseGroup* const			collectionTestGroup		= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, collectionGroupName.c_str(), "");

							for (int collectionNdx = 0; collectionNdx < (int)collectionGroup.cases.size(); collectionNdx++)
								const UniformCollectionCase&				collectionCase		= collectionGroup.cases[collectionNdx];
								const string								collName			= collectionCase.namePrefix;
								const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection	= collectionCase.uniformCollection;
								const bool									containsBooleans	= uniformCollection->containsMatchingBasicType(glu::isDataTypeBoolOrBVec);
								const bool									varyBoolApiType		= checkMethod == UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM && containsBooleans &&
																								  (collectionGroupNdx == UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC || collectionGroupNdx == UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_BASIC_ARRAY);
								const int									numBoolVariations	= varyBoolApiType ? 2 : 1;
								const bool									containsMatrices	= uniformCollection->containsMatchingBasicType(glu::isDataTypeMatrix);

								if (containsMatrices && assignMethod != UniformValueCase::ASSIGNMETHOD_POINTER)

								for (int booleanTypeI = 0; booleanTypeI < numBoolVariations; booleanTypeI++)
									const deUint32		booleanTypeFeat		= booleanTypeI == 1 ? UniformCase::FEATURE_BOOLEANAPITYPE_INT
																			: 0;
									const char* const	booleanTypeName		= booleanTypeI == 1 ? "int"
																			: "float";
									const string		nameWithBoolType	= varyBoolApiType ? collName + "api_" + booleanTypeName + "_" : collName;
									const string		nameWithMatrixType	= nameWithBoolType;

									for (int shaderType = 0; shaderType < (int)CASESHADERTYPE_LAST; shaderType++)
										const string	name							= nameWithMatrixType + getCaseShaderTypeName((CaseShaderType)shaderType);
										const deUint32	arrayFirstElemNameNoIndexFeat	= referToFirstArrayElemWithoutIndexI == 0 ? 0 : UniformCase::FEATURE_ARRAY_FIRST_ELEM_NAME_NO_INDEX;

										collectionTestGroup->addChild(new UniformValueCase(m_context, name.c_str(), "", (CaseShaderType)shaderType, uniformCollection,
																							UniformValueCase::VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED, checkMethod, assignMethod,
																							booleanTypeFeat | arrayFirstElemNameNoIndexFeat));

			// Cases assign multiple basic-array elements with one glUniform*v() (i.e. the count parameter is bigger than 1).

				static const struct
					UniformCase::Feature	arrayAssignMode;
					const char*				name;
					const char*				description;
				} arrayAssignGroups[] =
					{ UniformCase::FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_FULL,			"basic_array_assign_full",		"Assign entire basic-type arrays per glUniform*v() call"			},
					{ UniformCase::FEATURE_ARRAYASSIGN_BLOCKS_OF_TWO,	"basic_array_assign_partial",	"Assign two elements of a basic-type array per glUniform*v() call"	}

				for (int arrayAssignGroupNdx = 0; arrayAssignGroupNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(arrayAssignGroups); arrayAssignGroupNdx++)
					UniformCase::Feature	arrayAssignMode		= arrayAssignGroups[arrayAssignGroupNdx].arrayAssignMode;
					const char* const		groupName			= arrayAssignGroups[arrayAssignGroupNdx].name;
					const char* const		groupDesc			= arrayAssignGroups[arrayAssignGroupNdx].description;

					TestCaseGroup* const curArrayAssignGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, groupName, groupDesc);


					for (int collectionGroupNdx = 0; collectionGroupNdx < DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(basicArrayCollectionGroups); collectionGroupNdx++)
						const UniformCollectionGroup&	collectionGroup		= defaultUniformCollections[basicArrayCollectionGroups[collectionGroupNdx]];
						TestCaseGroup* const			collectionTestGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, collectionGroup.name.c_str(), "");

						for (int collectionNdx = 0; collectionNdx < (int)collectionGroup.cases.size(); collectionNdx++)
							const UniformCollectionCase&				collectionCase		= collectionGroup.cases[collectionNdx];
							const string								collName			= collectionCase.namePrefix;
							const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection	= collectionCase.uniformCollection;

							for (int shaderType = 0; shaderType < (int)CASESHADERTYPE_LAST; shaderType++)
								const string name = collName + getCaseShaderTypeName((CaseShaderType)shaderType);
								collectionTestGroup->addChild(new UniformValueCase(m_context, name.c_str(), "", (CaseShaderType)shaderType, uniformCollection,
																				   UniformValueCase::VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED, UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM, UniformValueCase::ASSIGNMETHOD_POINTER,

			// Value checking cases when unused uniforms are present.

				TestCaseGroup* const unusedUniformsGroup = new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "unused_uniforms", "Test with unused uniforms");

				const UniformCollectionGroup& collectionGroup = defaultUniformCollections[UNIFORMCOLLECTIONS_ARRAY_IN_STRUCT];

				for (int collectionNdx = 0; collectionNdx < (int)collectionGroup.cases.size(); collectionNdx++)
					const UniformCollectionCase&				collectionCase		= collectionGroup.cases[collectionNdx];
					const string								collName			= collectionCase.namePrefix;
					const SharedPtr<const UniformCollection>&	uniformCollection	= collectionCase.uniformCollection;

					for (int shaderType = 0; shaderType < (int)CASESHADERTYPE_LAST; shaderType++)
						const string name = collName + getCaseShaderTypeName((CaseShaderType)shaderType);
						unusedUniformsGroup->addChild(new UniformValueCase(m_context, name.c_str(), "", (CaseShaderType)shaderType, uniformCollection,
																		   UniformValueCase::VALUETOCHECK_ASSIGNED, UniformValueCase::CHECKMETHOD_GET_UNIFORM, UniformValueCase::ASSIGNMETHOD_POINTER,

	// Random cases.

		const int		numRandomCases		= 100;
		TestCaseGroup*	const randomGroup	= new TestCaseGroup(m_context, "random", "Random cases");

		for (int ndx = 0; ndx < numRandomCases; ndx++)
			randomGroup->addChild(new RandomUniformCase(m_context, de::toString(ndx).c_str(), "", (deUint32)ndx));

} // Functional
} // gles2
} // deqp