 *  Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Broadcom Corporation
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 *  This file contains the HID HOST API entry points

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "gki.h"
#include "bt_types.h"
#include "hiddefs.h"
#include "hidh_api.h"
#include "hidh_int.h"
#include "btm_api.h"
#include "btu.h"
#include "btm_int.h"

tHID_HOST_CTB   hh_cb;

static void hidh_search_callback (UINT16 sdp_result);

** Function         HID_HostGetSDPRecord
** Description      This function reads the device SDP record
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
tHID_STATUS HID_HostGetSDPRecord ( BD_ADDR addr, tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB *p_db, UINT32 db_len,
                                   tHID_HOST_SDP_CALLBACK *sdp_cback )
    tSDP_UUID   uuid_list;

    if( hh_cb.sdp_busy )
        return HID_ERR_SDP_BUSY;

    uuid_list.len = 2;
    uuid_list.uu.uuid16 = UUID_SERVCLASS_HUMAN_INTERFACE;

    hh_cb.p_sdp_db = p_db;
    SDP_InitDiscoveryDb (p_db, db_len, 1, &uuid_list, 0, NULL);

    if (SDP_ServiceSearchRequest (addr, p_db, hidh_search_callback))
        hh_cb.sdp_cback = sdp_cback ;
        hh_cb.sdp_busy = TRUE;
        return HID_SUCCESS;
        return HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES;

void hidh_get_str_attr( tSDP_DISC_REC *p_rec, UINT16 attr_id, UINT16 max_len, char *str )
    tSDP_DISC_ATTR          *p_attr;
    UINT16                  name_len;

    if ((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec(p_rec, attr_id)) != NULL)
        if((name_len = SDP_DISC_ATTR_LEN(p_attr->attr_len_type)) < max_len )
            memcpy( str, (char *) p_attr->attr_value.v.array, name_len );
            str[name_len] = '\0';
            memcpy( str, (char *) p_attr->attr_value.v.array, max_len-1 );
            str[max_len-1] = '\0';
        str[0] = '\0';

static void hidh_search_callback (UINT16 sdp_result)
    tSDP_DISCOVERY_DB       *p_db = hh_cb.p_sdp_db;
    tSDP_DISC_REC           *p_rec;
    tSDP_DISC_ATTR          *p_attr, *p_subattr1, *p_subattr2, *p_repdesc;
    tBT_UUID                hid_uuid;
    tHID_DEV_SDP_INFO       *p_nvi = &hh_cb.sdp_rec;
    UINT16                  attr_mask = 0;

    hid_uuid.len       = LEN_UUID_16;
    hid_uuid.uu.uuid16 = UUID_SERVCLASS_HUMAN_INTERFACE;

    hh_cb.sdp_busy = FALSE;

    if (sdp_result != SDP_SUCCESS)
        hh_cb.sdp_cback(sdp_result, 0, NULL);

    if ((p_rec = SDP_FindServiceUUIDInDb (p_db, &hid_uuid, NULL)) == NULL)
        hh_cb.sdp_cback(HID_SDP_NO_SERV_UUID, 0, NULL);

    memset (&hh_cb.sdp_rec, 0, sizeof( tHID_DEV_SDP_INFO ));

    /* First, verify the mandatory fields we care about */
    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_DESCRIPTOR_LIST)) == NULL)
     || (SDP_DISC_ATTR_TYPE(p_attr->attr_len_type) != DATA_ELE_SEQ_DESC_TYPE)
     || ((p_subattr1 = p_attr->attr_value.v.p_sub_attr) == NULL)
     || (SDP_DISC_ATTR_TYPE(p_subattr1->attr_len_type) != DATA_ELE_SEQ_DESC_TYPE)
     || ((p_subattr2 = p_subattr1->attr_value.v.p_sub_attr) == NULL)
     || ((p_repdesc = p_subattr2->p_next_attr) == NULL)
     || (SDP_DISC_ATTR_TYPE(p_repdesc->attr_len_type) != TEXT_STR_DESC_TYPE))
        hh_cb.sdp_cback(HID_SDP_MANDATORY_MISSING, 0, NULL);

