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"""This implements an ANSI terminal emulator as a subclass of screen.

$Id: ANSI.py 491 2007-12-16 20:04:57Z noah $
# references:
#     http://www.retards.org/terminals/vt102.html
#     http://vt100.net/docs/vt102-ug/contents.html
#     http://vt100.net/docs/vt220-rm/
#     http://www.termsys.demon.co.uk/vtansi.htm

import screen
import FSM
import copy
import string

def Emit (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def StartNumber (fsm):

    fsm.memory.append (fsm.input_symbol)

def BuildNumber (fsm):

    ns = fsm.memory.pop()
    ns = ns + fsm.input_symbol
    fsm.memory.append (ns)

def DoBackOne (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_back ()

def DoBack (fsm):

    count = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_back (count)

def DoDownOne (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_down ()

def DoDown (fsm):

    count = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_down (count)

def DoForwardOne (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_forward ()

def DoForward (fsm):

    count = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_forward (count)

def DoUpReverse (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def DoUpOne (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_up ()

def DoUp (fsm):

    count = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_up (count)

def DoHome (fsm):

    c = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    r = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_home (r,c)

def DoHomeOrigin (fsm):

    c = 1
    r = 1
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    screen.cursor_home (r,c)

def DoEraseDown (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def DoErase (fsm):

    arg = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    if arg == 0:
    elif arg == 1:
    elif arg == 2:

def DoEraseEndOfLine (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def DoEraseLine (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    if arg == 0:
    elif arg == 1:
    elif arg == 2:

def DoEnableScroll (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def DoCursorSave (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def DoCursorRestore (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]

def DoScrollRegion (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    r2 = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    r1 = int(fsm.memory.pop())
    screen.scroll_screen_rows (r1,r2)

def DoMode (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    mode = fsm.memory.pop() # Should be 4
    # screen.setReplaceMode ()

def Log (fsm):

    screen = fsm.memory[0]
    fsm.memory = [screen]
    fout = open ('log', 'a')
    fout.write (fsm.input_symbol + ',' + fsm.current_state + '\n')

class term (screen.screen):
    """This is a placeholder. 
    In theory I might want to add other terminal types.
    def __init__ (self, r=24, c=80):
        screen.screen.__init__(self, r,c)

class ANSI (term):

    """This class encapsulates a generic terminal. It filters a stream and
    maintains the state of a screen object. """

    def __init__ (self, r=24,c=80):


        #self.screen = screen (24,80)
        self.state = FSM.FSM ('INIT',[self])
        self.state.set_default_transition (Log, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition_any ('INIT', Emit, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('\x1b', 'INIT', None, 'ESC')
        self.state.add_transition_any ('ESC', Log, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('(', 'ESC', None, 'G0SCS')
        self.state.add_transition (')', 'ESC', None, 'G1SCS')
        self.state.add_transition_list ('AB012', 'G0SCS', None, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition_list ('AB012', 'G1SCS', None, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('7', 'ESC', DoCursorSave, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('8', 'ESC', DoCursorRestore, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('M', 'ESC', DoUpReverse, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('>', 'ESC', DoUpReverse, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('<', 'ESC', DoUpReverse, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('=', 'ESC', None, 'INIT') # Selects application keypad.
        self.state.add_transition ('#', 'ESC', None, 'GRAPHICS_POUND')
        self.state.add_transition_any ('GRAPHICS_POUND', None, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('[', 'ESC', None, 'ELB')
        # ELB means Escape Left Bracket. That is ^[[
        self.state.add_transition ('H', 'ELB', DoHomeOrigin, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('D', 'ELB', DoBackOne, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('B', 'ELB', DoDownOne, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('C', 'ELB', DoForwardOne, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('A', 'ELB', DoUpOne, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('J', 'ELB', DoEraseDown, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('K', 'ELB', DoEraseEndOfLine, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('r', 'ELB', DoEnableScroll, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('m', 'ELB', None, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('?', 'ELB', None, 'MODECRAP')
        self.state.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'ELB', StartNumber, 'NUMBER_1')
        self.state.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'NUMBER_1', BuildNumber, 'NUMBER_1')
        self.state.add_transition ('D', 'NUMBER_1', DoBack, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('B', 'NUMBER_1', DoDown, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('C', 'NUMBER_1', DoForward, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('A', 'NUMBER_1', DoUp, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('J', 'NUMBER_1', DoErase, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('K', 'NUMBER_1', DoEraseLine, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('l', 'NUMBER_1', DoMode, 'INIT')
        ### It gets worse... the 'm' code can have infinite number of
        ### number;number;number before it. I've never seen more than two,
        ### but the specs say it's allowed. crap!
        self.state.add_transition ('m', 'NUMBER_1', None, 'INIT')
        ### LED control. Same problem as 'm' code.
        self.state.add_transition ('q', 'NUMBER_1', None, 'INIT') 
        # \E[?47h appears to be "switch to alternate screen"
        # \E[?47l restores alternate screen... I think.
        self.state.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'MODECRAP', StartNumber, 'MODECRAP_NUM')
        self.state.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'MODECRAP_NUM', BuildNumber, 'MODECRAP_NUM')
        self.state.add_transition ('l', 'MODECRAP_NUM', None, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('h', 'MODECRAP_NUM', None, 'INIT')

