/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "PVSoftMPEG4Encoder" #include <wrs_omxil_core/log.h> #include "mp4enc_api.h" #include "OMX_Video.h" #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h> #include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h> #include <media/stagefright/Utils.h> #include <ui/GraphicBufferMapper.h> #include <ui/Rect.h> #include "PVSoftMPEG4Encoder.h" #include "VideoEncoderLog.h" #define ALIGN(x, align) (((x) + (align) - 1) & (~((align) - 1))) inline static void ConvertYUV420SemiPlanarToYUV420Planar( uint8_t *inyuv, uint8_t* outyuv, int32_t width, int32_t height) { int32_t outYsize = width * height; uint32_t *outy = (uint32_t *) outyuv; uint16_t *outcb = (uint16_t *) (outyuv + outYsize); uint16_t *outcr = (uint16_t *) (outyuv + outYsize + (outYsize >> 2)); /* Y copying */ memcpy(outy, inyuv, outYsize); /* U & V copying */ uint32_t *inyuv_4 = (uint32_t *) (inyuv + outYsize); for (int32_t i = height >> 1; i > 0; --i) { for (int32_t j = width >> 2; j > 0; --j) { uint32_t temp = *inyuv_4++; uint32_t tempU = temp & 0xFF; tempU = tempU | ((temp >> 8) & 0xFF00); uint32_t tempV = (temp >> 8) & 0xFF; tempV = tempV | ((temp >> 16) & 0xFF00); // Flip U and V *outcb++ = tempU; *outcr++ = tempV; } } } inline static void trimBuffer(uint8_t *dataIn, uint8_t *dataOut, int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t alignedHeight, int32_t stride) { int32_t h; uint8_t *y_start, *uv_start, *_y_start, *_uv_start; y_start = dataOut; uv_start = dataOut + width * height; _y_start = dataIn; _uv_start = dataIn + stride * alignedHeight; for (h = 0; h < height; h++) memcpy(y_start + h * width, _y_start + h * stride, width); for (h = 0; h < height / 2; h++) memcpy(uv_start + h * width, _uv_start + h * stride, width); } PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::PVSoftMPEG4Encoder(const char *name) : mEncodeMode(COMBINE_MODE_WITH_ERR_RES), mVideoWidth(176), mVideoHeight(144), mVideoFrameRate(30), mVideoBitRate(192000), mVideoColorFormat(OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar), mStoreMetaDataInBuffers(false), mIDRFrameRefreshIntervalInSec(1), mNumInputFrames(-1), mStarted(false), mSawInputEOS(false), mSignalledError(false), mHandle(new tagvideoEncControls), mEncParams(new tagvideoEncOptions), mInputFrameData(NULL) { if (!strcmp(name, "OMX.google.h263.encoder")) { mEncodeMode = H263_MODE; LOG_I("construct h263 encoder"); } else { CHECK(!strcmp(name, "OMX.google.mpeg4.encoder")); LOG_I("construct mpeg4 encoder"); } setDefaultParams(); #if NO_BUFFER_SHARE mVASurfaceMappingAction |= MAPACT_COPY; #endif LOG_I("Construct PVSoftMPEG4Encoder"); } PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::~PVSoftMPEG4Encoder() { LOG_I("Destruct PVSoftMPEG4Encoder"); releaseEncoder(); } void PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::setDefaultParams() { // Set default value for input parameters mComParams.profile = VAProfileH264Baseline; mComParams.level = 41; mComParams.rawFormat = RAW_FORMAT_NV12; mComParams.frameRate.frameRateNum = 30; mComParams.frameRate.frameRateDenom = 1; mComParams.resolution.width = 0; mComParams.resolution.height = 0; mComParams.intraPeriod = 30; mComParams.rcMode = RATE_CONTROL_NONE; mComParams.rcParams.initQP = 15; mComParams.rcParams.minQP = 0; mComParams.rcParams.bitRate = 