// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
#include "../../../core/include/fpdfdoc/fpdf_vt.h"
#include "fx_edit.h"
class CFX_Edit_Page;
struct CFX_Edit_LineRect;
class CFX_Edit_LineRectArray;
class CFX_Edit_RectArray;
class CFX_Edit_Refresh;
class CFX_Edit_Select;
class CFX_Edit;
class CFX_Edit_Iterator;
class CFX_Edit_Refresh;
class CFX_Edit_UndoItem;
class CFX_Edit_Undo;
class CFX_Edit_Provider;
#define FX_EDIT_IsFloatZero(f) (f < 0.0001 && f > -0.0001)
#define FX_EDIT_IsFloatEqual(fa,fb) FX_EDIT_IsFloatZero(fa - fb)
#define FX_EDIT_IsFloatBigger(fa,fb) (fa > fb && !FX_EDIT_IsFloatEqual(fa,fb))
#define FX_EDIT_IsFloatSmaller(fa,fb) (fa < fb && !FX_EDIT_IsFloatEqual(fa,fb))
template<class T> T FX_EDIT_MIN (const T & i, const T & j) { return ((i < j) ? i : j); }
template<class T> T FX_EDIT_MAX (const T & i, const T & j) { return ((i > j) ? i : j); }
#define FX_EDIT_PI 3.14159265358979f
#define FX_EDIT_ITALIC_ANGEL 10 * FX_EDIT_PI / 180.0f
/* ------------------------- CFX_Edit_Refresh ---------------------------- */
struct CFX_Edit_LineRect
CFX_Edit_LineRect(const CPVT_WordRange & wrLine,const CPDF_Rect & rcLine) :
m_wrLine(wrLine), m_rcLine(rcLine)
FX_BOOL operator != (const CFX_Edit_LineRect & linerect) const
return FXSYS_memcmp(this, &linerect, sizeof(CFX_Edit_LineRect)) != 0;
FX_BOOL IsSameHeight(const CFX_Edit_LineRect & linerect) const
return FX_EDIT_IsFloatZero((m_rcLine.top - m_rcLine.bottom) - (linerect.m_rcLine.top -linerect.m_rcLine.bottom));
FX_BOOL IsSameTop(const CFX_Edit_LineRect & linerect) const
return FX_EDIT_IsFloatZero(m_rcLine.top - linerect.m_rcLine.top);
FX_BOOL IsSameLeft(const CFX_Edit_LineRect & linerect) const
return FX_EDIT_IsFloatZero(m_rcLine.left - linerect.m_rcLine.left);
FX_BOOL IsSameRight(const CFX_Edit_LineRect & linerect) const
return FX_EDIT_IsFloatZero(m_rcLine.right - linerect.m_rcLine.right);
CPVT_WordRange m_wrLine;
CPDF_Rect m_rcLine;
class CFX_Edit_LineRectArray
virtual ~CFX_Edit_LineRectArray()
void Empty()
for (FX_INT32 i = 0, sz = m_LineRects.GetSize(); i < sz; i++)
delete m_LineRects.GetAt(i);
void RemoveAll()
void operator = (CFX_Edit_LineRectArray & rects)
for (FX_INT32 i = 0, sz = rects.GetSize(); i < sz; i++)
void Add(const CPVT_WordRange & wrLine,const CPDF_Rect & rcLine)
if (CFX_Edit_LineRect * pRect = new CFX_Edit_LineRect(wrLine,rcLine))
FX_INT32 GetSize() const
return m_LineRects.GetSize();
CFX_Edit_LineRect * GetAt(FX_INT32 nIndex) const
if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_LineRects.GetSize())
return NULL;
return m_LineRects.GetAt(nIndex);
CFX_ArrayTemplate<CFX_Edit_LineRect*> m_LineRects;
class CFX_Edit_RectArray
virtual ~CFX_Edit_RectArray()
void Empty()
for (FX_INT32 i = 0, sz = m_Rects.GetSize(); i < sz; i++)
delete m_Rects.GetAt(i);
void Add(const CPDF_Rect & rect)
//check for overlaped area
for (FX_INT32 i = 0, sz = m_Rects.GetSize(); i < sz; i++)
if (CPDF_Rect * pRect = m_Rects.GetAt(i))
if (pRect->Contains(rect))return;
if (CPDF_Rect * pNewRect = new CPDF_Rect(rect))
FX_INT32 GetSize() const
return m_Rects.GetSize();
CPDF_Rect * GetAt(FX_INT32 nIndex) const
if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= m_Rects.GetSize())
return NULL;
return m_Rects.GetAt(nIndex);
CFX_ArrayTemplate<CPDF_Rect*> m_Rects;
class CFX_Edit_Refresh
virtual ~CFX_Edit_Refresh();
void BeginRefresh();
void Push(const CPVT_WordRange & linerange,const CPDF_Rect & rect);
void NoAnalyse();
void Analyse(FX_INT32 nAlignment);
void AddRefresh(const CPDF_Rect & rect);
const CFX_Edit_RectArray * GetRefreshRects() const;
void EndRefresh();
CFX_Edit_LineRectArray m_NewLineRects;
CFX_Edit_LineRectArray m_OldLineRects;
CFX_Edit_RectArray m_RefreshRects;
/* ------------------------- CFX_Edit_Select ---------------------------- */
class CFX_Edit_Select
CFX_Edit_Select(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin,const CPVT_WordPlace & end)
CFX_Edit_Select(const CPVT_WordRange & range)
CPVT_WordRange ConvertToWordRange() const
return CPVT_WordRange(this->BeginPos,this->EndPos);
void Default()
void Set(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin,const CPVT_WordPlace & end)
this->BeginPos = begin;
this->EndPos = end;
void SetBeginPos(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin)
this->BeginPos = begin;
void SetEndPos(const CPVT_WordPlace & end)
this->EndPos = end;
FX_BOOL IsExist() const
return this->BeginPos != this->EndPos;
FX_BOOL operator != (const CPVT_WordRange & wr) const
return wr.BeginPos != this->BeginPos || wr.EndPos != this->EndPos;
CPVT_WordPlace BeginPos,EndPos;
/* ------------------------- CFX_Edit_Undo ---------------------------- */
class CFX_Edit_Undo
CFX_Edit_Undo(FX_INT32 nBufsize = 10000);
virtual ~CFX_Edit_Undo();
void Undo();
void Redo();
void AddItem(IFX_Edit_UndoItem* pItem);
FX_BOOL CanUndo() const;
FX_BOOL CanRedo() const;
FX_BOOL IsModified() const;
FX_BOOL IsWorking() const;
void Reset();
IFX_Edit_UndoItem* GetItem(FX_INT32 nIndex);
FX_INT32 GetItemCount(){return m_UndoItemStack.GetSize();}
FX_INT32 GetCurUndoPos(){return m_nCurUndoPos;}