#RM   Reset Mode                Esc [ Ps l                   none
        self.state.add_transition (';', 'NUMBER_1', None, 'SEMICOLON')
        self.state.add_transition_any ('SEMICOLON', Log, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'SEMICOLON', StartNumber, 'NUMBER_2')
        self.state.add_transition_list (string.digits, 'NUMBER_2', BuildNumber, 'NUMBER_2')
        self.state.add_transition_any ('NUMBER_2', Log, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('H', 'NUMBER_2', DoHome, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('f', 'NUMBER_2', DoHome, 'INIT')
        self.state.add_transition ('r', 'NUMBER_2', DoScrollRegion, 'INIT')
        ### It gets worse... the 'm' code can have infinite number of
        ### number;number;number before it. I've never seen more than two,
        ### but the specs say it's allowed. crap!
        self.state.add_transition ('m', 'NUMBER_2', None, 'INIT')
        ### LED control. Same problem as 'm' code.
        self.state.add_transition ('q', 'NUMBER_2', None, 'INIT') 

    def process (self, c):


    def process_list (self, l):


    def write (self, s):

        for c in s:

    def flush (self):


    def write_ch (self, ch):

        """This puts a character at the current cursor position. cursor
        position if moved forward with wrap-around, but no scrolling is done if
        the cursor hits the lower-right corner of the screen. """

        #\r and \n both produce a call to crlf().
        ch = ch[0]

        if ch == '\r':
        #    self.crlf()
        if ch == '\n':
        if ch == chr(screen.BS):
            self.put_abs(self.cur_r, self.cur_c, ' ')

        if ch not in string.printable:
            fout = open ('log', 'a')
            fout.write ('Nonprint: ' + str(ord(ch)) + '\n')
        self.put_abs(self.cur_r, self.cur_c, ch)
        old_r = self.cur_r
        old_c = self.cur_c
        if old_c == self.cur_c:
            if old_r != self.cur_r:
                self.cursor_home (self.cur_r, 1)
                self.scroll_up ()
                self.cursor_home (self.cur_r, 1)

#    def test (self):
#        import sys
#        write_text = 'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.\n' + \
#        '(He\'s got a ferret sticking up his nose.)\n' + \
#        'How it got there I can\'t tell\n' + \
#        'But now it\'s there it hurts like hell\n' + \
#        'And what is more it radically affects my sense of smell.\n' + \
#        '(His sense of smell.)\n' + \
#        'I can see a bare-bottomed mandril.\n' + \
#        '(Slyly eyeing his other nostril.)\n' + \
#        'If it jumps inside there too I really don\'t know what to do\n' + \
#        'I\'ll be the proud posessor of a kind of nasal zoo.\n' + \
#        '(A nasal zoo.)\n' + \
#        'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.\n' + \
#        '(And what is worst of all it constantly explodes.)\n' + \
#        '"Ferrets don\'t explode," you say\n' + \
#        'But it happened nine times yesterday\n' + \
#        'And I should know for each time I was standing in the way.\n' + \
#        'I\'ve got a ferret sticking up my nose.\n' + \
#        '(He\'s got a ferret sticking up his nose.)\n' + \
#        'How it got there I can\'t tell\n' + \
#        'But now it\'s there it hurts like hell\n' + \
#        'And what is more it radically affects my sense of smell.\n' + \
#        '(His sense of smell.)'
#        self.fill('.')
#        self.cursor_home()
#        for c in write_text:
#            self.write_ch (c)
#        print str(self)
#if __name__ == '__main__':
#    t = ANSI(6,65)
#    t.test()