// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#pragma once

#include <utils/String16.h>

#include "proxy_resolver_js_bindings.h"

namespace net {

typedef void* RequestHandle;
typedef void* CompletionCallback;

#define OK 0
#define ERR_FAILED -2

class ProxyErrorListener {
  virtual ~ProxyErrorListener() {}
  virtual void AlertMessage(android::String16 message) = 0;
  virtual void ErrorMessage(android::String16 error) = 0;

// Implementation of ProxyResolver that uses V8 to evaluate PAC scripts.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// !!! Important note on threading model:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There can be only one instance of V8 running at a time. To enforce this
// constraint, ProxyResolverV8 holds a v8::Locker during execution. Therefore
// it is OK to run multiple instances of ProxyResolverV8 on different threads,
// since only one will be running inside V8 at a time.
// It is important that *ALL* instances of V8 in the process be using
// v8::Locker. If not there can be race conditions beween the non-locked V8
// instances and the locked V8 instances used by ProxyResolverV8 (assuming they
// run on different threads).
// This is the case with the V8 instance used by chromium's renderer -- it runs
// on a different thread from ProxyResolver (renderer thread vs PAC thread),
// and does not use locking since it expects to be alone.
class ProxyResolverV8 {
  // Constructs a ProxyResolverV8 with custom bindings. ProxyResolverV8 takes
  // ownership of |custom_js_bindings| and deletes it when ProxyResolverV8
  // is destroyed.
  explicit ProxyResolverV8(ProxyResolverJSBindings* custom_js_bindings,
          ProxyErrorListener* error_listener);

  virtual ~ProxyResolverV8();

  ProxyResolverJSBindings* js_bindings() { return js_bindings_; }

  virtual int GetProxyForURL(const android::String16 spec, const android::String16 host,
                             android::String16* results);
  virtual void PurgeMemory();
  virtual int SetPacScript(const android::String16& script_data);

  // Context holds the Javascript state for the most recently loaded PAC
  // script. It corresponds with the data from the last call to
  // SetPacScript().
  class Context;
  Context* context_;

  ProxyResolverJSBindings* js_bindings_;
  ProxyErrorListener* error_listener_;

}  // namespace net