#!/usr/bin/env python
"""This is for cleaning up binary files improperly added to CVS. This script
scans the given path to find binary files; checks with CVS to see if the sticky
options are set to -kb; finally if sticky options are not -kb then uses 'cvs
admin' to set the -kb option.
This script ignores CVS directories, symbolic links, and files not known under
CVS control (cvs status is 'Unknown').
Run this on a CHECKED OUT module sandbox, not on the repository itself. After
if fixes the sticky options on any files you should manually do a 'cvs commit'
to accept the changes. Then be sure to have all users do a 'cvs up -A' to
update the Sticky Option status.
Noah Spurrier
import os, sys, time
import pexpect
def is_binary (filename):
"""Assume that any file with a character where the 8th bit is set is
binary. """
fin = open(filename, 'rb')
wholething = fin.read()
for c in wholething:
if ord(c) & 0x80:
return 1
return 0
def is_kb_sticky (filename):
"""This checks if 'cvs status' reports '-kb' for Sticky options. If the
Sticky Option status is '-ks' then this returns 1. If the status is
'Unknown' then it returns 1. Otherwise 0 is returned. """
s = pexpect.spawn ('cvs status %s' % filename)
i = s.expect (['Sticky Options:\s*(.*)\r\n', 'Status: Unknown'])
if i==1 and VERBOSE:
print 'File not part of CVS repository:', filename
return 1 # Pretend it's OK.
if s.match.group(1) == '-kb':
return 1
s = None
print 'Something went wrong trying to run external cvs command.'
print ' cvs status %s' % filename
print 'The cvs command returned:'
print s.before
return 0
def cvs_admin_kb (filename):
"""This uses 'cvs admin' to set the '-kb' sticky option. """
s = pexpect.run ('cvs admin -kb %s' % filename)
# There is a timing issue. If I run 'cvs admin' too quickly
# cvs sometimes has trouble obtaining the directory lock.
def walk_and_clean_cvs_binaries (arg, dirname, names):
"""This contains the logic for processing files. This is the os.path.walk
callback. This skips dirnames that end in CVS. """
if len(dirname)>3 and dirname[-3:]=='CVS':
for n in names:
fullpath = os.path.join (dirname, n)
if os.path.isdir(fullpath) or os.path.islink(fullpath):
if is_binary(fullpath):
if not is_kb_sticky (fullpath):
if VERBOSE: print fullpath
cvs_admin_kb (fullpath)
def main ():
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
root = '.'
root = sys.argv[1]
os.path.walk (root, walk_and_clean_cvs_binaries, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
main ()