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 *  Copyright (C) 2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  HAL Adaptation Interface (HAI). This interface regulates the interaction
 *  between standard Android HAL and Broadcom-specific HAL.  It adapts
 *  Broadcom-specific features to the Android framework.
#define LOG_TAG "NfcNciHal"
#include "OverrideLog.h"
#include "HalAdaptation.h"
#include "SyncEvent.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "nfc_hal_int.h"
#include "nfc_hal_post_reset.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include "buildcfg.h"
#include "android_logmsg.h"
extern void delete_hal_non_volatile_store (bool forceDelete);
extern void verify_hal_non_volatile_store ();
extern void resetConfig ();
extern "C"
#include "userial.h"

extern void configureCrystalFrequency ();

// private declaration, definition

static nfc_stack_callback_t* gAndroidHalCallback = NULL;
static nfc_stack_data_callback_t* gAndroidHalDataCallback = NULL;
static SyncEvent gOpenCompletedEvent;
static SyncEvent gPostInitCompletedEvent;
static SyncEvent gCloseCompletedEvent;

UINT32 ScrProtocolTraceFlag = SCR_PROTO_TRACE_ALL; //0x017F00;

static void BroadcomHalCallback (UINT8 event, tHAL_NFC_STATUS status);
static void BroadcomHalDataCallback (UINT16 data_len, UINT8* p_data);

static bool isColdBoot = true;

extern tNFC_HAL_CFG *p_nfc_hal_cfg;
extern const UINT8  nfca_version_string [];
extern const UINT8  nfa_version_string [];

tNFC_HAL_DM_PRE_SET_MEM nfc_hal_pre_set_mem_20795a1 [] =
    {0x0016403c,    0x00000008},
    {0x0016403c,    0x00000000},
    {0x0014008c,    0x00000001},
    {0,         0}

extern tNFC_HAL_DM_PRE_SET_MEM *p_nfc_hal_dm_pre_set_mem;


int HaiInitializeLibrary (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    ALOGE ("%s: ver=%s nfa=%s", __FUNCTION__, nfca_version_string, nfa_version_string);
    int retval = EACCES;
    unsigned long freq = 0;
    unsigned long num = 0;
    char temp[120];
    int8_t prop_value;
    UINT8 logLevel = 0;

    logLevel = InitializeGlobalAppLogLevel ();

    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_GLOBAL_RESET, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        if (num == 1)
            // Send commands to disable boc
            p_nfc_hal_dm_pre_set_mem = nfc_hal_pre_set_mem_20795a1;

    configureCrystalFrequency ();
    verify_hal_non_volatile_store ();
    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_PRESERVE_STORAGE, (char*)&num, sizeof ( num ) ) &&
            (num == 1) )
        ALOGD ("%s: preserve HAL NV store", __FUNCTION__);
        delete_hal_non_volatile_store (false);

    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_USE_RAW_NCI_TRACE, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        if (num == 1)
            // display protocol traces in raw format
            ProtoDispAdapterUseRawOutput (TRUE);

    // Initialize protocol logging level
    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_PROTOCOL_TRACE_LEVEL, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        ScrProtocolTraceFlag = num;

    struct tUART_CONFIG  uart;

    if ( GetStrValue ( NAME_UART_PARITY, temp, sizeof ( temp ) ) )
        if ( strcmp ( temp, "even" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iParity = USERIAL_PARITY_EVEN;
        else if ( strcmp ( temp, "odd" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iParity = USERIAL_PARITY_ODD;
        else if ( strcmp ( temp, "none" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iParity = USERIAL_PARITY_NONE;
        uart.m_iParity = USERIAL_PARITY_NONE;

    if ( GetStrValue ( NAME_UART_STOPBITS, temp, sizeof ( temp ) ) )
        if ( strcmp ( temp, "1" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iStopbits = USERIAL_STOPBITS_1;
        else if ( strcmp ( temp, "2" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iStopbits = USERIAL_STOPBITS_2;
        else if ( strcmp ( temp, "1.5" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iStopbits = USERIAL_STOPBITS_1_5;
    else if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_UART_STOPBITS, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        if ( num == 1 )
            uart.m_iStopbits = USERIAL_STOPBITS_1;
        else if ( num == 2 )
            uart.m_iStopbits = USERIAL_STOPBITS_2;
        uart.m_iStopbits = USERIAL_STOPBITS_1;

    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_UART_DATABITS, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        if ( 5 <= num && num <= 8 )
            uart.m_iDatabits = ( 1 << ( num + 1 ) );
        uart.m_iDatabits = USERIAL_DATABITS_8;

    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_UART_BAUD, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        if ( num == 300 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_300;
        else if ( num == 600 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_600;
        else if ( num == 1200 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_1200;
        else if ( num == 2400 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_2400;
        else if ( num == 9600 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_9600;
        else if ( num == 19200 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_19200;
        else if ( num == 57600 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_57600;
        else if ( num == 115200 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_115200;
        else if ( num == 230400 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_230400;
        else if ( num == 460800 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_460800;
        else if ( num == 921600 ) uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_921600;
    else if ( GetStrValue ( NAME_UART_BAUD, temp, sizeof ( temp ) ) )
        if ( strcmp ( temp, "auto" ) == 0 )
            uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_AUTO;
        uart.m_iBaudrate = USERIAL_BAUD_115200;

    memset (&cfg, 0, sizeof(tUSERIAL_OPEN_CFG));
    cfg.fmt = uart.m_iDatabits | uart.m_iParity | uart.m_iStopbits;
    cfg.baud = uart.m_iBaudrate;