640000; mComParams.rcParams.targetPercentage= 0; mComParams.rcParams.windowSize = 0; mComParams.rcParams.disableFrameSkip = 0; mComParams.rcParams.disableBitsStuffing = 1; mComParams.cyclicFrameInterval = 30; mComParams.refreshType = VIDEO_ENC_NONIR; mComParams.airParams.airMBs = 0; mComParams.airParams.airThreshold = 0; mComParams.airParams.airAuto = 1; mComParams.disableDeblocking = 2; mComParams.syncEncMode = false; mComParams.codedBufNum = 2; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::initEncParams() { CHECK(mHandle != NULL); memset(mHandle, 0, sizeof(tagvideoEncControls)); CHECK(mEncParams != NULL); memset(mEncParams, 0, sizeof(tagvideoEncOptions)); if (!PVGetDefaultEncOption(mEncParams, 0)) { LOG_E("Failed to get default encoding parameters"); return ENCODE_FAIL; } mEncParams->encMode = mEncodeMode; mEncParams->encWidth[0] = mVideoWidth; mEncParams->encHeight[0] = mVideoHeight; mEncParams->encFrameRate[0] = mVideoFrameRate; mEncParams->rcType = VBR_1; mEncParams->vbvDelay = 5.0f; // FIXME: // Add more profile and level support for MPEG4 encoder mEncParams->profile_level = CORE_PROFILE_LEVEL2; mEncParams->packetSize = 32; mEncParams->rvlcEnable = PV_OFF; mEncParams->numLayers = 1; mEncParams->timeIncRes = 1000; mEncParams->tickPerSrc = mEncParams->timeIncRes / mVideoFrameRate; mEncParams->bitRate[0] = mVideoBitRate <= 2000000 ? mVideoBitRate : 2000000; mEncParams->iQuant[0] = 15; mEncParams->pQuant[0] = 12; mEncParams->quantType[0] = 0; mEncParams->noFrameSkipped = PV_OFF; mTrimedInputData = (uint8_t *) malloc((mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight * 3 ) >> 1); CHECK(mTrimedInputData != NULL); if (mVideoColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar) { // Color conversion is needed. CHECK(mInputFrameData == NULL); mInputFrameData = (uint8_t *) malloc((mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight * 3 ) >> 1); CHECK(mInputFrameData != NULL); } // PV's MPEG4 encoder requires the video dimension of multiple if (mVideoWidth % 16 != 0 || mVideoHeight % 16 != 0) { LOG_E("Video frame size %dx%d must be a multiple of 16", mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); return ENCODE_INVALID_PARAMS; } // Set IDR frame refresh interval if (mIDRFrameRefreshIntervalInSec < 0) { mEncParams->intraPeriod = -1; } else if (mIDRFrameRefreshIntervalInSec == 0) { mEncParams->intraPeriod = 1; // All I frames } else { mEncParams->intraPeriod = (mIDRFrameRefreshIntervalInSec * mVideoFrameRate); } mEncParams->numIntraMB = 0; mEncParams->sceneDetect = PV_ON; mEncParams->searchRange = 16; mEncParams->mv8x8Enable = PV_OFF; mEncParams->gobHeaderInterval = 0; mEncParams->useACPred = PV_ON; mEncParams->intraDCVlcTh = 0; return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::initEncoder() { LOG_V("Begin\n"); CHECK(!mStarted); Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; if (ENCODE_SUCCESS != (ret = initEncParams())) { LOG_E("Failed to initialized encoder params"); mSignalledError = true; return ret; } if (!PVInitVideoEncoder(mHandle, mEncParams)) { LOG_E("Failed to initialize the encoder"); mSignalledError = true; return ENCODE_FAIL; } mNumInputFrames = -1; // 1st buffer for codec specific data mStarted = true; mCurTimestampUs = 0; mLastTimestampUs = 0; mVolHeaderLength = 256; LOG_V("End\n"); return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::releaseEncoder() { LOG_V("Begin\n"); if (!mStarted) { return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } PVCleanUpVideoEncoder(mHandle); delete mTrimedInputData; mTrimedInputData = NULL; delete mInputFrameData; mInputFrameData = NULL; delete mEncParams; mEncParams = NULL; delete mHandle; mHandle = NULL; mStarted = false; LOG_V("End\n"); return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::setParameters( VideoParamConfigSet *videoEncParams) { Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; CHECK_NULL_RETURN_IFFAIL(videoEncParams); LOG_I("Config type = %d\n", (int)videoEncParams->type); if (mStarted) { LOG_E("Encoder has been initialized, should use setConfig to change configurations\n"); return ENCODE_ALREADY_INIT; } switch (videoEncParams->type) { case VideoParamsTypeCommon: { VideoParamsCommon *paramsCommon = reinterpret_cast <VideoParamsCommon *> (videoEncParams); if (paramsCommon->size != sizeof (VideoParamsCommon)) { return ENCODE_INVALID_PARAMS; } if(paramsCommon->codedBufNum < 2) paramsCommon->codedBufNum =2; mComParams = *paramsCommon; mVideoWidth = mComParams.resolution.width; mVideoHeight = mComParams.resolution.height; mVideoFrameRate = mComParams.frameRate.frameRateNum / \ mComParams.frameRate.frameRateDenom; mVideoBitRate = mComParams.rcParams.bitRate; mVideoColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar; break; } case VideoParamsTypeStoreMetaDataInBuffers: { VideoParamsStoreMetaDataInBuffers *metadata = reinterpret_cast <VideoParamsStoreMetaDataInBuffers *> (videoEncParams); if (metadata->size != sizeof (VideoParamsStoreMetaDataInBuffers)) { return ENCODE_INVALID_PARAMS; } mStoreMetaDataInBuffers = metadata->isEnabled; break; } default: { LOG_I ("Wrong ParamType here\n"); break; } } return ret; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::getParameters( VideoParamConfigSet *videoEncParams) { Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; CHECK_NULL_RETURN_IFFAIL(videoEncParams); LOG_I("Config type = %d\n", (int)videoEncParams->type); switch (videoEncParams->type) { case VideoParamsTypeCommon: { VideoParamsCommon *paramsCommon = reinterpret_cast <VideoParamsCommon *> (videoEncParams); if (paramsCommon->size != sizeof (VideoParamsCommon)) { return ENCODE_INVALID_PARAMS; } *paramsCommon = mComParams; break; } case VideoParamsTypeStoreMetaDataInBuffers: { VideoParamsStoreMetaDataInBuffers *metadata = reinterpret_cast <VideoParamsStoreMetaDataInBuffers *> (videoEncParams); if (metadata->size != sizeof (VideoParamsStoreMetaDataInBuffers)) { return ENCODE_INVALID_PARAMS; } metadata->isEnabled = mStoreMetaDataInBuffers; break; } default: { LOG_I ("Wrong ParamType here\n"); break; } } return ret; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::encode(VideoEncRawBuffer *inBuffer, uint32_t timeout) { LOG_V("Begin\n"); Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; if (mCurTimestampUs <= inBuffer->timeStamp) { mLastTimestampUs = mCurTimestampUs; mCurTimestampUs = inBuffer->timeStamp; } if (mNumInputFrames < 0) { if (!PVGetVolHeader(mHandle, mVolHeader, &mVolHeaderLength, 0)) { LOG_E("Failed to get VOL header"); mSignalledError = true; return ENCODE_FAIL; } LOG_I("Output VOL header: %d bytes", mVolHeaderLength); mNumInputFrames++; //return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } if (mStoreMetaDataInBuffers) { IntelMetadataBuffer imb; int32_t type; int32_t value; uint8_t *img; const android::Rect rect(mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); android::status_t res; ValueInfo vinfo; ValueInfo *pvinfo = &vinfo; CHECK(IMB_SUCCESS == imb.UnSerialize(inBuffer->data, inBuffer->size)); imb.GetType((::IntelMetadataBufferType&)type); imb.GetValue(value); imb.GetValueInfo(pvinfo); if(pvinfo == NULL) { res = android::GraphicBufferMapper::get().lock((buffer_handle_t)value, GRALLOC_USAGE_SW_READ_MASK, rect, (void**)&img); } else { img = (uint8_t*)value; } if (pvinfo != NULL) trimBuffer(img, mTrimedInputData, pvinfo->width, pvinfo->height, pvinfo->height, pvinfo->lumaStride); else { //NV12 Y-TILED trimBuffer(img, mTrimedInputData, mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight, ALIGN(mVideoHeight, 32), ALIGN(mVideoWidth, 128)); android::GraphicBufferMapper::get().unlock((buffer_handle_t)value); } } else { memcpy(mTrimedInputData, inBuffer->data, (mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight * 3 ) >> 1); } if (mVideoColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) { ConvertYUV420SemiPlanarToYUV420Planar( mTrimedInputData, mInputFrameData, mVideoWidth, mVideoHeight); } else { memcpy(mTrimedInputData, mInputFrameData, (mVideoWidth * mVideoHeight * 3 ) >> 1); } LOG_V("End\n"); return ret; } Encode_Status PVSoftMPEG4Encoder::getOutput(VideoEncOutputBuffer *outBuffer, uint32_t timeout) { LOG_V("Begin\n"); Encode_Status ret = ENCODE_SUCCESS; uint8_t *outPtr = outBuffer->data; int32_t dataLength = outBuffer->bufferSize; outBuffer->flag = 0; if ((mEncodeMode == COMBINE_MODE_WITH_ERR_RES) && (outBuffer->format == OUTPUT_CODEC_DATA)) { memcpy(outPtr, mVolHeader, mVolHeaderLength); ++mNumInputFrames; outBuffer->flag |= ENCODE_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG; outBuffer->flag |= ENCODE_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME; outBuffer->flag |= ENCODE_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME; outBuffer->dataSize = mVolHeaderLength; outBuffer->remainingSize = 0; return ENCODE_SUCCESS; } outBuffer->timeStamp = mCurTimestampUs; LOG_I("info.mTimeUs %lld\n", outBuffer->timeStamp); VideoEncFrameIO vin, vout; memset(&vin, 0, sizeof(vin)); memset(&vout, 0, sizeof(vout)); vin.height = ((mVideoHeight + 15) >> 4) << 4; vin.pitch = ((mVideoWidth + 15) >> 4) << 4; vin.timestamp = (outBuffer->timeStamp + 500) / 1000; // in ms vin.yChan = mInputFrameData; vin.uChan = vin.yChan + vin.height * vin.pitch; vin.vChan = vin.uChan + ((vin.height * vin.pitch) >> 2); unsigned long modTimeMs = 0; int32_t nLayer = 0; MP4HintTrack hintTrack; if (!PVEncodeVideoFrame(mHandle, &vin, &vout, &modTimeMs, outPtr, &dataLength, &nLayer) || !PVGetHintTrack(mHandle, &hintTrack)) { LOG_E("Failed to encode frame or get hink track at frame %lld", mNumInputFrames); mSignalledError = true; hintTrack.CodeType = 0; ret = ENCODE_FAIL; } LOG_I("dataLength %d\n", dataLength); CHECK(NULL == PVGetOverrunBuffer(mHandle)); if (hintTrack.CodeType == 0) { // I-frame serves as sync frame outBuffer->flag |= ENCODE_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME; } ++mNumInputFrames; outBuffer->flag |= ENCODE_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME; outBuffer->dataSize = dataLength; LOG_V("End\n"); return ret; }