/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "SkFontConfigParser_android.h" #include "SkFontDescriptor.h" #include "SkFontHost_FreeType_common.h" #include "SkFontMgr.h" #include "SkFontMgr_android.h" #include "SkFontStyle.h" #include "SkStream.h" #include "SkTDArray.h" #include "SkTSearch.h" #include "SkTypeface.h" #include "SkTypeface_android.h" #include "SkTypefaceCache.h" #include <limits> // For test only. static const char* gTestFontsXml = NULL; static const char* gTestFallbackFontsXml = NULL; static const char* gTestBasePath = NULL; class SkTypeface_Android : public SkTypeface_FreeType { public: SkTypeface_Android(int index, const SkFontStyle& style, bool isFixedPitch, const SkString& familyName) : INHERITED(style, SkTypefaceCache::NewFontID(), isFixedPitch) , fIndex(index) , fFamilyName(familyName) { } protected: void onGetFamilyName(SkString* familyName) const override { *familyName = fFamilyName; } int fIndex; SkString fFamilyName; private: typedef SkTypeface_FreeType INHERITED; }; class SkTypeface_AndroidSystem : public SkTypeface_Android { public: SkTypeface_AndroidSystem(const SkString& pathName, int index, const SkFontStyle& style, bool isFixedPitch, const SkString& familyName, const SkLanguage& lang, FontVariant variantStyle) : INHERITED(index, style, isFixedPitch, familyName) , fPathName(pathName) , fLang(lang) , fVariantStyle(variantStyle) { } virtual void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor* desc, bool* serialize) const override { SkASSERT(desc); SkASSERT(serialize); desc->setFamilyName(fFamilyName.c_str()); desc->setFontIndex(fIndex); *serialize = false; } SkStreamAsset* onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const override { *ttcIndex = fIndex; return SkStream::NewFromFile(fPathName.c_str()); } const SkString fPathName; const SkLanguage fLang; const FontVariant fVariantStyle; typedef SkTypeface_Android INHERITED; }; class SkTypeface_AndroidStream : public SkTypeface_Android { public: SkTypeface_AndroidStream(SkStreamAsset* stream, int index, const SkFontStyle& style, bool isFixedPitch, const SkString& familyName) : INHERITED(index, style, isFixedPitch, familyName) , fStream(stream) { } virtual void onGetFontDescriptor(SkFontDescriptor* desc, bool* serialize) const override { SkASSERT(desc); SkASSERT(serialize); desc->setFamilyName(fFamilyName.c_str()); *serialize = true; } SkStreamAsset* onOpenStream(int* ttcIndex) const override { *ttcIndex = fIndex; return fStream->duplicate(); } private: SkAutoTDelete<SkStreamAsset> fStream; typedef SkTypeface_Android INHERITED; }; class SkFontStyleSet_Android : public SkFontStyleSet { public: explicit SkFontStyleSet_Android(const FontFamily& family, const SkTypeface_FreeType::Scanner& scanner) { const SkString* cannonicalFamilyName = NULL; if (family.fNames.count() > 0) { cannonicalFamilyName = &family.fNames[0]; } // TODO? make this lazy for (int i = 0; i < family.fFonts.count(); ++i) { const FontFileInfo& fontFile = family.fFonts[i]; SkString pathName(family.fBasePath); pathName.append(fontFile.fFileName); SkAutoTDelete<SkStream> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(pathName.c_str())); if (!stream.get()) { SkDEBUGF(("Requested font file %s does not exist or cannot be opened.\n", pathName.c_str())); continue; } const int ttcIndex = fontFile.fIndex; SkString familyName; SkFontStyle style; bool isFixedWidth; if (!scanner.scanFont(stream.get(), ttcIndex, &familyName, &style, &isFixedWidth)) { SkDEBUGF(("Requested font file %s exists, but is not a valid font.