/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <poll.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <binder/Binder.h> #include <binder/IBinder.h> #include <binder/IPCThreadState.h> #include <binder/IServiceManager.h> #define ARRAY_SIZE(array) (sizeof array / sizeof array[0]) using namespace android; static testing::Environment* binder_env; static char *binderservername; static char binderserverarg[] = "--binderserver"; static String16 binderLibTestServiceName = String16("test.binderLib"); enum BinderLibTestTranscationCode { BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_TRANSACTION = IBinder::FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_REGISTER_SERVER, BINDER_LIB_TEST_ADD_SERVER, BINDER_LIB_TEST_CALL_BACK, BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_CALL_BACK, BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_ID_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_INDIRECT_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_SET_ERROR_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_STATUS_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_ADD_STRONG_REF_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_LINK_DEATH_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_WRITE_FILE_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_PROMOTE_WEAK_REF_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_EXIT_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_DELAYED_EXIT_TRANSACTION, BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_PTR_SIZE_TRANSACTION, }; pid_t start_server_process(int arg2) { int ret; pid_t pid; status_t status; int pipefd[2]; char stri[16]; char strpipefd1[16]; char *childargv[] = { binderservername, binderserverarg, stri, strpipefd1, NULL }; ret = pipe(pipefd); if (ret < 0) return ret; snprintf(stri, sizeof(stri), "%d", arg2); snprintf(strpipefd1, sizeof(strpipefd1), "%d", pipefd[1]); pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) return pid; if (pid == 0) { close(pipefd[0]); execv(binderservername, childargv); status = -errno; write(pipefd[1], &status, sizeof(status)); fprintf(stderr, "execv failed, %s\n", strerror(errno)); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } close(pipefd[1]); ret = read(pipefd[0], &status, sizeof(status)); //printf("pipe read returned %d, status %d\n", ret, status); close(pipefd[0]); if (ret == sizeof(status)) { ret = status; } else { kill(pid, SIGKILL); if (ret >= 0) { ret = NO_INIT; } } if (ret < 0) { wait(NULL); return ret; } return pid; } class BinderLibTestEnv : public ::testing::Environment { public: BinderLibTestEnv() {} sp<IBinder> getServer(void) { return m_server; } private: virtual void SetUp() { m_serverpid = start_server_process(0); //printf("m_serverpid %d\n", m_serverpid); ASSERT_GT(m_serverpid, 0); sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); //printf("%s: pid %d, get service\n", __func__, m_pid); m_server = sm->getService(binderLibTestServiceName); ASSERT_TRUE(m_server != NULL); //printf("%s: pid %d, get service done\n", __func__, m_pid); } virtual void TearDown() { status_t ret; Parcel data, reply; int exitStatus; pid_t pid; //printf("%s: pid %d\n", __func__, m_pid); if (m_server != NULL) { ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_STATUS_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(0, ret); ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_EXIT_TRANSACTION, data, &reply, TF_ONE_WAY); EXPECT_EQ(0, ret); } if (m_serverpid > 0) { //printf("wait for %d\n", m_pids[i]); pid = wait(&exitStatus); EXPECT_EQ(m_serverpid, pid); EXPECT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(exitStatus)); EXPECT_EQ(0, WEXITSTATUS(exitStatus)); } } pid_t m_serverpid; sp<IBinder> m_server; }; class BinderLibTest : public ::testing::Test { public: virtual void SetUp() { m_server = static_cast<BinderLibTestEnv *>(binder_env)->getServer(); } virtual void TearDown() { } protected: sp<IBinder> addServer(int32_t *idPtr = NULL) { int ret; int32_t id; Parcel data, reply; sp<IBinder> binder; ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_ADD_SERVER, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_FALSE(binder != NULL); binder = reply.readStrongBinder(); EXPECT_TRUE(binder != NULL); ret = reply.readInt32(&id); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); if (idPtr) *idPtr = id; return binder; } void waitForReadData(int fd, int timeout_ms) { int ret; pollfd pfd = pollfd(); pfd.fd = fd; pfd.events = POLLIN; ret = poll(&pfd, 1, timeout_ms); EXPECT_EQ(1, ret); } sp<IBinder> m_server; }; class BinderLibTestBundle : public Parcel { public: BinderLibTestBundle(void) {} BinderLibTestBundle(const Parcel *source) : m_isValid(false) { int32_t mark; int32_t bundleLen; size_t pos; if (source->readInt32(&mark)) return; if (mark != MARK_START) return; if (source->readInt32(&bundleLen)) return; pos = source->dataPosition(); if (Parcel::appendFrom(source, pos, bundleLen)) return; source->setDataPosition(pos + bundleLen); if (source->readInt32(&mark)) return; if (mark != MARK_END) return; m_isValid = true; setDataPosition(0); } void appendTo(Parcel *dest) { dest->writeInt32(MARK_START); dest->writeInt32(dataSize()); dest->appendFrom(this, 0, dataSize()); dest->writeInt32(MARK_END); }; bool isValid(void) { return m_isValid; } private: enum { MARK_START = B_PACK_CHARS('B','T','B','S'), MARK_END = B_PACK_CHARS('B','T','B','E'), }; bool m_isValid; }; class BinderLibTestEvent { public: BinderLibTestEvent(void) : m_eventTriggered(false) { pthread_mutex_init(&m_waitMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&m_waitCond, NULL); } int waitEvent(int timeout_s) { int ret; pthread_mutex_lock(&m_waitMutex); if (!m_eventTriggered) { #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT_RELATIVE) pthread_cond_timeout_np(&m_waitCond, &m_waitMutex, timeout_s * 1000); #else struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += timeout_s; pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_waitCond, &m_waitMutex, &ts); #endif } ret = m_eventTriggered ? NO_ERROR : TIMED_OUT; pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_waitMutex); return ret; } protected: void triggerEvent(void) { pthread_mutex_lock(&m_waitMutex); pthread_cond_signal(&m_waitCond); m_eventTriggered = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_waitMutex); }; private: pthread_mutex_t m_waitMutex; pthread_cond_t m_waitCond; bool m_eventTriggered; }; class BinderLibTestCallBack : public BBinder, public BinderLibTestEvent { public: BinderLibTestCallBack() : m_result(NOT_ENOUGH_DATA) { } status_t getResult(void) { return m_result; } private: virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0) { (void)reply; (void)flags; switch(code) { case BINDER_LIB_TEST_CALL_BACK: m_result = data.readInt32(); triggerEvent(); return NO_ERROR; default: return UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION; } } status_t m_result; }; class TestDeathRecipient : public IBinder::DeathRecipient, public BinderLibTestEvent { private: virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) { (void)who; triggerEvent(); }; }; TEST_F(BinderLibTest, NopTransaction) { status_t ret; Parcel data, reply; ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, SetError) { int32_t testValue[] = { 0, -123, 123 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(testValue); i++) { status_t ret; Parcel data, reply; data.writeInt32(testValue[i]); ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_SET_ERROR_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(testValue[i], ret); } } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, GetId) { status_t ret; int32_t id; Parcel data, reply; ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_ID_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = reply.readInt32(&id); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(0, id); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, PtrSize) { status_t ret; int32_t ptrsize; Parcel data, reply; sp<IBinder> server = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(server != NULL); ret = server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_PTR_SIZE_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = reply.readInt32(&ptrsize); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); RecordProperty("TestPtrSize", sizeof(void *)); RecordProperty("ServerPtrSize", sizeof(void *)); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, IndirectGetId2) { status_t ret; int32_t id; int32_t count; Parcel data, reply; int32_t serverId[3]; data.writeInt32(ARRAY_SIZE(serverId)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(serverId); i++) { sp<IBinder> server; BinderLibTestBundle datai; server = addServer(&serverId[i]); ASSERT_TRUE(server != NULL); data.writeStrongBinder(server); data.writeInt32(BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_ID_TRANSACTION); datai.appendTo(&data); } ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_INDIRECT_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = reply.readInt32(&id); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(0, id); ret = reply.readInt32(&count); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(ARRAY_SIZE(serverId), count); for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { BinderLibTestBundle replyi(&reply); EXPECT_TRUE(replyi.isValid()); ret = replyi.readInt32(&id); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(serverId[i], id); EXPECT_EQ(replyi.dataSize(), replyi.dataPosition()); } EXPECT_EQ(reply.dataSize(), reply.dataPosition()); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, IndirectGetId3) { status_t ret; int32_t id; int32_t count; Parcel data, reply; int32_t serverId[3]; data.writeInt32(ARRAY_SIZE(serverId)); for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(serverId); i++) { sp<IBinder> server; BinderLibTestBundle