    if ((p_nvi->dscp_info.dl_len = SDP_DISC_ATTR_LEN(p_repdesc->attr_len_type)) != 0)
        p_nvi->dscp_info.dsc_list = (UINT8 *) &p_repdesc->attr_value;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_VIRTUAL_CABLE)) != NULL) &&
        (p_attr->attr_value.v.u8) )
        attr_mask |= HID_VIRTUAL_CABLE;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_RECONNECT_INITIATE)) != NULL) &&
        (p_attr->attr_value.v.u8) )
        attr_mask |= HID_RECONN_INIT;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_NORMALLY_CONNECTABLE)) != NULL) &&
        (p_attr->attr_value.v.u8) )
        attr_mask |= HID_NORMALLY_CONNECTABLE;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_SDP_DISABLE)) != NULL)&&
        (p_attr->attr_value.v.u8) )
        attr_mask |= HID_SDP_DISABLE;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_BATTERY_POWER)) != NULL)&&
        (p_attr->attr_value.v.u8) )
        attr_mask |= HID_BATTERY_POWER;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_REMOTE_WAKE)) != NULL)&&
        (p_attr->attr_value.v.u8) )
        attr_mask |= HID_REMOTE_WAKE;

    hidh_get_str_attr( p_rec, ATTR_ID_SERVICE_NAME, HID_MAX_SVC_NAME_LEN, p_nvi->svc_name );
    hidh_get_str_attr( p_rec, ATTR_ID_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION, HID_MAX_SVC_DESCR_LEN, p_nvi->svc_descr );
    hidh_get_str_attr( p_rec, ATTR_ID_PROVIDER_NAME, HID_MAX_PROV_NAME_LEN, p_nvi->prov_name );

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_DEVICE_RELNUM)) != NULL))
        p_nvi->rel_num = p_attr->attr_value.v.u16;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_COUNTRY_CODE)) != NULL))
        p_nvi->ctry_code = p_attr->attr_value.v.u8;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_DEVICE_SUBCLASS)) != NULL))
        p_nvi->sub_class = p_attr->attr_value.v.u8;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_PARSER_VERSION)) != NULL))
        p_nvi->hpars_ver = p_attr->attr_value.v.u16;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_LINK_SUPERVISION_TO)) != NULL))
        attr_mask |= HID_SUP_TOUT_AVLBL;
        p_nvi->sup_timeout = p_attr->attr_value.v.u16;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_SSR_HOST_MAX_LAT)) != NULL))
        attr_mask |= HID_SSR_MAX_LATENCY;
        p_nvi->ssr_max_latency = p_attr->attr_value.v.u16;
        p_nvi->ssr_max_latency = HID_SSR_PARAM_INVALID;

    if (((p_attr = SDP_FindAttributeInRec (p_rec, ATTR_ID_HID_SSR_HOST_MIN_TOUT)) != NULL))
        attr_mask |= HID_SSR_MIN_TOUT;
        p_nvi->ssr_min_tout = p_attr->attr_value.v.u16;
        p_nvi->ssr_min_tout = HID_SSR_PARAM_INVALID;

    hh_cb.sdp_rec.p_sdp_layer_rec = p_rec;
    hh_cb.sdp_cback(SDP_SUCCESS, attr_mask, &hh_cb.sdp_rec);

** Function         HID_HostInit
** Description      This function initializes the control block and trace variable
** Returns          void
void HID_HostInit (void)
    memset(&hh_cb, 0, sizeof(tHID_HOST_CTB));

    hh_cb.trace_level = HID_INITIAL_TRACE_LEVEL;
    hh_cb.trace_level = BT_TRACE_LEVEL_NONE;

** Function         HID_HostSetTraceLevel
** Description      This function sets the trace level for HID Host. If called with
**                  a value of 0xFF, it simply reads the current trace level.
** Returns          the new (current) trace level
UINT8 HID_HostSetTraceLevel (UINT8 new_level)
    if (new_level != 0xFF)
        hh_cb.trace_level = new_level;

    return (hh_cb.trace_level);

