* Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Intel Corporation
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
* are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
* list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
* other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
* specific prior written permission.
#pragma once
#include <pthread.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include "RemoteCommandHandlerTemplate.h"
#include "PathNavigator.h"
#include "SelectionCriterionType.h"
#include "SelectionCriterion.h"
#include "Element.h"
#include "XmlDocSink.h"
#include "XmlDocSource.h"
#include "XmlDomainExportContext.h"
#include <string>
#include <ostream>
#include <istream>
class CElementLibrarySet;
class CSubsystemLibrary;
class CSystemClass;
class CSelectionCriteria;
class CParameterFrameworkConfiguration;
class CSystemClassConfiguration;
class CParameterBlackboard;
class CConfigurableDomains;
class IRemoteProcessorServerInterface;
class CParameterHandle;
class CSubsystemPlugins;
class CParameterAccessContext;
class CConfigurableElement;
class CParameterMgr : private CElement
enum ChildElement {
enum ElementLibrary {
// Remote command parsers
typedef TRemoteCommandHandlerTemplate<CParameterMgr> CCommandHandler;
typedef CCommandHandler::CommandStatus (CParameterMgr::*RemoteCommandParser)(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
// Parser descriptions
struct SRemoteCommandParserItem
const char* _pcCommandName;
CParameterMgr::RemoteCommandParser _pfnParser;
uint32_t _uiMinArgumentCount;
const char* _pcHelp;
const char* _pcDescription;
// Version
static const uint32_t guiEditionMajor = 2;
static const uint32_t guiEditionMinor = 6;
static const uint32_t guiRevision = 0;
// Parameter handle friendship
friend class CParameterHandle;
// Logger interface
class ILogger
virtual void log(bool bIsWarning, const std::string& strLog) = 0;
virtual ~ILogger() {}
// Construction
CParameterMgr(const std::string& strConfigurationFilePath);
virtual ~CParameterMgr();
// Logging
void setLogger(ILogger* pLogger);
/** Load plugins, structures and settings from the config file given.
* @param[out] strError is a std::string describing the error if an error occurred
* undefined otherwise.
* @return true if no error occurred, false otherwise.
bool load(std::string& strError);
// Selection Criteria
CSelectionCriterionType* createSelectionCriterionType(bool bIsInclusive);
CSelectionCriterion* createSelectionCriterion(const std::string& strName, const CSelectionCriterionType* pSelectionCriterionType);
// Selection criterion retrieval
CSelectionCriterion* getSelectionCriterion(const std::string& strName);
// Configuration application
void applyConfigurations();
* Returns the CConfigurableElement corresponding to the path given in argument.
* @param[in] strPath A std::string representing a path to an element.
* @param[out] strError Error message
* @return A const pointer to the corresponding CConfigurableElement.
* On error, NULL is returned and the error is explained in strError.
const CConfigurableElement* getConfigurableElement(const std::string& strPath,
std::string& strError) const;
// Dynamic parameter handling
CParameterHandle* createParameterHandle(const std::string& strPath, std::string& strError);
/** Is the remote interface forcefully disabled ?
bool getForceNoRemoteInterface() const;
* Forcefully disable the remote interface or cancel this policy
* @param[in] bForceNoRemoteInterface disable the remote interface if true.
void setForceNoRemoteInterface(bool bForceNoRemoteInterface);
/** Should start fail in case of missing subsystems.
* @param[in] bFail: If set to true, parameterMgr start will fail on missing subsystems.
* If set to false, missing subsystems will fallback on virtual subsystem.
void setFailureOnMissingSubsystem(bool bFail);
/** Would start fail in case of missing subsystems.
* @return true if the subsystem will fail on missing subsystem, false otherwise.
bool getFailureOnMissingSubsystem() const;
/** Should start fail in failed settings load.
* @param[in] bFail: If set to true, parameterMgr start will fail on failed settings load.
* If set to false, failed settings load will be ignored.
void setFailureOnFailedSettingsLoad(bool bFail);
/** Would start fail in case of failed settings load.
* @return failure on failed settings load policy state.
bool getFailureOnFailedSettingsLoad();
/** Get the path to the directory containing the XML Schemas
* @returns the directory containing the XML Schemas
const std::string& getSchemaFolderLocation() const;
/** Override the directory containing the XML Schemas
* @param[in] strSchemaFolderLocation directory containing the XML Schemas
void setSchemaFolderLocation(const std::string& strSchemaFolderLocation);
/** Should .xml files be validated on start ?
