C++程序  |  1361行  |  44.44 KB

 * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "rsCpuCore.h"
#include "rsCpuScript.h"

    #include <set>
    #include <string>
    #include <dlfcn.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <bcc/BCCContext.h>
    #include <bcc/Config/Config.h>
    #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSCompilerDriver.h>
    #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSExecutable.h>
    #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSInfo.h>
    #include <bcinfo/MetadataExtractor.h>
    #include <cutils/properties.h>

    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include <unistd.h>

    #include <string>
    #include <vector>

namespace {

// Create a len length string containing random characters from [A-Za-z0-9].
static std::string getRandomString(size_t len) {
    char buf[len + 1];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        uint32_t r = arc4random() & 0xffff;
        r %= 62;
        if (r < 26) {
            // lowercase
            buf[i] = 'a' + r;
        } else if (r < 52) {
            // uppercase
            buf[i] = 'A' + (r - 26);
        } else {
            // Use a number
            buf[i] = '0' + (r - 52);
    buf[len] = '\0';
    return std::string(buf);

// Check if a path exists and attempt to create it if it doesn't.
static bool ensureCacheDirExists(const char *path) {
    if (access(path, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK) == 0) {
        // Done if we can rwx the directory
        return true;
    if (mkdir(path, 0700) == 0) {
        return true;
    return false;

// Attempt to load the shared library from origName, but then fall back to
// creating the symlinked shared library if necessary (to ensure instancing).
// This function returns the dlopen()-ed handle if successful.
static void *loadSOHelper(const char *origName, const char *cacheDir,
                          const char *resName) {
    // Keep track of which .so libraries have been loaded. Once a library is
    // in the set (per-process granularity), we must instead make a symlink to
    // the original shared object (randomly named .so file) and load that one
    // instead. If we don't do this, we end up aliasing global data between
    // the various Script instances (which are supposed to be completely
    // independent).
    static std::set<std::string> LoadedLibraries;

    void *loaded = NULL;

    // Skip everything if we don't even have the original library available.
    if (access(origName, F_OK) != 0) {
        return NULL;

    // Common path is that we have not loaded this Script/library before.
    if (LoadedLibraries.find(origName) == LoadedLibraries.end()) {
        loaded = dlopen(origName, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
        if (loaded) {
        return loaded;

    std::string newName(cacheDir);

    if (!ensureCacheDirExists(newName.c_str())) {
        ALOGE("Could not verify or create cache dir: %s", cacheDir);
        return NULL;

    // Construct an appropriately randomized filename for the symlink.
    newName.append(getRandomString(6));  // 62^6 potential filename variants.

    int r = symlink(origName, newName.c_str());
    if (r != 0) {
        ALOGE("Could not create symlink %s -> %s", newName.c_str(), origName);
        return NULL;
    loaded = dlopen(newName.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);
    r = unlink(newName.c_str());
    if (r != 0) {
        ALOGE("Could not unlink symlink %s", newName.c_str());
    if (loaded) {

    return loaded;

// Load the shared library referred to by cacheDir and resName. If we have
// already loaded this library, we instead create a new symlink (in the
// cache dir) and then load that. We then immediately destroy the symlink.
// This is required behavior to implement script instancing for the support
// library, since shared objects are loaded and de-duped by name only.
static void *loadSharedLibrary(const char *cacheDir, const char *resName) {
    void *loaded = NULL;
#ifndef RS_SERVER
    std::string scriptSOName(cacheDir);
    size_t cutPos = scriptSOName.rfind("cache");
    if (cutPos != std::string::npos) {
    } else {
        ALOGE("Found peculiar cacheDir (missing \"cache\"): %s", cacheDir);
    std::string scriptSOName("lib");

    // We should check if we can load the library from the standard app
    // location for shared libraries first.
    loaded = loadSOHelper(scriptSOName.c_str(), cacheDir, resName);

    if (loaded == NULL) {
        ALOGE("Unable to open shared library (%s): %s",
              scriptSOName.c_str(), dlerror());

        // One final attempt to find the library in "/system/lib".
        // We do this to allow bundled applications to use the compatibility
        // library fallback path. Those applications don't have a private
        // library path, so they need to install to the system directly.
        // Note that this is really just a testing path.
        android::String8 scriptSONameSystem("/system/lib/librs.");
        loaded = loadSOHelper(scriptSONameSystem.c_str(), cacheDir,
        if (loaded == NULL) {
            ALOGE("Unable to open system shared library (%s): %s",
                  scriptSONameSystem.c_str(), dlerror());

    return loaded;

#else  // RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB is not defined

static bool is_force_recompile() {
#ifdef RS_SERVER
  return false;