** Function         HID_HostRegister
** Description      This function registers HID-Host with lower layers
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
tHID_STATUS HID_HostRegister (tHID_HOST_DEV_CALLBACK *dev_cback)
    tHID_STATUS st;

    if( hh_cb.reg_flag )

    if( dev_cback == NULL )
        return HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    /* Register with L2CAP */
    if( (st = hidh_conn_reg()) != HID_SUCCESS )
        return st;

    hh_cb.callback = dev_cback ;
    hh_cb.reg_flag = TRUE;

    return (HID_SUCCESS);

** Function         HID_HostDeregister
** Description      This function is called when the host is about power down.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
tHID_STATUS HID_HostDeregister(void)
    UINT8 i;

    if( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        return (HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED);

    for( i=0; i<HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES; i++ )
        HID_HostRemoveDev( i ) ;

    hh_cb.reg_flag = FALSE;

    return (HID_SUCCESS) ;

** Function         HID_HostAddDev
** Description      This is called so HID-host may manage this device.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
tHID_STATUS HID_HostAddDev ( BD_ADDR addr, UINT16 attr_mask, UINT8 *handle )
    int i;
    /* Find an entry for this device in hh_cb.devices array */
    if( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        return (HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED);

    for( i=0; i<HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
        if((hh_cb.devices[i].in_use) &&
           (!memcmp(addr, hh_cb.devices[i].addr, BD_ADDR_LEN)))

    if (i== HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES )
        for( i=0; i<HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
            if( !hh_cb.devices[i].in_use)

        return HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES;

    if (!hh_cb.devices[i].in_use)
        hh_cb.devices[i].in_use = TRUE;
        memcpy( hh_cb.devices[i].addr, addr, sizeof( BD_ADDR ) ) ;
        hh_cb.devices[i].state = HID_DEV_NO_CONN;
        hh_cb.devices[i].conn_tries = 0 ;

    if (attr_mask != HID_ATTR_MASK_IGNORE)
        hh_cb.devices[i].attr_mask = attr_mask;

    *handle = i;

    return (HID_SUCCESS);

** Function         HID_HostRemoveDev
** Description      This removes the device from list devices that host has to manage.
** Returns          tHID_STATUS
tHID_STATUS HID_HostRemoveDev ( UINT8 dev_handle )
    if( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        return (HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED);

    if( (dev_handle >= HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES) || (!hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].in_use) )
        return HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    HID_HostCloseDev( dev_handle ) ;
    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].in_use = FALSE;
    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn.conn_state = HID_CONN_STATE_UNUSED;
    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn.ctrl_cid = hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn.intr_cid = 0;
    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].attr_mask = 0;
    return HID_SUCCESS;

** Function         HID_HostOpenDev
** Description      This function is called when the user wants to initiate a
**                  connection attempt to a device.
** Returns          void
tHID_STATUS HID_HostOpenDev ( UINT8 dev_handle )
    if( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        return (HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED);

    if( (dev_handle >= HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES) || (!hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].in_use) )
        return HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    if( hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].state != HID_DEV_NO_CONN )
        return HID_ERR_ALREADY_CONN;

    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn_tries = 1;
    return hidh_conn_initiate( dev_handle );

** Function         HID_HostWriteDev
** Description      This function is called when the host has a report to send.
**                  report_id: is only used on GET_REPORT transaction if is specified.
**                              only valid when it's a non-zero value.
** Returns          void
tHID_STATUS HID_HostWriteDev( UINT8 dev_handle, UINT8 t_type,
                              UINT8 param, UINT16 data, UINT8 report_id, BT_HDR *pbuf  )

    if( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        status = HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED;

    if( (dev_handle >= HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES) || (!hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].in_use) )
        status = HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    else if( hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].state != HID_DEV_CONNECTED )
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR("HID_ERR_NO_CONNECTION dev_handle %d", dev_handle);
        status = HID_ERR_NO_CONNECTION;

    if (status != HID_SUCCESS)
        if (pbuf)
            GKI_freebuf ((void *)pbuf);
        status = hidh_conn_snd_data( dev_handle, t_type, param, data, report_id, pbuf ) ;

    return status;

** Function         HID_HostCloseDev
** Description      This function disconnects the device.
** Returns          void
tHID_STATUS HID_HostCloseDev( UINT8 dev_handle )
    if( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        return (HID_ERR_NOT_REGISTERED);

    if( (dev_handle >= HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES) || (!hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].in_use) )
        return HID_ERR_INVALID_PARAM;

