/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL (ES) Module * ----------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Vertex array and buffer tests *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "glsVertexArrayTests.hpp" #include "deRandom.h" #include "tcuTestLog.hpp" #include "tcuPixelFormat.hpp" #include "tcuRGBA.hpp" #include "tcuSurface.hpp" #include "tcuVector.hpp" #include "tcuTestLog.hpp" #include "tcuRenderTarget.hpp" #include "tcuStringTemplate.hpp" #include "tcuImageCompare.hpp" #include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp" #include "gluCallLogWrapper.hpp" #include "sglrContext.hpp" #include "sglrReferenceContext.hpp" #include "sglrGLContext.hpp" #include "deMath.h" #include "deStringUtil.hpp" #include "deArrayUtil.hpp" #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <vector> #include <sstream> #include <limits> #include <algorithm> #include "glwDefs.hpp" #include "glwEnums.hpp" namespace deqp { namespace gls { using tcu::TestLog; using namespace glw; // GL types std::string Array::targetToString(Target target) { static const char* targets[] = { "element_array", // TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY = 0, "array" // TARGET_ARRAY, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::TARGET_LAST>(targets, (int)target); } std::string Array::inputTypeToString(InputType type) { static const char* types[] = { "float", // INPUTTYPE_FLOAT = 0, "fixed", // INPUTTYPE_FIXED, "double", // INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE "byte", // INPUTTYPE_BYTE, "short", // INPUTTYPE_SHORT, "unsigned_byte", // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "unsigned_short", // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT, "int", // INPUTTYPE_INT, "unsigned_int", // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, "half", // INPUTTYPE_HALF, "usigned_int2_10_10_10", // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10, "int2_10_10_10" // INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::INPUTTYPE_LAST>(types, (int)type); } std::string Array::outputTypeToString(OutputType type) { static const char* types[] = { "float", // OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT = 0, "vec2", // OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2, "vec3", // OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3, "vec4", // OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4, "int", // OUTPUTTYPE_INT, "uint", // OUTPUTTYPE_UINT, "ivec2", // OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC2, "ivec3", // OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC3, "ivec4", // OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC4, "uvec2", // OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC2, "uvec3", // OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC3, "uvec4", // OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC4, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::OUTPUTTYPE_LAST>(types, (int)type); } std::string Array::usageTypeToString(Usage usage) { static const char* usages[] = { "dynamic_draw", // USAGE_DYNAMIC_DRAW = 0, "static_draw", // USAGE_STATIC_DRAW, "stream_draw", // USAGE_STREAM_DRAW, "stream_read", // USAGE_STREAM_READ, "stream_copy", // USAGE_STREAM_COPY, "static_read", // USAGE_STATIC_READ, "static_copy", // USAGE_STATIC_COPY, "dynamic_read", // USAGE_DYNAMIC_READ, "dynamic_copy", // USAGE_DYNAMIC_COPY, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::USAGE_LAST>(usages, (int)usage); } std::string Array::storageToString (Storage storage) { static const char* storages[] = { "user_ptr", // STORAGE_USER = 0, "buffer" // STORAGE_BUFFER, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::STORAGE_LAST>(storages, (int)storage); } std::string Array::primitiveToString (Primitive primitive) { static const char* primitives[] = { "points", // PRIMITIVE_POINTS , "triangles", // PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, "triangle_fan", // PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN, "triangle_strip" // PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::PRIMITIVE_LAST>(primitives, (int)primitive); } int Array::inputTypeSize (InputType type) { static const int size[] = { sizeof(float), // INPUTTYPE_FLOAT = 0, sizeof(deInt32), // INPUTTYPE_FIXED, sizeof(double), // INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE sizeof(deInt8), // INPUTTYPE_BYTE, sizeof(deInt16), // INPUTTYPE_SHORT, sizeof(deUint8), // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(deUint16), // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT, sizeof(deInt32), // INPUTTYPE_INT, sizeof(deUint32), // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, sizeof(deFloat16), // INPUTTYPE_HALF, sizeof(deUint32) / 4, // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10, sizeof(deUint32) / 4 // INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::INPUTTYPE_LAST>(size, (int)type); } static bool inputTypeIsFloatType (Array::InputType type) { if (type == Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT) return true; if (type == Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED) return true; if (type == Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE) return true; if (type == Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF) return true; return false; } static bool outputTypeIsFloatType (Array::OutputType type) { if (type == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT || type == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2 || type == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3 || type == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4) return true; return false; } template<class T> inline T getRandom (deRandom& rnd, T min, T max); template<> inline GLValue::Float getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Float min, GLValue::Float max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Float::create(min + deRandom_getFloat(&rnd) * (max.to<float>() - min.to<float>())); } template<> inline GLValue::Short getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Short min, GLValue::Short max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Short::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<int>() - min.to<int>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Ushort getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Ushort min, GLValue::Ushort max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Ushort::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<int>() - min.to<int>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Byte getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Byte min, GLValue::Byte max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Byte::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<int>() - min.to<int>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Ubyte getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Ubyte min, GLValue::Ubyte max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Ubyte::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<int>() - min.to<int>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Fixed getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Fixed min, GLValue::Fixed max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Fixed::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<deUint32>() - min.to<deUint32>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Half getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Half min, GLValue::Half max) { if (max < min) return min; float fMax = max.to<float>(); float fMin = min.to<float>(); GLValue::Half h = GLValue::Half::create(fMin + deRandom_getFloat(&rnd) * (fMax - fMin)); return h; } template<> inline GLValue::Int getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Int min, GLValue::Int max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Int::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<deUint32>() - min.to<deUint32>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Uint getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Uint min, GLValue::Uint max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Uint::create((min == max ? min : min + (deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max.to<deUint32>() - min.to<deUint32>())))); } template<> inline GLValue::Double getRandom (deRandom& rnd, GLValue::Double