
Nomad's Land
 Homeless, but ID'd, in Seattle 8:15 a.m. The city council approves a plan to track the homeless by a numbering system, saying it'll improve services. The implications worry privacy advocates, naturally. By Craig Bicknell. in Politics
Other Top Stories

Wall Street Keeps Reeling 10:15 a.m. The Dow and Nasdaq suffer sizeable losses during the first half of Friday trading. Why? Wholesale prices are the highest this decade, and Greenspan is concerned about stock prices. in Reuters
The Market's Madness 9:10 a.m. The bulls and the bears are in the midst of a Battle Royale, and all this turbulence is not a healthy thing. So say the experts. in Reuters
'Want a Loan? What's Your Race?' 3:00 a.m. The Federal Reserve is in the middle of changing banking regulations to let banks collect data on the race, sex, religion, and national origin of their customers. By Declan McCullagh. in Politics
Music Regs: A Bagful of Noise 3:00 a.m. The struggle to come up with a digital music standard that would minimize download piracy is pushing right up against the holiday gift-giving season. By Jennifer Sullivan. in Business
Can't Beat 'Em? Green 'Em 3:00 a.m. High-tech companies are notoriously environmentally unfriendly, and a growing number of "Greenies" are trying to change things from the inside ... with varying results. By Chris Gaither. in Technology
Y2K Cloud Over MS Office 3:00 a.m. Windows NT sales remain strong, but corporate clients are wary of upgrading to MS Office 2000. Analysts say that means strong, but not stunning, Microsoft earnings. in Business
Med-Tech Biochips for Custom Chemo 3:00 a.m. Different cancer patients need different medicine, but doctors can rarely determine the best match. New biochip technology promises chemotherapy tailored to a tumor's genetic make-up. By Kristen Philipkoski. in Technology
High Stakes in Priceline Suit 3:00 a.m. It's not just another round of Redmond-bashing. A Priceline.com lawsuit against Microsoft's Expedia.com may have a big impact on how Net companies protect their business models. By Joanna Glasner. in Business
Biodiversity Merges Online 3:00 a.m. The far-flung databases on global biodiversity get together to form one monster database. Soon the red-eyed tree frog will be eyeing those Swedish lingonberries. From the Environment News Service. in Technology
Elsewhere Today

FCC: Hands-Off on Broadband The Industry Standard
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Computers May Run on Gas ZDNN
Much Is Free in the Wired World The New York Times (Registration Required)
Melissa: I'm Baaaack USA Today
Domain Owners Surrender Privacy MSNBC
Dividing to Conquer in VC Game The Washington Post
The Red Hat Diaries Salon
Screensaver to Predict Climate BBC News