datai; BinderLibTestBundle datai2; server = addServer(&serverId[i]); ASSERT_TRUE(server != NULL); data.writeStrongBinder(server); data.writeInt32(BINDER_LIB_TEST_INDIRECT_TRANSACTION); datai.writeInt32(1); datai.writeStrongBinder(m_server); datai.writeInt32(BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_ID_TRANSACTION); datai2.appendTo(&datai); datai.appendTo(&data); } ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_INDIRECT_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = reply.readInt32(&id); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(0, id); ret = reply.readInt32(&count); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(ARRAY_SIZE(serverId), count); for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)count; i++) { int32_t counti; BinderLibTestBundle replyi(&reply); EXPECT_TRUE(replyi.isValid()); ret = replyi.readInt32(&id); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(serverId[i], id); ret = replyi.readInt32(&counti); ASSERT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(1, counti); BinderLibTestBundle replyi2(&replyi); EXPECT_TRUE(replyi2.isValid()); ret = replyi2.readInt32(&id); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); EXPECT_EQ(0, id); EXPECT_EQ(replyi2.dataSize(), replyi2.dataPosition()); EXPECT_EQ(replyi.dataSize(), replyi.dataPosition()); } EXPECT_EQ(reply.dataSize(), reply.dataPosition()); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, CallBack) { status_t ret; Parcel data, reply; sp<BinderLibTestCallBack> callBack = new BinderLibTestCallBack(); data.writeStrongBinder(callBack); ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_CALL_BACK, data, &reply, TF_ONE_WAY); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = callBack->waitEvent(5); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = callBack->getResult(); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, AddServer) { sp<IBinder> server = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(server != NULL); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, DeathNotificationNoRefs) { status_t ret; sp<TestDeathRecipient> testDeathRecipient = new TestDeathRecipient(); { sp<IBinder> binder = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(binder != NULL); ret = binder->linkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands(); ret = testDeathRecipient->waitEvent(5); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); #if 0 /* Is there an unlink api that does not require a strong reference? */ ret = binder->unlinkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); #endif } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, DeathNotificationWeakRef) { status_t ret; wp<IBinder> wbinder; sp<TestDeathRecipient> testDeathRecipient = new TestDeathRecipient(); { sp<IBinder> binder = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(binder != NULL); ret = binder->linkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); wbinder = binder; } IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands(); ret = testDeathRecipient->waitEvent(5); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); #if 0 /* Is there an unlink api that does not require a strong reference? */ ret = binder->unlinkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); #endif } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, DeathNotificationStrongRef) { status_t ret; sp<IBinder> sbinder; sp<TestDeathRecipient> testDeathRecipient = new TestDeathRecipient(); { sp<IBinder> binder = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(binder != NULL); ret = binder->linkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); sbinder = binder; } { Parcel data, reply; ret = sbinder->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_EXIT_TRANSACTION, data, &reply, TF_ONE_WAY); EXPECT_EQ(0, ret); } IPCThreadState::self()->flushCommands(); ret = testDeathRecipient->waitEvent(5); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = sbinder->unlinkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); EXPECT_EQ(DEAD_OBJECT, ret); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, DeathNotificationMultiple) { status_t ret; const int clientcount = 2; sp<IBinder> target; sp<IBinder> linkedclient[clientcount]; sp<BinderLibTestCallBack> callBack[clientcount]; sp<IBinder> passiveclient[clientcount]; target = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(target != NULL); for (int i = 0; i < clientcount; i++) { { Parcel data, reply; linkedclient[i] = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(linkedclient[i] != NULL); callBack[i] = new BinderLibTestCallBack(); data.writeStrongBinder(target); data.writeStrongBinder(callBack[i]); ret = linkedclient[i]->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_LINK_DEATH_TRANSACTION, data, &reply, TF_ONE_WAY); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } { Parcel