/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ANDROID_GUI_ISURFACE_COMPOSER_H #define ANDROID_GUI_ISURFACE_COMPOSER_H #include <stdint.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <utils/RefBase.h> #include <utils/Errors.h> #include <utils/Timers.h> #include <utils/Vector.h> #include <binder/IInterface.h> #include <ui/FrameStats.h> #include <gui/IGraphicBufferAlloc.h> #include <gui/ISurfaceComposerClient.h> namespace android { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ComposerState; class DisplayState; struct DisplayInfo; struct DisplayStatInfo; class IDisplayEventConnection; class IMemoryHeap; class Rect; /* * This class defines the Binder IPC interface for accessing various * SurfaceFlinger features. */ class ISurfaceComposer: public IInterface { public: DECLARE_META_INTERFACE(SurfaceComposer); // flags for setTransactionState() enum { eSynchronous = 0x01, eAnimation = 0x02, }; enum { eDisplayIdMain = 0, eDisplayIdHdmi = 1 }; enum Rotation { eRotateNone = 0, eRotate90 = 1, eRotate180 = 2, eRotate270 = 3 }; /* create connection with surface flinger, requires * ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission */ virtual sp<ISurfaceComposerClient> createConnection() = 0; /* create a graphic buffer allocator */ virtual sp<IGraphicBufferAlloc> createGraphicBufferAlloc() = 0; /* return an IDisplayEventConnection */ virtual sp<IDisplayEventConnection> createDisplayEventConnection() = 0; /* create a virtual display * requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. */ virtual sp<IBinder> createDisplay(const String8& displayName, bool secure) = 0; /* destroy a virtual display * requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. */ virtual void destroyDisplay(const sp<IBinder>& display) = 0; /* get the token for the existing default displays. possible values * for id are eDisplayIdMain and eDisplayIdHdmi. */ virtual sp<IBinder> getBuiltInDisplay(int32_t id) = 0; /* open/close transactions. requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission */ virtual void setTransactionState(const Vector<ComposerState>& state, const Vector<DisplayState>& displays, uint32_t flags) = 0; /* signal that we're done booting. * Requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission */ virtual void bootFinished() = 0; /* verify that an IGraphicBufferProducer was created by SurfaceFlinger. */ virtual bool authenticateSurfaceTexture( const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& surface) const = 0; /* set display power mode. depending on the mode, it can either trigger * screen on, off or low power mode and wait for it to complete. * requires ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. */ virtual void setPowerMode(const sp<IBinder>& display, int mode) = 0; /* returns information for each configuration of the given display * intended to be used to get information about built-in displays */ virtual status_t getDisplayConfigs(const sp<IBinder>& display, Vector<DisplayInfo>* configs) = 0; /* returns display statistics for a given display * intended to be used by the media framework to properly schedule * video frames */ virtual status_t getDisplayStats(const sp<IBinder>& display, DisplayStatInfo* stats) = 0; /* indicates which of the configurations returned by getDisplayInfo is * currently active */ virtual int getActiveConfig(const sp<IBinder>& display) = 0; /* specifies which configuration (of those returned by getDisplayInfo) * should be used */ virtual status_t setActiveConfig(const sp<IBinder>& display, int id) = 0; /* Capture the specified screen. requires READ_FRAME_BUFFER permission * This function will fail if there is a secure window on screen. */ virtual status_t captureScreen(const sp<IBinder>& display, const sp<IGraphicBufferProducer>& producer, Rect sourceCrop, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight, uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ, bool useIdentityTransform, Rotation rotation = eRotateNone) = 0; /* Clears the frame statistics for animations. * * Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. */ virtual status_t clearAnimationFrameStats() = 0; /* Gets the frame statistics for animations. * * Requires the ACCESS_SURFACE_FLINGER permission. */ virtual status_t getAnimationFrameStats(FrameStats* outStats) const = 0; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BnSurfaceComposer: public BnInterface<ISurfaceComposer> { public: enum { // Note: BOOT_FINISHED must remain this value, it is called from // Java by ActivityManagerService. BOOT_FINISHED = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION, CREATE_CONNECTION, CREATE_GRAPHIC_BUFFER_ALLOC, CREATE_DISPLAY_EVENT_CONNECTION, CREATE_DISPLAY, DESTROY_DISPLAY, GET_BUILT_IN_DISPLAY, SET_TRANSACTION_STATE, AUTHENTICATE_SURFACE, GET_DISPLAY_CONFIGS, GET_ACTIVE_CONFIG, SET_ACTIVE_CONFIG, CONNECT_DISPLAY, CAPTURE_SCREEN, CLEAR_ANIMATION_FRAME_STATS, GET_ANIMATION_FRAME_STATS, SET_POWER_MODE, GET_DISPLAY_STATS, }; virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // namespace android #endif // ANDROID_GUI_ISURFACE_COMPOSER_H