* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <dirent.h>
#define LOG_TAG "InterfaceController"
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include <logwrap/logwrap.h>
#include "InterfaceController.h"
#include "RouteController.h"
const char ipv6_proc_path[] = "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf";
const char sys_net_path[] = "/sys/class/net";
const char wl_util_path[] = "/system/xbin/wlutil";
InterfaceController::InterfaceController() {
// Initial IPv6 settings.
// By default, accept_ra is set to 1 (accept RAs unless forwarding is on) on all interfaces.
// This causes RAs to work or not work based on whether forwarding is on, and causes routes
// learned from RAs to go away when forwarding is turned on. Make this behaviour predictable
// by always setting accept_ra to 2.
// Enable optimistic DAD for IPv6 addresses on all interfaces.
InterfaceController::~InterfaceController() {
int InterfaceController::writeIPv6ProcPath(const char *interface, const char *setting, const char *value) {
char *path;
if (!isIfaceName(interface)) {
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
asprintf(&path, "%s/%s/%s", ipv6_proc_path, interface, setting);
int success = writeFile(path, value, strlen(value));
return success;
int InterfaceController::setEnableIPv6(const char *interface, const int on) {
// When disable_ipv6 changes from 1 to 0, the kernel starts autoconf.
// When disable_ipv6 changes from 0 to 1, the kernel clears all autoconf
// addresses and routes and disables IPv6 on the interface.
const char *disable_ipv6 = on ? "0" : "1";
return writeIPv6ProcPath(interface, "disable_ipv6", disable_ipv6);
int InterfaceController::setIPv6PrivacyExtensions(const char *interface, const int on) {
// 0: disable IPv6 privacy addresses
// 0: enable IPv6 privacy addresses and prefer them over non-privacy ones.
return writeIPv6ProcPath(interface, "use_tempaddr", on ? "2" : "0");
// Enables or disables IPv6 ND offload. This is useful for 464xlat on wifi, IPv6 tethering, and
// generally implementing IPv6 neighbour discovery and duplicate address detection properly.
// TODO: This should be implemented in wpa_supplicant via driver commands instead.
int InterfaceController::setIPv6NdOffload(char* interface, const int on) {
// Only supported on Broadcom chipsets via wlutil for now.
if (access(wl_util_path, X_OK) == 0) {
const char *argv[] = {
on ? "1" : "0"
int ret = android_fork_execvp(ARRAY_SIZE(argv), const_cast<char**>(argv), NULL,
false, false);
ALOGD("%s ND offload on %s: %d (%s)",
(on ? "enabling" : "disabling"), interface, ret, strerror(errno));
return ret;
} else {
return 0;
int InterfaceController::isInterfaceName(const char *name) {
return strcmp(name, ".") &&
strcmp(name, "..") &&
strcmp(name, "default") &&
strcmp(name, "all");
void InterfaceController::setOnAllInterfaces(const char* filename, const char* value) {
// Set the default value, which is used by any interfaces that are created in the future.
writeIPv6ProcPath("default", filename, value);
// Set the value on all the interfaces that currently exist.
DIR* dir = opendir(ipv6_proc_path);
if (!dir) {
ALOGE("Can't list %s: %s", ipv6_proc_path, strerror(errno));
dirent* d;
while ((d = readdir(dir))) {
if (d->d_type == DT_DIR && isInterfaceName(d->d_name)) {
writeIPv6ProcPath(d->d_name, filename, value);
void InterfaceController::setAcceptRA(const char *value) {
setOnAllInterfaces("accept_ra", value);
// |tableOrOffset| is interpreted as:
// If == 0: default. Routes go into RT6_TABLE_MAIN.
// If > 0: user set. Routes go into the specified table.
// If < 0: automatic. The absolute value is intepreted as an offset and added to the interface
// ID to get the table. If it's set to -1000, routes from interface ID 5 will go into
// table 1005, etc.
void InterfaceController::setAcceptRARouteTable(int tableOrOffset) {
char* value;
asprintf(&value, "%d", tableOrOffset);
setOnAllInterfaces("accept_ra_rt_table", value);
int InterfaceController::setMtu(const char *interface, const char *mtu)
char *path;
if (!isIfaceName(interface)) {
errno = ENOENT;
return -1;
asprintf(&path, "%s/%s/mtu", sys_net_path, interface);
int success = writeFile(path, mtu, strlen(mtu));
return success;
void InterfaceController::setIPv6OptimisticMode(const char *value) {
setOnAllInterfaces("optimistic_dad", value);
setOnAllInterfaces("use_optimistic", value);