/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "APM::Gains" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 //#define VERY_VERBOSE_LOGGING #ifdef VERY_VERBOSE_LOGGING #define ALOGVV ALOGV #else #define ALOGVV(a...) do { } while(0) #endif #include "Gains.h" #include <Volume.h> #include <math.h> #include <utils/String8.h> namespace android { // Enginedefault const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -49.5f}, {33, -33.5f}, {66, -17.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -58.0f}, {20, -40.0f}, {60, -17.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -58.0f}, {20, -40.0f}, {60, -21.0f}, {100, -10.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sSpeakerMediaVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -56.0f}, {20, -34.0f}, {60, -11.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sSpeakerMediaVolumeCurveDrc[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -55.0f}, {20, -43.0f}, {86, -12.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sSpeakerSonificationVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -29.7f}, {33, -20.1f}, {66, -10.2f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sSpeakerSonificationVolumeCurveDrc[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -35.7f}, {33, -26.1f}, {66, -13.2f}, {100, 0.0f} }; // AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM, AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE and AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF volume tracks // AUDIO_STREAM_RING on phones and AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC on tablets. // AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF tracks AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL while in call (See AudioService.java). // The range is constrained between -24dB and -6dB over speaker and -30dB and -18dB over headset. const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -24.0f}, {33, -18.0f}, {66, -12.0f}, {100, -6.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurveDrc[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -34.0f}, {33, -24.0f}, {66, -15.0f}, {100, -6.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sHeadsetSystemVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {1, -30.0f}, {33, -26.0f}, {66, -22.0f}, {100, -18.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sDefaultVoiceVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {0, -42.0f}, {33, -28.0f}, {66, -14.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sSpeakerVoiceVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {0, -24.0f}, {33, -16.0f}, {66, -8.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sLinearVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {0, -96.0f}, {33, -68.0f}, {66, -34.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sSilentVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {0, -96.0f}, {1, -96.0f}, {2, -96.0f}, {100, -96.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve[Volume::VOLCNT] = { {0, 0.0f}, {1, 0.0f}, {2, 0.0f}, {100, 0.0f} }; const VolumeCurvePoint *Gains::sVolumeProfiles[AUDIO_STREAM_CNT] [Volume::DEVICE_CATEGORY_CNT] = { { // AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL Gains::sDefaultVoiceVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerVoiceVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sSpeakerVoiceVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM Gains::sHeadsetSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_RING Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerSonificationVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerMediaVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerSonificationVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerSonificationVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO Gains::sDefaultVoiceVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerVoiceVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultVoiceVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE Gains::sHeadsetSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF Gains::sHeadsetSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultSystemVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sExtMediaSystemVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_TTS // "Transmitted Through Speaker": always silent except on DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sSilentVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sSilentVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sSilentVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sSpeakerMediaVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sDefaultMediaVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_REROUTING Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, { // AUDIO_STREAM_PATCH Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve, // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE Gains::sFullScaleVolumeCurve // DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA }, }; //static float Gains::volIndexToDb(Volume::device_category deviceCategory, const StreamDescriptor& streamDesc, int indexInUi) { const VolumeCurvePoint *curve = streamDesc.getVolumeCurvePoint(deviceCategory); // the volume index in the UI is relative to the min and max volume indices for this stream type int nbSteps = 1 + curve[Volume::VOLMAX].mIndex - curve[Volume::VOLMIN].mIndex; int volIdx = (nbSteps * (indexInUi - streamDesc.getVolumeIndexMin())) / (streamDesc.getVolumeIndexMax() - streamDesc.getVolumeIndexMin()); // find what part of the curve this index volume belongs to, or if it's out of bounds int segment = 0; if (volIdx < curve[Volume::VOLMIN].mIndex) { // out of bounds return VOLUME_MIN_DB; } else if (volIdx < curve[Volume::VOLKNEE1].mIndex) { segment = 0; } else if (volIdx < curve[Volume::VOLKNEE2].mIndex) { segment = 1; } else if (volIdx <= curve[Volume::VOLMAX].mIndex) { segment = 2; } else { // out of bounds return 0.0f; } // linear interpolation in the attenuation table in dB float decibels = curve[segment].mDBAttenuation + ((float)(volIdx - curve[segment].mIndex)) * ( (curve[segment+1].mDBAttenuation - curve[segment].mDBAttenuation) / ((float)(curve[segment+1].mIndex - curve[segment].mIndex)) ); ALOGVV("VOLUME vol index=[%d %d %d], dB=[%.1f %.1f %.1f]", curve[segment].mIndex, volIdx, curve[segment+1].mIndex, curve[segment].mDBAttenuation, decibels, curve[segment+1].mDBAttenuation); return decibels; } //static float Gains::volIndexToAmpl(Volume::device_category deviceCategory, const StreamDescriptor& streamDesc, int indexInUi) { return Volume::DbToAmpl(volIndexToDb(deviceCategory, streamDesc, indexInUi)); } }; // namespace android