# Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import its.image
import its.caps
import its.device
import its.objects
import os.path
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot
# Required for 3d plot to work
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
def main():
"""Test that valid data comes back in CaptureResult objects.
global NAME, auto_req, manual_req, w_map, h_map
global manual_tonemap, manual_transform, manual_gains, manual_region
global manual_exp_time, manual_sensitivity, manual_gains_ok
NAME = os.path.basename(__file__).split(".")[0]
with its.device.ItsSession() as cam:
props = cam.get_camera_properties()
its.caps.skip_unless(its.caps.manual_sensor(props) and
its.caps.manual_post_proc(props) and
manual_tonemap = [0,0, 1,1] # Linear
manual_transform = its.objects.float_to_rational(
[-1.5,-1.0,-0.5, 0.0,0.5,1.0, 1.5,2.0,3.0])
manual_gains = [1,1.5,2.0,3.0]
manual_region = [{"x":8,"y":8,"width":128,"height":128,"weight":1}]
manual_exp_time = min(props['android.sensor.info.exposureTimeRange'])
manual_sensitivity = min(props['android.sensor.info.sensitivityRange'])
# The camera HAL may not support different gains for two G channels.
manual_gains_ok = [[1,1.5,2.0,3.0],[1,1.5,1.5,3.0],[1,2.0,2.0,3.0]]
auto_req = its.objects.auto_capture_request()
auto_req["android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode"] = 1
manual_req = {
"android.control.mode": 0,
"android.control.aeMode": 0,
"android.control.awbMode": 0,
"android.control.afMode": 0,
"android.sensor.frameDuration": 0,
"android.sensor.sensitivity": manual_sensitivity,
"android.sensor.exposureTime": manual_exp_time,
"android.colorCorrection.mode": 0,
"android.colorCorrection.transform": manual_transform,
"android.colorCorrection.gains": manual_gains,
"android.tonemap.mode": 0,
"android.tonemap.curveRed": manual_tonemap,
"android.tonemap.curveGreen": manual_tonemap,
"android.tonemap.curveBlue": manual_tonemap,
"android.control.aeRegions": manual_region,
"android.control.afRegions": manual_region,
"android.control.awbRegions": manual_region,
w_map = props["android.lens.info.shadingMapSize"]["width"]
h_map = props["android.lens.info.shadingMapSize"]["height"]
print "Testing auto capture results"
lsc_map_auto = test_auto(cam, w_map, h_map)
print "Testing manual capture results"
test_manual(cam, w_map, h_map, lsc_map_auto)
print "Testing auto capture results again"
test_auto(cam, w_map, h_map)
# A very loose definition for two floats being close to each other;
# there may be different interpolation and rounding used to get the
# two values, and all this test is looking at is whether there is
# something obviously broken; it's not looking for a perfect match.
def is_close_float(n1, n2):
return abs(n1 - n2) < 0.05
def is_close_rational(n1, n2):
return is_close_float(its.objects.rational_to_float(n1),
def draw_lsc_plot(w_map, h_map, lsc_map, name):
for ch in range(4):
fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
xs = numpy.array([range(w_map)] * h_map).reshape(h_map, w_map)
ys = numpy.array([[i]*w_map for i in range(h_map)]).reshape(
h_map, w_map)
zs = numpy.array(lsc_map[ch::4]).reshape(h_map, w_map)
ax.plot_wireframe(xs, ys, zs)
def test_auto(cam, w_map, h_map):
# Get 3A lock first, so the auto values in the capture result are
# populated properly.
rect = [[0,0,1,1,1]]
cam.do_3a(rect, rect, rect, do_af=False)
cap = cam.do_capture(auto_req)
cap_res = cap["metadata"]
gains = cap_res["android.colorCorrection.gains"]
transform = cap_res["android.colorCorrection.transform"]
exp_time = cap_res['android.sensor.exposureTime']
lsc_map = cap_res["android.statistics.lensShadingMap"]
ctrl_mode = cap_res["android.control.mode"]
print "Control mode:", ctrl_mode
print "Gains:", gains
print "Transform:", [its.objects.rational_to_float(t)
for t in transform]
print "AE region:", cap_res['android.control.aeRegions']
print "AF region:", cap_res['android.control.afRegions']
print "AWB region:", cap_res['android.control.awbRegions']
print "LSC map:", w_map, h_map, lsc_map[:8]
assert(ctrl_mode == 1)
# Color correction gain and transform must be valid.
assert(len(gains) == 4)
assert(len(transform) == 9)
assert(all([g > 0 for g in gains]))
assert(all([t["denominator"] != 0 for t in transform]))
# Color correction should not match the manual settings.
assert(any([not is_close_float(gains[i], manual_gains[i])
for i in xrange(4)]))
assert(any([not is_close_rational(transform[i], manual_transform[i])
for i in xrange(9)]))
# Exposure time must be valid.
assert(exp_time > 0)
# Lens shading map must be valid.
assert(w_map > 0 and h_map > 0 and w_map * h_map * 4 == len(lsc_map))
assert(all([m >= 1 for m in lsc_map]))
draw_lsc_plot(w_map, h_map, lsc_map, "auto")
return lsc_map
def test_manual(cam, w_map, h_map, lsc_map_auto):
cap = cam.do_capture(manual_req)
cap_res = cap["metadata"]
gains = cap_res["android.colorCorrection.gains"]
transform = cap_res["android.colorCorrection.transform"]
curves = [cap_res["android.tonemap.curveRed"],
exp_time = cap_res['android.sensor.exposureTime']
lsc_map = cap_res["android.statistics.lensShadingMap"]
ctrl_mode = cap_res["android.control.mode"]
print "Control mode:", ctrl_mode
print "Gains:", gains
print "Transform:", [its.objects.rational_to_float(t)
for t in transform]
print "Tonemap:", curves[0][1::16]
print "AE region:", cap_res['android.control.aeRegions']
print "AF region:", cap_res['android.control.afRegions']
print "AWB region:", cap_res['android.control.awbRegions']
print "LSC map:", w_map, h_map, lsc_map[:8]
assert(ctrl_mode == 0)
# Color correction gain and transform must be valid.
# Color correction gains and transform should be the same size and
# values as the manually set values.
assert(len(gains) == 4)
assert(len(transform) == 9)
assert( all([is_close_float(gains[i], manual_gains_ok[0][i])
for i in xrange(4)]) or
all([is_close_float(gains[i], manual_gains_ok[1][i])
for i in xrange(4)]) or
all([is_close_float(gains[i], manual_gains_ok[2][i])
for i in xrange(4)]))
assert(all([is_close_rational(transform[i], manual_transform[i])
for i in xrange(9)]))
# Tonemap must be valid.
# The returned tonemap must be linear.
for c in curves:
assert(len(c) > 0)
assert(all([is_close_float(c[i], c[i+1])
for i in xrange(0,len(c),2)]))
# Exposure time must be close to the requested exposure time.
assert(is_close_float(exp_time/1000000.0, manual_exp_time/1000000.0))
# Lens shading map must be valid.
assert(w_map > 0 and h_map > 0 and w_map * h_map * 4 == len(lsc_map))
assert(all([m >= 1 for m in lsc_map]))
draw_lsc_plot(w_map, h_map, lsc_map, "manual")
if __name__ == '__main__':