* @param[in] bValidate:
* If set to true, parameterMgr will report an error
* when being unable to validate .xml files
* If set to false, no .xml/xsd validation will happen
* (default behaviour)
* @return false if unable to set, true otherwise.
void setValidateSchemasOnStart(bool bValidate);
/** Would .xml files be validated on start?
* @return areSchemasValidated
bool getValidateSchemasOnStart() const;
//////////// Tuning /////////////
// Tuning mode
bool setTuningMode(bool bOn, std::string& strError);
bool tuningModeOn() const;
// Current value space for user set/get value interpretation
void setValueSpace(bool bIsRaw);
bool valueSpaceIsRaw();
// Current Output Raw Format for user get value interpretation
void setOutputRawFormat(bool bIsHex);
bool outputRawFormatIsHex();
// Automatic hardware synchronization control (during tuning session)
bool setAutoSync(bool bAutoSyncOn, std::string& strError);
bool autoSyncOn() const;
bool sync(std::string& strError);
// User set/get parameters
bool accessParameterValue(const std::string& strPath, std::string& strValue, bool bSet, std::string& strError);
* Returns the element mapping corresponding to the path given in parameter.
* @param[in] strPath Path of an element
* @param[out] strValue A sting containing the mapping
* @return true if a mapping was found for this element
bool getParameterMapping(const std::string& strPath, std::string& strValue) const;
bool accessConfigurationValue(const std::string &strDomain, const std::string &stConfiguration, const std::string& strPath, std::string& strValue, bool bSet, std::string& strError);
////////// Configuration/Domains handling //////////////
// Creation/Deletion
bool createDomain(const std::string& strName, std::string& strError);
bool renameDomain(const std::string& strName, const std::string& strNewName,
std::string& strError);
bool deleteDomain(const std::string& strName, std::string& strError);
bool deleteAllDomains(std::string& strError);
bool setSequenceAwareness(const std::string& strName, bool bSequenceAware,
std::string& strResult);
bool getSequenceAwareness(const std::string& strName, bool& bSequenceAware,
std::string& strResult);
bool createConfiguration(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration, std::string& strError);
bool deleteConfiguration(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration, std::string& strError);
bool renameConfiguration(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration, const std::string& strNewConfiguration, std::string& strError);
// Save/Restore
bool restoreConfiguration(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration, std::list<std::string>& strError);
bool saveConfiguration(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration, std::string& strError);
// Configurable element - domain association
bool addConfigurableElementToDomain(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfigurableElementPath, std::string& strError);
bool removeConfigurableElementFromDomain(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfigurableElementPath, std::string& strError);
bool split(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfigurableElementPath, std::string& strError);
bool setElementSequence(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration,
const std::vector<std::string>& astrNewElementSequence,
std::string& strError);
bool getApplicationRule(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration,
std::string& strResult);
bool setApplicationRule(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration,
const std::string& strApplicationRule, std::string& strError);
bool clearApplicationRule(const std::string& strDomain, const std::string& strConfiguration,
std::string& strError);
* Method that imports Configurable Domains from an Xml source.
* @param[in] xmlSource a std::string containing an xml description or a path to an xml file
* @param[in] withSettings a boolean that determines if the settings should be used in the
* xml description
* @param[in] fromFile a boolean that determines if the source is an xml description in
* xmlSource or contained in a file. In that case xmlSource is just the file path.
* @param[out] errorMsg is used as the error output
* @return false if any error occures
bool importDomainsXml(const std::string& xmlSource, bool withSettings, bool fromFile,
std::string& errorMsg);
* Method that imports a single Configurable Domain from an Xml source.
* @param[in] xmlSource a string containing an xml description or a path to an xml file
* @param[in] overwrite when importing an existing domain, allow
* overwriting or return an error
* @param[in] withSettings a boolean that determines if the settings should be used in the
* xml description
* @param[in] fromFile a boolean that determines if the source is an xml description in
* xmlSource or contained in a file. In that case xmlSource is just the file path.
* @param[out] errorMsg is used as the error output
* @return false if any error occurs
bool importSingleDomainXml(const std::string& xmlSource, bool overwrite, bool withSettings,
bool fromFile, std::string& errorMsg);
* Method that exports Configurable Domains to an Xml destination.
