/* * Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <map> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h> #include <llvm/ADT/SmallString.h> #include <llvm/Config/config.h> #include <llvm/Support/CommandLine.h> #include <llvm/Support/FileSystem.h> #include <llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h> #include <llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h> #include <llvm/Support/Path.h> #include <llvm/Support/PluginLoader.h> #include <llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h> #include <bcc/BCCContext.h> #include <bcc/Compiler.h> #include <bcc/Config/Config.h> #include <bcc/Renderscript/RSCompilerDriver.h> #include <bcc/Script.h> #include <bcc/Source.h> #include <bcc/Support/Log.h> #include <bcc/Support/CompilerConfig.h> #include <bcc/Support/Initialization.h> #include <bcc/Support/InputFile.h> #include <bcc/Support/OutputFile.h> using namespace bcc; #define STR2(a) #a #define STR(a) STR2(a) //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // General Options //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// namespace { llvm::cl::list<std::string> OptInputFilenames(llvm::cl::Positional, llvm::cl::OneOrMore, llvm::cl::desc("<input bitcode files>")); llvm::cl::list<std::string> OptMergePlans("merge", llvm::cl::ZeroOrMore, llvm::cl::desc("Lists of kernels to merge (as source-and-slot " "pairs) and names for the final merged kernels")); llvm::cl::list<std::string> OptInvokes("invoke", llvm::cl::ZeroOrMore, llvm::cl::desc("Invocable functions")); llvm::cl::opt<std::string> OptOutputFilename("o", llvm::cl::desc("Specify the output filename"), llvm::cl::value_desc("filename"), llvm::cl::init("bcc_output")); llvm::cl::opt<std::string> OptBCLibFilename("bclib", llvm::cl::desc("Specify the bclib filename"), llvm::cl::value_desc("bclib")); llvm::cl::opt<std::string> OptBCLibRelaxedFilename("bclib_relaxed", llvm::cl::desc("Specify the bclib filename optimized for " "relaxed precision floating point maths"), llvm::cl::init(""), llvm::cl::value_desc("bclib_relaxed")); llvm::cl::opt<std::string> OptOutputPath("output_path", llvm::cl::desc("Specify the output path"), llvm::cl::value_desc("output path"), llvm::cl::init(".")); llvm::cl::opt<bool> OptEmitLLVM("emit-llvm", llvm::cl::desc("Emit an LLVM-IR version of the generated program")); llvm::cl::opt<std::string> OptTargetTriple("mtriple", llvm::cl::desc("Specify the target triple (default: " DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE_STRING ")"), llvm::cl::init(DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE_STRING), llvm::cl::value_desc("triple")); llvm::cl::alias OptTargetTripleC("C", llvm::cl::NotHidden, llvm::cl::desc("Alias for -mtriple"), llvm::cl::aliasopt(OptTargetTriple)); llvm::cl::opt<bool> OptRSDebugContext("rs-debug-ctx", llvm::cl::desc("Enable build to work with a RenderScript debug context")); llvm::cl::opt<bool> OptRSGlobalInfo("rs-global-info", llvm::cl::desc("Embed information about global variables in the code")); llvm::cl::opt<bool> OptRSGlobalInfoSkipConstant("rs-global-info-skip-constant", llvm::cl::desc("Skip embedding information about constant global " "variables in the code")); llvm::cl::opt<std::string> OptChecksum("build-checksum", llvm::cl::desc("Embed a checksum of this compiler invocation for" " cache invalidation at a later time"), llvm::cl::value_desc("checksum")); //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // Compiler Options //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// llvm::cl::opt<bool> OptPIC("fPIC", llvm::cl::desc("Generate fully relocatable, position independent" " code")); // If set, use buildForCompatLib to embed RS symbol information into the object // file. The information is stored