C++程序  |  58行  |  1.24 KB

//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
// Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.

// <codecvt>

// template <class Elem, unsigned long Maxcode = 0x10ffff,
//           codecvt_mode Mode = (codecvt_mode)0>
// class codecvt_utf16
//     : public codecvt<Elem, char, mbstate_t>
// {
//     // unspecified
// };

// Not a portable test

#include <codecvt>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>

int outstanding_news = 0;

void* operator new(std::size_t s) throw(std::bad_alloc)
    return std::malloc(s);

void  operator delete(void* p) throw()
    if (p)

int main()
    assert(outstanding_news == 0);
        typedef std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t> C;
        C c;
        assert(outstanding_news == 0);
        typedef std::codecvt_utf16<wchar_t> C;
        std::locale loc(std::locale::classic(), new C);
        assert(outstanding_news != 0);
    assert(outstanding_news == 0);