* @param[in,out] xmlDest a string containing an xml description or a path to an xml file
* @param[in] withSettings a boolean that determines if the settings should be used in the
* xml description
* @param[in] toFile a boolean that determines if the destination is an xml description in
* xmlDest or contained in a file. In that case xmlDest is just the file path.
* @param[out] errorMsg is used as the error output
* @return false if any error occurs, true otherwise.
bool exportDomainsXml(std::string& xmlDest, bool withSettings, bool toFile,
std::string& errorMsg) const;
* Method that exports a given Configurable Domain to an Xml destination.
* @param[in,out] xmlDest a string containing an xml description or a path to an xml file
* @param[in] domainName the name of the domain to be exported
* @param[in] withSettings a boolean that determines if the settings should be used in the
* xml description
* @param[in] toFile a boolean that determines if the destination is an xml description in
* xmlDest or contained in a file. In that case xmlDest is just the file path.
* @param[out] errorMsg is used as the error output
* @return false if any error occurs, true otherwise.
bool exportSingleDomainXml(std::string& xmlDest, const std::string& domainName,
bool withSettings, bool toFile, std::string& errorMsg) const;
// Binary Import/Export
bool importDomainsBinary(const std::string& strFileName, std::string& strError);
bool exportDomainsBinary(const std::string& strFileName, std::string& strError);
* Method that exports an Xml description of the passed element into a string
* @param[in] pXmlSource The source element to export
* @param[in] strRootElementType The XML root element name of the exported instance document
* @param[out] strResult contains the xml description or the error description in case false is returned
* @return true for success, false if any error occurs during the creation of the xml description (validation or encoding)
bool exportElementToXMLString(const IXmlSource* pXmlSource,
const std::string& strRootElementType,
std::string& strResult) const;
// CElement
virtual std::string getKind() const;
CParameterMgr(const CParameterMgr&);
CParameterMgr& operator=(const CParameterMgr&);
// Init
virtual bool init(std::string& strError);
// Logging (done by root)
virtual void doLog(bool bIsWarning, const std::string& strLog) const;
virtual void nestLog() const;
virtual void unnestLog() const;
// Version
std::string getVersion() const;
////////////////:: Remote command parsers
/// Version
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus versionCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Status
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus statusCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Tuning Mode
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setTuningModeCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getTuningModeCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Value Space
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setValueSpaceCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getValueSpaceCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Output Raw Format
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setOutputRawFormatCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getOutputRawFormatCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Sync
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setAutoSyncCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getAutoSyncCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus syncCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Criteria
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listCriteriaCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Domains
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listDomainsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus createDomainCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus deleteDomainCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus deleteAllDomainsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus renameDomainCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setSequenceAwarenessCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getSequenceAwarenessCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listDomainElementsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus addElementCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus removeElementCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus splitDomainCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Configurations
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listConfigurationsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus dumpDomainsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus createConfigurationCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus deleteConfigurationCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus renameConfigurationCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus saveConfigurationCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus restoreConfigurationCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setElementSequenceCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getElementSequenceCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setRuleCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus clearRuleCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getRuleCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Elements/Parameters
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listElementsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listParametersCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus dumpElementCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getElementSizeCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus showPropertiesCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getParameterCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setParameterCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getConfigurationParameterCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setConfigurationParameterCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listBelongingDomainsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listAssociatedDomainsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus showMappingCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand,
std::string& strResult);
/// Browse
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listAssociatedElementsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listConflictingElementsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus listRogueElementsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
/// Settings Import/Export
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus exportDomainsXMLCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus importDomainsXMLCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus exportDomainsWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus importDomainsWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
* Command handler method for exportDomainWithSettingsXML command.
* @param[in] remoteCommand contains the arguments of the received command.
* @param[out] result a std::string containing the result of the command
* @return CCommandHandler::ESucceeded if command succeeded or CCommandHandler::EFailed
* in the other case
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus exportDomainWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& result);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus importDomainWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus exportSettingsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus importSettingsCommandProcess(const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
* Command handler method for getDomainsWithSettings command.
* @param[in] remoteCommand contains the arguments of the received command.
* @param[out] strResult a std::string containing the result of the command
* @return CCommandHandler::ESucceeded if command succeeded or CCommandHandler::EFailed
* in the other case
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getDomainsWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(
const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
* Command handler method for getDomainWithSettings command.
* @param[in] remoteCommand contains the arguments of the received command.
