#import "ivars-in-blocks.h"

typedef int (^my_block_ptr_type) (int);

@interface IAmBlocky()
  int _hidden_ivar;
  my_block_ptr_type _block_ptr;


@implementation IAmBlocky

+ (int) addend
  return 3;
+ (void) classMethod
  int (^my_block)(int) = ^(int foo)
    int ret = foo + [self addend];
    return ret; // Break here inside the class method block.
  printf("%d\n", my_block(2));

- (void) makeBlockPtr;
  _block_ptr = ^(int inval)
    _hidden_ivar += inval;
    return blocky_ivar * inval; // Break here inside the block.

- (IAmBlocky *) init
  blocky_ivar = 10;
  _hidden_ivar = 20;
  // Interesting...  Apparently you can't make a block in your init method.  This crashes...
  // [self makeBlockPtr];
  return self;

- (int) callABlock: (int) block_value
  if (_block_ptr == NULL)
    [self makeBlockPtr];
  int ret = _block_ptr (block_value);
  [IAmBlocky classMethod];
  return ret;