  // Re-compile if floating point precision has been overridden.
  property_get("debug.rs.precision", buf, "");
  if (buf[0] != '\0') {
    return true;

  // Re-compile if debug.rs.forcerecompile is set.
  property_get("debug.rs.forcerecompile", buf, "0");
  if ((::strcmp(buf, "1") == 0) || (::strcmp(buf, "true") == 0)) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;
#endif  // RS_SERVER

const static char *BCC_EXE_PATH = "/system/bin/bcc";

static void setCompileArguments(std::vector<const char*>* args, const android::String8& bcFileName,
                                const char* cacheDir, const char* resName, const char* core_lib,
                                bool useRSDebugContext, const char* bccPluginName) {
    rsAssert(cacheDir && resName && core_lib);

    // Enable workaround for A53 codegen by default.
#if defined(__aarch64__) && !defined(DISABLE_A53_WORKAROUND)

    // Execute the bcc compiler.
    if (useRSDebugContext) {
    } else {
        // Only load additional libraries for compiles that don't use
        // the debug context.
        if (bccPluginName && strlen(bccPluginName) > 0) {


static bool compileBitcode(const android::String8& bcFileName,
                           const char *bitcode,
                           size_t bitcodeSize,
                           const char** compileArguments,
                           const std::string& compileCommandLine) {
    rsAssert(bitcode && bitcodeSize);

    FILE *bcfile = fopen(bcFileName.string(), "w");
    if (!bcfile) {
        ALOGE("Could not write to %s", bcFileName.string());
        return false;
    size_t nwritten = fwrite(bitcode, 1, bitcodeSize, bcfile);
    if (nwritten != bitcodeSize) {
        ALOGE("Could not write %zu bytes to %s", bitcodeSize,
        return false;

    pid_t pid = fork();

    switch (pid) {
    case -1: {  // Error occurred (we attempt no recovery)
        ALOGE("Couldn't fork for bcc compiler execution");
        return false;
    case 0: {  // Child process
        ALOGV("Invoking BCC with: %s", compileCommandLine.c_str());
        execv(BCC_EXE_PATH, (char* const*)compileArguments);

        ALOGE("execv() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
        return false;
    default: {  // Parent process (actual driver)
        // Wait on child process to finish compiling the source.
        int status = 0;
        pid_t w = waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
        if (w == -1) {
            ALOGE("Could not wait for bcc compiler");
            return false;

        if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) {
            return true;

        ALOGE("bcc compiler terminated unexpectedly");
        return false;

#endif  // !defined(RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB)
}  // namespace

namespace android {
namespace renderscript {

#define MAXLINE 500
#define EXPORT_VAR_STR "exportVarCount: "
#define EXPORT_FUNC_STR "exportFuncCount: "
#define EXPORT_FOREACH_STR "exportForEachCount: "
#define OBJECT_SLOT_STR "objectSlotCount: "

// Copy up to a newline or size chars from str -> s, updating str
// Returns s when successful and NULL when '\0' is finally reached.
static char* strgets(char *s, int size, const char **ppstr) {
    if (!ppstr || !*ppstr || **ppstr == '\0' || size < 1) {
        return NULL;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < (size - 1); i++) {
        s[i] = **ppstr;
        if (s[i] == '\0') {
            return s;
        } else if (s[i] == '\n') {
            s[i+1] = '\0';
            return s;

    // size has been exceeded.
    s[i] = '\0';

    return s;

RsdCpuScriptImpl::RsdCpuScriptImpl(RsdCpuReferenceImpl *ctx, const Script *s) {
    mCtx = ctx;
    mScript = s;

    mScriptSO = NULL;
    mInvokeFunctions = NULL;
    mForEachFunctions = NULL;
    mFieldAddress = NULL;
    mFieldIsObject = NULL;
    mForEachSignatures = NULL;
    mCompilerContext = NULL;
    mCompilerDriver = NULL;
    mExecutable = NULL;

    mRoot = NULL;
    mRootExpand = NULL;
    mInit = NULL;
    mFreeChildren = NULL;

    mBoundAllocs = NULL;
    mIntrinsicData = NULL;
    mIsThreadable = true;

bool RsdCpuScriptImpl::init(char const *resName, char const *cacheDir,
                            uint8_t const *bitcode, size_t bitcodeSize,
                            uint32_t flags, char const *bccPluginName) {
    //ALOGE("rsdScriptCreate %p %p %p %p %i %i %p", rsc, resName, cacheDir, bitcode, bitcodeSize, flags, lookupFunc);
    //ALOGE("rsdScriptInit %p %p", rsc, script);

    bool useRSDebugContext = false;

    mCompilerContext = NULL;
    mCompilerDriver = NULL;
    mExecutable = NULL;

    mCompilerContext = new bcc::BCCContext();
    if (mCompilerContext == NULL) {
        ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to create compiler context (out of memory)");
        return false;

    mCompilerDriver = new bcc::RSCompilerDriver();
    if (mCompilerDriver == NULL) {
        ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to create compiler driver (out of memory)");
        return false;

    // Configure symbol resolvers (via compiler-rt and the RS runtime).