    ALOGD ("%s: uart config=0x%04x, %d\n", __func__, cfg.fmt, cfg.baud);

    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_NFCC_ENABLE_TIMEOUT, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) )
        p_nfc_hal_cfg->nfc_hal_nfcc_enable_timeout = num;

    if ( GetNumValue ( NAME_NFA_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED, &num, sizeof ( num ) ) && num == 0 )
        // Since NFA_MAX_EE_SUPPORTED is explicetly set to 0, no UICC support is needed.
        p_nfc_hal_cfg->nfc_hal_hci_uicc_support = 0;

    prop_value = property_get_bool("nfc.bcm2079x.isColdboot", 0);
    if (prop_value) {
        isColdBoot = true;
        property_set("nfc.bcm2079x.isColdboot", "0");
    // Set 'first boot' flag based on static variable that will get set to false
    // after the stack has first initialized the EE.
    p_nfc_hal_cfg->nfc_hal_first_boot = isColdBoot ? TRUE : FALSE;

    HAL_NfcInitialize ();
    HAL_NfcSetTraceLevel (logLevel); // Initialize HAL's logging level

    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiTerminateLibrary ()
    int retval = EACCES;
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);

    HAL_NfcTerminate ();
    gAndroidHalCallback = NULL;
    gAndroidHalDataCallback = NULL;
    GKI_shutdown ();
    resetConfig ();
    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiOpen (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device, nfc_stack_callback_t* halCallbackFunc, nfc_stack_data_callback_t* halDataCallbackFunc)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    gAndroidHalCallback = halCallbackFunc;
    gAndroidHalDataCallback = halDataCallbackFunc;

    SyncEventGuard guard (gOpenCompletedEvent);
    HAL_NfcOpen (BroadcomHalCallback, BroadcomHalDataCallback);
    gOpenCompletedEvent.wait ();

    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

void BroadcomHalCallback (UINT8 event, tHAL_NFC_STATUS status)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter; event=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, event);
    switch (event)
            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_OPEN_CPLT_EVT; status=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, status);
            SyncEventGuard guard (gOpenCompletedEvent);
            gOpenCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();

            SyncEventGuard guard (gPostInitCompletedEvent);
            gPostInitCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();

            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_CLOSE_CPLT_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
            SyncEventGuard guard (gCloseCompletedEvent);
            gCloseCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();

            ALOGD ("%s: HAL_NFC_ERROR_EVT", __FUNCTION__);
                SyncEventGuard guard (gOpenCompletedEvent);
                gOpenCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
                SyncEventGuard guard (gPostInitCompletedEvent);
                gPostInitCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
                SyncEventGuard guard (gCloseCompletedEvent);
                gCloseCompletedEvent.notifyOne ();
    gAndroidHalCallback (event, status);
    ALOGD ("%s: exit; event=0x%X", __FUNCTION__, event);

void BroadcomHalDataCallback (UINT16 data_len, UINT8* p_data)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter; len=%u", __FUNCTION__, data_len);
    gAndroidHalDataCallback (data_len, p_data);

int HaiClose (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    SyncEventGuard guard (gCloseCompletedEvent);
    HAL_NfcClose ();
    gCloseCompletedEvent.wait ();
    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiCoreInitialized (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device, uint8_t* coreInitResponseParams)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    SyncEventGuard guard (gPostInitCompletedEvent);
    HAL_NfcCoreInitialized (coreInitResponseParams);
    gPostInitCompletedEvent.wait ();
    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiWrite (const bcm2079x_dev_t* dev, uint16_t dataLen, const uint8_t* data)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter; len=%u", __FUNCTION__, dataLen);
    int retval = EACCES;

    HAL_NfcWrite (dataLen, const_cast<UINT8*> (data));
    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiPreDiscover (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    // This function is a clear indication that the stack is initializing
    // EE.  So we can reset the cold-boot flag here.
    isColdBoot = false;
    retval = HAL_NfcPreDiscover () ? 1 : 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiControlGranted (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    HAL_NfcControlGranted ();
    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiPowerCycle (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    HAL_NfcPowerCycle ();
    retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;

int HaiGetMaxNfcee (const bcm2079x_dev_t* device, uint8_t* maxNfcee)
    ALOGD ("%s: enter", __FUNCTION__);
    int retval = EACCES;

    // This function is a clear indication that the stack is initializing
    // EE.  So we can reset the cold-boot flag here.
    isColdBoot = false;

    if ( maxNfcee )
        *maxNfcee = HAL_NfcGetMaxNfcee ();
        ALOGD("%s: max_ee from HAL to use %d", __FUNCTION__, *maxNfcee);
        retval = 0;
    ALOGD ("%s: exit %d", __FUNCTION__, retval);
    return retval;