/* This is a maximally equidistributed combined Tausworthe generator based on code from GNU Scientific Library 1.5 (30 Jun 2004) x_n = (s1_n ^ s2_n ^ s3_n) s1_{n+1} = (((s1_n & 4294967294) <<12) ^ (((s1_n <<13) ^ s1_n) >>19)) s2_{n+1} = (((s2_n & 4294967288) << 4) ^ (((s2_n << 2) ^ s2_n) >>25)) s3_{n+1} = (((s3_n & 4294967280) <<17) ^ (((s3_n << 3) ^ s3_n) >>11)) The period of this generator is about 2^88. From: P. L'Ecuyer, "Maximally Equidistributed Combined Tausworthe Generators", Mathematics of Computation, 65, 213 (1996), 203--213. This is available on the net from L'Ecuyer's home page, http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lecuyer/myftp/papers/tausme.ps ftp://ftp.iro.umontreal.ca/pub/simulation/lecuyer/papers/tausme.ps There is an erratum in the paper "Tables of Maximally Equidistributed Combined LFSR Generators", Mathematics of Computation, 68, 225 (1999), 261--269: http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~lecuyer/myftp/papers/tausme2.ps ... the k_j most significant bits of z_j must be non- zero, for each j. (Note: this restriction also applies to the computer code given in [4], but was mistakenly not mentioned in that paper.) This affects the seeding procedure by imposing the requirement s1 > 1, s2 > 7, s3 > 15. */ #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "rand.h" #include "../hash.h" static inline int __seed(unsigned int x, unsigned int m) { return (x < m) ? x + m : x; } static void __init_rand(struct frand_state *state, unsigned int seed) { int cranks = 6; #define LCG(x, seed) ((x) * 69069 ^ (seed)) state->s1 = __seed(LCG((2^31) + (2^17) + (2^7), seed), 1); state->s2 = __seed(LCG(state->s1, seed), 7); state->s3 = __seed(LCG(state->s2, seed), 15); while (cranks--) __rand(state); } void init_rand(struct frand_state *state) { __init_rand(state, 1); } void init_rand_seed(struct frand_state *state, unsigned int seed) { __init_rand(state, seed); } void __fill_random_buf(void *buf, unsigned int len, unsigned long seed) { void *ptr = buf; while (len) { int this_len; if (len >= sizeof(int64_t)) { *((int64_t *) ptr) = seed; this_len = sizeof(int64_t); } else if (len >= sizeof(int32_t)) { *((int32_t *) ptr) = seed; this_len = sizeof(int32_t); } else if (len >= sizeof(int16_t)) { *((int16_t *) ptr) = seed; this_len = sizeof(int16_t); } else { *((int8_t *) ptr) = seed; this_len = sizeof(int8_t); } ptr += this_len; len -= this_len; seed *= GOLDEN_RATIO_PRIME; seed >>= 3; } } unsigned long fill_random_buf(struct frand_state *fs, void *buf, unsigned int len) { unsigned long r = __rand(fs); if (sizeof(int) != sizeof(long *)) r *= (unsigned long) __rand(fs); __fill_random_buf(buf, len, r); return r; } void fill_pattern(void *p, unsigned int len, char *pattern, unsigned int pattern_bytes) { switch (pattern_bytes) { case 0: assert(0); break; case 1: memset(p, pattern[0], len); break; default: { unsigned int i = 0, size = 0; unsigned char *b = p; while (i < len) { size = pattern_bytes; if (size > (len - i)) size = len - i; memcpy(b+i, pattern, size); i += size; } break; } } } void __fill_random_buf_percentage(unsigned long seed, void *buf, unsigned int percentage, unsigned int segment, unsigned int len, char *pattern, unsigned int pbytes) { unsigned int this_len; if (percentage == 100) { if (pbytes) fill_pattern(buf, len, pattern, pbytes); else memset(buf, 0, len); return; } if (segment > len) segment = len; while (len) { /* * Fill random chunk */ this_len = (segment * (100 - percentage)) / 100; if (this_len > len) this_len = len; __fill_random_buf(buf, this_len, seed); len -= this_len; if (!len) break; buf += this_len; if (this_len > len) this_len = len; else if (len - this_len <= sizeof(long)) this_len = len; if (pbytes) fill_pattern(buf, this_len, pattern, pbytes); else memset(buf, 0, this_len); len -= this_len; buf += this_len; } } unsigned long fill_random_buf_percentage(struct frand_state *fs, void *buf, unsigned int percentage, unsigned int segment, unsigned int len, char *pattern, unsigned int pbytes) { unsigned long r = __rand(fs); if (sizeof(int) != sizeof(long *)) r *= (unsigned long) __rand(fs); __fill_random_buf_percentage(r, buf, percentage, segment, len, pattern, pbytes); return r; }