    // Run any compiler setup functions we have been provided with.
    RSSetupCompilerCallback setupCompilerCallback =
    if (setupCompilerCallback != NULL) {

    bcinfo::MetadataExtractor bitcodeMetadata((const char *) bitcode, bitcodeSize);
    if (!bitcodeMetadata.extract()) {
        ALOGE("Could not extract metadata from bitcode");
        return false;

    const char* core_lib = findCoreLib(bitcodeMetadata, (const char*)bitcode, bitcodeSize);

    if (mCtx->getContext()->getContextType() == RS_CONTEXT_TYPE_DEBUG) {
        useRSDebugContext = true;

    android::String8 bcFileName(cacheDir);

    std::vector<const char*> compileArguments;
    setCompileArguments(&compileArguments, bcFileName, cacheDir, resName, core_lib,
                        useRSDebugContext, bccPluginName);
    // The last argument of compileArguments ia a NULL, so remove 1 from the size.
    std::string compileCommandLine =
                bcc::getCommandLine(compileArguments.size() - 1, compileArguments.data());

    if (!is_force_recompile()) {
        // Load the compiled script that's in the cache, if any.
        mExecutable = bcc::RSCompilerDriver::loadScript(cacheDir, resName, (const char*)bitcode,
                                                        bitcodeSize, compileCommandLine.c_str(),

    // If we can't, it's either not there or out of date.  We compile the bit code and try loading
    // again.
    if (mExecutable == NULL) {
        if (!compileBitcode(bcFileName, (const char*)bitcode, bitcodeSize, compileArguments.data(),
                            compileCommandLine)) {
            ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to compile '%s'", resName);
            return false;
        mExecutable = bcc::RSCompilerDriver::loadScript(cacheDir, resName, (const char*)bitcode,
                                                        bitcodeSize, compileCommandLine.c_str(),
        if (mExecutable == NULL) {
            ALOGE("bcc: FAILS to load freshly compiled executable for '%s'", resName);
            return false;

    if (!mExecutable->syncInfo()) {
        ALOGW("bcc: FAILS to synchronize the RS info file to the disk");

    mRoot = reinterpret_cast<int (*)()>(mExecutable->getSymbolAddress("root"));
    mRootExpand =
        reinterpret_cast<int (*)()>(mExecutable->getSymbolAddress("root.expand"));
    mInit = reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(mExecutable->getSymbolAddress("init"));
    mFreeChildren =
        reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(mExecutable->getSymbolAddress(".rs.dtor"));

    if (bitcodeMetadata.getExportVarCount()) {
        mBoundAllocs = new Allocation *[bitcodeMetadata.getExportVarCount()];
        memset(mBoundAllocs, 0, sizeof(void *) * bitcodeMetadata.getExportVarCount());

    for (size_t i = 0; i < bitcodeMetadata.getExportForEachSignatureCount(); i++) {
        char* name = new char[strlen(bitcodeMetadata.getExportForEachNameList()[i]) + 1];
                    std::make_pair(name, bitcodeMetadata.getExportForEachSignatureList()[i]));

#else  // RS_COMPATIBILITY_LIB is defined

    mScriptSO = loadSharedLibrary(cacheDir, resName);

    if (mScriptSO) {
        char line[MAXLINE];
        mRoot = (RootFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, "root");
        if (mRoot) {
            //ALOGE("Found root(): %p", mRoot);
        mRootExpand = (RootFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, "root.expand");
        if (mRootExpand) {
            //ALOGE("Found root.expand(): %p", mRootExpand);
        mInit = (InvokeFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, "init");
        if (mInit) {
            //ALOGE("Found init(): %p", mInit);
        mFreeChildren = (InvokeFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, ".rs.dtor");
        if (mFreeChildren) {
            //ALOGE("Found .rs.dtor(): %p", mFreeChildren);

        const char *rsInfo = (const char *) dlsym(mScriptSO, ".rs.info");
        if (rsInfo) {
            //ALOGE("Found .rs.info(): %p - %s", rsInfo, rsInfo);

        size_t varCount = 0;
        if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
            goto error;
        if (sscanf(line, EXPORT_VAR_STR "%zu", &varCount) != 1) {
            ALOGE("Invalid export var count!: %s", line);
            goto error;