min, GLValue::Double max) { if (max < min) return min; return GLValue::Double::create(min + deRandom_getFloat(&rnd) * (max.to<float>() - min.to<float>())); } // Minimum difference required between coordinates template<class T> inline T minValue (void); template<> inline GLValue::Float minValue (void) { return GLValue::Float::create(4 * 1.0f); } template<> inline GLValue::Short minValue (void) { return GLValue::Short::create(4 * 256); } template<> inline GLValue::Ushort minValue (void) { return GLValue::Ushort::create(4 * 256); } template<> inline GLValue::Byte minValue (void) { return GLValue::Byte::create(4 * 1); } template<> inline GLValue::Ubyte minValue (void) { return GLValue::Ubyte::create(4 * 2); } template<> inline GLValue::Fixed minValue (void) { return GLValue::Fixed::create(4 * 512); } template<> inline GLValue::Int minValue (void) { return GLValue::Int::create(4 * 16777216); } template<> inline GLValue::Uint minValue (void) { return GLValue::Uint::create(4 * 16777216); } template<> inline GLValue::Half minValue (void) { return GLValue::Half::create(4 * 1.0f); } template<> inline GLValue::Double minValue (void) { return GLValue::Double::create(4 * 1.0f); } template<class T> inline T abs (T val); template<> inline GLValue::Fixed abs (GLValue::Fixed val) { return GLValue::Fixed::create(0x7FFFu & val.getValue()); } template<> inline GLValue::Ubyte abs (GLValue::Ubyte val) { return val; } template<> inline GLValue::Byte abs (GLValue::Byte val) { return GLValue::Byte::create(0x7Fu & val.getValue()); } template<> inline GLValue::Ushort abs (GLValue::Ushort val) { return val; } template<> inline GLValue::Short abs (GLValue::Short val) { return GLValue::Short::create(0x7FFFu & val.getValue()); } template<> inline GLValue::Float abs (GLValue::Float val) { return GLValue::Float::create(std::fabs(val.to<float>())); } template<> inline GLValue::Uint abs (GLValue::Uint val) { return val; } template<> inline GLValue::Int abs (GLValue::Int val) { return GLValue::Int::create(0x7FFFFFFFu & val.getValue()); } template<> inline GLValue::Half abs (GLValue::Half val) { return GLValue::Half::create(std::fabs(val.to<float>())); } template<> inline GLValue::Double abs (GLValue::Double val) { return GLValue::Double::create(std::fabs(val.to<float>())); } template<class T> static inline void alignmentSafeAssignment (char* dst, T val) { std::memcpy(dst, &val, sizeof(T)); } ContextArray::ContextArray (Storage storage, sglr::Context& context) : m_storage (storage) , m_ctx (context) , m_glBuffer (0) , m_bound (false) , m_attribNdx (0) , m_size (0) , m_data (DE_NULL) , m_componentCount (1) , m_target (Array::TARGET_ARRAY) , m_inputType (Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT) , m_outputType (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4) , m_normalize (false) , m_stride (0) , m_offset (0) { if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) { m_ctx.genBuffers(1, &m_glBuffer); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glGenBuffers()"); } } ContextArray::~ContextArray (void) { if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) { m_ctx.deleteBuffers(1, &m_glBuffer); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glDeleteBuffers()"); } else if (m_storage == STORAGE_USER) delete[] m_data; else DE_ASSERT(false); } Array* ContextArrayPack::getArray (int i) { return m_arrays.at(i); } void ContextArray::data (Target target, int size, const char* ptr, Usage usage) { m_size = size; m_target = target; if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) { m_ctx.bindBuffer(targetToGL(target), m_glBuffer); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glBindBuffer()"); m_ctx.bufferData(targetToGL(target), size, ptr, usageToGL(usage)); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glBufferData()"); } else if (m_storage == STORAGE_USER) { if (m_data) delete[] m_data; m_data = new char[size]; std::memcpy(m_data, ptr, size); } else DE_ASSERT(false); } void ContextArray::subdata (Target target, int offset, int size, const char* ptr) { m_target = target; if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) { m_ctx.bindBuffer(targetToGL(target), m_glBuffer); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glBindBuffer()"); m_ctx.bufferSubData(targetToGL(target), offset, size, ptr); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glBufferSubData()"); } else if (m_storage == STORAGE_USER) std::memcpy(m_data + offset, ptr, size); else DE_ASSERT(false); } void ContextArray::bind (int attribNdx, int offset, int size, InputType inputType, OutputType outType, bool normalized, int stride) { m_attribNdx = attribNdx; m_bound = true; m_componentCount = size; m_inputType = inputType; m_outputType = outType; m_normalize = normalized; m_stride = stride; m_offset = offset; } void ContextArray::bindIndexArray (Array::Target target) { if (m_storage == STORAGE_USER) { } else if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) { m_ctx.bindBuffer(targetToGL(target), m_glBuffer); } } void ContextArray::glBind (deUint32 loc) { if (m_storage == STORAGE_BUFFER) { m_ctx.bindBuffer(targetToGL(m_target), m_glBuffer); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glBindBuffer()"); if (!inputTypeIsFloatType(m_inputType)) { // Input is not float type if (outputTypeIsFloatType(m_outputType)) { // Output type is float type m_ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, m_componentCount, inputTypeToGL(m_inputType), m_normalize, m_stride, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_offset)); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glVertexAttribPointer()"); } else { // Output type is int type m_ctx.vertexAttribIPointer(loc, m_componentCount, inputTypeToGL(m_inputType), m_stride, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_offset)); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glVertexAttribIPointer()"); } } else { // Input type is float type // Output type must be float type DE_ASSERT(m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT || m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2 || m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3 || m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4); m_ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, m_componentCount, inputTypeToGL(m_inputType), m_normalize, m_stride, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_offset)); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glVertexAttribPointer()"); } m_ctx.bindBuffer(targetToGL(m_target), 0); } else if (m_storage == STORAGE_USER) { m_ctx.bindBuffer(targetToGL(m_target), 0); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glBindBuffer()"); if (!inputTypeIsFloatType(m_inputType)) { // Input is not float type if (outputTypeIsFloatType(m_outputType)) { // Output type is float type m_ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, m_componentCount, inputTypeToGL(m_inputType), m_normalize, m_stride, m_data + m_offset); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glVertexAttribPointer()"); } else { // Output type is int type m_ctx.vertexAttribIPointer(loc, m_componentCount, inputTypeToGL(m_inputType), m_stride, m_data + m_offset); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glVertexAttribIPointer()"); } } else { // Input type is float type // Output type must be float type DE_ASSERT(m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT || m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2 || m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3 || m_outputType == OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4); m_ctx.vertexAttribPointer(loc, m_componentCount, inputTypeToGL(m_inputType), m_normalize, m_stride, m_data + m_offset); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glVertexAttribPointer()"); } } else DE_ASSERT(false); } GLenum ContextArray::targetToGL (Array::Target target) { static const GLenum targets[] = { GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, // TARGET_ELEMENT_ARRAY = 0, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER // TARGET_ARRAY, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::TARGET_LAST>(targets, (int)target); } GLenum ContextArray::usageToGL (Array::Usage usage) { static const GLenum usages[] = { GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, // USAGE_DYNAMIC_DRAW = 