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//===-- RNBContext.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
//  Created by Greg Clayton on 12/12/07.

#ifndef __RNBContext_h__
#define __RNBContext_h__

#include "RNBDefs.h"
#include "DNBError.h"
#include "PThreadEvent.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>

class RNBContext
        event_proc_state_changed        = 0x01,
        event_proc_thread_running       = 0x02, // Sticky
        event_proc_thread_exiting       = 0x04,
        event_proc_stdio_available      = 0x08,
        event_proc_profile_data         = 0x10,
        event_read_packet_available     = 0x20,
        event_read_thread_running       = 0x40, // Sticky
        event_read_thread_exiting       = 0x80,

        normal_event_bits   = event_proc_state_changed |
                              event_proc_thread_exiting |
                              event_proc_stdio_available |
                              event_proc_profile_data | 
                              event_read_packet_available |

        sticky_event_bits   = event_proc_thread_running |

        all_event_bits      = sticky_event_bits | normal_event_bits
    } event_t;
    // Constructors and Destructors
    RNBContext () :
        m_events(0, all_event_bits),
        m_arg_vec (),
        m_env_vec ()

    virtual ~RNBContext();

    nub_process_t   ProcessID() const { return m_pid; }
    bool            HasValidProcessID() const { return m_pid != INVALID_NUB_PROCESS; }
    void            SetProcessID (nub_process_t pid);
    nub_size_t      GetProcessStopCount () const { return m_pid_stop_count; }
    bool            SetProcessStopCount (nub_size_t count)
                        // Returns true if this class' notion of the PID state changed
                        if (m_pid_stop_count == count)
                            return false;   // Didn't change
                        m_pid_stop_count = count;
                        return true; // The stop count has changed.

    bool            ProcessStateRunning() const;
    PThreadEvent&   Events( ) { return m_events; }
    nub_event_t     AllEventBits() const { return all_event_bits; }
    nub_event_t     NormalEventBits() const { return normal_event_bits; }
    nub_event_t     StickyEventBits() const { return sticky_event_bits; }
    const char*     EventsAsString (nub_event_t events, std::string& s);

    int             ArgumentCount () const { return m_arg_vec.size(); }
    const char *    ArgumentAtIndex (int index);
    void            PushArgument (const char *arg) { if (arg) m_arg_vec.push_back (arg); }
    void            ClearArgv () { m_arg_vec.erase (m_arg_vec.begin(), m_arg_vec.end()); }

    int             EnvironmentCount () const { return m_env_vec.size(); }
    const char *    EnvironmentAtIndex (int index);
    void            PushEnvironment (const char *arg) { if (arg) m_env_vec.push_back (arg); }
    void            ClearEnvironment () { m_env_vec.erase (m_env_vec.begin(), m_env_vec.end()); }
    DNBError&       LaunchStatus () { return m_launch_status; }
    const char *    LaunchStatusAsString (std::string& s);
    nub_launch_flavor_t LaunchFlavor () const { return m_launch_flavor; }
    void            SetLaunchFlavor (nub_launch_flavor_t flavor) { m_launch_flavor = flavor; }
    const char *    GetWorkingDirectory () const 
                        if (!m_working_directory.empty())
                            return m_working_directory.c_str();
                        return NULL;

    bool            SetWorkingDirectory (const char *path);

    std::string&    GetSTDIN  () { return m_stdin; }
    std::string&    GetSTDOUT () { return m_stdout; }
    std::string&    GetSTDERR () { return m_stderr; }
    std::string&    GetWorkingDir () { return m_working_dir; }

    const char *    GetSTDINPath() { return m_stdin.empty() ? NULL : m_stdin.c_str(); }
    const char *    GetSTDOUTPath() { return m_stdout.empty() ? NULL : m_stdout.c_str(); }
    const char *    GetSTDERRPath() { return m_stderr.empty() ? NULL : m_stderr.c_str(); }
    const char *    GetWorkingDirPath() { return m_working_dir.empty() ? NULL : m_working_dir.c_str(); }
    // Classes that inherit from RNBContext can see and modify these
    nub_process_t   m_pid;
    std::string     m_stdin;
    std::string     m_stdout;
    std::string     m_stderr;
    std::string     m_working_dir;
    nub_size_t      m_pid_stop_count;
    PThreadEvent    m_events;       // Threaded events that we can wait for
    pthread_t       m_pid_pthread;
    nub_launch_flavor_t m_launch_flavor;    // How to launch our inferior process
    DNBError        m_launch_status;    // This holds the status from the last launch attempt.
    std::vector<std::string> m_arg_vec;
    std::vector<std::string> m_env_vec; // This will be unparsed - entries FOO=value
    std::string     m_working_directory;

    void    StartProcessStatusThread();
    void    StopProcessStatusThread();
    static void* ThreadFunctionProcessStatus(void *arg);

    // Outlaw copy and assignment operators
    RNBContext(const RNBContext& rhs);
    RNBContext& operator=(const RNBContext& rhs);

#endif // #ifndef __RNBContext_h__