* @param[out] strResult a string containing the result of the command
* @return CCommandHandler::ESucceeded if command succeeded or CCommandHandler::EFailed
* in the other case
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getDomainWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(
const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
* Command handler method for setDomainsWithSettings command.
* @param[in] remoteCommand contains the arguments of the received command.
* @param[out] strResult a std::string containing the result of the command
* @return CCommandHandler::ESucceeded if command succeeded or CCommandHandler::EFailed
* in the other case
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setDomainsWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(
const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
* Command handler method for setDomainWithSettings command.
* @param[in] remoteCommand contains the arguments of the received command.
* @param[out] result a std::string containing the result of the command
* @return CCommandHandler::ESucceeded if command succeeded or CCommandHandler::EFailed
* in the other case
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus setDomainWithSettingsXMLCommandProcess(
const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& result);
* Command handler method for getSystemClass command.
* @param[in] remoteCommand contains the arguments of the received command.
* @param[out] strResult a std::string containing the result of the command
* @return CCommandHandler::ESucceeded if command succeeded or CCommandHandler::EFailed
* in the other case
CCommandHandler::CommandStatus getSystemClassXMLCommandProcess(
const IRemoteCommand& remoteCommand, std::string& strResult);
// Max command usage length, use for formatting
void setMaxCommandUsageLength();
// For tuning, check we're in tuning mode
bool checkTuningModeOn(std::string& strError) const;
// Blackboard (dynamic parameter handling)
pthread_mutex_t* getBlackboardMutex();
// Blackboard reference (dynamic parameter handling)
CParameterBlackboard* getParameterBlackboard();
// Parameter access
bool accessValue(CParameterAccessContext& parameterAccessContext, const std::string& strPath, std::string& strValue, bool bSet, std::string& strError);
bool doSetValue(const std::string& strPath, const std::string& strValue, bool bRawValueSpace, bool bDynamicAccess, std::string& strError) const;
bool doGetValue(const std::string& strPath, std::string& strValue, bool bRawValueSpace, bool bHexOutputRawFormat, bool bDynamicAccess, std::string& strError) const;
// Framework global configuration loading
bool loadFrameworkConfiguration(std::string& strError);
// System class Structure loading
bool loadStructure(std::string& strError);
// System class Structure loading
bool loadSettings(std::string& strError);
bool loadSettingsFromConfigFile(std::string& strError);
/** Parse an XML stream into an element
* @param[in] elementSerializingContext serializing context
* @param[out] pRootElement the receiving element
* @param[in] input the input XML stream
* @param[in] strXmlFolder the folder containing the XML input file (if applicable) or ""
* @param[in] eElementLibrary which element library to be used
* @param[in] strNameAttributeName the name of the element's XML "name" attribute
* @returns true if parsing succeeded, false otherwise
bool xmlParse(CXmlElementSerializingContext& elementSerializingContext, CElement* pRootElement,
_xmlDoc* doc, const std::string& strXmlFolder,
ElementLibrary eElementLibrary, const std::string& strNameAttributeName = "Name");
/** Wrapper for converting public APIs semantics to internal API
* Public APIs have a string argument that can either contain:
* - a path to an XML file or;
* - an actual XML document.
* They also have a boolean argument specifying which of the two cases it
* is.
* Instead, the internal APIs only take an std::istream argument. This
* method opens the file as a stream if applicable or simply wrap the
* string in a stream. It then passes the stream to the internal methods.
* @param[in] xmlSource the XML source (either a path or an actual xml
* document)
* @param[in] fromFile specifies whether xmlSource is a path or an
* actual XML document
* @param[in] withSettings if false, only import the configurations
* applicability rules; if true, also import their settings
* @param[out] element the receiving element
* @param[in] nameAttributeName the name of the element's XML "name"
* attribute
* @param[out] errorMsg string used as output for any error message
* @returns true if the import succeeded, false otherwise
bool wrapLegacyXmlImport(const std::string& xmlSource, bool fromFile, bool withSettings,
CElement& element, const std::string& nameAttributeName,
std::string& errorMsg);
* Export an element object to an Xml destination.
* @param[out] output the stream to output the XML to
* @param[in] xmlSerializingContext the serializing context
* @param[in] element object to be serialized.
* @return false if any error occurs, true otherwise.
bool serializeElement(std::ostream& output, CXmlSerializingContext& xmlSerializingContext,
const CElement& element) const;
/** Wrapper for converting public APIs semantics to internal API
* Public APIs have a string argument that can either:
* - contain a path to an XML file or;
* - receive an actual XML document.