\n", pathName.c_str())); continue; } int weight = fontFile.fWeight != 0 ? fontFile.fWeight : style.weight(); SkFontStyle::Slant slant = style.slant(); switch (fontFile.fStyle) { case FontFileInfo::Style::kAuto: slant = style.slant(); break; case FontFileInfo::Style::kNormal: slant = SkFontStyle::kUpright_Slant; break; case FontFileInfo::Style::kItalic: slant = SkFontStyle::kItalic_Slant; break; default: SkASSERT(false); break; } style = SkFontStyle(weight, style.width(), slant); const SkLanguage& lang = family.fLanguage; uint32_t variant = family.fVariant; if (kDefault_FontVariant == variant) { variant = kCompact_FontVariant | kElegant_FontVariant; } // The first specified family name overrides the family name found in the font. // TODO: SkTypeface_AndroidSystem::onCreateFamilyNameIterator should return // all of the specified family names in addition to the names found in the font. if (cannonicalFamilyName != NULL) { familyName = *cannonicalFamilyName; } fStyles.push_back().reset(SkNEW_ARGS(SkTypeface_AndroidSystem, (pathName, ttcIndex, style, isFixedWidth, familyName, lang, variant))); } } int count() override { return fStyles.count(); } void getStyle(int index, SkFontStyle* style, SkString* name) override { if (index < 0 || fStyles.count() <= index) { return; } if (style) { *style = this->style(index); } if (name) { name->reset(); } } SkTypeface_AndroidSystem* createTypeface(int index) override { if (index < 0 || fStyles.count() <= index) { return NULL; } return SkRef(fStyles[index].get()); } /** Find the typeface in this style set that most closely matches the given pattern. * TODO: consider replacing with SkStyleSet_Indirect::matchStyle(); * this simpler version using match_score() passes all our tests. */ SkTypeface_AndroidSystem* matchStyle(const SkFontStyle& pattern) override { if (0 == fStyles.count()) { return NULL; } SkTypeface_AndroidSystem* closest = fStyles[0]; int minScore = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); for (int i = 0; i < fStyles.count(); ++i) { SkFontStyle style = this->style(i); int score = match_score(pattern, style); if (score < minScore) { closest = fStyles[i]; minScore = score; } } return SkRef(closest); } private: SkFontStyle style(int index) { return fStyles[index]->fontStyle(); } static int match_score(const SkFontStyle& pattern, const SkFontStyle& candidate) { int score = 0; score += abs((pattern.width() - candidate.width()) * 100); score += abs((pattern.isItalic() == candidate.isItalic()) ? 0 : 1000); score += abs(pattern.weight() - candidate.weight()); return score; } SkTArray<SkAutoTUnref<SkTypeface_AndroidSystem>, true> fStyles; friend struct NameToFamily; friend class SkFontMgr_Android; typedef SkFontStyleSet INHERITED; }; /** On Android a single family can have many names, but our API assumes unique names. * Map names to the back end so that all names for a given family refer to the same * (non-replicated) set of typefaces. * SkTDict<> doesn't let us do index-based lookup, so we write our own mapping. */ struct NameToFamily { SkString name; SkFontStyleSet_Android* styleSet; }; class SkFontMgr_Android : public SkFontMgr { public: SkFontMgr_Android(const SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts* custom) { SkTDArray<FontFamily*> families; if (custom && SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts::kPreferSystem != custom->fSystemFontUse) { SkString base(custom->fBasePath); SkFontConfigParser::GetCustomFontFamilies(families, base, custom->fFontsXml, custom->fFallbackFontsXml); } if (!custom || (custom && SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts::kOnlyCustom != custom->fSystemFontUse)) { SkFontConfigParser::GetSystemFontFamilies(families); } if (custom && SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts::kPreferSystem == custom->fSystemFontUse) { SkString base(custom->fBasePath); SkFontConfigParser::GetCustomFontFamilies(families, base, custom->fFontsXml, custom->fFallbackFontsXml); } this->buildNameToFamilyMap(families); this->findDefaultFont(); families.deleteAll(); } protected: /** Returns not how many families we have, but how many unique names * exist among the families. */ int onCountFamilies() const override { return fNameToFamilyMap.count(); } void onGetFamilyName(int index, SkString* familyName) const override { if (index < 0 || fNameToFamilyMap.count() <= index) { familyName->reset(); return; } familyName->set(fNameToFamilyMap[index].name); } SkFontStyleSet* onCreateStyleSet(int