/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ART_COMPILER_UTILS_TEST_DEX_FILE_BUILDER_H_ #define ART_COMPILER_UTILS_TEST_DEX_FILE_BUILDER_H_ #include <cstring> #include <set> #include <map> #include <vector> #include "base/bit_utils.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "dex_file.h" namespace art { class TestDexFileBuilder { public: TestDexFileBuilder() : strings_(), types_(), fields_(), protos_(), dex_file_data_() { } void AddString(const std::string& str) { CHECK(dex_file_data_.empty()); auto it = strings_.emplace(str, IdxAndDataOffset()).first; CHECK_LT(it->first.length(), 128u); // Don't allow multi-byte length in uleb128. } void AddType(const std::string& descriptor) { CHECK(dex_file_data_.empty()); AddString(descriptor); types_.emplace(descriptor, 0u); } void AddField(const std::string& class_descriptor, const std::string& type, const std::string& name) { CHECK(dex_file_data_.empty()); AddType(class_descriptor); AddType(type); AddString(name); FieldKey key = { class_descriptor, type, name }; fields_.emplace(key, 0u); } void AddMethod(const std::string& class_descriptor, const std::string& signature, const std::string& name) { CHECK(dex_file_data_.empty()); AddType(class_descriptor); AddString(name); ProtoKey proto_key = CreateProtoKey(signature); AddString(proto_key.shorty); AddType(proto_key.return_type); for (const auto& arg_type : proto_key.args) { AddType(arg_type); } auto it = protos_.emplace(proto_key, IdxAndDataOffset()).first; const ProtoKey* proto = &it->first; // Valid as long as the element remains in protos_. MethodKey method_key = { class_descriptor, name, proto }; methods_.emplace(method_key, 0u); } // NOTE: The builder holds the actual data, so it must live as long as the dex file. std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> Build(const std::string& dex_location) { CHECK(dex_file_data_.empty()); union { uint8_t data[sizeof(DexFile::Header)]; uint64_t force_alignment; } header_data; std::memset(header_data.data, 0, sizeof(header_data.data)); DexFile::Header* header = reinterpret_cast<DexFile::Header*>(&header_data.data); std::copy_n(DexFile::kDexMagic, 4u, header->magic_); std::copy_n(DexFile::kDexMagicVersion, 4u, header->magic_ + 4u); header->header_size_ = sizeof(header); header->endian_tag_ = DexFile::kDexEndianConstant; header->link_size_ = 0u; // Unused. header->link_off_ = 0u; // Unused. header->map_off_ = 0u; // Unused. uint32_t data_section_size = 0u; uint32_t string_ids_offset = sizeof(DexFile::Header); uint32_t string_idx = 0u; for (auto& entry : strings_) { entry.second.idx = string_idx; string_idx += 1u; entry.second.data_offset = data_section_size; data_section_size += entry.first.length() + 1u /* length */ + 1u /* null-terminator */; } header->string_ids_size_ = strings_.size(); header->string_ids_off_ = strings_.empty() ? 0u : string_ids_offset; uint32_t type_ids_offset = string_ids_offset + strings_.size() * sizeof(DexFile::StringId); uint32_t type_idx = 0u; for (auto& entry : types_) { entry.second = type_idx; type_idx += 1u; } header->type_ids_size_ = types_.size(); header->type_ids_off_ = types_.empty() ? 0u : type_ids_offset; uint32_t proto_ids_offset = type_ids_offset + types_.size() * sizeof(DexFile::TypeId); uint32_t proto_idx = 0u; for (auto& entry : protos_) { entry.second.idx = proto_idx; proto_idx += 1u; size_t num_args = entry.first.args.size(); if (num_args != 0u) { entry.second.data_offset = RoundUp(data_section_size, 4u); data_section_size = entry.second.data_offset + 4u + num_args * sizeof(DexFile::TypeItem); } else { entry.second.data_offset = 0u; } } header->proto_ids_size_ = protos_.size(); header->proto_ids_off_ = protos_.empty() ? 