// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com // #include "../../include/formfiller/FormFiller.h" #include "../../include/formfiller/FFL_FormFiller.h" #include "../../include/formfiller/FFL_Notify.h" // #include "../../include/formfiller/FFL_ComboBox.h" // #include "../../include/formfiller/FFL_Module.h" /* -------------------------------- CFFL_Notify ------------------------------ */ //#pragma warning(disable: 4800) CFFL_Notify::CFFL_Notify(CFFL_FormFiller * pFormFiller) : m_bDoActioning(FALSE), m_nNotifyFlag(0) { ASSERT(pFormFiller != NULL); } CFFL_Notify::~CFFL_Notify() { } void CFFL_Notify::BeforeNotify() { m_nNotifyFlag ++; } void CFFL_Notify::AfterNotify() { m_nNotifyFlag --; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnMouseUp(FX_BOOL & bExit) { BeforeNotify(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;//DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType::ButtonUp, bExit); AfterNotify(); return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnMouseDown(FX_BOOL & bExit) { BeforeNotify(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;//DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType::ButtonDown, bExit); AfterNotify(); return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnMouseEnter(FX_BOOL & bExit) { BeforeNotify(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;//DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType::CursorEnter, bExit); AfterNotify(); return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnMouseExit(FX_BOOL & bExit) { BeforeNotify(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;//DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType::CursorExit, bExit); AfterNotify(); return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnSetFocus(FX_BOOL & bExit) { BeforeNotify(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;//DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType::GetFocus, bExit); AfterNotify(); return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnKillFocus(FX_BOOL & bExit) { BeforeNotify(); FX_BOOL bRet = FALSE;//DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType::LoseFocus, bExit); AfterNotify(); return bRet; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnCalculate() { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnFormat(int iCommitKey) { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnKeyStroke(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, int nCommitKey, CFX_WideString& strValue, CFX_WideString& strChange, const CFX_WideString& strChangeEx, FX_BOOL bKeyDown, FX_BOOL bModifier, FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL bWillCommit, FX_BOOL bFieldFull, int& nSelStart, int& nSelEnd, FX_BOOL& bRC) { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::OnValidate(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, CFX_WideString& strValue, CFX_WideString & strChange, const CFX_WideString& strChangeEx, FX_BOOL bKeyDown, FX_BOOL bModifier, FX_BOOL bShift, FX_BOOL & bRC) { return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::DoAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT, FX_BOOL & bExit) { if (this->m_bDoActioning) return FALSE; CPDF_Action action; if (!FindAAction(eAAT,action)) return FALSE; this->m_bDoActioning = TRUE; ExecuteActionTree(eAAT,action,bExit); this->m_bDoActioning = FALSE; return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::ExecuteActionTree(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action, FX_BOOL& bExit) { if (!ExecuteAction(eAAT,action,bExit)) return FALSE; if (bExit) return TRUE; for (FX_INT32 i=0,sz=action.GetSubActionsCount(); i<sz; i++) { CPDF_Action subaction = action.GetSubAction(i); if (!ExecuteActionTree(eAAT,subaction,bExit)) return FALSE; if (bExit) break; } return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::FindAAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action) { return FALSE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::FindAAction(CPDF_AAction aaction,CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action) { CPDF_Action MyAction; if (aaction.ActionExist(eAAT)) { MyAction = aaction.GetAction(eAAT); } else return FALSE; if (MyAction.GetType() == CPDF_Action::Unknown) return FALSE; action = MyAction; return TRUE; } FX_BOOL CFFL_Notify::ExecuteAction(CPDF_AAction::AActionType eAAT,CPDF_Action & action,FX_BOOL& bExit) { return FALSE; } //#pragma warning(default: 4800)