        mExportedVariableCount = varCount;
        //ALOGE("varCount: %zu", varCount);
        if (varCount > 0) {
            // Start by creating/zeroing this member, since we don't want to
            // accidentally clean up invalid pointers later (if we error out).
            mFieldIsObject = new bool[varCount];
            if (mFieldIsObject == NULL) {
                goto error;
            memset(mFieldIsObject, 0, varCount * sizeof(*mFieldIsObject));
            mFieldAddress = new void*[varCount];
            if (mFieldAddress == NULL) {
                goto error;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < varCount; ++i) {
                if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
                    goto error;
                char *c = strrchr(line, '\n');
                if (c) {
                    *c = '\0';
                mFieldAddress[i] = dlsym(mScriptSO, line);
                if (mFieldAddress[i] == NULL) {
                    ALOGE("Failed to find variable address for %s: %s",
                          line, dlerror());
                    // Not a critical error if we don't find a global variable.
                else {
                    //ALOGE("Found variable %s at %p", line,

        size_t funcCount = 0;
        if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
            goto error;
        if (sscanf(line, EXPORT_FUNC_STR "%zu", &funcCount) != 1) {
            ALOGE("Invalid export func count!: %s", line);
            goto error;

        mExportedFunctionCount = funcCount;
        //ALOGE("funcCount: %zu", funcCount);

        if (funcCount > 0) {
            mInvokeFunctions = new InvokeFunc_t[funcCount];
            if (mInvokeFunctions == NULL) {
                goto error;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < funcCount; ++i) {
                if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
                    goto error;
                char *c = strrchr(line, '\n');
                if (c) {
                    *c = '\0';

                mInvokeFunctions[i] = (InvokeFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, line);
                if (mInvokeFunctions[i] == NULL) {
                    ALOGE("Failed to get function address for %s(): %s",
                          line, dlerror());
                    goto error;
                else {
                    //ALOGE("Found InvokeFunc_t %s at %p", line, mInvokeFunctions[i]);

        size_t forEachCount = 0;
        if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
            goto error;
        if (sscanf(line, EXPORT_FOREACH_STR "%zu", &forEachCount) != 1) {
            ALOGE("Invalid export forEach count!: %s", line);
            goto error;

        if (forEachCount > 0) {

            mForEachSignatures = new uint32_t[forEachCount];
            if (mForEachSignatures == NULL) {
                goto error;
            mForEachFunctions = new ForEachFunc_t[forEachCount];
            if (mForEachFunctions == NULL) {
                goto error;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < forEachCount; ++i) {
                unsigned int tmpSig = 0;
                char tmpName[MAXLINE];

                if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
                    goto error;
                if (sscanf(line, "%u - %" MAKE_STR(MAXLINE) "s",
                           &tmpSig, tmpName) != 2) {
                    ALOGE("Invalid export forEach!: %s", line);
                    goto error;

                // Lookup the expanded ForEach kernel.
                strncat(tmpName, ".expand", MAXLINE-1-strlen(tmpName));
                mForEachSignatures[i] = tmpSig;
                mForEachFunctions[i] =
                        (ForEachFunc_t) dlsym(mScriptSO, tmpName);
                if (i != 0 && mForEachFunctions[i] == NULL) {
                    // Ignore missing root.expand functions.
                    // root() is always specified at location 0.
                    ALOGE("Failed to find forEach function address for %s: %s",
                          tmpName, dlerror());
                    goto error;
                else {
                    //ALOGE("Found forEach %s at %p", tmpName, mForEachFunctions[i]);

        size_t objectSlotCount = 0;
        if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
            goto error;
        if (sscanf(line, OBJECT_SLOT_STR "%zu", &objectSlotCount) != 1) {
            ALOGE("Invalid object slot count!: %s", line);
            goto error;

        if (objectSlotCount > 0) {
            rsAssert(varCount > 0);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < objectSlotCount; ++i) {
                uint32_t varNum = 0;
                if (strgets(line, MAXLINE, &rsInfo) == NULL) {
                    goto error;
                if (sscanf(line, "%u", &varNum) != 1) {
                    ALOGE("Invalid object slot!: %s", line);
                    goto error;

                if (varNum < varCount) {
                    mFieldIsObject[varNum] = true;

        if (varCount > 0) {
            mBoundAllocs = new Allocation *[varCount];
            memset(mBoundAllocs, 0, varCount * sizeof(*mBoundAllocs));

        if (mScriptSO == (void*)1) {
            //rsdLookupRuntimeStub(script, "acos");
    } else {
        goto error;
    return true;


    delete[] mInvokeFunctions;
    delete[] mForEachFunctions;
    delete[] mFieldAddress;
    delete[] mFieldIsObject;
    delete[] mForEachSignatures;
    delete[] mBoundAllocs;
    if (mScriptSO) {
    return false;