index) const override { if (index < 0 || fNameToFamilyMap.count() <= index) { return NULL; } return SkRef(fNameToFamilyMap[index].styleSet); } SkFontStyleSet* onMatchFamily(const char familyName[]) const override { if (!familyName) { return NULL; } SkAutoAsciiToLC tolc(familyName); for (int i = 0; i < fNameToFamilyMap.count(); ++i) { if (fNameToFamilyMap[i].name.equals(tolc.lc())) { return SkRef(fNameToFamilyMap[i].styleSet); } } // TODO: eventually we should not need to name fallback families. for (int i = 0; i < fFallbackNameToFamilyMap.count(); ++i) { if (fFallbackNameToFamilyMap[i].name.equals(tolc.lc())) { return SkRef(fFallbackNameToFamilyMap[i].styleSet); } } return NULL; } virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFamilyStyle(const char familyName[], const SkFontStyle& style) const override { SkAutoTUnref<SkFontStyleSet> sset(this->matchFamily(familyName)); return sset->matchStyle(style); } virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFaceStyle(const SkTypeface* typeface, const SkFontStyle& style) const override { for (int i = 0; i < fFontStyleSets.count(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < fFontStyleSets[i]->fStyles.count(); ++j) { if (fFontStyleSets[i]->fStyles[j] == typeface) { return fFontStyleSets[i]->matchStyle(style); } } } return NULL; } static SkTypeface_AndroidSystem* find_family_style_character( const SkTDArray<NameToFamily>& fallbackNameToFamilyMap, const SkFontStyle& style, bool elegant, const SkString& langTag, SkUnichar character) { for (int i = 0; i < fallbackNameToFamilyMap.count(); ++i) { SkFontStyleSet_Android* family = fallbackNameToFamilyMap[i].styleSet; SkAutoTUnref<SkTypeface_AndroidSystem> face(family->matchStyle(style)); if (!langTag.isEmpty() && !face->fLang.getTag().startsWith(langTag.c_str())) { continue; } if (SkToBool(face->fVariantStyle & kElegant_FontVariant) != elegant) { continue; } SkPaint paint; paint.setTypeface(face); paint.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kUTF32_TextEncoding); uint16_t glyphID; paint.textToGlyphs(&character, sizeof(character), &glyphID); if (glyphID != 0) { return face.detach(); } } return NULL; } virtual SkTypeface* onMatchFamilyStyleCharacter(const char familyName[], const SkFontStyle& style, const char* bcp47[], int bcp47Count, SkUnichar character) const override { // The variant 'elegant' is 'not squashed', 'compact' is 'stays in ascent/descent'. // The variant 'default' means 'compact and elegant'. // As a result, it is not possible to know the variant context from the font alone. // TODO: add 'is_elegant' and 'is_compact' bits to 'style' request. // The first time match anything elegant, second time anything not elegant. for (int elegant = 2; elegant --> 0;) { for (int bcp47Index = bcp47Count; bcp47Index --> 0;) { SkLanguage lang(bcp47[bcp47Index]); while (!lang.getTag().isEmpty()) { SkTypeface_AndroidSystem* matchingTypeface = find_family_style_character(fFallbackNameToFamilyMap, style, SkToBool(elegant), lang.getTag(), character); if (matchingTypeface) { return matchingTypeface; } lang = lang.getParent(); } } SkTypeface_AndroidSystem* matchingTypeface = find_family_style_character(fFallbackNameToFamilyMap, style, SkToBool(elegant), SkString(), character); if (matchingTypeface) { return matchingTypeface; } } return NULL; } SkTypeface* onCreateFromData(SkData* data, int ttcIndex) const override { return this->createFromStream(new SkMemoryStream(data), ttcIndex); } SkTypeface* onCreateFromFile(const char path[], int ttcIndex) const override { SkAutoTDelete<SkStreamAsset> stream(SkStream::NewFromFile(path)); return stream.get() ? this->createFromStream(stream.detach(), ttcIndex) : NULL; } SkTypeface* onCreateFromStream(SkStreamAsset* bareStream, int ttcIndex) const override { SkAutoTDelete<SkStreamAsset> stream(bareStream); bool isFixedPitch; SkFontStyle style; SkString name; if (!fScanner.scanFont(stream, ttcIndex, &name, &style, &isFixedPitch)) { return