    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn_tries = HID_HOST_MAX_CONN_RETRY+1;
    btu_stop_timer( &(hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn.timer_entry) ) ;

    if( hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].state != HID_DEV_CONNECTED )
        return HID_ERR_NO_CONNECTION;

    hh_cb.devices[dev_handle].conn_tries = HID_HOST_MAX_CONN_RETRY+1;
    return hidh_conn_disconnect( dev_handle );

tHID_STATUS HID_HostSetSecurityLevel( char serv_name[], UINT8 sec_lvl )
    if (!BTM_SetSecurityLevel (FALSE, serv_name, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_HIDH_SEC_CTRL,
                               sec_lvl, HID_PSM_CONTROL, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID, HID_SEC_CHN))
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR ("Security Registration 1 failed");
        return (HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);

    if (!BTM_SetSecurityLevel (TRUE, serv_name, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_HIDH_SEC_CTRL,
                               sec_lvl, HID_PSM_CONTROL, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID, HID_SEC_CHN))
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR ("Security Registration 2 failed");
        return (HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);

    if (!BTM_SetSecurityLevel (FALSE, serv_name, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_HIDH_NOSEC_CTRL,
                               BTM_SEC_NONE, HID_PSM_CONTROL, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID, HID_NOSEC_CHN))
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR ("Security Registration 3 failed");
        return (HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);

    if (!BTM_SetSecurityLevel (TRUE, serv_name, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_HIDH_NOSEC_CTRL,
                               BTM_SEC_NONE, HID_PSM_CONTROL, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID, HID_NOSEC_CHN))
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR ("Security Registration 4 failed");
        return (HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);

    if (!BTM_SetSecurityLevel (TRUE, serv_name, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_HIDH_INTR,
                               BTM_SEC_NONE, HID_PSM_INTERRUPT, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID, 0))
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR ("Security Registration 5 failed");
        return (HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);

    if (!BTM_SetSecurityLevel (FALSE, serv_name, BTM_SEC_SERVICE_HIDH_INTR,
                               BTM_SEC_NONE, HID_PSM_INTERRUPT, BTM_SEC_PROTO_HID, 0))
        HIDH_TRACE_ERROR ("Security Registration 6 failed");
        return (HID_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);

    return( HID_SUCCESS );

** Function         hid_known_hid_device
** Description      check if this device is  of type HID Device
** Returns          TRUE if device is HID Device else FALSE
BOOLEAN hid_known_hid_device (BD_ADDR bd_addr)
    UINT8 i;
    tBTM_INQ_INFO *p_inq_info = BTM_InqDbRead(bd_addr);

     if ( !hh_cb.reg_flag )
        return FALSE;

    /* First  check for class of device , if Inq DB has information about this device*/
    if (p_inq_info != NULL)
        /* Check if remote major device class is of type BTM_COD_MAJOR_PERIPHERAL */
        if ((p_inq_info->results.dev_class[1] & BTM_COD_MAJOR_CLASS_MASK)
            HIDH_TRACE_DEBUG("hid_known_hid_device:dev found in InqDB & COD matches HID dev");
            return TRUE;
        /* Look for this device in security device DB */
        tBTM_SEC_DEV_REC  *p_dev_rec = btm_find_dev (bd_addr);
        if ((p_dev_rec != NULL) &&
            ((p_dev_rec->dev_class[1] & BTM_COD_MAJOR_CLASS_MASK) == BTM_COD_MAJOR_PERIPHERAL ))
            HIDH_TRACE_DEBUG("hid_known_hid_device:dev found in SecDevDB & COD matches HID dev");
            return TRUE;

    /* Find an entry for this device in hh_cb.devices array */
     for ( i=0; i<HID_HOST_MAX_DEVICES; i++)
         if ((hh_cb.devices[i].in_use) &&
            (memcmp(bd_addr, hh_cb.devices[i].addr, BD_ADDR_LEN) == 0))
             return TRUE;
    /* Check if this device is marked as HID Device in IOP Dev */
    HIDH_TRACE_DEBUG("hid_known_hid_device:remote is not HID device");
    return FALSE;