#ifdef __LP64__
#define SYSLIBPATH "/system/lib64"
#define SYSLIBPATH "/system/lib"

const char* RsdCpuScriptImpl::findCoreLib(const bcinfo::MetadataExtractor& ME, const char* bitcode,
                                          size_t bitcodeSize) {
    const char* defaultLib = SYSLIBPATH"/libclcore.bc";

    // If we're debugging, use the debug library.
    if (mCtx->getContext()->getContextType() == RS_CONTEXT_TYPE_DEBUG) {
        return SYSLIBPATH"/libclcore_debug.bc";

    // If a callback has been registered to specify a library, use that.
    RSSelectRTCallback selectRTCallback = mCtx->getSelectRTCallback();
    if (selectRTCallback != NULL) {
        return selectRTCallback((const char*)bitcode, bitcodeSize);

    // Check for a platform specific library
#if defined(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON) && !defined(DISABLE_CLCORE_NEON)
    enum bcinfo::RSFloatPrecision prec = ME.getRSFloatPrecision();
    if (prec == bcinfo::RS_FP_Relaxed) {
        // NEON-capable ARMv7a devices can use an accelerated math library
        // for all reduced precision scripts.
        // ARMv8 does not use NEON, as ASIMD can be used with all precision
        // levels.
        return SYSLIBPATH"/libclcore_neon.bc";
    } else {
        return defaultLib;
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
    // x86 devices will use an optimized library.
    return SYSLIBPATH"/libclcore_x86.bc";
    return defaultLib;


void RsdCpuScriptImpl::populateScript(Script *script) {
    // Copy info over to runtime
    script->mHal.info.exportedFunctionCount = mExecutable->getExportFuncAddrs().size();
    script->mHal.info.exportedVariableCount = mExecutable->getExportVarAddrs().size();
    script->mHal.info.exportedForeachFuncList = &mExportedForEachFuncList[0];
    script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaCount = mExecutable->getPragmaKeys().size();
    script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaKeyList =
        const_cast<const char**>(mExecutable->getPragmaKeys().array());
    script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaValueList =
        const_cast<const char**>(mExecutable->getPragmaValues().array());

    if (mRootExpand) {
        script->mHal.info.root = mRootExpand;
    } else {
        script->mHal.info.root = mRoot;
    // Copy info over to runtime
    script->mHal.info.exportedFunctionCount = mExportedFunctionCount;
    script->mHal.info.exportedVariableCount = mExportedVariableCount;
    script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaCount = 0;
    script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaKeyList = 0;
    script->mHal.info.exportedPragmaValueList = 0;

    // Bug, need to stash in metadata
    if (mRootExpand) {
        script->mHal.info.root = mRootExpand;
    } else {
        script->mHal.info.root = mRoot;

typedef void (*rs_t)(const void *, void *, const void *, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::forEachMtlsSetup(const Allocation * ain, Allocation * aout,
                                        const void * usr, uint32_t usrLen,
                                        const RsScriptCall *sc,
                                        MTLaunchStruct *mtls) {

    memset(mtls, 0, sizeof(MTLaunchStruct));

    // possible for this to occur if IO_OUTPUT/IO_INPUT with no bound surface
    if (ain && (const uint8_t *)ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == NULL) {
        mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null in allocations");
    if (aout && (const uint8_t *)aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == NULL) {
        mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null out allocations");

    if (ain != NULL) {
        const Type *inType = ain->getType();

        mtls->fep.dimX = inType->getDimX();
        mtls->fep.dimY = inType->getDimY();
        mtls->fep.dimZ = inType->getDimZ();

    } else if (aout != NULL) {
        const Type *outType = aout->getType();

        mtls->fep.dimX = outType->getDimX();
        mtls->fep.dimY = outType->getDimY();
        mtls->fep.dimZ = outType->getDimZ();

    } else {
        mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null allocations");

    if (ain != NULL && aout != NULL) {
        if (!ain->hasSameDims(aout)) {
              "Failed to launch kernel; dimensions of input and output allocations do not match.");


    if (!sc || (sc->xEnd == 0)) {
        mtls->xEnd = mtls->fep.dimX;
    } else {
        rsAssert(sc->xStart < mtls->fep.dimX);
        rsAssert(sc->xEnd <= mtls->fep.dimX);
        rsAssert(sc->xStart < sc->xEnd);
        mtls->xStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimX, sc->xStart);
        mtls->xEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimX, sc->xEnd);
        if (mtls->xStart >= mtls->xEnd) return;

    if (!sc || (sc->yEnd == 0)) {
        mtls->yEnd = mtls->fep.dimY;
    } else {
        rsAssert(sc->yStart < mtls->fep.dimY);
        rsAssert(sc->yEnd <= mtls->fep.dimY);
        rsAssert(sc->yStart < sc->yEnd);
        mtls->yStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimY, sc->yStart);
        mtls->yEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimY, sc->yEnd);
        if (mtls->yStart >= mtls->yEnd) return;