NULL; } return SkNEW_ARGS(SkTypeface_AndroidStream, (stream.detach(), ttcIndex, style, isFixedPitch, name)); } virtual SkTypeface* onLegacyCreateTypeface(const char familyName[], unsigned styleBits) const override { SkFontStyle style = SkFontStyle(styleBits); if (familyName) { // On Android, we must return NULL when we can't find the requested // named typeface so that the system/app can provide their own recovery // mechanism. On other platforms we'd provide a typeface from the // default family instead. return this->onMatchFamilyStyle(familyName, style); } return fDefaultFamily->matchStyle(style); } private: SkTypeface_FreeType::Scanner fScanner; SkTArray<SkAutoTUnref<SkFontStyleSet_Android>, true> fFontStyleSets; SkFontStyleSet* fDefaultFamily; SkTypeface* fDefaultTypeface; SkTDArray<NameToFamily> fNameToFamilyMap; SkTDArray<NameToFamily> fFallbackNameToFamilyMap; void buildNameToFamilyMap(SkTDArray<FontFamily*> families) { for (int i = 0; i < families.count(); i++) { FontFamily& family = *families[i]; SkTDArray<NameToFamily>* nameToFamily = &fNameToFamilyMap; if (family.fIsFallbackFont) { nameToFamily = &fFallbackNameToFamilyMap; if (0 == family.fNames.count()) { SkString& fallbackName = family.fNames.push_back(); fallbackName.printf("%.2x##fallback", i); } } SkFontStyleSet_Android* newSet = SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontStyleSet_Android, (family, fScanner)); if (0 == newSet->count()) { SkDELETE(newSet); continue; } fFontStyleSets.push_back().reset(newSet); for (int j = 0; j < family.fNames.count(); j++) { NameToFamily* nextEntry = nameToFamily->append(); SkNEW_PLACEMENT_ARGS(&nextEntry->name, SkString, (family.fNames[j])); nextEntry->styleSet = newSet; } } } void findDefaultFont() { SkASSERT(!fFontStyleSets.empty()); static const char* gDefaultNames[] = { "sans-serif" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gDefaultNames); ++i) { SkFontStyleSet* set = this->onMatchFamily(gDefaultNames[i]); if (NULL == set) { continue; } SkTypeface* tf = set->matchStyle(SkFontStyle()); if (NULL == tf) { continue; } fDefaultFamily = set; fDefaultTypeface = tf; break; } if (NULL == fDefaultTypeface) { fDefaultFamily = fFontStyleSets[0]; fDefaultTypeface = fDefaultFamily->createTypeface(0); } SkASSERT(fDefaultFamily); SkASSERT(fDefaultTypeface); } typedef SkFontMgr INHERITED; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef SK_DEBUG static char const * const gSystemFontUseStrings[] = { "OnlyCustom", "PreferCustom", "PreferSystem" }; #endif SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr_New_Android(const SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts* custom) { if (custom) { SkASSERT(0 <= custom->fSystemFontUse); SkASSERT(custom->fSystemFontUse < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(gSystemFontUseStrings)); SkDEBUGF(("SystemFontUse: %s BasePath: %s Fonts: %s FallbackFonts: %s\n", gSystemFontUseStrings[custom->fSystemFontUse], custom->fBasePath, custom->fFontsXml, custom->fFallbackFontsXml)); } return SkNEW_ARGS(SkFontMgr_Android, (custom)); } SkFontMgr* SkFontMgr::Factory() { // These globals exist so that Chromium can override the environment. // TODO: these globals need to be removed, and Chromium use SkFontMgr_New_Android instead. if ((gTestFontsXml || gTestFallbackFontsXml) && gTestBasePath) { SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts custom = { SkFontMgr_Android_CustomFonts::kOnlyCustom, gTestBasePath, gTestFontsXml, gTestFallbackFontsXml }; return SkFontMgr_New_Android(&custom); } return SkFontMgr_New_Android(NULL); } void SkUseTestFontConfigFile(const char* fontsXml, const char* fallbackFontsXml, const char* basePath) { gTestFontsXml = fontsXml; gTestFallbackFontsXml = fallbackFontsXml; gTestBasePath = basePath; SkASSERT(gTestFontsXml); SkASSERT(gTestFallbackFontsXml); SkASSERT(gTestBasePath); SkDEBUGF(("Test BasePath: %s Fonts: %s FallbackFonts: %s\n", gTestBasePath, gTestFontsXml, gTestFallbackFontsXml)); }