//===-- RNBSocket.cpp -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Created by Greg Clayton on 12/12/07.
#include "RNBSocket.h"
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "DNBLog.h"
#include "DNBError.h"
#include "lockdown.h"
/* Once we have a RNBSocket object with a port # specified,
this function is called to wait for an incoming connection.
This function blocks while waiting for that connection. */
ResolveIPV4HostName (const char *hostname, in_addr_t &addr)
if (hostname == NULL ||
hostname[0] == '\0' ||
strcmp(hostname, "localhost") == 0 ||
strcmp(hostname, "") == 0)
addr = htonl (INADDR_LOOPBACK);
return true;
else if (strcmp(hostname, "*") == 0)
addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
return true;
// See if an IP address was specified as numbers
int inet_pton_result = ::inet_pton (AF_INET, hostname, &addr);
if (inet_pton_result == 1)
return true;
struct hostent *host_entry = gethostbyname (hostname);
if (host_entry)
std::string ip_str (::inet_ntoa (*(struct in_addr *)*host_entry->h_addr_list));
inet_pton_result = ::inet_pton (AF_INET, ip_str.c_str(), &addr);
if (inet_pton_result == 1)
return true;
return false;
RNBSocket::Listen (const char *listen_host, in_port_t port, PortBoundCallback callback, const void *callback_baton)
//DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "%8u RNBSocket::%s called", (uint32_t)m_timer.ElapsedMicroSeconds(true), __FUNCTION__);
// Disconnect without saving errno
Disconnect (false);
// Now figure out the hostname that will be attaching and palce it into
struct sockaddr_in listen_addr;
::memset (&listen_addr, 0, sizeof listen_addr);
listen_addr.sin_len = sizeof listen_addr;
listen_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
listen_addr.sin_port = htons (port);
listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if (!ResolveIPV4HostName(listen_host, listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr))
DNBLogThreaded("error: failed to resolve connecting host '%s'", listen_host);
return rnb_err;
DNBError err;
int listen_fd = ::socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (listen_fd == -1)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
if (err.Fail() || DNBLogCheckLogBit(LOG_RNB_COMM))
err.LogThreaded("::socket ( domain = AF_INET, type = SOCK_STREAM, protocol = IPPROTO_TCP ) => socket = %i", listen_fd);
if (err.Fail())
return rnb_err;
// enable local address reuse
SetSocketOption (listen_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
struct sockaddr_in sa;
::memset (&sa, 0, sizeof sa);
sa.sin_len = sizeof sa;
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_port = htons (port);
sa.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; // Let incoming connections bind to any host network interface (this is NOT who can connect to us)
int error = ::bind (listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa));
if (error == -1)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
if (err.Fail() || DNBLogCheckLogBit(LOG_RNB_COMM))
err.LogThreaded("::bind ( socket = %i, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) )", listen_fd);
if (err.Fail())
ClosePort (listen_fd, false);
return rnb_err;
if (callback && port == 0)
// We were asked to listen on port zero which means we
// must now read the actual port that was given to us
// as port zero is a special code for "find an open port
// for me".
socklen_t sa_len = sizeof (sa);
if (getsockname(listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, &sa_len) == 0)
port = ntohs (sa.sin_port);
callback (callback_baton, port);
error = ::listen (listen_fd, 5);
if (error == -1)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
if (err.Fail() || DNBLogCheckLogBit(LOG_RNB_COMM))
err.LogThreaded("::listen ( socket = %i, backlog = 1 )", listen_fd);
if (err.Fail())
ClosePort (listen_fd, false);
return rnb_err;
struct sockaddr_in accept_addr;
::memset (&accept_addr, 0, sizeof accept_addr);
accept_addr.sin_len = sizeof accept_addr;
bool accept_connection = false;
// Loop until we are happy with our connection
while (!accept_connection)
socklen_t accept_addr_len = sizeof accept_addr;
m_fd = ::accept (listen_fd, (struct sockaddr *)&accept_addr, &accept_addr_len);
if (m_fd == -1)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
if (err.Fail() || DNBLogCheckLogBit(LOG_RNB_COMM))
err.LogThreaded("::accept ( socket = %i, address = %p, address_len = %u )", listen_fd, &accept_addr, accept_addr_len);
if (err.Fail())
if (listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY)
accept_connection = true;
if (accept_addr_len == listen_addr.sin_len &&
accept_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr)
accept_connection = true;
::close (m_fd);
m_fd = -1;
const uint8_t *accept_ip = (const uint8_t *)&accept_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
const uint8_t *listen_ip = (const uint8_t *)&listen_addr.sin_addr.s_addr;
::fprintf (stderr,
"error: rejecting incoming connection from %u.%u.%u.%u (expecting %u.%u.%u.%u)\n",
accept_ip[0], accept_ip[1], accept_ip[2], accept_ip[3],
listen_ip[0], listen_ip[1], listen_ip[2], listen_ip[3]);
DNBLogThreaded ("error: rejecting connection from %u.%u.%u.%u (expecting %u.%u.%u.%u)",
accept_ip[0], accept_ip[1], accept_ip[2], accept_ip[3],
listen_ip[0], listen_ip[1], listen_ip[2], listen_ip[3]);
ClosePort (listen_fd, false);
if (err.Fail())
return rnb_err;
// Keep our TCP packets coming without any delays.