* They also have a boolean argument specifying which of the two cases it
* is.
* Instead, the internal APIs only take an std::ostream argument. This
* method opens the file as a stream if applicable or simply wrap the
* string in a stream. It then passes the stream to the internal methods.
* @param[in] xmlDest the XML sink (either a path or any string that
* will be filled)
* @param[in] toFile specifies whether xmlSource is a path or a
* string that will receive an actual XML document
* @param[in] withSettings if false, only export the configurations
* applicability rules; if true, also export their settings
* @param[out] element the element to be exported
* @param[out] errorMsg string used as output for any error message
* @returns true if the export succeeded, false otherwise
bool wrapLegacyXmlExport(std::string& xmlDest, bool toFile, bool withSettings,
const CElement& element, std::string& errorMsg) const;
/** Wrapper for converting public APIs semantics to internal API
* @see wrapLegacyXmlExport
bool wrapLegacyXmlExportToFile(std::string& xmlDest,
const CElement& element,
CXmlDomainExportContext &context) const;
/** Wrapper for converting public APIs semantics to internal API
* @see wrapLegacyXmlExport
bool wrapLegacyXmlExportToString(std::string& xmlDest,
const CElement& element,
CXmlDomainExportContext &context) const;
// Framework Configuration
CParameterFrameworkConfiguration* getFrameworkConfiguration();
const CParameterFrameworkConfiguration* getConstFrameworkConfiguration();
// Selection Criteria
CSelectionCriteria* getSelectionCriteria();
const CSelectionCriteria* getConstSelectionCriteria();
// System Class
CSystemClass* getSystemClass();
const CSystemClass* getConstSystemClass() const;
// Configurable Domains
CConfigurableDomains* getConfigurableDomains();
const CConfigurableDomains* getConstConfigurableDomains();
const CConfigurableDomains* getConstConfigurableDomains() const;
// Apply configurations
void doApplyConfigurations(bool bForce);
// Dynamic object creation libraries feeding
void feedElementLibraries();
// Remote Processor Server connection handling
bool handleRemoteProcessingInterface(std::string& strError);
// Tuning
bool _bTuningModeIsOn;
// Value Space
bool _bValueSpaceIsRaw;
// Output Raw Format
bool _bOutputRawFormatIsHex;
// Automatic synchronization to HW during Tuning session
bool _bAutoSyncOn;
// Current Parameter Settings
CParameterBlackboard* _pMainParameterBlackboard;
// Dynamic object creation
CElementLibrarySet* _pElementLibrarySet;
// XML parsing, object creation handling
std::string _strXmlConfigurationFilePath; // Configuration file path
std::string _strXmlConfigurationFolderPath; // Root folder for configuration file
std::string _strSchemaFolderLocation; // Place where schemas stand
// Subsystem plugin location
const CSubsystemPlugins* _pSubsystemPlugins;
* Remote processor library handle
void* _pvLibRemoteProcessorHandle;
// Whole system structure checksum
uint8_t _uiStructureChecksum;
// Command Handler
CCommandHandler* _pCommandHandler;
// Remote Processor Server
IRemoteProcessorServerInterface* _pRemoteProcessorServer;
// Parser description array
static const SRemoteCommandParserItem gastRemoteCommandParserItems[];
// Parser description array size
static const uint32_t guiNbRemoteCommandParserItems;
// Maximum command usage length
uint32_t _uiMaxCommandUsageLength;
// Blackboard access mutex
pthread_mutex_t _blackboardMutex;
// Logging
ILogger* _pLogger;
mutable uint32_t _uiLogDepth;
/** If set to false, the remote interface won't be started no matter what.
* If set to true - the default - it has no impact on the policy for
* starting the remote interface.
bool _bForceNoRemoteInterface;
/** If set to true, missing subsystem will abort parameterMgr start.
* If set to false, missing subsystem will fallback on virtual subsystem.
bool _bFailOnMissingSubsystem;
/** If set to true, unparsable or discording domains will abort parameterMgr start.
* If set to false, unparsable or discording domains
* will continue the parameterMgr start with no domains.
bool _bFailOnFailedSettingsLoad;
* If set to true, parameterMgr will report an error
* when being unable to validate .xml files
* If set to false, no .xml/xsd validation will happen (default behaviour)
bool _bValidateSchemasOnStart;