0u : proto_ids_offset; uint32_t field_ids_offset = proto_ids_offset + protos_.size() * sizeof(DexFile::ProtoId); uint32_t field_idx = 0u; for (auto& entry : fields_) { entry.second = field_idx; field_idx += 1u; } header->field_ids_size_ = fields_.size(); header->field_ids_off_ = fields_.empty() ? 0u : field_ids_offset; uint32_t method_ids_offset = field_ids_offset + fields_.size() * sizeof(DexFile::FieldId); uint32_t method_idx = 0u; for (auto& entry : methods_) { entry.second = method_idx; method_idx += 1u; } header->method_ids_size_ = methods_.size(); header->method_ids_off_ = methods_.empty() ? 0u : method_ids_offset; // No class defs. header->class_defs_size_ = 0u; header->class_defs_off_ = 0u; uint32_t data_section_offset = method_ids_offset + methods_.size() * sizeof(DexFile::MethodId); header->data_size_ = data_section_size; header->data_off_ = (data_section_size != 0u) ? data_section_offset : 0u; uint32_t total_size = data_section_offset + data_section_size; dex_file_data_.resize(total_size); std::memcpy(&dex_file_data_[0], header_data.data, sizeof(DexFile::Header)); for (const auto& entry : strings_) { CHECK_LT(entry.first.size(), 128u); uint32_t raw_offset = data_section_offset + entry.second.data_offset; dex_file_data_[raw_offset] = static_cast<uint8_t>(entry.first.size()); std::memcpy(&dex_file_data_[raw_offset + 1], entry.first.c_str(), entry.first.size() + 1); Write32(string_ids_offset + entry.second.idx * sizeof(DexFile::StringId), raw_offset); } for (const auto& entry : types_) { Write32(type_ids_offset + entry.second * sizeof(DexFile::TypeId), GetStringIdx(entry.first)); ++type_idx; } for (const auto& entry : protos_) { size_t num_args = entry.first.args.size(); uint32_t type_list_offset = (num_args != 0u) ? data_section_offset + entry.second.data_offset : 0u; uint32_t raw_offset = proto_ids_offset + entry.second.idx * sizeof(DexFile::ProtoId); Write32(raw_offset + 0u, GetStringIdx(entry.first.shorty)); Write16(raw_offset + 4u, GetTypeIdx(entry.first.return_type)); Write32(raw_offset + 8u, type_list_offset); if (num_args != 0u) { CHECK_NE(entry.second.data_offset, 0u); Write32(type_list_offset, num_args); for (size_t i = 0; i != num_args; ++i) { Write16(type_list_offset + 4u + i * sizeof(DexFile::TypeItem), GetTypeIdx(entry.first.args[i])); } } } for (const auto& entry : fields_) { uint32_t raw_offset = field_ids_offset + entry.second * sizeof(DexFile::FieldId); Write16(raw_offset + 0u, GetTypeIdx(entry.first.class_descriptor)); Write16(raw_offset + 2u, GetTypeIdx(entry.first.type)); Write32(raw_offset + 4u, GetStringIdx(entry.first.name)); } for (const auto& entry : methods_) { uint32_t raw_offset = method_ids_offset + entry.second * sizeof(DexFile::MethodId); Write16(raw_offset + 0u, GetTypeIdx(entry.first.class_descriptor)); auto it = protos_.find(*entry.first.proto); CHECK(it != protos_.end()); Write16(raw_offset + 2u, it->second.idx); Write32(raw_offset + 4u, GetStringIdx(entry.first.name)); } // Leave checksum and signature as zeros. std::string error_msg; std::unique_ptr<const DexFile> dex_file(DexFile::Open( &dex_file_data_[0], dex_file_data_.size(), dex_location, 0u, nullptr, &error_msg)); CHECK(dex_file != nullptr) << error_msg; return std::move(dex_file); } uint32_t GetStringIdx(const std::string& type) { auto it = strings_.find(type); CHECK(it != strings_.end()); return it->second.idx; } uint32_t GetTypeIdx(const std::string& type) { auto it = types_.find(type); CHECK(it != types_.end()); return it->second; } uint32_t GetFieldIdx(const std::string& class_descriptor, const std::string& type, const std::string& name) { FieldKey key = { class_descriptor, type, name }; auto it = fields_.find(key); CHECK(it != fields_.end()); return it->second; } uint32_t GetMethodIdx(const std::string& class_descriptor, const std::string& signature, const std::string& name) { ProtoKey proto_key = CreateProtoKey(signature); MethodKey method_key = { class_descriptor, name, &proto_key }; auto it = methods_.find(method_key); CHECK(it != methods_.end()); return it->second; } private: struct IdxAndDataOffset { uint32_t idx; uint32_t data_offset; }; struct FieldKey { const std::string class_descriptor; const std::string type; const std::string name; }; struct FieldKeyComparator { bool operator()(const FieldKey& lhs, const FieldKey& rhs) const { if (lhs.class_descriptor != rhs.class_descriptor) { return lhs.class_descriptor < rhs.class_descriptor; } if (lhs.name != rhs.name) { return lhs.name < rhs.name; } return lhs.type < rhs.type; } }; struct ProtoKey { std::string shorty; std::string return_type; std::vector<std::string> args; }; struct ProtoKeyComparator { bool operator()(const ProtoKey& lhs, const ProtoKey& rhs) const { if (lhs.return_type != rhs.return_type) { return lhs.return_type < rhs.return_type; } size_t min_args = std::min(lhs.args.size(), rhs.args.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i != min_args; ++i) { if (lhs.args[i] != rhs.args[i]) { return lhs.args[i] < rhs.args[i]; } } return lhs.args.size() < rhs.args.size(); } }; struct MethodKey { std::string class_descriptor; std::string name; const ProtoKey* proto; }; struct MethodKeyComparator { bool operator()(const MethodKey& lhs, const MethodKey& rhs) const { if (lhs.class_descriptor != rhs.class_descriptor) { return lhs.class_descriptor < rhs.class_descriptor; } if (lhs.name != rhs.name) { return lhs.name < rhs.name; } return ProtoKeyComparator()(*lhs.proto, *rhs.proto); } }; ProtoKey CreateProtoKey(const std::string& signature) { CHECK_EQ(signature[0], '('); const char* args = signature.c_str() + 1; const char* args_end = std::strchr(args, ')'); CHECK(args_end != nullptr); const char* return_type = args_end + 1; ProtoKey key = { std::string() + ((*return_type == '[') ? 'L' : *return_type), return_type, std::vector<std::string>() }; while (args != args_end) { key.shorty += (*args == '[') ? 'L' : *args; const char* arg_start = args; while (*args == '[') { ++args; } if (*args == 'L') { do { ++args; CHECK_NE(args, args_end); } while (*args != ';'); } ++args; key.args.emplace_back(arg_start, args); } return key; } void Write32(size_t offset, uint32_t value) { CHECK_LE(offset + 4u, dex_file_data_.size()); CHECK_EQ(dex_file_data_[offset + 0], 0u); CHECK_EQ(dex_file_data_[offset + 1], 0u); CHECK_EQ(dex_file_data_[offset + 2], 0u); CHECK_EQ(dex_file_data_[offset + 3], 0u); dex_file_data_[offset + 0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 0); dex_file_data_[offset + 1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 8); dex_file_data_[offset + 2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 16); dex_file_data_[offset + 3] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 24); } void Write16(size_t offset, uint32_t value) { CHECK_LE(value, 0xffffu); CHECK_LE(offset + 2u, dex_file_data_.size()); CHECK_EQ(dex_file_data_[offset + 0], 0u); CHECK_EQ(dex_file_data_[offset + 1], 0u); dex_file_data_[offset + 0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 0); dex_file_data_[offset + 1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 8); } std::map<std::string, IdxAndDataOffset> strings_; std::map<std::string, uint32_t> types_; std::map<FieldKey, uint32_t, FieldKeyComparator> fields_; std::map<ProtoKey, IdxAndDataOffset, ProtoKeyComparator> protos_; std::map<MethodKey, uint32_t, MethodKeyComparator> methods_; std::vector<uint8_t> dex_file_data_; }; } // namespace art #endif // ART_COMPILER_UTILS_TEST_DEX_FILE_BUILDER_H_