SetSocketOption (m_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1);
return rnb_success;
RNBSocket::Connect (const char *host, uint16_t port)
Disconnect (false);
// Create the socket
m_fd = ::socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
if (m_fd == -1)
return rnb_err;
// Enable local address reuse
SetSocketOption (m_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
struct sockaddr_in sa;
::memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa));
sa.sin_family = AF_INET;
sa.sin_port = htons (port);
if (!ResolveIPV4HostName(host, sa.sin_addr.s_addr))
DNBLogThreaded("error: failed to resolve host '%s'", host);
Disconnect (false);
return rnb_err;
if (-1 == ::connect (m_fd, (const struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)))
Disconnect (false);
return rnb_err;
// Keep our TCP packets coming without any delays.
SetSocketOption (m_fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1);
return rnb_success;
RNBSocket::useFD(int fd)
if (fd < 0) {
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "Bad file descriptor passed in.");
return rnb_err;
m_fd = fd;
return rnb_success;
DNBLog("Connecting to com.apple.%s service...", DEBUGSERVER_PROGRAM_NAME);
// Disconnect from any previous connections
if (::secure_lockdown_checkin (&m_ld_conn, NULL, NULL) != kLDESuccess)
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "::secure_lockdown_checkin(&m_fd, NULL, NULL) failed");
m_fd = -1;
return rnb_not_connected;
m_fd = ::lockdown_get_socket (m_ld_conn);
if (m_fd == -1)
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "::lockdown_get_socket() failed");
return rnb_not_connected;
m_fd_from_lockdown = true;
return rnb_success;
RNBSocket::OpenFile (const char *path)
DNBError err;
m_fd = open (path, O_RDWR);
if (m_fd == -1)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
err.LogThreaded ("can't open file '%s'", path);
return rnb_not_connected;
struct termios stdin_termios;
if (::tcgetattr (m_fd, &stdin_termios) == 0)
stdin_termios.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; // Turn off echoing
stdin_termios.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; // Get one char at a time
::tcsetattr (m_fd, TCSANOW, &stdin_termios);
return rnb_success;
RNBSocket::SetSocketOption(int fd, int level, int option_name, int option_value)
return ::setsockopt(fd, level, option_name, &option_value, sizeof(option_value));
RNBSocket::Disconnect (bool save_errno)
if (m_fd_from_lockdown)
m_fd_from_lockdown = false;
m_fd = -1;
lockdown_disconnect (m_ld_conn);
return rnb_success;
return ClosePort (m_fd, save_errno);
RNBSocket::Read (std::string &p)
char buf[1024];
// Note that BUF is on the stack so we must be careful to keep any
// writes to BUF from overflowing or we'll have security issues.
if (m_fd == -1)
return rnb_err;
//DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "%8u RNBSocket::%s calling read()", (uint32_t)m_timer.ElapsedMicroSeconds(true), __FUNCTION__);
DNBError err;
int bytesread = read (m_fd, buf, sizeof (buf));
if (bytesread <= 0)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
p.append(buf, bytesread);
if (err.Fail() || DNBLogCheckLogBit(LOG_RNB_COMM))
err.LogThreaded("::read ( %i, %p, %llu ) => %i", m_fd, buf, sizeof (buf), (uint64_t)bytesread);
// Our port went away - we have to mark this so IsConnected will return the truth.
if (bytesread == 0)
m_fd = -1;
return rnb_not_connected;
else if (bytesread == -1)
m_fd = -1;
return rnb_err;
// Strip spaces from the end of the buffer
while (!p.empty() && isspace (p[p.size() - 1]))
p.erase (p.size () - 1);
// Most data in the debugserver packets valid printable characters...
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "read: %s", p.c_str());
return rnb_success;
RNBSocket::Write (const void *buffer, size_t length)
if (m_fd == -1)
return rnb_err;
DNBError err;
int bytessent = write (m_fd, buffer, length);
if (bytessent < 0)
err.SetError(errno, DNBError::POSIX);
if (err.Fail() || DNBLogCheckLogBit(LOG_RNB_COMM))
err.LogThreaded("::write ( socket = %i, buffer = %p, length = %llu) => %i", m_fd, buffer, length, (uint64_t)bytessent);
if (bytessent < 0)
return rnb_err;
if (bytessent != length)
return rnb_err;
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_PACKETS, "putpkt: %*s", (int)length, (char *)buffer); // All data is string based in debugserver, so this is safe
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_RNB_COMM, "sent: %*s", (int)length, (char *)buffer);
return rnb_success;
RNBSocket::ClosePort (int& fd, bool save_errno)
int close_err = 0;
if (fd > 0)
errno = 0;
close_err = close (fd);
fd = -1;
return close_err != 0 ? rnb_err : rnb_success;