in the .rs.info variable. This option is // to be used in tandem with -fPIC. llvm::cl::opt<bool> OptEmbedRSInfo("embedRSInfo", llvm::cl::desc("Embed RS Info into the object file instead of generating" " a separate .o.info file")); // RenderScript uses -O3 by default llvm::cl::opt<char> OptOptLevel("O", llvm::cl::desc("Optimization level. [-O0, -O1, -O2, or -O3] " "(default: -O3)"), llvm::cl::Prefix, llvm::cl::ZeroOrMore, llvm::cl::init('3')); // Override "bcc -version" since the LLVM version information is not correct on // Android build. void BCCVersionPrinter() { llvm::raw_ostream &os = llvm::outs(); os << "libbcc (The Android Open Source Project, http://www.android.com/):\n" << " Default target: " << DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE_STRING << "\n\n" << "LLVM (http://llvm.org/):\n" << " Version: " << PACKAGE_VERSION << "\n"; return; } void extractSourcesAndSlots(const llvm::cl::list<std::string>& optList, std::list<std::string>* batchNames, std::list<std::list<std::pair<int, int>>>* sourcesAndSlots) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < optList.size(); ++i) { std::string plan = optList[i]; unsigned found = plan.find(":"); std::string name = plan.substr(0, found); std::cerr << "new kernel name: " << name << std::endl; batchNames->push_back(name); std::istringstream iss(plan.substr(found + 1)); std::string s; std::list<std::pair<int, int>> planList; while (getline(iss, s, '.')) { found = s.find(","); std::string sourceStr = s.substr(0, found); std::string slotStr = s.substr(found + 1); std::cerr << "source " << sourceStr << ", slot " << slotStr << std::endl; int source = std::stoi(sourceStr); int slot = std::stoi(slotStr); planList.push_back(std::make_pair(source, slot)); } sourcesAndSlots->push_back(planList); } } bool compileScriptGroup(BCCContext& Context, RSCompilerDriver& RSCD) { std::vector<bcc::Source*> sources; for (unsigned i = 0; i < OptInputFilenames.size(); ++i) { bcc::Source* source = bcc::Source::CreateFromFile(Context, OptInputFilenames[i]); if (!source) { llvm::errs() << "Error loading file '" << OptInputFilenames[i]<< "'\n"; return false; } sources.push_back(source); } std::list<std::string> fusedKernelNames; std::list<std::list<std::pair<int, int>>> sourcesAndSlots; extractSourcesAndSlots(OptMergePlans, &fusedKernelNames, &sourcesAndSlots); std::list<std::string> invokeBatchNames; std::list<std::list<std::pair<int, int>>> invokeSourcesAndSlots; extractSourcesAndSlots(OptInvokes, &invokeBatchNames, &invokeSourcesAndSlots); std::string outputFilepath(OptOutputPath); outputFilepath.append("/"); outputFilepath.append(OptOutputFilename); bool success = RSCD.buildScriptGroup( Context, outputFilepath.c_str(), OptBCLibFilename.c_str(), OptBCLibRelaxedFilename.c_str(), OptEmitLLVM, OptChecksum.c_str(), sources, sourcesAndSlots, fusedKernelNames, invokeSourcesAndSlots, invokeBatchNames); return success; } } // end anonymous namespace static inline bool ConfigCompiler(RSCompilerDriver &pRSCD) { Compiler *RSC = pRSCD.getCompiler(); CompilerConfig *config = nullptr; config = new (std::nothrow) CompilerConfig(OptTargetTriple); if (config == nullptr) { llvm::errs() << "Out of memory when create the compiler configuration!