    if (!sc || (sc->zEnd == 0)) {
        mtls->zEnd = mtls->fep.dimZ;
    } else {
        rsAssert(sc->zStart < mtls->fep.dimZ);
        rsAssert(sc->zEnd <= mtls->fep.dimZ);
        rsAssert(sc->zStart < sc->zEnd);
        mtls->zStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimZ, sc->zStart);
        mtls->zEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimZ, sc->zEnd);
        if (mtls->zStart >= mtls->zEnd) return;

    mtls->xEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->xEnd);
    mtls->yEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->yEnd);
    mtls->zEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->zEnd);
    mtls->arrayEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->arrayEnd);

    rsAssert(!ain || (ain->getType()->getDimZ() == 0));

    mtls->rsc = mCtx;
    mtls->ain = ain;
    mtls->aout = aout;
    mtls->fep.usr = usr;
    mtls->fep.usrLen = usrLen;
    mtls->mSliceSize = 1;
    mtls->mSliceNum = 0;

    mtls->fep.ptrIn = NULL;
    mtls->fep.eStrideIn = 0;
    mtls->isThreadable = mIsThreadable;

    if (ain) {
        mtls->fep.ptrIn = (const uint8_t *)ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr;
        mtls->fep.eStrideIn = ain->getType()->getElementSizeBytes();
        mtls->fep.yStrideIn = ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].stride;

    mtls->fep.ptrOut = NULL;
    mtls->fep.eStrideOut = 0;
    if (aout) {
        mtls->fep.ptrOut = (uint8_t *)aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr;
        mtls->fep.eStrideOut = aout->getType()->getElementSizeBytes();
        mtls->fep.yStrideOut = aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].stride;

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::forEachMtlsSetup(const Allocation ** ains, uint32_t inLen,
                                        Allocation * aout,
                                        const void * usr, uint32_t usrLen,
                                        const RsScriptCall *sc,
                                        MTLaunchStruct *mtls) {

    memset(mtls, 0, sizeof(MTLaunchStruct));

    // possible for this to occur if IO_OUTPUT/IO_INPUT with no bound surface
    if (ains != NULL) {
        for (int index = inLen; --index >= 0;) {
            const Allocation* ain = ains[index];

            if (ain != NULL && (const uint8_t *)ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == NULL) {
                mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null in allocations");

    if (aout && (const uint8_t *)aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == NULL) {
        mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null out allocations");

    if (ains != NULL) {
        const Allocation *ain0   = ains[0];
        const Type       *inType = ain0->getType();

        mtls->fep.dimX = inType->getDimX();
        mtls->fep.dimY = inType->getDimY();
        mtls->fep.dimZ = inType->getDimZ();

        for (int Index = inLen; --Index >= 1;) {
            if (!ain0->hasSameDims(ains[Index])) {
                  "Failed to launch kernel; dimensions of input and output allocations do not match.");


    } else if (aout != NULL) {
        const Type *outType = aout->getType();

        mtls->fep.dimX = outType->getDimX();
        mtls->fep.dimY = outType->getDimY();
        mtls->fep.dimZ = outType->getDimZ();

    } else {
        mCtx->getContext()->setError(RS_ERROR_BAD_SCRIPT, "rsForEach called with null allocations");

    if (ains != NULL && aout != NULL) {
        if (!ains[0]->hasSameDims(aout)) {
              "Failed to launch kernel; dimensions of input and output allocations do not match.");


    if (!sc || (sc->xEnd == 0)) {
        mtls->xEnd = mtls->fep.dimX;
    } else {
        rsAssert(sc->xStart < mtls->fep.dimX);
        rsAssert(sc->xEnd <= mtls->fep.dimX);
        rsAssert(sc->xStart < sc->xEnd);
        mtls->xStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimX, sc->xStart);
        mtls->xEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimX, sc->xEnd);
        if (mtls->xStart >= mtls->xEnd) return;

    if (!sc || (sc->yEnd == 0)) {
        mtls->yEnd = mtls->fep.dimY;
    } else {
        rsAssert(sc->yStart < mtls->fep.dimY);
        rsAssert(sc->yEnd <= mtls->fep.dimY);
        rsAssert(sc->yStart < sc->yEnd);
        mtls->yStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimY, sc->yStart);
        mtls->yEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimY, sc->yEnd);
        if (mtls->yStart >= mtls->yEnd) return;

    if (!sc || (sc->zEnd == 0)) {
        mtls->zEnd = mtls->fep.dimZ;
    } else {
        rsAssert(sc->zStart < mtls->fep.dimZ);
        rsAssert(sc->zEnd <= mtls->fep.dimZ);
        rsAssert(sc->zStart < sc->zEnd);
        mtls->zStart = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimZ, sc->zStart);
        mtls->zEnd = rsMin(mtls->fep.dimZ, sc->zEnd);
        if (mtls->zStart >= mtls->zEnd) return;

    mtls->xEnd     = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->xEnd);
    mtls->yEnd     = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->yEnd);
    mtls->zEnd     = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->zEnd);
    mtls->arrayEnd = rsMax((uint32_t)1, mtls->arrayEnd);

    rsAssert(!ains || (ains[0]->getType()->getDimZ() == 0));

    mtls->rsc        = mCtx;
    mtls->ains       = ains;
    mtls->aout       = aout;
    mtls->fep.usr    = usr;
    mtls->fep.usrLen = usrLen;
    mtls->mSliceSize = 1;
    mtls->mSliceNum  = 0;

    mtls->fep.ptrIns    = NULL;
    mtls->fep.eStrideIn = 0;
    mtls->isThreadable  = mIsThreadable;

    if (ains) {
        mtls->fep.ptrIns    = new const uint8_t*[inLen];
        mtls->fep.inStrides = new StridePair[inLen];

        for (int index = inLen; --index >= 0;) {
            const Allocation *ain = ains[index];

            mtls->fep.ptrIns[index] =
              (const uint8_t*)ain->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr;

            mtls->fep.inStrides[index].eStride =
            mtls->fep.inStrides[index].yStride =

    mtls->fep.ptrOut = NULL;
    mtls->fep.eStrideOut = 0;
    if (aout) {
        mtls->fep.ptrOut     = (uint8_t *)aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr;
        mtls->fep.eStrideOut = aout->getType()->getElementSizeBytes();
        mtls->fep.yStrideOut = aout->mHal.drvState.lod[0].stride;

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeForEach(uint32_t slot,
                                     const Allocation * ain,
                                     Allocation * aout,
                                     const void * usr,
                                     uint32_t usrLen,
                                     const RsScriptCall *sc) {

    MTLaunchStruct mtls;
    forEachMtlsSetup(ain, aout, usr, usrLen, sc, &mtls);
    forEachKernelSetup(slot, &mtls);

    RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this);
    mCtx->launchThreads(ain, aout, sc, &mtls);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeForEachMulti(uint32_t slot,
                                          const Allocation ** ains,
                                          uint32_t inLen,
                                          Allocation * aout,
                                          const void * usr,
                                          uint32_t usrLen,
                                          const RsScriptCall *sc) {

    MTLaunchStruct mtls;

    forEachMtlsSetup(ains, inLen, aout, usr, usrLen, sc, &mtls);
    forEachKernelSetup(slot, &mtls);

    RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this);
    mCtx->launchThreads(ains, inLen, aout, sc, &mtls);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::forEachKernelSetup(uint32_t slot, MTLaunchStruct *mtls) {
    mtls->script = this;
    mtls->fep.slot = slot;
    rsAssert(slot < mExecutable->getExportForeachFuncAddrs().size());
    mtls->kernel = reinterpret_cast<ForEachFunc_t>(
    rsAssert(mtls->kernel != NULL);
    mtls->sig = mExecutable->getInfo().getExportForeachFuncs()[slot].second;
    mtls->kernel = reinterpret_cast<ForEachFunc_t>(mForEachFunctions[slot]);
    rsAssert(mtls->kernel != NULL);
    mtls->sig = mForEachSignatures[slot];

int RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeRoot() {
    RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this);
    int ret = mRoot();
    return ret;

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeInit() {
    if (mInit) {

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeFreeChildren() {
    if (mFreeChildren) {

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::invokeFunction(uint32_t slot, const void *params,
                                      size_t paramLength) {
    //ALOGE("invoke %p %p %i %p %i", dc, script, slot, params, paramLength);

    RsdCpuScriptImpl * oldTLS = mCtx->setTLS(this);
    reinterpret_cast<void (*)(const void *, uint32_t)>(
        mExecutable->getExportFuncAddrs()[slot])(params, paramLength);
        mInvokeFunctions[slot])(params, paramLength);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength) {
    //ALOGE("setGlobalVar %p %p %i %p %i", dc, script, slot, data, dataLength);

    //if (mIntrinsicID) {
        //mIntrinsicFuncs.setVar(dc, script, drv->mIntrinsicData, slot, data, dataLength);

