// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#if !defined(_FFL_NOTIFY_H_)
#define _FFL_NOTIFY_H_
class CFFL_FormFiller;
class CFFL_Notify
CFFL_Notify(CFFL_FormFiller * pFormFiller);
virtual ~CFFL_Notify();
FX_BOOL OnSetFocus(FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL OnMouseEnter(FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL OnMouseDown(FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL OnMouseUp(FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL OnMouseExit(FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL OnKillFocus(FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL OnCalculate();
FX_BOOL OnFormat(int iCommitKey);
FX_BOOL OnValidate(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, CFX_WideString& strValue, CFX_WideString & strChange,
const CFX_WideString& strChangeEx, FX_BOOL bKeyDown, FX_BOOL bModifier,
FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL & bRC);
FX_BOOL OnKeyStroke(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, int nCommitKey, CFX_WideString& strValue, CFX_WideString& strChange,
const CFX_WideString& strChangeEx, FX_BOOL bKeyDown, FX_BOOL bModifier,
FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bWillCommit, FX_BOOL bFieldFull,
int& nSelStart, int& nSelEnd, FX_BOOL& bRC);
void BeforeNotify();
void AfterNotify();
FX_BOOL IsNotifying() const {return m_nNotifyFlag > 0;}
// CReader_InterForm * GetReaderInterForm();
FX_BOOL DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT, FX_BOOL & bExit);
FX_BOOL FindAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action);
FX_BOOL FindAAction(CPDF_AAction aaction,CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action);
FX_BOOL ExecuteActionTree(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT, CPDF_Action & action, FX_BOOL& bExit);
FX_BOOL ExecuteAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action,FX_BOOL& bExit);
CFFL_FormFiller * m_pFormFiller;
FX_BOOL m_bDoActioning;
FX_INT32 m_nNotifyFlag;