/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program EGL Module * --------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief EGL EGL_KHR_fence_sync and EGL_KHR_reusable_sync tests *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "teglSyncTests.hpp" #include "egluNativeWindow.hpp" #include "egluStrUtil.hpp" #include "egluUtil.hpp" #include "eglwLibrary.hpp" #include "eglwEnums.hpp" #include "tcuTestLog.hpp" #include "tcuCommandLine.hpp" #include "gluDefs.hpp" #include "glwFunctions.hpp" #include "glwEnums.hpp" #include <vector> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <set> using std::vector; using std::string; using std::set; using tcu::TestLog; using namespace eglw; using namespace glw; namespace deqp { namespace egl { namespace { const char* getSyncTypeName (EGLenum syncType) { switch (syncType) { case EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR: return "EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR"; case EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR: return "EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR"; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); return "<Unknown>"; } } class SyncTest : public TestCase { public: enum Extension { EXTENSION_NONE = 0, EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC = (0x1 << 0), EXTENSION_FENCE_SYNC = (0x1 << 1), EXTENSION_REUSABLE_SYNC = (0x1 << 2) }; SyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType, Extension extensions, const char* name, const char* description); ~SyncTest (void); void init (void); void deinit (void); protected: const EGLenum m_syncType; const Extension m_extensions; glw::Functions m_gl; EGLDisplay m_eglDisplay; EGLConfig m_eglConfig; EGLSurface m_eglSurface; eglu::NativeWindow* m_nativeWindow; EGLContext m_eglContext; EGLSyncKHR m_sync; }; SyncTest::SyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType, Extension extensions, const char* name, const char* description) : TestCase (eglTestCtx, name, description) , m_syncType (syncType) , m_extensions (extensions) , m_eglDisplay (EGL_NO_DISPLAY) , m_eglSurface (EGL_NO_SURFACE) , m_nativeWindow (DE_NULL) , m_eglContext (EGL_NO_CONTEXT) , m_sync (EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR) { } SyncTest::~SyncTest (void) { SyncTest::deinit(); } void requiredEGLExtensions (const Library& egl, EGLDisplay display, SyncTest::Extension requiredExtensions) { SyncTest::Extension foundExtensions = SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE; std::istringstream extensionStream(egl.queryString(display, EGL_EXTENSIONS)); string extension; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglQueryString(display, EGL_EXTENSIONS)"); while (std::getline(extensionStream, extension, ' ')) { if (extension == "EGL_KHR_fence_sync") foundExtensions = (SyncTest::Extension)(foundExtensions | SyncTest::EXTENSION_FENCE_SYNC); else if (extension == "EGL_KHR_reusable_sync") foundExtensions = (SyncTest::Extension)(foundExtensions | SyncTest::EXTENSION_REUSABLE_SYNC); else if (extension == "EGL_KHR_wait_sync") foundExtensions = (SyncTest::Extension)(foundExtensions | SyncTest::EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC); } { const SyncTest::Extension missingExtensions = (SyncTest::Extension)((foundExtensions & requiredExtensions) ^ requiredExtensions); if ((missingExtensions & SyncTest::EXTENSION_FENCE_SYNC) != 0) TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "EGL_KHR_fence_sync not supported"); if ((missingExtensions & SyncTest::EXTENSION_REUSABLE_SYNC) != 0) TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "EGL_KHR_reusable_sync not supported"); if ((missingExtensions & SyncTest::EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC) != 0) TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "EGL_KHR_wait_sync not supported"); } } void requiredGLESExtensions (const glw::Functions& gl) { bool found = false; std::istringstream extensionStream((const char*)gl.getString(GL_EXTENSIONS)); string extension; GLU_CHECK_GLW_MSG(gl, "glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)"); while (std::getline(extensionStream, extension, ' ')) { if (extension == "GL_OES_EGL_sync") found = true; } if (!found) TCU_THROW(NotSupportedError, "GL_OES_EGL_sync not supported"); } SyncTest::Extension getSyncTypeExtension (EGLenum syncType) { switch (syncType) { case EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR: return SyncTest::EXTENSION_FENCE_SYNC; case EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR: return SyncTest::EXTENSION_REUSABLE_SYNC; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); return SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE; } } void SyncTest::init (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); const eglu::NativeWindowFactory& windowFactory = eglu::selectNativeWindowFactory(m_eglTestCtx.getNativeDisplayFactory(), m_testCtx.getCommandLine()); const EGLint displayAttribList[] = { EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 1, EGL_NONE }; const EGLint contextAttribList[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE }; m_eglDisplay = eglu::getAndInitDisplay(m_eglTestCtx.getNativeDisplay()); m_eglConfig = eglu::chooseSingleConfig(egl, m_eglDisplay, displayAttribList); m_eglTestCtx.initGLFunctions(&m_gl, glu::ApiType::es(2,0)); { const Extension syncTypeExtension = getSyncTypeExtension(m_syncType); requiredEGLExtensions(egl, m_eglDisplay, (Extension)(m_extensions | syncTypeExtension)); } // Create context EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, bindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_ES_API)); m_eglContext = egl.createContext(m_eglDisplay, m_eglConfig, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, contextAttribList); EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "Failed to create GLES2 context"); // Create surface m_nativeWindow = windowFactory.createWindow(&m_eglTestCtx.getNativeDisplay(), m_eglDisplay, m_eglConfig, DE_NULL, eglu::WindowParams(480, 480, eglu::parseWindowVisibility(m_testCtx.getCommandLine()))); m_eglSurface = eglu::createWindowSurface(m_eglTestCtx.getNativeDisplay(), *m_nativeWindow, m_eglDisplay, m_eglConfig, DE_NULL); EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, makeCurrent(m_eglDisplay, m_eglSurface, m_eglSurface, m_eglContext)); requiredGLESExtensions(m_gl); } void SyncTest::deinit (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); if (m_eglDisplay != EGL_NO_DISPLAY) { if (m_sync != EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR) { EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, destroySyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync)); m_sync = EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR; } EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, makeCurrent(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT)); if (m_eglContext != EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, destroyContext(m_eglDisplay, m_eglContext)); m_eglContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; } if (m_eglSurface != EGL_NO_SURFACE) { EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, destroySurface(m_eglDisplay, m_eglSurface)); m_eglSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; } delete m_nativeWindow; m_nativeWindow = DE_NULL; egl.terminate(m_eglDisplay); m_eglDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; } } class CreateNullAttribsTest : public SyncTest { public: CreateNullAttribsTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "create_null_attribs", "create_null_attribs") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class CreateEmptyAttribsTest : public SyncTest { public: CreateEmptyAttribsTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "create_empty_attribs", "create_empty_attribs") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); const EGLint attribList[] = { EGL_NONE }; m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, attribList); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", { EGL_NONE })" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class CreateInvalidDisplayTest : public SyncTest { public: CreateInvalidDisplayTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "create_invalid_display", "create_invalid_display") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_DISPLAY" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(m_sync == EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class CreateInvalidTypeTest : public SyncTest { public: CreateInvalidTypeTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "create_invalid_type", "create_invalid_type") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NONE, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NONE, NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(m_sync == EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class CreateInvalidAttribsTest : public SyncTest { public: CreateInvalidAttribsTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "create_invalid_attribs", "create_invalid_attribs") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); EGLint attribs[] = { 2, 3, 4, 5, EGL_NONE }; m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, attribs); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", { 2, 3, 4, 5, EGL_NONE })" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(m_sync == EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class CreateInvalidContextTest : public SyncTest { public: CreateInvalidContextTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "create_invalid_context", "create_invalid_context") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); log << TestLog::Message << "eglMakeCurrent(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, makeCurrent(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT)); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_MATCH) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_MATCH" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(m_sync == EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class ClientWaitNoTimeoutTest : public SyncTest { public: ClientWaitNoTimeoutTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "wait_no_timeout", "wait_no_timeout") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint status = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, 0, 0); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", 0, 0)" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR) TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED_KHR || status == EGL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED_KHR); else if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR) TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED_KHR); else DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class ClientWaitForeverTest : public SyncTest { public: ClientWaitForeverTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "wait_forever", "wait_forever") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR) { EGLBoolean ret = egl.signalSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SIGNALED_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << ret << " = eglSignalSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SIGNALED_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglSignalSyncKHR()"); } else if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR) { GLU_CHECK_GLW_CALL(m_gl, flush()); log << TestLog::Message << "glFlush()" << TestLog::EndMessage; } else DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); EGLint status = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, 0, EGL_FOREVER_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", 0, EGL_FOREVER_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED_KHR); EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglClientWaitSyncKHR()"); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class ClientWaitNoContextTest : public SyncTest { public: ClientWaitNoContextTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "wait_no_context", "wait_no_Context") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR) { EGLBoolean ret = egl.signalSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SIGNALED_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << ret << " = eglSignalSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SIGNALED_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglSignalSyncKHR()"); } else if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR) { GLU_CHECK_GLW_CALL(m_gl, flush()); log << TestLog::Message << "glFlush()" << TestLog::EndMessage; } else DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); log << TestLog::Message << "eglMakeCurrent(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, makeCurrent(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT)); EGLint result = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, 0, EGL_FOREVER_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", 0, EGL_FOREVER_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class ClientWaitForeverFlushTest : public SyncTest { public: ClientWaitForeverFlushTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "wait_forever_flush", "wait_forever_flush") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR) { EGLBoolean ret = egl.signalSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SIGNALED_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << ret << " = eglSignalSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SIGNALED_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglSignalSyncKHR()"); } EGLint status = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR, EGL_FOREVER_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR, EGL_FOREVER_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class ClientWaitInvalidDisplayTest : public SyncTest { public: ClientWaitInvalidDisplayTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "wait_invalid_display", "wait_invalid_display") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint status = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR, EGL_FOREVER_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR, EGL_FOREVER_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_DISPLAY" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class ClientWaitInvalidSyncTest : public SyncTest { public: ClientWaitInvalidSyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "wait_invalid_sync", "wait_invalid_sync") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); EGLint status = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, 0, EGL_FOREVER_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, 0, EGL_FOREVER_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_PARAMETER) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncTypeTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncTypeTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_type", "get_type") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint type = 0; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_TYPE_KHR, &type)); log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_TYPE_KHR, {" << type << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(type == ((EGLint)m_syncType)); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncStatusTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncStatusTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_status", "get_status") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint status = 0; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_STATUS_KHR, &status)); log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_STATUS_KHR, {" << status << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR) TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_SIGNALED_KHR || status == EGL_UNSIGNALED_KHR); else if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR) TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_UNSIGNALED_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncStatusSignaledTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncStatusSignaledTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_status_signaled", "get_status_signaled") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR) { EGLBoolean ret = egl.signalSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SIGNALED_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << ret << " = eglSignalSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SIGNALED_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglSignalSyncKHR()"); } else if (m_syncType == EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR) { GLU_CHECK_GLW_CALL(m_gl, finish()); log << TestLog::Message << "glFinish()" << TestLog::EndMessage; } else DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); { EGLint status = egl.clientWaitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR, EGL_FOREVER_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglClientWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_FLUSH_COMMANDS_BIT_KHR, EGL_FOREVER_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_CONDITION_SATISFIED_KHR); } EGLint status = 0; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_STATUS_KHR, &status)); log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_STATUS_KHR, {" << status << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_SIGNALED_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncConditionTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncConditionTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_condition", "get_condition") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint condition = 0; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, &condition)); log << TestLog::Message << "eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, {" << condition << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(condition == EGL_SYNC_PRIOR_COMMANDS_COMPLETE_KHR); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncInvalidDisplayTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncInvalidDisplayTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_invalid_display", "get_invalid_display") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint condition = 0xF0F0F; EGLBoolean result = egl.getSyncAttribKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, &condition); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglGetSyncAttribKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, {" << condition << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_DISPLAY" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_FALSE); TCU_CHECK(condition == 0xF0F0F); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncInvalidSyncTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncInvalidSyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_invalid_sync", "get_invalid_sync") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); EGLint condition = 0xF0F0F; EGLBoolean result = egl.getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, &condition); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, {" << condition << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_PARAMETER) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_FALSE); TCU_CHECK(condition == 0xF0F0F); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncInvalidAttributeTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncInvalidAttributeTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_invalid_attribute", "get_invalid_attribute") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint condition = 0xF0F0F; EGLBoolean result = egl.getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_NONE, &condition); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_NONE, {" << condition << "})" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_FALSE); TCU_CHECK(condition == 0xF0F0F); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class GetSyncInvalidValueTest : public SyncTest { public: GetSyncInvalidValueTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "get_invalid_value", "get_invalid_value") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLBoolean result = egl.getSyncAttribKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, EGL_SYNC_TYPE_KHR, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglGetSyncAttribKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", EGL_SYNC_CONDITION_KHR, NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_PARAMETER) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class DestroySyncTest : public SyncTest { public: DestroySyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "destroy", "destroy") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); log << TestLog::Message << "eglDestroySyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ")" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_CALL(egl, destroySyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync)); m_sync = EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class DestroySyncInvalidDislayTest : public SyncTest { public: DestroySyncInvalidDislayTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "destroy_invalid_display", "destroy_invalid_display") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << "eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLBoolean result = egl.destroySyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, m_sync); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglDestroySyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, " << m_sync << ")" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_DISPLAY" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class DestroySyncInvalidSyncTest : public SyncTest { public: DestroySyncInvalidSyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_NONE, "destroy_invalid_sync", "destroy_invalid_sync") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); EGLBoolean result = egl.destroySyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR); log << TestLog::Message << result << " = eglDestroySyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_PARAMETER) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(result == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class WaitSyncTest : public SyncTest { public: WaitSyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC, "wait_server", "wait_server") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint status = egl.waitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, 0); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", 0, 0)" << TestLog::EndMessage; TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_TRUE); GLU_CHECK_GLW_CALL(m_gl, finish()); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class WaitSyncInvalidDisplayTest : public SyncTest { public: WaitSyncInvalidDisplayTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC, "wait_server_invalid_display", "wait_server_invalid_display") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint status = egl.waitSyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, m_sync, 0); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglWaitSyncKHR(EGL_NO_DISPLAY, " << m_sync << ", 0)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_DISPLAY) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_DISPLAY" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class WaitSyncInvalidSyncTest : public SyncTest { public: WaitSyncInvalidSyncTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC, "wait_server_invalid_sync", "wait_server_invalid_sync") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); EGLint status = egl.waitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, 0); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR, 0)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_PARAMETER) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; class WaitSyncInvalidFlagTest : public SyncTest { public: WaitSyncInvalidFlagTest (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx, EGLenum syncType) : SyncTest(eglTestCtx, syncType, SyncTest::EXTENSION_WAIT_SYNC, "wait_server_invalid_flag", "wait_server_invalid_flag") {} IterateResult iterate (void) { const Library& egl = m_eglTestCtx.getLibrary(); TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); m_sync = egl.createSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_syncType, NULL); log << TestLog::Message << m_sync << " = eglCreateSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << getSyncTypeName(m_syncType) << ", NULL)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLU_CHECK_MSG(egl, "eglCreateSyncKHR()"); EGLint status = egl.waitSyncKHR(m_eglDisplay, m_sync, 0xFFFFFFFF); log << TestLog::Message << status << " = eglWaitSyncKHR(" << m_eglDisplay << ", " << m_sync << ", 0xFFFFFFFF)" << TestLog::EndMessage; EGLint error = egl.getError(); log << TestLog::Message << error << " = eglGetError()" << TestLog::EndMessage; if (error != EGL_BAD_PARAMETER) { log << TestLog::Message << "Unexpected error '" << eglu::getErrorStr(error) << "' expected EGL_BAD_PARAMETER" << TestLog::EndMessage; m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } TCU_CHECK(status == EGL_FALSE); m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } }; } // anonymous FenceSyncTests::FenceSyncTests (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx) : TestCaseGroup (eglTestCtx, "fence_sync", "EGL_KHR_fence_sync extension tests") { } void FenceSyncTests::init (void) { // Add valid API test { TestCaseGroup* const valid = new TestCaseGroup(m_eglTestCtx, "valid", "Valid function calls"); // eglCreateSyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new CreateNullAttribsTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new CreateEmptyAttribsTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglClientWaitSyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new ClientWaitNoTimeoutTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new ClientWaitForeverTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new ClientWaitNoContextTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new ClientWaitForeverFlushTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglGetSyncAttribKHR tests valid->addChild(new GetSyncTypeTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new GetSyncStatusTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new GetSyncStatusSignaledTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new GetSyncConditionTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglDestroySyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new DestroySyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglWaitSyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new WaitSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); addChild(valid); } // Add negative API tests { TestCaseGroup* const invalid = new TestCaseGroup(m_eglTestCtx, "invalid", "Invalid function calls"); // eglCreateSyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidTypeTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidAttribsTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidContextTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglClientWaitSyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new ClientWaitInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new ClientWaitInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglGetSyncAttribKHR tests invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidAttributeTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidValueTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglDestroySyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new DestroySyncInvalidDislayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new DestroySyncInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); // eglWaitSyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new WaitSyncInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new WaitSyncInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new WaitSyncInvalidFlagTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_FENCE_KHR)); addChild(invalid); } } ReusableSyncTests::ReusableSyncTests (EglTestContext& eglTestCtx) : TestCaseGroup (eglTestCtx, "reusable_sync", "EGL_KHR_reusable_sync extension tests") { } void ReusableSyncTests::init (void) { // Add valid API test { TestCaseGroup* const valid = new TestCaseGroup(m_eglTestCtx, "valid", "Valid function calls"); // eglCreateSyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new CreateNullAttribsTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new CreateEmptyAttribsTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglClientWaitSyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new ClientWaitNoTimeoutTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new ClientWaitForeverTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new ClientWaitNoContextTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new ClientWaitForeverFlushTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglGetSyncAttribKHR tests valid->addChild(new GetSyncTypeTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new GetSyncStatusTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); valid->addChild(new GetSyncStatusSignaledTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglDestroySyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new DestroySyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglWaitSyncKHR tests valid->addChild(new WaitSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); addChild(valid); } // Add negative API tests { TestCaseGroup* const invalid = new TestCaseGroup(m_eglTestCtx, "invalid", "Invalid function calls"); // eglCreateSyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidTypeTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new CreateInvalidAttribsTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglClientWaitSyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new ClientWaitInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new ClientWaitInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglGetSyncAttribKHR tests invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidAttributeTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new GetSyncInvalidValueTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglDestroySyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new DestroySyncInvalidDislayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new DestroySyncInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); // eglWaitSyncKHR tests invalid->addChild(new WaitSyncInvalidDisplayTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new WaitSyncInvalidSyncTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); invalid->addChild(new WaitSyncInvalidFlagTest(m_eglTestCtx, EGL_SYNC_REUSABLE_KHR)); addChild(invalid); } } } // egl } // deqp