    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(
    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]);
    if (!destPtr) {
        //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot);

    memcpy(destPtr, data, dataLength);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::getGlobalVar(uint32_t slot, void *data, size_t dataLength) {
    //ALOGE("getGlobalVar %p %p %i %p %i", dc, script, slot, data, dataLength);

    int32_t *srcPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(
    int32_t *srcPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]);
    if (!srcPtr) {
        //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot);
    memcpy(data, srcPtr, dataLength);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalVarWithElemDims(uint32_t slot, const void *data, size_t dataLength,
                                                const Element *elem,
                                                const uint32_t *dims, size_t dimLength) {

    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(
    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]);
    if (!destPtr) {
        //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot);

    // We want to look at dimension in terms of integer components,
    // but dimLength is given in terms of bytes.
    dimLength /= sizeof(int);

    // Only a single dimension is currently supported.
    rsAssert(dimLength == 1);
    if (dimLength == 1) {
        // First do the increment loop.
        size_t stride = elem->getSizeBytes();
        const char *cVal = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
            cVal += stride;

        // Decrement loop comes after (to prevent race conditions).
        char *oldVal = reinterpret_cast<char *>(destPtr);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
            oldVal += stride;

    memcpy(destPtr, data, dataLength);

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalBind(uint32_t slot, Allocation *data) {

    //ALOGE("setGlobalBind %p %p %i %p", dc, script, slot, data);

    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(
    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]);
    if (!destPtr) {
        //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot);

    void *ptr = NULL;
    mBoundAllocs[slot] = data;
    if(data) {
        ptr = data->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr;
    memcpy(destPtr, &ptr, sizeof(void *));

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::setGlobalObj(uint32_t slot, ObjectBase *data) {

    //ALOGE("setGlobalObj %p %p %i %p", dc, script, slot, data);

    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(
    int32_t *destPtr = reinterpret_cast<int32_t *>(mFieldAddress[slot]);

    if (!destPtr) {
        //ALOGV("Calling setVar on slot = %i which is null", slot);

    rsrSetObject(mCtx->getContext(), (rs_object_base *)destPtr, data);

RsdCpuScriptImpl::~RsdCpuScriptImpl() {
    if (mExecutable) {
        Vector<void *>::const_iterator var_addr_iter =
        Vector<void *>::const_iterator var_addr_end =

        bcc::RSInfo::ObjectSlotListTy::const_iterator is_object_iter =
        bcc::RSInfo::ObjectSlotListTy::const_iterator is_object_end =

        while ((var_addr_iter != var_addr_end) &&
               (is_object_iter != is_object_end)) {
            // The field address can be NULL if the script-side has optimized
            // the corresponding global variable away.
            rs_object_base *obj_addr =
                reinterpret_cast<rs_object_base *>(*var_addr_iter);
            if (*is_object_iter) {
                if (*var_addr_iter != NULL && mCtx->getContext() != NULL) {
                    rsrClearObject(mCtx->getContext(), obj_addr);

    if (mCompilerContext) {
        delete mCompilerContext;
    if (mCompilerDriver) {
        delete mCompilerDriver;
    if (mExecutable) {
        delete mExecutable;
    if (mBoundAllocs) {
        delete[] mBoundAllocs;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < mExportedForEachFuncList.size(); i++) {
        delete[] mExportedForEachFuncList[i].first;
    if (mFieldIsObject) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mExportedVariableCount; ++i) {
            if (mFieldIsObject[i]) {
                if (mFieldAddress[i] != NULL) {
                    rs_object_base *obj_addr =
                        reinterpret_cast<rs_object_base *>(mFieldAddress[i]);
                    rsrClearObject(mCtx->getContext(), obj_addr);

    if (mInvokeFunctions) delete[] mInvokeFunctions;
    if (mForEachFunctions) delete[] mForEachFunctions;
    if (mFieldAddress) delete[] mFieldAddress;
    if (mFieldIsObject) delete[] mFieldIsObject;
    if (mForEachSignatures) delete[] mForEachSignatures;
    if (mBoundAllocs) delete[] mBoundAllocs;
    if (mScriptSO) {

Allocation * RsdCpuScriptImpl::getAllocationForPointer(const void *ptr) const {
    if (!ptr) {
        return NULL;

    for (uint32_t ct=0; ct < mScript->mHal.info.exportedVariableCount; ct++) {
        Allocation *a = mBoundAllocs[ct];
        if (!a) continue;
        if (a->mHal.drvState.lod[0].mallocPtr == ptr) {
            return a;
    ALOGE("rsGetAllocation, failed to find %p", ptr);
    return NULL;

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::preLaunch(uint32_t slot, const Allocation * ain,
                       Allocation * aout, const void * usr,
                       uint32_t usrLen, const RsScriptCall *sc)

void RsdCpuScriptImpl::postLaunch(uint32_t slot, const Allocation * ain,
                        Allocation * aout, const void * usr,
                        uint32_t usrLen, const RsScriptCall *sc)
