/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <system/camera_metadata.h> //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #define LOG_TAG "Metadata" #include <cutils/log.h> #define ATRACE_TAG (ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA | ATRACE_TAG_HAL) #include <utils/Trace.h> #include "Metadata.h" namespace default_camera_hal { Metadata::Metadata(): mData(NULL) { } Metadata::~Metadata() { replace(NULL); } void Metadata::replace(camera_metadata_t *m) { if (m == mData) { ALOGE("%s: Replacing metadata with itself?!", __func__); return; } if (mData) free_camera_metadata(mData); mData = m; } int Metadata::init(const camera_metadata_t *metadata) { camera_metadata_t* tmp; if (!validate_camera_metadata_structure(metadata, NULL)) return -EINVAL; tmp = clone_camera_metadata(metadata); if (tmp == NULL) return -EINVAL; replace(tmp); return 0; } int Metadata::addUInt8(uint32_t tag, int count, const uint8_t *data) { if (!validate(tag, TYPE_BYTE, count)) return -EINVAL; return add(tag, count, data); } int Metadata::add1UInt8(uint32_t tag, const uint8_t data) { return addUInt8(tag, 1, &data); } int Metadata::addInt32(uint32_t tag, int count, const int32_t *data) { if (!validate(tag, TYPE_INT32, count)) return -EINVAL; return add(tag, count, data); } int Metadata::addFloat(uint32_t tag, int count, const float *data) { if (!validate(tag, TYPE_FLOAT, count)) return -EINVAL; return add(tag, count, data); } int Metadata::addInt64(uint32_t tag, int count, const int64_t *data) { if (!validate(tag, TYPE_INT64, count)) return -EINVAL; return add(tag, count, data); } int Metadata::addDouble(uint32_t tag, int count, const double *data) { if (!validate(tag, TYPE_DOUBLE, count)) return -EINVAL; return add(tag, count, data); } int Metadata::addRational(uint32_t tag, int count, const camera_metadata_rational_t *data) { if (!validate(tag, TYPE_RATIONAL, count)) return -EINVAL; return add(tag, count, data); } bool Metadata::validate(uint32_t tag, int tag_type, int count) { if (get_camera_metadata_tag_type(tag) < 0) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid metadata entry tag: %d", __func__, tag); return false; } if (tag_type < 0 || tag_type >= NUM_TYPES) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid metadata entry tag type: %d", __func__, tag_type); return false; } if (tag_type != get_camera_metadata_tag_type(tag)) { ALOGE("%s: Tag %d called with incorrect type: %s(%d)", __func__, tag, camera_metadata_type_names[tag_type], tag_type); return false; } if (count < 1) { ALOGE("%s: Invalid metadata entry count: %d", __func__, count); return false; } return true; } int Metadata::add(uint32_t tag, int count, const void *tag_data) { int res; camera_metadata_t* tmp; int tag_type = get_camera_metadata_tag_type(tag); size_t size = calculate_camera_metadata_entry_data_size(tag_type, count); size_t entry_capacity = get_camera_metadata_entry_count(mData) + 1; size_t data_capacity = get_camera_metadata_data_count(mData) + size; // Opportunistically attempt to add if metadata has room for it if (!add_camera_metadata_entry(mData, tag, tag_data, count)) return 0; // Double new dimensions to minimize future reallocations tmp = allocate_camera_metadata(entry_capacity * 2, data_capacity * 2); if (tmp == NULL) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate new metadata with %zu entries, %zu data", __func__, entry_capacity, data_capacity); return -ENOMEM; } // Append the current metadata to the new (empty) metadata res = append_camera_metadata(tmp, mData); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to append old metadata %p to new %p", __func__, mData, tmp); return res; } // Add the remaining new item res = add_camera_metadata_entry(tmp, tag, tag_data, count); if (res) { ALOGE("%s: Failed to add new entry (%d, %p, %d) to metadata %p", __func__, tag, tag_data, count, tmp); return res; } replace(tmp); return 0; } camera_metadata_t* Metadata::get() { return mData; } } // namespace default_camera_hal