0, GL_STATIC_DRAW, // USAGE_STATIC_DRAW, GL_STREAM_DRAW, // USAGE_STREAM_DRAW, GL_STREAM_READ, // USAGE_STREAM_READ, GL_STREAM_COPY, // USAGE_STREAM_COPY, GL_STATIC_READ, // USAGE_STATIC_READ, GL_STATIC_COPY, // USAGE_STATIC_COPY, GL_DYNAMIC_READ, // USAGE_DYNAMIC_READ, GL_DYNAMIC_COPY // USAGE_DYNAMIC_COPY, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::USAGE_LAST>(usages, (int)usage); } GLenum ContextArray::inputTypeToGL (Array::InputType type) { static const GLenum types[] = { GL_FLOAT, // INPUTTYPE_FLOAT = 0, GL_FIXED, // INPUTTYPE_FIXED, GL_DOUBLE, // INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE GL_BYTE, // INPUTTYPE_BYTE, GL_SHORT, // INPUTTYPE_SHORT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT, GL_INT, // INPUTTYPE_INT, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, GL_HALF_FLOAT, // INPUTTYPE_HALF, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV, // INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10, GL_INT_2_10_10_10_REV // INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::INPUTTYPE_LAST>(types, (int)type); } std::string ContextArray::outputTypeToGLType (Array::OutputType type) { static const char* types[] = { "float", // OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT = 0, "vec2", // OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2, "vec3", // OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3, "vec4", // OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4, "int", // OUTPUTTYPE_INT, "uint", // OUTPUTTYPE_UINT, "ivec2", // OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC2, "ivec3", // OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC3, "ivec4", // OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC4, "uvec2", // OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC2, "uvec3", // OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC3, "uvec4", // OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC4, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::OUTPUTTYPE_LAST>(types, (int)type); } GLenum ContextArray::primitiveToGL (Array::Primitive primitive) { static const GLenum primitives[] = { GL_POINTS, // PRIMITIVE_POINTS = 0, GL_TRIANGLES, // PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES, GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, // PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_FAN, GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP // PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, }; return de::getSizedArrayElement<Array::PRIMITIVE_LAST>(primitives, (int)primitive); } ContextArrayPack::ContextArrayPack (glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, sglr::Context& drawContext) : m_renderCtx (renderCtx) , m_ctx (drawContext) , m_program (DE_NULL) , m_screen (std::min(512, renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getWidth()), std::min(512, renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getHeight())) { } ContextArrayPack::~ContextArrayPack (void) { for (std::vector<ContextArray*>::iterator itr = m_arrays.begin(); itr != m_arrays.end(); itr++) delete *itr; delete m_program; } int ContextArrayPack::getArrayCount (void) { return (int)m_arrays.size(); } void ContextArrayPack::newArray (Array::Storage storage) { m_arrays.push_back(new ContextArray(storage, m_ctx)); } class ContextShaderProgram : public sglr::ShaderProgram { public: ContextShaderProgram (const glu::RenderContext& ctx, const std::vector<ContextArray*>& arrays); void shadeVertices (const rr::VertexAttrib* inputs, rr::VertexPacket* const* packets, const int numPackets) const; void shadeFragments (rr::FragmentPacket* packets, const int numPackets, const rr::FragmentShadingContext& context) const; private: static std::string genVertexSource (const glu::RenderContext& ctx, const std::vector<ContextArray*>& arrays); static std::string genFragmentSource (const glu::RenderContext& ctx); static rr::GenericVecType mapOutputType (const Array::OutputType& type); static int getComponentCount (const Array::OutputType& type); static sglr::pdec::ShaderProgramDeclaration createProgramDeclaration (const glu::RenderContext& ctx, const std::vector<ContextArray*>& arrays); std::vector<int> m_componentCount; std::vector<rr::GenericVecType> m_attrType; }; ContextShaderProgram::ContextShaderProgram (const glu::RenderContext& ctx, const std::vector<ContextArray*>& arrays) : sglr::ShaderProgram (createProgramDeclaration(ctx, arrays)) , m_componentCount (arrays.size()) , m_attrType (arrays.size()) { for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { m_componentCount[arrayNdx] = getComponentCount(arrays[arrayNdx]->getOutputType()); m_attrType[arrayNdx] = mapOutputType(arrays[arrayNdx]->getOutputType()); } } template <typename T> void calcShaderColorCoord (tcu::Vec2& coord, tcu::Vec3& color, const tcu::Vector<T, 4>& attribValue, bool isCoordinate, int numComponents) { if (isCoordinate) switch (numComponents) { case 1: coord = tcu::Vec2((float)attribValue.x(), (float)attribValue.x()); break; case 2: coord = tcu::Vec2((float)attribValue.x(), (float)attribValue.y()); break; case 3: coord = tcu::Vec2((float)attribValue.x() + attribValue.z(), (float)attribValue.y()); break; case 4: coord = tcu::Vec2((float)attribValue.x() + attribValue.z(), (float)attribValue.y() + attribValue.w()); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } else { switch (numComponents) { case 1: color = color * (float)attribValue.x(); break; case 2: color.x() = color.x() * attribValue.x(); color.y() = color.y() * attribValue.y(); break; case 3: color.x() = color.x() * attribValue.x(); color.y() = color.y() * attribValue.y(); color.z() = color.z() * attribValue.z(); break; case 4: color.x() = color.x() * attribValue.x() * attribValue.w(); color.y() = color.y() * attribValue.y() * attribValue.w(); color.z() = color.z() * attribValue.z() * attribValue.w(); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } } void ContextShaderProgram::shadeVertices (const rr::VertexAttrib* inputs, rr::VertexPacket* const* packets, const int numPackets) const { const float u_coordScale = getUniformByName("u_coordScale").value.f; const float u_colorScale = getUniformByName("u_colorScale").value.f; for (int packetNdx = 0; packetNdx < numPackets; ++packetNdx) { const size_t varyingLocColor = 0; rr::VertexPacket& packet = *packets[packetNdx]; // Calc output color tcu::Vec2 coord = tcu::Vec2(1.0, 1.0); tcu::Vec3 color = tcu::Vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)m_attrType.size(); attribNdx++) { const int numComponents = m_componentCount[attribNdx]; switch (m_attrType[attribNdx]) { case rr::GENERICVECTYPE_FLOAT: calcShaderColorCoord(coord, color, rr::readVertexAttribFloat(inputs[attribNdx], packet.instanceNdx, packet.vertexNdx), attribNdx == 0, numComponents); break; case rr::GENERICVECTYPE_INT32: calcShaderColorCoord(coord, color, rr::readVertexAttribInt (inputs[attribNdx], packet.instanceNdx, packet.vertexNdx), attribNdx == 0, numComponents); break; case rr::GENERICVECTYPE_UINT32: calcShaderColorCoord(coord, color, rr::readVertexAttribUint (inputs[attribNdx], packet.instanceNdx, packet.vertexNdx), attribNdx == 0, numComponents); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } // Transform position { packet.position = tcu::Vec4(u_coordScale * coord.x(), u_coordScale * coord.y(), 1.0f, 1.0f); } // Pass color to FS { packet.outputs[varyingLocColor] = tcu::Vec4(u_colorScale * color.x(), u_colorScale * color.y(), u_colorScale * color.z(), 1.0f); } } } void ContextShaderProgram::shadeFragments (rr::FragmentPacket* packets, const int numPackets, const rr::FragmentShadingContext& context) const { const size_t varyingLocColor = 0; // Triangles are flashaded tcu::Vec4 color = rr::readTriangleVarying<float>(packets[0], context, varyingLocColor, 0); for (int packetNdx = 0; packetNdx < numPackets; ++packetNdx) for (int fragNdx = 0; fragNdx < 4; ++fragNdx) rr::writeFragmentOutput(context, packetNdx, fragNdx, 0, color); } std::string ContextShaderProgram::genVertexSource (const glu::RenderContext& ctx, const std::vector<ContextArray*>& arrays) { std::stringstream vertexShaderTmpl; std::map<std::string, std::string> params; if (glu::isGLSLVersionSupported(ctx.getType(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_300_ES)) { params["VTX_IN"] = "in"; params["VTX_OUT"] = "out"; params["FRAG_IN"] = "in"; params["FRAG_COLOR"] = "dEQP_FragColor"; params["VTX_HDR"] = "#version 300 es\n"; params["FRAG_HDR"] = "#version 