""" Test more expression command sequences with objective-c. """ import os, time import unittest2 import lldb from lldbtest import * import lldbutil @unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin") class FoundationTestCase2(TestBase): mydir = os.path.join("lang", "objc", "foundation") @dsym_test def test_more_expr_commands_with_dsym(self): """More expression commands for objective-c.""" self.buildDsym() self.more_expr_objc() @dwarf_test def test_more_expr_commands_with_dwarf(self): """More expression commands for objective-c.""" self.buildDwarf() self.more_expr_objc() @dsym_test def test_NSArray_expr_commands_with_dsym(self): """Test expression commands for NSArray.""" self.buildDsym() self.NSArray_expr() @dwarf_test def test_NSArray_expr_commands_with_dwarf(self): """Test expression commands for NSArray.""" self.buildDwarf() self.NSArray_expr() @dsym_test def test_NSString_expr_commands_with_dsym(self): """Test expression commands for NSString.""" self.buildDsym() self.NSString_expr() @dwarf_test def test_NSString_expr_commands_with_dwarf(self): """Test expression commands for NSString.""" self.buildDwarf() self.NSString_expr() @dsym_test def test_MyString_dump_with_dsym(self): """Test dump of a known Objective-C object by dereferencing it.""" self.buildDsym() self.MyString_dump() @dwarf_test def test_MyString_dump_with_dwarf(self): """Test dump of a known Objective-C object by dereferencing it.""" self.buildDwarf() self.MyString_dump() @expectedFailurei386 @dsym_test def test_NSError_po_with_dsym(self): """Test that po of the result of an unknown method doesn't require a cast.""" self.buildDsym() self.NSError_po() @expectedFailurei386 @dwarf_test def test_NSError_po_with_dwarf(self): """Test that po of the result of an unknown method doesn't require a cast.""" self.buildDsym() self.NSError_po() @dsym_test def test_NSError_p_with_dsym(self): """Test that p of the result of an unknown method does require a cast.""" self.buildDsym() self.NSError_p() @dwarf_test def test_NSError_p_with_dwarf(self): """Test that p of the result of an unknown method does require a cast.""" self.buildDsym() self.NSError_p() def setUp(self): # Call super's setUp(). TestBase.setUp(self) # Find the line numbers to break at. self.lines = [] self.lines.append(line_number('main.m', '// Break here for selector: tests')) self.lines.append(line_number('main.m', '// Break here for NSArray tests')) self.lines.append(line_number('main.m', '// Break here for NSString tests')) self.lines.append(line_number('main.m', '// Break here for description test')) self.lines.append(line_number('main.m', '// Set break point at this line')) def more_expr_objc(self): """More expression commands for objective-c.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) # Create a bunch of breakpoints. for line in self.lines: lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main.m", line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) # Test_Selector: self.runCmd("thread backtrace") self.expect("expression (char *)sel_getName(sel)", substrs = ["(char *)", "length"]) self.runCmd("process continue") # Test_NSArray: self.runCmd("thread backtrace") self.runCmd("process continue") # Test_NSString: self.runCmd("thread backtrace") self.runCmd("process continue") # Test_MyString: self.runCmd("thread backtrace") self.expect("expression (char *)sel_getName(_cmd)", substrs = ["(char *)", "description"]) self.runCmd("process continue") @unittest2.expectedFailure(8741897) def NSArray_expr(self): """Test expression commands for NSArray.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) # Break inside Test_NSArray: line = self.lines[1] lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main.m", line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) # Test_NSArray: self.runCmd("thread backtrace") self.expect("expression (int)[nil_mutable_array count]", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* = 0"]) self.expect("expression (int)[array1 count]", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* = 3"]) self.expect("expression (int)[array2 count]", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* = 3"]) self.expect("expression (int)array1.count", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* = 3"]) self.expect("expression (int)array2.count", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* = 3"]) self.runCmd("process continue") @unittest2.expectedFailure(8741897) def NSString_expr(self): """Test expression commands for NSString.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) # Break inside Test_NSString: line = self.lines[2] lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main.m", line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) # Test_NSString: self.runCmd("thread backtrace") self.expect("expression (int)[str length]", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* ="]) self.expect("expression (int)[str_id length]", patterns = ["\(int\) \$.* ="]) self.expect("expression [str description]", patterns = ["\(id\) \$.* = 0x"]) self.expect("expression [str_id description]", patterns = ["\(id\) \$.* = 0x"]) self.expect("expression str.description") self.expect("expression str_id.description") self.expect('expression str = @"new"') self.expect('expression str = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%cew", \'N\']') self.runCmd("process continue") def MyString_dump(self): """Test dump of a known Objective-C object by dereferencing it.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) line = self.lines[4] lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main.m", line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) self.expect("expression --show-types -- *my", patterns = ["\(MyString\) \$.* = ", "\(MyBase\)", "\(NSObject\)", "\(Class\)"]) self.runCmd("process continue") def NSError_po(self): """Test that po of the result of an unknown method doesn't require a cast.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) line = self.lines[4] lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main.m", line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) self.expect("po [NSError errorWithDomain:@\"Hello\" code:35 userInfo:nil]", substrs = ["Error Domain=Hello", "Code=35", "be completed."]) self.runCmd("process continue") def NSError_p(self): """Test that p of the result of an unknown method does require a cast.""" exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out") self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET) line = self.lines[4] lldbutil.run_break_set_by_file_and_line (self, "main.m", line, num_expected_locations=1, loc_exact=True) self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED) self.expect("p [NSError thisMethodIsntImplemented:0]", error = True, patterns = ["no known method", "cast the message send to the method's return type"]) self.runCmd("process continue") if __name__ == '__main__': import atexit lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize() atexit.register(lambda: lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()) unittest2.main()