\n"; return false; } // llvm3.5 has removed the auto-detect feature for x86 subtarget, // so set features explicitly in bcc. if ((config->getTriple().find("i686") != std::string::npos) || (config->getTriple().find("x86_64") != std::string::npos)) { std::vector<std::string> fv; #if defined(__SSE3__) fv.push_back("+sse3"); #endif #if defined(__SSSE3__) fv.push_back("+ssse3"); #endif #if defined(__SSE4_1__) fv.push_back("+sse4.1"); #endif #if defined(__SSE4_2__) fv.push_back("+sse4.2"); #endif if (fv.size()) { config->setFeatureString(fv); } } if (OptPIC) { config->setRelocationModel(llvm::Reloc::PIC_); // For x86_64, CodeModel needs to be small if PIC_ reloc is used. // Otherwise, we end up with TEXTRELs in the shared library. if (config->getTriple().find("x86_64") != std::string::npos) { config->setCodeModel(llvm::CodeModel::Small); } } switch (OptOptLevel) { case '0': config->setOptimizationLevel(llvm::CodeGenOpt::None); break; case '1': config->setOptimizationLevel(llvm::CodeGenOpt::Less); break; case '2': config->setOptimizationLevel(llvm::CodeGenOpt::Default); break; case '3': default: { config->setOptimizationLevel(llvm::CodeGenOpt::Aggressive); break; } } pRSCD.setConfig(config); Compiler::ErrorCode result = RSC->config(*config); if (OptRSDebugContext) { pRSCD.setDebugContext(true); } if (OptRSGlobalInfo) { pRSCD.setEmbedGlobalInfo(true); } if (OptRSGlobalInfoSkipConstant) { pRSCD.setEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant(true); } if (result != Compiler::kSuccess) { llvm::errs() << "Failed to configure the compiler! (detail: " << Compiler::GetErrorString(result) << ")\n"; return false; } return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { llvm::llvm_shutdown_obj Y; init::Initialize(); llvm::cl::SetVersionPrinter(BCCVersionPrinter); llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv); BCCContext context; RSCompilerDriver RSCD; if (OptBCLibFilename.empty()) { ALOGE("Failed to compile bitcode, -bclib was not specified"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!ConfigCompiler(RSCD)) { ALOGE("Failed to configure compiler"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Attempt to dynamically initialize the compiler driver if such a function // is present. It is only present if passed via "-load libFOO.so". RSCompilerDriverInit_t rscdi = (RSCompilerDriverInit_t) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, STR(RS_COMPILER_DRIVER_INIT_FN)); if (rscdi != nullptr) { rscdi(&RSCD); } if (OptMergePlans.size() > 0) { bool success = compileScriptGroup(context, RSCD); if (!success) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } llvm::ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer>> mb_or_error = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getFile(OptInputFilenames[0].c_str()); if (mb_or_error.getError()) { ALOGE("Failed to load bitcode from path %s! (%s)", OptInputFilenames[0].c_str(), mb_or_error.getError().message().c_str()); return EXIT_FAILURE; } std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> input_data = std::move(mb_or_error.get()); const char *bitcode = input_data->getBufferStart(); size_t bitcodeSize = input_data->getBufferSize(); if (!OptEmbedRSInfo) { bool built = RSCD.build(context, OptOutputPath.c_str(), OptOutputFilename.c_str(), bitcode, bitcodeSize, OptChecksum.c_str(), OptBCLibFilename.c_str(), nullptr, OptEmitLLVM); if (!built) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { // embedRSInfo is set. Use buildForCompatLib to embed RS symbol information // into the .rs.info symbol. Source *source = Source::CreateFromBuffer(context, OptInputFilenames[0].c_str(), bitcode, bitcodeSize); RSScript *s = new (std::nothrow) RSScript(*source); if (s == nullptr) { llvm::errs() << "Out of memory when creating script for file `" << OptInputFilenames[0] << "'!\n"; delete source; return EXIT_FAILURE; } llvm::SmallString<80> output(OptOutputPath); llvm::sys::path::append(output, "/", OptOutputFilename); llvm::sys::path::replace_extension(output, ".o"); if (!RSCD.buildForCompatLib(*s, output.c_str(), OptChecksum.c_str(), OptBCLibFilename.c_str(), OptEmitLLVM)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to compile script!"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }