 * drawElements Quality Program Tester Core
 * ----------------------------------------
 * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * \file
 * \brief Image comparison utilities.

#include "tcuDefs.hpp"
#include "tcuVectorType.hpp"

namespace tcu

class RGBA;
class Surface;
class ConstPixelBufferAccess;
class TestLog;

enum CompareLogMode
	COMPARE_LOG_EVERYTHING	= 0,	//!< Always log both reference, result and error mask.
	COMPARE_LOG_RESULT,				//!< If comparison passes, log result only. If fails, everything is written to log.
	COMPARE_LOG_ON_ERROR,			//!< If comparison passes, nothing is logged. If fails, everything is written to log.


// Utilities for comparing and logging.
bool	pixelThresholdCompare								(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const Surface& reference, const Surface& result, const RGBA& threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	fuzzyCompare										(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const Surface& reference, const Surface& result, float threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
int		measurePixelDiffAccuracy							(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const Surface& reference, const Surface& result, int bestScoreDiff, int worstScoreDiff, CompareLogMode logMode);

bool	fuzzyCompare										(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, float threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	floatUlpThresholdCompare							(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const UVec4& threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	floatThresholdCompare								(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const Vec4& threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	floatThresholdCompare								(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const Vec4& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const Vec4& threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	intThresholdCompare									(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const UVec4& threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	intThresholdPositionDeviationCompare				(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const UVec4& threshold, const tcu::IVec3& maxPositionDeviation, bool acceptOutOfBoundsAsAnyValue, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	intThresholdPositionDeviationErrorThresholdCompare	(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const UVec4& threshold, const tcu::IVec3& maxPositionDeviation, bool acceptOutOfBoundsAsAnyValue, int maxAllowedFailingPixels, CompareLogMode logMode);
int		measurePixelDiffAccuracy							(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, int bestScoreDiff, int worstScoreDiff, CompareLogMode logMode);
bool	bilinearCompare										(TestLog& log, const char* imageSetName, const char* imageSetDesc, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& reference, const ConstPixelBufferAccess& result, const RGBA threshold, CompareLogMode logMode);

} // tcu