300 es\nlayout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 dEQP_FragColor;\n"; } else if (glu::isGLSLVersionSupported(ctx.getType(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_100_ES)) { params["VTX_IN"] = "attribute"; params["VTX_OUT"] = "varying"; params["FRAG_IN"] = "varying"; params["FRAG_COLOR"] = "gl_FragColor"; params["VTX_HDR"] = ""; params["FRAG_HDR"] = ""; } else if (glu::isGLSLVersionSupported(ctx.getType(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_330)) { params["VTX_IN"] = "in"; params["VTX_OUT"] = "out"; params["FRAG_IN"] = "in"; params["FRAG_COLOR"] = "dEQP_FragColor"; params["VTX_HDR"] = "#version 330\n"; params["FRAG_HDR"] = "#version 330\nlayout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 dEQP_FragColor;\n"; } else DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); vertexShaderTmpl << "${VTX_HDR}"; for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { vertexShaderTmpl << "${VTX_IN} highp " << ContextArray::outputTypeToGLType(arrays[arrayNdx]->getOutputType()) << " a_" << arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() << ";\n"; } vertexShaderTmpl << "uniform highp float u_coordScale;\n" "uniform highp float u_colorScale;\n" "${VTX_OUT} mediump vec4 v_color;\n" "void main(void)\n" "{\n" "\tgl_PointSize = 1.0;\n" "\thighp vec2 coord = vec2(1.0, 1.0);\n" "\thighp vec3 color = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\n"; for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { if (arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() == 0) { switch (arrays[arrayNdx]->getOutputType()) { case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = vec2(a_0);\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = a_0.xy;\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = a_0.xy;\n" "\tcoord.x = coord.x + a_0.z;\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = a_0.xy;\n" "\tcoord += a_0.zw;\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC2): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC2): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = vec2(a_0.xy);\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC3): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC3): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = vec2(a_0.xy);\n" "\tcoord.x = coord.x + float(a_0.z);\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC4): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC4): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcoord = vec2(a_0.xy);\n" "\tcoord += vec2(a_0.zw);\n"; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } continue; } switch (arrays[arrayNdx]->getOutputType()) { case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcolor = color * a_" << arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() << ";\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcolor.rg = color.rg * a_" << arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() << ".xy;\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcolor = color.rgb * a_" << arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() << ".xyz;\n"; break; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4): vertexShaderTmpl << "\tcolor = color.rgb * a_" << arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() << ".xyz * a_" << arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx() << ".w;\n"; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } } vertexShaderTmpl << "\tv_color = vec4(u_colorScale * color, 1.0);\n" "\tgl_Position = vec4(u_coordScale * coord, 1.0, 1.0);\n" "}\n"; return tcu::StringTemplate(vertexShaderTmpl.str().c_str()).specialize(params); } std::string ContextShaderProgram::genFragmentSource (const glu::RenderContext& ctx) { std::map<std::string, std::string> params; if (glu::isGLSLVersionSupported(ctx.getType(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_300_ES)) { params["VTX_IN"] = "in"; params["VTX_OUT"] = "out"; params["FRAG_IN"] = "in"; params["FRAG_COLOR"] = "dEQP_FragColor"; params["VTX_HDR"] = "#version 300 es\n"; params["FRAG_HDR"] = "#version 300 es\nlayout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 dEQP_FragColor;\n"; } else if (glu::isGLSLVersionSupported(ctx.getType(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_100_ES)) { params["VTX_IN"] = "attribute"; params["VTX_OUT"] = "varying"; params["FRAG_IN"] = "varying"; params["FRAG_COLOR"] = "gl_FragColor"; params["VTX_HDR"] = ""; params["FRAG_HDR"] = ""; } else if (glu::isGLSLVersionSupported(ctx.getType(), glu::GLSL_VERSION_330)) { params["VTX_IN"] = "in"; params["VTX_OUT"] = "out"; params["FRAG_IN"] = "in"; params["FRAG_COLOR"] = "dEQP_FragColor"; params["VTX_HDR"] = "#version 330\n"; params["FRAG_HDR"] = "#version 330\nlayout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 dEQP_FragColor;\n"; } else DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); static const char* fragmentShaderTmpl = "${FRAG_HDR}" "${FRAG_IN} mediump vec4 v_color;\n" "void main(void)\n" "{\n" "\t${FRAG_COLOR} = v_color;\n" "}\n"; return tcu::StringTemplate(fragmentShaderTmpl).specialize(params); } rr::GenericVecType ContextShaderProgram::mapOutputType (const Array::OutputType& type) { switch (type) { case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4): return rr::GENERICVECTYPE_FLOAT; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_INT): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC2): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC3): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC4): return rr::GENERICVECTYPE_INT32; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UINT): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC2): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC3): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC4): return rr::GENERICVECTYPE_UINT32; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return rr::GENERICVECTYPE_LAST; } } int ContextShaderProgram::getComponentCount (const Array::OutputType& type) { switch (type) { case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_FLOAT): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_INT): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UINT): return 1; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC2): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC2): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC2): return 2; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC3): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC3): return 3; case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC4): case (Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC4): return 4; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return 0; } } sglr::pdec::ShaderProgramDeclaration ContextShaderProgram::createProgramDeclaration (const glu::RenderContext& ctx, const std::vector<ContextArray*>& arrays) { sglr::pdec::ShaderProgramDeclaration decl; for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) decl << sglr::pdec::VertexAttribute(std::string("a_") + de::toString(arrayNdx), mapOutputType(arrays[arrayNdx]->getOutputType())); decl << sglr::pdec::VertexToFragmentVarying(rr::GENERICVECTYPE_FLOAT); decl << sglr::pdec::FragmentOutput(rr::GENERICVECTYPE_FLOAT); decl << sglr::pdec::VertexSource(genVertexSource(ctx, arrays)); decl << sglr::pdec::FragmentSource(genFragmentSource(ctx)); decl << sglr::pdec::Uniform("u_coordScale", glu::TYPE_FLOAT); decl << sglr::pdec::Uniform("u_colorScale", glu::TYPE_FLOAT); return decl; } void ContextArrayPack::updateProgram (void) { delete m_program; m_program = new ContextShaderProgram(m_renderCtx, m_arrays); } void ContextArrayPack::render (Array::Primitive primitive, int firstVertex, int vertexCount, bool useVao, float coordScale, float colorScale) { deUint32 program = 0; deUint32 vaoId = 0; updateProgram(); m_ctx.viewport(0, 0, m_screen.getWidth(), m_screen.getHeight()); m_ctx.clearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); m_ctx.clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); program = m_ctx.createProgram(m_program); m_ctx.useProgram(program); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glUseProgram()"); m_ctx.uniform1f(m_ctx.getUniformLocation(program, "u_coordScale"), coordScale); m_ctx.uniform1f(m_ctx.getUniformLocation(program, "u_colorScale"), colorScale); if (useVao) { m_ctx.genVertexArrays(1, &vaoId); m_ctx.bindVertexArray(vaoId); } for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)m_arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { if (m_arrays[arrayNdx]->isBound()) { std::stringstream attribName; attribName << "a_" << m_arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx(); deUint32 loc = m_ctx.getAttribLocation(program, attribName.str().c_str()); m_ctx.enableVertexAttribArray(loc); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glEnableVertexAttribArray()"); m_arrays[arrayNdx]->glBind(loc); } } DE_ASSERT((firstVertex % 6) == 0); m_ctx.drawArrays(ContextArray::primitiveToGL(primitive), firstVertex, vertexCount - firstVertex); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glDrawArrays()"); for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)m_arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { if (m_arrays[arrayNdx]->isBound()) { std::stringstream attribName; attribName << "a_" << m_arrays[arrayNdx]->getAttribNdx(); deUint32 loc = m_ctx.getAttribLocation(program, attribName.str().c_str()); m_ctx.disableVertexAttribArray(loc); GLU_EXPECT_NO_ERROR(m_ctx.getError(), "glDisableVertexAttribArray()"); } } if (useVao) m_ctx.deleteVertexArrays(1, &vaoId); m_ctx.deleteProgram(program); m_ctx.useProgram(0); m_ctx.readPixels(m_screen, 0, 0, m_screen.getWidth(), m_screen.getHeight()); } // GLValue GLValue GLValue::getMaxValue (Array::InputType type) { GLValue rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_LAST]; rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT] = GLValue(Float::create(127.0f)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE] = GLValue(Double::create(127.0f)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_BYTE] = GLValue(Byte::create(127)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE] = GLValue(Ubyte::create(255)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT] = GLValue(Ushort::create(65530)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_SHORT] = GLValue(Short::create(32760)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED] = GLValue(Fixed::create(32760)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_INT] = GLValue(Int::create(2147483647)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT] = GLValue(Uint::create(4294967295u)); rangesHi[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF] = GLValue(Half::create(256.0f)); return rangesHi[(int)type]; } GLValue GLValue::getMinValue (Array::InputType type) { GLValue rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_LAST]; rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT] = GLValue(Float::create(-127.0f)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE] = GLValue(Double::create(-127.0f)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_BYTE] = GLValue(Byte::create(-127)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE] = GLValue(Ubyte::create(0)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT] = GLValue(Ushort::create(0)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_SHORT] = GLValue(Short::create(-32760)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED] = GLValue(Fixed::create(-32760)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_INT] = GLValue(Int::create(-2147483647)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT] = GLValue(Uint::create(0)); rangesLo[(int)Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF] = GLValue(Half::create(-256.0f)); return rangesLo[(int)type]; } float GLValue::toFloat (void) const { switch (type) { case Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT: return fl.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_BYTE: return b.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: return ub.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_SHORT: return s.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: return us.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED: { int maxValue = 65536; return (float)(double(2 * fi.getValue() + 1) / (maxValue - 1)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: return (float)ui.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_INT: return (float)i.getValue(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF: return h.to<float>(); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE: return (float)d.getValue(); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); return 0.0f; break; }; } class RandomArrayGenerator { public: static char* generateArray (int seed, GLValue min, GLValue max, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::InputType type); static char* generateQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max); static char* generatePerQuad (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max); private: template<typename T> static char* createQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max); template<typename T> static char* createPerQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max); static char* createQuadsPacked (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive); static void setData (char* data, Array::InputType type, deRandom& rnd, GLValue min, GLValue max); }; void RandomArrayGenerator::setData (char* data, Array::InputType type, deRandom& rnd, GLValue min, GLValue max) { switch (type) { case Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT: { alignmentSafeAssignment<float>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Float>(rnd, min.fl, max.fl)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE: { alignmentSafeAssignment<double>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Float>(rnd, min.fl, max.fl)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_SHORT: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deInt16>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Short>(rnd, min.s, max.s)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint16>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Ushort>(rnd, min.us, max.us)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_BYTE: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deInt8>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Byte>(rnd, min.b, max.b)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint8>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Ubyte>(rnd, min.ub, max.ub)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deInt32>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Fixed>(rnd, min.fi, max.fi)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_INT: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deInt32>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Int>(rnd, min.i, max.i)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Uint>(rnd, min.ui, max.ui)); break; } case Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF: { alignmentSafeAssignment<deFloat16>(data, getRandom<GLValue::Half>(rnd, min.h, max.h).getValue()); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } } char* RandomArrayGenerator::generateArray (int seed, GLValue min, GLValue max, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::InputType type) { char* data = NULL; deRandom rnd; deRandom_init(&rnd, seed); if (stride == 0) stride = componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(type); data = new char[stride * count]; for (int vertexNdx = 0; vertexNdx < count; vertexNdx++) { for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < componentCount; componentNdx++) { setData(&(data[vertexNdx * stride + Array::inputTypeSize(type) * componentNdx]), type, rnd, min, max); } } return data; } char* RandomArrayGenerator::generateQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max) { char* data = DE_NULL; switch (type) { case Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT: data = createQuads<GLValue::Float>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.fl, max.fl); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED: data = createQuads<GLValue::Fixed>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.fi, max.fi); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE: data = createQuads<GLValue::Double>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.d, max.d); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_BYTE: data = createQuads<GLValue::Byte>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.b, max.b); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_SHORT: data = createQuads<GLValue::Short>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.s, max.s); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: data = createQuads<GLValue::Ubyte>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.ub, max.ub); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: data = createQuads<GLValue::Ushort>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.us, max.us); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: data = createQuads<GLValue::Uint>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.ui, max.ui); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_INT: data = createQuads<GLValue::Int>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.i, max.i); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF: data = createQuads<GLValue::Half>(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive, min.h, max.h); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10: case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10: data = createQuadsPacked(seed, count, componentCount, offset, stride, primitive); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } return data; } char* RandomArrayGenerator::createQuadsPacked (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive) { DE_ASSERT(componentCount == 4); DE_UNREF(componentCount); int quadStride = 0; if (stride == 0) stride = sizeof(deUint32); switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: quadStride = stride * 6; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } char* const _data = new char[offset + quadStride * (count - 1) + stride * 5 + componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10)]; // last element must be fully in the array char* const resultData = _data + offset; const deUint32 max = 1024; const deUint32 min = 10; const deUint32 max2 = 4; deRandom rnd; deRandom_init(&rnd, seed); switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: { for (int quadNdx = 0; quadNdx < count; quadNdx++) { deUint32 x1 = min + deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max - min); deUint32 x2 = min + deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max - x1); deUint32 y1 = min + deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max - min); deUint32 y2 = min + deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max - y1); deUint32 z = min + deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % (max - min); deUint32 w = deRandom_getUint32(&rnd) % max2; deUint32 val1 = (w << 30) | (z << 20) | (y1 << 10) | x1; deUint32 val2 = (w << 30) | (z << 20) | (y1 << 10) | x2; deUint32 val3 = (w << 30) | (z << 20) | (y2 << 10) | x1; deUint32 val4 = (w << 30) | (z << 20) | (y2 << 10) | x1; deUint32 val5 = (w << 30) | (z << 20) | (y1 << 10) | x2; deUint32 val6 = (w << 30) | (z << 20) | (y2 << 10) | x2; alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 0]), val1); alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 1]), val2); alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 2]), val3); alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 3]), val4); alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 4]), val5); alignmentSafeAssignment<deUint32>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 5]), val6); } break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } return _data; } template<typename T> char* RandomArrayGenerator::createQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int offset, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max) { int componentStride = sizeof(T); int quadStride = 0; if (stride == 0) stride = componentCount * componentStride; DE_ASSERT(stride >= componentCount * componentStride); switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: quadStride = stride * 6; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } char* resultData = new char[offset + quadStride * count]; char* _data = resultData; resultData = resultData + offset; deRandom rnd; deRandom_init(&rnd, seed); switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: { for (int quadNdx = 0; quadNdx < count; ++quadNdx) { T x1, x2; T y1, y2; T z, w; // attempt to find a good (i.e not extremely small) quad for (int attemptNdx = 0; attemptNdx < 4; ++attemptNdx) { x1 = getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max); x2 = getRandom<T>(rnd, minValue<T>(), abs<T>(max - x1)); y1 = getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max); y2 = getRandom<T>(rnd, minValue<T>(), abs<T>(max - y1)); z = (componentCount > 2) ? (getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max)) : (T::create(0)); w = (componentCount > 3) ? (getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max)) : (T::create(1)); // no additional components, all is good if (componentCount <= 2) break; // The result quad is too thin? if ((deFloatAbs(x2.template to<float>() + z.template to<float>()) < minValue<T>().template to<float>()) || (deFloatAbs(y2.template to<float>() + w.template to<float>()) < minValue<T>().template to<float>())) continue; // all ok break; } alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride]), x1); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + componentStride]), y1); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride]), x1 + x2); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride + componentStride]), y1); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 2]), x1); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 2 + componentStride]), y1 + y2); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 3]), x1); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 3 + componentStride]), y1 + y2); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 4]), x1 + x2); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 4 + componentStride]), y1); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 5]), x1 + x2); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 5 + componentStride]), y1 + y2); if (componentCount > 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * i + componentStride * 2]), z); } if (componentCount > 3) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(&(resultData[quadNdx * quadStride + stride * i + componentStride * 3]), w); } } break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } return _data; } char* RandomArrayGenerator::generatePerQuad (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, Array::InputType type, GLValue min, GLValue max) { char* data = DE_NULL; switch (type) { case Array::INPUTTYPE_FLOAT: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Float>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.fl, max.fl); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_FIXED: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Fixed>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.fi, max.fi); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_DOUBLE: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Double>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.d, max.d); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_BYTE: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Byte>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.b, max.b); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_SHORT: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Short>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.s, max.s); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Ubyte>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.ub, max.ub); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Ushort>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.us, max.us); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Uint>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.ui, max.ui); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_INT: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Int>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.i, max.i); break; case Array::INPUTTYPE_HALF: data = createPerQuads<GLValue::Half>(seed, count, componentCount, stride, primitive, min.h, max.h); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } return data; } template<typename T> char* RandomArrayGenerator::createPerQuads (int seed, int count, int componentCount, int stride, Array::Primitive primitive, T min, T max) { deRandom rnd; deRandom_init(&rnd, seed); int componentStride = sizeof(T); if (stride == 0) stride = componentStride * componentCount; int quadStride = 0; switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: quadStride = stride * 6; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } char* data = new char[count * quadStride]; for (int quadNdx = 0; quadNdx < count; quadNdx++) { for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < componentCount; componentNdx++) { T val = getRandom<T>(rnd, min, max); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(data + quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 0 + componentStride * componentNdx, val); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(data + quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 1 + componentStride * componentNdx, val); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(data + quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 2 + componentStride * componentNdx, val); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(data + quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 3 + componentStride * componentNdx, val); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(data + quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 4 + componentStride * componentNdx, val); alignmentSafeAssignment<T>(data + quadNdx * quadStride + stride * 5 + componentStride * componentNdx, val); } } return data; } // VertexArrayTest VertexArrayTest::VertexArrayTest (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const char* name ,const char* desc) : TestCase (testCtx, name, desc) , m_renderCtx (renderCtx) , m_refBuffers (DE_NULL) , m_refContext (DE_NULL) , m_glesContext (DE_NULL) , m_glArrayPack (DE_NULL) , m_rrArrayPack (DE_NULL) , m_isOk (false) , m_maxDiffRed (deCeilFloatToInt32(256.0f * (2.0f / (1 << m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat().redBits)))) , m_maxDiffGreen (deCeilFloatToInt32(256.0f * (2.0f / (1 << m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat().greenBits)))) , m_maxDiffBlue (deCeilFloatToInt32(256.0f * (2.0f / (1 << m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat().blueBits)))) { } VertexArrayTest::~VertexArrayTest (void) { deinit(); } void VertexArrayTest::init (void) { const int renderTargetWidth = de::min(512, m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getWidth()); const int renderTargetHeight = de::min(512, m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getHeight()); sglr::ReferenceContextLimits limits (m_renderCtx); m_glesContext = new sglr::GLContext(m_renderCtx, m_testCtx.getLog(), sglr::GLCONTEXT_LOG_CALLS | sglr::GLCONTEXT_LOG_PROGRAMS, tcu::IVec4(0, 0, renderTargetWidth, renderTargetHeight)); m_refBuffers = new sglr::ReferenceContextBuffers(m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getPixelFormat(), 0, 0, renderTargetWidth, renderTargetHeight); m_refContext = new sglr::ReferenceContext(limits, m_refBuffers->getColorbuffer(), m_refBuffers->getDepthbuffer(), m_refBuffers->getStencilbuffer()); m_glArrayPack = new ContextArrayPack(m_renderCtx, *m_glesContext); m_rrArrayPack = new ContextArrayPack(m_renderCtx, *m_refContext); } void VertexArrayTest::deinit (void) { delete m_glArrayPack; delete m_rrArrayPack; delete m_refBuffers; delete m_refContext; delete m_glesContext; m_glArrayPack = DE_NULL; m_rrArrayPack = DE_NULL; m_refBuffers = DE_NULL; m_refContext = DE_NULL; m_glesContext = DE_NULL; } void VertexArrayTest::compare (void) { const tcu::Surface& ref = m_rrArrayPack->getSurface(); const tcu::Surface& screen = m_glArrayPack->getSurface(); if (m_renderCtx.getRenderTarget().getNumSamples() > 1) { // \todo [mika] Improve compare when using multisampling m_testCtx.getLog() << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Warning: Comparision of result from multisample render targets are not as stricts as without multisampling. Might produce false positives!" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; m_isOk = tcu::fuzzyCompare(m_testCtx.getLog(), "Compare Results", "Compare Results", ref.getAccess(), screen.getAccess(), 1.5f, tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); } else { tcu::RGBA threshold (m_maxDiffRed, m_maxDiffGreen, m_maxDiffBlue, 255); tcu::Surface error (ref.getWidth(), ref.getHeight()); m_isOk = true; for (int y = 1; y < ref.getHeight()-1; y++) { for (int x = 1; x < ref.getWidth()-1; x++) { tcu::RGBA refPixel = ref.getPixel(x, y); tcu::RGBA screenPixel = screen.getPixel(x, y); bool isOkPixel = false; // Don't do comparisons for this pixel if it belongs to a one-pixel-thin part (i.e. it doesn't have similar-color neighbors in both x and y directions) in both result and reference. // This fixes some false negatives. bool refThin = (!tcu::compareThreshold(refPixel, ref.getPixel(x-1, y ), threshold) && !tcu::compareThreshold(refPixel, ref.getPixel(x+1, y ), threshold)) || (!tcu::compareThreshold(refPixel, ref.getPixel(x , y-1), threshold) && !tcu::compareThreshold(refPixel, ref.getPixel(x , y+1), threshold)); bool screenThin = (!tcu::compareThreshold(screenPixel, screen.getPixel(x-1, y ), threshold) && !tcu::compareThreshold(screenPixel, screen.getPixel(x+1, y ), threshold)) || (!tcu::compareThreshold(screenPixel, screen.getPixel(x , y-1), threshold) && !tcu::compareThreshold(screenPixel, screen.getPixel(x , y+1), threshold)); if (refThin && screenThin) isOkPixel = true; else { for (int dy = -1; dy < 2 && !isOkPixel; dy++) { for (int dx = -1; dx < 2 && !isOkPixel; dx++) { // Check reference pixel against screen pixel { tcu::RGBA screenCmpPixel = screen.getPixel(x+dx, y+dy); deUint8 r = deAbs32(refPixel.getRed() - screenCmpPixel.getRed()); deUint8 g = deAbs32(refPixel.getGreen() - screenCmpPixel.getGreen()); deUint8 b = deAbs32(refPixel.getBlue() - screenCmpPixel.getBlue()); if (r <= m_maxDiffRed && g <= m_maxDiffGreen && b <= m_maxDiffBlue) isOkPixel = true; } // Check screen pixels against reference pixel { tcu::RGBA refCmpPixel = ref.getPixel(x+dx, y+dy); deUint8 r = deAbs32(refCmpPixel.getRed() - screenPixel.getRed()); deUint8 g = deAbs32(refCmpPixel.getGreen() - screenPixel.getGreen()); deUint8 b = deAbs32(refCmpPixel.getBlue() - screenPixel.getBlue()); if (r <= m_maxDiffRed && g <= m_maxDiffGreen && b <= m_maxDiffBlue) isOkPixel = true; } } } } if (isOkPixel) error.setPixel(x, y, tcu::RGBA(screen.getPixel(x, y).getRed(), (screen.getPixel(x, y).getGreen() + 255) / 2, screen.getPixel(x, y).getBlue(), 255)); else { error.setPixel(x, y, tcu::RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255)); m_isOk = false; } } } tcu::TestLog& log = m_testCtx.getLog(); if (!m_isOk) { log << TestLog::Message << "Image comparison failed, threshold = (" << m_maxDiffRed << ", " << m_maxDiffGreen << ", " << m_maxDiffBlue << ")" << TestLog::EndMessage; log << TestLog::ImageSet("Compare result", "Result of rendering") << TestLog::Image("Result", "Result", screen) << TestLog::Image("Reference", "Reference", ref) << TestLog::Image("ErrorMask", "Error mask", error) << TestLog::EndImageSet; } else { log << TestLog::ImageSet("Compare result", "Result of rendering") << TestLog::Image("Result", "Result", screen) << TestLog::EndImageSet; } } } // MultiVertexArrayTest MultiVertexArrayTest::Spec::ArraySpec::ArraySpec(Array::InputType inputType_, Array::OutputType outputType_, Array::Storage storage_, Array::Usage usage_, int componentCount_, int offset_, int stride_, bool normalize_, GLValue min_, GLValue max_) : inputType (inputType_) , outputType (outputType_) , storage (storage_) , usage (usage_) , componentCount(componentCount_) , offset (offset_) , stride (stride_) , normalize (normalize_) , min (min_) , max (max_) { } std::string MultiVertexArrayTest::Spec::getName (void) const { std::stringstream name; for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < arrays.size(); ++ndx) { const ArraySpec& array = arrays[ndx]; if (arrays.size() > 1) name << "array" << ndx << "_"; name << Array::storageToString(array.storage) << "_" << array.offset << "_" << array.stride << "_" << Array::inputTypeToString((Array::InputType)array.inputType); if (array.inputType != Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10 && array.inputType != Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10) name << array.componentCount; name << "_" << (array.normalize ? "normalized_" : "") << Array::outputTypeToString(array.outputType) << "_" << Array::usageTypeToString(array.usage) << "_"; } if (first) name << "first" << first << "_"; switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: name << "quads_"; break; case Array::PRIMITIVE_POINTS: name << "points_"; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } name << drawCount; return name.str(); } std::string MultiVertexArrayTest::Spec::getDesc (void) const { std::stringstream desc; for (size_t ndx = 0; ndx < arrays.size(); ++ndx) { const ArraySpec& array = arrays[ndx]; desc << "Array " << ndx << ": " << "Storage in " << Array::storageToString(array.storage) << ", " << "stride " << array.stride << ", " << "input datatype " << Array::inputTypeToString((Array::InputType)array.inputType) << ", " << "input component count " << array.componentCount << ", " << (array.normalize ? "normalized, " : "") << "used as " << Array::outputTypeToString(array.outputType) << ", "; } desc << "drawArrays(), " << "first " << first << ", " << drawCount; switch (primitive) { case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: desc << "quads "; break; case Array::PRIMITIVE_POINTS: desc << "points"; break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } return desc.str(); } MultiVertexArrayTest::MultiVertexArrayTest (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, glu::RenderContext& renderCtx, const Spec& spec, const char* name, const char* desc) : VertexArrayTest (testCtx, renderCtx, name, desc) , m_spec (spec) , m_iteration (0) { } MultiVertexArrayTest::~MultiVertexArrayTest (void) { } MultiVertexArrayTest::IterateResult MultiVertexArrayTest::iterate (void) { if (m_iteration == 0) { const size_t primitiveSize = (m_spec.primitive == Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) ? (6) : (1); // in non-indexed draw Triangles means rectangles float coordScale = 1.0f; float colorScale = 1.0f; const bool useVao = m_renderCtx.getType().getProfile() == glu::PROFILE_CORE; // Log info m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << m_spec.getDesc() << TestLog::EndMessage; // Color and Coord scale { // First array is always position { Spec::ArraySpec arraySpec = m_spec.arrays[0]; if (arraySpec.inputType == Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10) { if (arraySpec.normalize) coordScale = 1.0f; else coordScale = 1.0 / 1024.0; } else if (arraySpec.inputType == Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10) { if (arraySpec.normalize) coordScale = 1.0f; else coordScale = 1.0 / 512.0; } else coordScale = (arraySpec.normalize && !inputTypeIsFloatType(arraySpec.inputType) ? 1.0f : float(0.9 / double(arraySpec.max.toFloat()))); if (arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC3 || arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4 || arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC3 || arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_IVEC4 || arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC3 || arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_UVEC4) coordScale = coordScale * 0.5f; } // And other arrays are color-like for (int arrayNdx = 1; arrayNdx < (int)m_spec.arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { Spec::ArraySpec arraySpec = m_spec.arrays[arrayNdx]; colorScale *= (arraySpec.normalize && !inputTypeIsFloatType(arraySpec.inputType) ? 1.0f : float(1.0 / double(arraySpec.max.toFloat()))); if (arraySpec.outputType == Array::OUTPUTTYPE_VEC4) colorScale *= (arraySpec.normalize && !inputTypeIsFloatType(arraySpec.inputType) ? 1.0f : float(1.0 / double(arraySpec.max.toFloat()))); } } // Data for (int arrayNdx = 0; arrayNdx < (int)m_spec.arrays.size(); arrayNdx++) { Spec::ArraySpec arraySpec = m_spec.arrays[arrayNdx]; const int seed = int(arraySpec.inputType) + 10 * int(arraySpec.outputType) + 100 * int(arraySpec.storage) + 1000 * int(m_spec.primitive) + 10000 * int(arraySpec.usage) + int(m_spec.drawCount) + 12 * int(arraySpec.componentCount) + int(arraySpec.stride) + int(arraySpec.normalize); const char* data = DE_NULL; const size_t stride = (arraySpec.stride == 0) ? (arraySpec.componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(arraySpec.inputType)) : (arraySpec.stride); const size_t bufferSize = arraySpec.offset + stride * (m_spec.drawCount * primitiveSize - 1) + arraySpec.componentCount * Array::inputTypeSize(arraySpec.inputType); switch (m_spec.primitive) { // case Array::PRIMITIVE_POINTS: // data = RandomArrayGenerator::generateArray(seed, arraySpec.min, arraySpec.max, arraySpec.count, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.stride, arraySpec.inputType); // break; case Array::PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES: if (arrayNdx == 0) { data = RandomArrayGenerator::generateQuads(seed, m_spec.drawCount, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.offset, arraySpec.stride, m_spec.primitive, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.min, arraySpec.max); } else { DE_ASSERT(arraySpec.offset == 0); // \note [jarkko] it just hasn't been implemented data = RandomArrayGenerator::generatePerQuad(seed, m_spec.drawCount, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.stride, m_spec.primitive, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.min, arraySpec.max); } break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); break; } m_glArrayPack->newArray(arraySpec.storage); m_rrArrayPack->newArray(arraySpec.storage); m_glArrayPack->getArray(arrayNdx)->data(Array::TARGET_ARRAY, (int)bufferSize, data, arraySpec.usage); m_rrArrayPack->getArray(arrayNdx)->data(Array::TARGET_ARRAY, (int)bufferSize, data, arraySpec.usage); m_glArrayPack->getArray(arrayNdx)->bind(arrayNdx, arraySpec.offset, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.outputType, arraySpec.normalize, arraySpec.stride); m_rrArrayPack->getArray(arrayNdx)->bind(arrayNdx, arraySpec.offset, arraySpec.componentCount, arraySpec.inputType, arraySpec.outputType, arraySpec.normalize, arraySpec.stride); delete [] data; } try { m_glArrayPack->render(m_spec.primitive, m_spec.first, m_spec.drawCount * (int)primitiveSize, useVao, coordScale, colorScale); m_rrArrayPack->render(m_spec.primitive, m_spec.first, m_spec.drawCount * (int)primitiveSize, useVao, coordScale, colorScale); } catch (glu::Error& err) { // GL Errors are ok if the mode is not properly aligned m_testCtx.getLog() << TestLog::Message << "Got error: " << err.what() << TestLog::EndMessage; if (isUnalignedBufferOffsetTest()) m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING, "Failed to draw with unaligned buffers."); else if (isUnalignedBufferStrideTest()) m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING, "Failed to draw with unaligned stride."); else throw; return STOP; } m_iteration++; return CONTINUE; } else if (m_iteration == 1) { compare(); if (m_isOk) { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); } else { if (isUnalignedBufferOffsetTest()) m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING, "Failed to draw with unaligned buffers."); else if (isUnalignedBufferStrideTest()) m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_COMPATIBILITY_WARNING, "Failed to draw with unaligned stride."); else m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Image comparison failed."); } m_iteration++; return STOP; } else { DE_ASSERT(false); return STOP; } } bool MultiVertexArrayTest::isUnalignedBufferOffsetTest (void) const { // Buffer offsets should be data type size aligned for (size_t i = 0; i < m_spec.arrays.size(); ++i) { if (m_spec.arrays[i].storage == Array::STORAGE_BUFFER) { const bool inputTypePacked = m_spec.arrays[i].inputType == Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10 || m_spec.arrays[i].inputType == Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10; int dataTypeSize = Array::inputTypeSize(m_spec.arrays[i].inputType); if (inputTypePacked) dataTypeSize = 4; if (m_spec.arrays[i].offset % dataTypeSize != 0) return true; } } return false; } bool MultiVertexArrayTest::isUnalignedBufferStrideTest (void) const { // Buffer strides should be data type size aligned for (size_t i = 0; i < m_spec.arrays.size(); ++i) { if (m_spec.arrays[i].storage == Array::STORAGE_BUFFER) { const bool inputTypePacked = m_spec.arrays[i].inputType == Array::INPUTTYPE_UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10 || m_spec.arrays[i].inputType == Array::INPUTTYPE_INT_2_10_10_10; int dataTypeSize = Array::inputTypeSize(m_spec.arrays[i].inputType); if (inputTypePacked) dataTypeSize = 4; if (m_spec.arrays[i].stride % dataTypeSize != 0) return true; } } return false; } } // gls } // deqp