data, reply; passiveclient[i] = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(passiveclient[i] != NULL); data.writeStrongBinder(target); ret = passiveclient[i]->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_ADD_STRONG_REF_TRANSACTION, data, &reply, TF_ONE_WAY); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } } { Parcel data, reply; ret = target->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_EXIT_TRANSACTION, data, &reply, TF_ONE_WAY); EXPECT_EQ(0, ret); } for (int i = 0; i < clientcount; i++) { ret = callBack[i]->waitEvent(5); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = callBack[i]->getResult(); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, PassFile) { int ret; int pipefd[2]; uint8_t buf[1] = { 0 }; uint8_t write_value = 123; ret = pipe2(pipefd, O_NONBLOCK); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret); { Parcel data, reply; uint8_t writebuf[1] = { write_value }; ret = data.writeFileDescriptor(pipefd[1], true); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = data.writeInt32(sizeof(writebuf)); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = data.write(writebuf, sizeof(writebuf)); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = m_server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_WRITE_FILE_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); } ret = read(pipefd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(buf), ret); EXPECT_EQ(write_value, buf[0]); waitForReadData(pipefd[0], 5000); /* wait for other proccess to close pipe */ ret = read(pipefd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); EXPECT_EQ(0, ret); close(pipefd[0]); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, PromoteLocal) { sp<IBinder> strong = new BBinder(); wp<IBinder> weak = strong; sp<IBinder> strong_from_weak = weak.promote(); EXPECT_TRUE(strong != NULL); EXPECT_EQ(strong, strong_from_weak); strong = NULL; strong_from_weak = NULL; strong_from_weak = weak.promote(); EXPECT_TRUE(strong_from_weak == NULL); } TEST_F(BinderLibTest, PromoteRemote) { int ret; Parcel data, reply; sp<IBinder> strong = new BBinder(); sp<IBinder> server = addServer(); ASSERT_TRUE(server != NULL); ASSERT_TRUE(strong != NULL); ret = data.writeWeakBinder(strong); EXPECT_EQ(NO_ERROR, ret); ret = server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_PROMOTE_WEAK_REF_TRANSACTION, data, &reply); EXPECT_GE(ret, 0); } class BinderLibTestService : public BBinder { public: BinderLibTestService(int32_t id) : m_id(id) , m_nextServerId(id + 1) , m_serverStartRequested(false) { pthread_mutex_init(&m_serverWaitMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&m_serverWaitCond, NULL); } ~BinderLibTestService() { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags = 0) { //printf("%s: code %d\n", __func__, code); (void)flags; if (getuid() != (uid_t)IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid()) { return PERMISSION_DENIED; } switch (code) { case BINDER_LIB_TEST_REGISTER_SERVER: { int32_t id; sp<IBinder> binder; id = data.readInt32(); binder = data.readStrongBinder(); if (binder == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } if (m_id != 0) return INVALID_OPERATION; pthread_mutex_lock(&m_serverWaitMutex); if (m_serverStartRequested) { m_serverStartRequested = false; m_serverStarted = binder; pthread_cond_signal(&m_serverWaitCond); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_serverWaitMutex); return NO_ERROR; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_ADD_SERVER: { int ret; uint8_t buf[1] = { 0 }; int serverid; if (m_id != 0) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } pthread_mutex_lock(&m_serverWaitMutex); if (m_serverStartRequested) { ret = -EBUSY; } else { serverid = m_nextServerId++; m_serverStartRequested = true; pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_serverWaitMutex); ret = start_server_process(serverid); pthread_mutex_lock(&m_serverWaitMutex); } if (ret > 0) { if (m_serverStartRequested) { #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT_RELATIVE) ret = pthread_cond_timeout_np(&m_serverWaitCond, &m_serverWaitMutex, 5000); #else struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); ts.tv_sec += 5; ret = pthread_cond_timedwait(&m_serverWaitCond, &m_serverWaitMutex, &ts); #endif } if (m_serverStartRequested) { m_serverStartRequested = false; ret = -ETIMEDOUT; } else { reply->writeStrongBinder(m_serverStarted); reply->writeInt32(serverid); m_serverStarted = NULL; ret = NO_ERROR; } } else if (ret >= 0) { m_serverStartRequested = false; ret = UNKNOWN_ERROR; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_serverWaitMutex); return ret; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_TRANSACTION: return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_CALL_BACK: { Parcel data2, reply2; sp<IBinder> binder; binder = data.readStrongBinder(); if (binder == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } reply2.writeInt32(NO_ERROR); binder->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_CALL_BACK, data2, &reply2); return NO_ERROR; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_ID_TRANSACTION: reply->writeInt32(m_id); return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_INDIRECT_TRANSACTION: { int32_t count; uint32_t indirect_code; sp<IBinder> binder; count = data.readInt32(); reply->writeInt32(m_id); reply->writeInt32(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { binder = data.readStrongBinder(); if (binder == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } indirect_code = data.readInt32(); BinderLibTestBundle data2(&data); if (!data2.isValid()) { return BAD_VALUE; } BinderLibTestBundle reply2; binder->transact(indirect_code, data2, &reply2); reply2.appendTo(reply); } return NO_ERROR; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_SET_ERROR_TRANSACTION: reply->setError(data.readInt32()); return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_PTR_SIZE_TRANSACTION: reply->writeInt32(sizeof(void *)); return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_GET_STATUS_TRANSACTION: return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_ADD_STRONG_REF_TRANSACTION: m_strongRef = data.readStrongBinder(); return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_LINK_DEATH_TRANSACTION: { int ret; Parcel data2, reply2; sp<TestDeathRecipient> testDeathRecipient = new TestDeathRecipient(); sp<IBinder> target; sp<IBinder> callback; target = data.readStrongBinder(); if (target == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } callback = data.readStrongBinder(); if (callback == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } ret = target->linkToDeath(testDeathRecipient); if (ret == NO_ERROR) ret = testDeathRecipient->waitEvent(5); data2.writeInt32(ret); callback->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_CALL_BACK, data2, &reply2); return NO_ERROR; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_WRITE_FILE_TRANSACTION: { int ret; int32_t size; const void *buf; int fd; fd = data.readFileDescriptor(); if (fd < 0) { return BAD_VALUE; } ret = data.readInt32(&size); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { return ret; } buf = data.readInplace(size); if (buf == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } ret = write(fd, buf, size); if (ret != size) return UNKNOWN_ERROR; return NO_ERROR; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_PROMOTE_WEAK_REF_TRANSACTION: { int ret; wp<IBinder> weak; sp<IBinder> strong; Parcel data2, reply2; sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); sp<IBinder> server = sm->getService(binderLibTestServiceName); weak = data.readWeakBinder(); if (weak == NULL) { return BAD_VALUE; } strong = weak.promote(); ret = server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_NOP_TRANSACTION, data2, &reply2); if (ret != NO_ERROR) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if (strong == NULL) { reply->setError(1); } return NO_ERROR; } case BINDER_LIB_TEST_DELAYED_EXIT_TRANSACTION: alarm(10); return NO_ERROR; case BINDER_LIB_TEST_EXIT_TRANSACTION: while (wait(NULL) != -1 || errno != ECHILD) ; exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); default: return UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION; }; } private: int32_t m_id; int32_t m_nextServerId; pthread_mutex_t m_serverWaitMutex; pthread_cond_t m_serverWaitCond; bool m_serverStartRequested; sp<IBinder> m_serverStarted; sp<IBinder> m_strongRef; }; int run_server(int index, int readypipefd) { status_t ret; sp<IServiceManager> sm = defaultServiceManager(); { sp<BinderLibTestService> testService = new BinderLibTestService(index); if (index == 0) { ret = sm->addService(binderLibTestServiceName, testService); } else { sp<IBinder> server = sm->getService(binderLibTestServiceName); Parcel data, reply; data.writeInt32(index); data.writeStrongBinder(testService); ret = server->transact(BINDER_LIB_TEST_REGISTER_SERVER, data, &reply); } } write(readypipefd, &ret, sizeof(ret)); close(readypipefd); //printf("%s: ret %d\n", __func__, ret); if (ret) return 1; //printf("%s: joinThreadPool\n", __func__); ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); IPCThreadState::self()->joinThreadPool(); //printf("%s: joinThreadPool returned\n", __func__); return 1; /* joinThreadPool should not return */ } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; if (argc == 3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--servername")) { binderservername = argv[2]; } else { binderservername = argv[0]; } if (argc == 4 && !strcmp(argv[1], binderserverarg)) { return run_server(atoi(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3])); } ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); binder_env = AddGlobalTestEnvironment(new BinderLibTestEnv()); ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }