# # Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Debug configuration (development and continuous testing) # # We run in debug mode to get more error checking and enable JDWP verbose logs # to investigate failures during testing. # Target settings jdwp_test_classpath_target := /data/jdwp/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests.jar:/data/junit/junit-targetdex.jar jdwp_test_runtime_bin_target := dalvikvm # Host settings jdwp_test_classpath_host := $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests-hostdex.jar:$(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/junit-hostdex.jar jdwp_test_runtime_bin_host := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/art # Common runtime settings for runner and debuggee. jdwp_test_common_runtime_options := -XXlib:libartd.so -Xcompiler-option --debuggable # Debuggee runtime options jdwp_test_runtime_options := -verbose:jdwp #jdwp_test_runtime_options += -Xint # interpret-only mode #jdwp_test_runtime_options += -Xnoimage-dex2oat # imageless mode #jdwp_test_runtime_options += -Xcompiler-option --compiler-backend=Optimizing # optimizing compiler #jdwp_test_runtime_options += -verbose:threads # Test suite class name jdwp_test_suite_class_name := org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.share.AllTests # The lists of ABIs supported on host and target. jdwp_tests_host_abis := jdwp_tests_target_abis := ifneq ($(HOST_PREFER_32_BIT),true) jdwp_tests_host_abis := 64 32 else jdwp_tests_host_abis := 32 endif ifdef TARGET_2ND_ARCH ifeq ($(TARGET_IS_64_BIT),true) jdwp_tests_target_abis := 64 32 else $(error Unsupported multi-target configuration!) endif else ifeq ($(TARGET_IS_64_BIT),true) jdwp_tests_target_abis := 64 else jdwp_tests_target_abis := 32 endif endif jdwp_tests_host_dependencies := \ $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/art \ $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests-hostdex.jar \ $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/junit-hostdex.jar jdwp_tests_target_dependencies := \ $(TARGET_OUT_DATA)/jdwp/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests.jar \ $(TARGET_OUT_DATA)/junit/junit-targetdex.jar # Define a JDWP host rule # # $(1) ABI (32 or 64) # $(2) rule name (ex: run-jdwp-tests-host32) # $(3) extra dependency rule (ex: run-jdwp-tests-host-all64) define define-jdwp-host-rule .PHONY: $(2) $(2): jdwp_test_runtime_host := $(jdwp_test_runtime_bin_host) --$(1) $(jdwp_test_common_runtime_options) $(2): $(jdwp_tests_host_dependencies) $(3) $(hide) echo "Running JDWP $(1)-bit host tests" $$(jdwp_test_runtime_host) -cp $(jdwp_test_classpath_host) \ $(jdwp_test_target_runtime_common_args) \ -Djpda.settings.debuggeeJavaPath='$$(jdwp_test_runtime_host) $(jdwp_test_runtime_options)' \ $(jdwp_test_suite_class_name) endef # Declare all JDWP host rules # # $(1) ABI (32 or 64) define declare-jdwp-host-rule # Declare standalone host rule for the given ABI. $(eval $(call define-jdwp-host-rule,$(1),run-jdwp-tests-host$(1),)) # Declare variant host rule for run-jdwp-tests-host. It depends on the previous abi rule(s) # so all ABIs are tested. $(eval $(call define-jdwp-host-rule,$(1),run-jdwp-tests-host-all$(1),$(jdwp_tests_previous_host_rule))) jdwp_tests_previous_host_rule := run-jdwp-tests-host-all$(1) endef # Waits for device to boot completely. define wait-for-boot-complete $(hide) echo "Wait for boot complete ..." $(hide) while [ `adb wait-for-device shell getprop dev.bootcomplete | grep -c 1` -eq 0 ]; \ do \ sleep 1; \ done $(hide) echo "Boot complete" endef # Define a JDWP target rule # # $(1) ABI (32 or 64) # $(2) rule name (ex: run-jdwp-tests-target32) # $(3) extra dependency rule (ex: run-jdwp-tests-target-all64) define define-jdwp-target-rule .PHONY: $(2) $(2): jdwp_test_runtime_target := $(jdwp_test_runtime_bin_target)$(1) $(jdwp_test_common_runtime_options) $(2): $(jdwp_tests_target_dependencies) $(3) $(hide) echo "Running JDWP $(1)-bit target tests" adb root adb wait-for-device shell stop adb remount adb sync adb reboot $$(call wait-for-boot-complete) adb shell $$(jdwp_test_runtime_target) -cp $(jdwp_test_classpath_target) \ $(jdwp_test_target_runtime_common_args) \ -Djpda.settings.debuggeeJavaPath='$$(jdwp_test_runtime_target) $(jdwp_test_runtime_options)' \ $(jdwp_test_suite_class_name) endef # Declare all JDWP target rules # # $(1) ABI (32 or 64) define declare-jdwp-target-rule # Declare standalone target rule for the given ABI. $(eval $(call define-jdwp-target-rule,$(1),run-jdwp-tests-target$(1),)) # Declare variant target rule for run-jdwp-tests-target. It depends on the previous abi rule(s) # so all ABIs are tested. $(eval $(call define-jdwp-target-rule,$(1),run-jdwp-tests-target-all$(1),$(jdwp_tests_previous_target_rule))) jdwp_tests_previous_target_rule := run-jdwp-tests-target-all$(1) endef # Declare host and target rules for each ABI $(foreach abi,$(jdwp_tests_host_abis),$(eval $(call declare-jdwp-host-rule,$(abi)))) $(foreach abi,$(jdwp_tests_target_abis),$(eval $(call declare-jdwp-target-rule,$(abi)))) # High level host and target rules running tests for each ABI. .PHONY: run-jdwp-tests-host run-jdwp-tests-host: $(jdwp_tests_previous_host_rule) .PHONY: run-jdwp-tests-target run-jdwp-tests-target: $(jdwp_tests_previous_target_rule) jdwp_tests_host_abis := jdwp_tests_target_abis := jdwp_tests_host_dependencies := jdwp_tests_target_dependencies := .PHONY: run-jdwp-tests-ri run-jdwp-tests-ri: $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests-host.jar $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/junit.jar $(hide) java -cp $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/apache-harmony-jdwp-tests-host.jar:$(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/junit.jar \ -Djpda.settings.verbose=true \ -Djpda.settings.syncPort=34016 \ -Djpda.settings.debuggeeJavaPath=java \ $(jdwp_test_suite_class_name)