void SetBufSize(FX_INT32 nSize){m_nBufSize = nSize;}
FX_INT32 GetBufSize(){return m_nBufSize;}
void RemoveHeads();
void RemoveTails();
CFX_ArrayTemplate<IFX_Edit_UndoItem*> m_UndoItemStack;
FX_INT32 m_nCurUndoPos;
FX_INT32 m_nBufSize;
FX_BOOL m_bModified;
FX_BOOL m_bVirgin;
FX_BOOL m_bWorking;
class CFX_Edit_UndoItem : public IFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFX_Edit_UndoItem() : m_bFirst(TRUE), m_bLast(TRUE) {}
CFX_WideString GetUndoTitle() override { return L""; }
void SetFirst(FX_BOOL bFirst){m_bFirst = bFirst;}
FX_BOOL IsFirst(){return m_bFirst;}
void SetLast(FX_BOOL bLast){m_bLast = bLast;}
FX_BOOL IsLast(){return m_bLast;}
FX_BOOL m_bFirst;
FX_BOOL m_bLast;
class CFX_Edit_GroupUndoItem : public IFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFX_Edit_GroupUndoItem(const CFX_WideString& sTitle);
~CFX_Edit_GroupUndoItem() override;
void Undo() override;
void Redo() override;
CFX_WideString GetUndoTitle() override;
void AddUndoItem(CFX_Edit_UndoItem* pUndoItem);
void UpdateItems();
CFX_WideString m_sTitle;
CFX_ArrayTemplate<CFX_Edit_UndoItem*> m_Items;
/* ------------------------- CFX_Edit_UndoItem derived classes ---------------------------- */
class CFXEU_InsertWord : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_InsertWord(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOldPlace, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNewPlace,
FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
virtual ~CFXEU_InsertWord();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit* m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOld;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpNew;
FX_WORD m_Word;
FX_INT32 m_nCharset;
CPVT_WordProps m_WordProps;
class CFXEU_InsertReturn : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_InsertReturn(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOldPlace, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNewPlace,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
virtual ~CFXEU_InsertReturn();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOld;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpNew;
CPVT_SecProps m_SecProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_WordProps;
class CFXEU_Backspace : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_Backspace(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOldPlace, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNewPlace,
FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps & SecProps, const CPVT_WordProps & WordProps);
virtual ~CFXEU_Backspace();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOld;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpNew;
FX_WORD m_Word;
FX_INT32 m_nCharset;
CPVT_SecProps m_SecProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_WordProps;
class CFXEU_Delete : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_Delete(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOldPlace, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNewPlace,
FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps & SecProps, const CPVT_WordProps & WordProps, FX_BOOL bSecEnd);
virtual ~CFXEU_Delete();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOld;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpNew;
FX_WORD m_Word;
FX_INT32 m_nCharset;
CPVT_SecProps m_SecProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_WordProps;
FX_BOOL m_bSecEnd;
class CFXEU_Clear : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_Clear(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordRange & wrSel, const CFX_WideString & swText);
virtual ~CFXEU_Clear();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit* m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordRange m_wrSel;
CFX_WideString m_swText;
class CFXEU_ClearRich : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_ClearRich(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOldPlace, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNewPlace,
const CPVT_WordRange & wrSel,
FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps & SecProps, const CPVT_WordProps & WordProps);
virtual ~CFXEU_ClearRich();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOld;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpNew;
CPVT_WordRange m_wrSel;
FX_WORD m_Word;
FX_INT32 m_nCharset;
CPVT_SecProps m_SecProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_WordProps;
class CFXEU_InsertText : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_InsertText(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOldPlace, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNewPlace,
const CFX_WideString & swText, FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
virtual ~CFXEU_InsertText();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOld;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpNew;
CFX_WideString m_swText;
FX_INT32 m_nCharset;
CPVT_SecProps m_SecProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_WordProps;
class CFXEU_SetSecProps : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_SetSecProps(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & place, EDIT_PROPS_E ep,
const CPVT_SecProps & oldsecprops, const CPVT_WordProps & oldwordprops,
const CPVT_SecProps & newsecprops, const CPVT_WordProps & newwordprops, const CPVT_WordRange & range);
virtual ~CFXEU_SetSecProps();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpPlace;
CPVT_WordRange m_wrPlace;
EDIT_PROPS_E m_eProps;
CPVT_SecProps m_OldSecProps;
CPVT_SecProps m_NewSecProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_OldWordProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_NewWordProps;
class CFXEU_SetWordProps : public CFX_Edit_UndoItem
CFXEU_SetWordProps(CFX_Edit * pEdit, const CPVT_WordPlace & place, EDIT_PROPS_E ep,
const CPVT_WordProps & oldprops, const CPVT_WordProps & newprops, const CPVT_WordRange & range);
virtual ~CFXEU_SetWordProps();
void Redo();
void Undo();
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpPlace;
CPVT_WordRange m_wrPlace;
EDIT_PROPS_E m_eProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_OldWordProps;
CPVT_WordProps m_NewWordProps;
/* ------------------------- CFX_Edit ---------------------------- */
class CFX_Edit : public IFX_Edit
friend class CFX_Edit_Iterator;
friend class CFXEU_InsertWord;
friend class CFXEU_InsertReturn;
friend class CFXEU_Backspace;
friend class CFXEU_Delete;
friend class CFXEU_Clear;
friend class CFXEU_ClearRich;
friend class CFXEU_SetSecProps;
friend class CFXEU_SetWordProps;
friend class CFXEU_InsertText;
CFX_Edit(IPDF_VariableText * pVT);
virtual ~CFX_Edit();
void SetFontMap(IFX_Edit_FontMap * pFontMap);
void SetVTProvider(IPDF_VariableText_Provider* pProvider);
void SetNotify(IFX_Edit_Notify * pNotify);
void SetOprNotify(IFX_Edit_OprNotify* pOprNotify);
IFX_Edit_Iterator* GetIterator();
IPDF_VariableText * GetVariableText();
IFX_Edit_FontMap* GetFontMap();
void Initialize();
void SetPlateRect(const CPDF_Rect & rect, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetScrollPos(const CPDF_Point & point);
void SetAlignmentH(FX_INT32 nFormat = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetAlignmentV(FX_INT32 nFormat = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetPasswordChar(FX_WORD wSubWord = '*', FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetLimitChar(FX_INT32 nLimitChar = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetCharArray(FX_INT32 nCharArray = 0, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace = 0.0f, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetHorzScale(FX_INT32 nHorzScale = 100, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetLineLeading(FX_FLOAT fLineLeading, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetMultiLine(FX_BOOL bMultiLine = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetAutoReturn(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetAutoFontSize(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetAutoScroll(FX_BOOL bAuto = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
void SetTextOverflow(FX_BOOL bAllowed = FALSE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
FX_BOOL IsRichText() const;
void SetRichText(FX_BOOL bRichText = TRUE, FX_BOOL bPaint = TRUE);
FX_BOOL SetRichFontSize(FX_FLOAT fFontSize);
FX_BOOL SetRichFontIndex(FX_INT32 nFontIndex);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextColor(FX_COLORREF dwColor);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextScript(FX_INT32 nScriptType);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextBold(FX_BOOL bBold = TRUE);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextItalic(FX_BOOL bItalic = TRUE);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextUnderline(FX_BOOL bUnderline = TRUE);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextCrossout(FX_BOOL bCrossout = TRUE);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextCharSpace(FX_FLOAT fCharSpace);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextHorzScale(FX_INT32 nHorzScale = 100);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextLineLeading(FX_FLOAT fLineLeading);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextLineIndent(FX_FLOAT fLineIndent);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextAlignment(FX_INT32 nAlignment);
void OnMouseDown(const CPDF_Point & point,FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnMouseMove(const CPDF_Point & point,FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_UP(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_DOWN(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_LEFT(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_RIGHT(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_HOME(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void OnVK_END(FX_BOOL bShift,FX_BOOL bCtrl);
void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text,FX_INT32 charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL InsertWord(FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL InsertReturn(const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL Backspace();
FX_BOOL Delete();
FX_BOOL Clear();
FX_BOOL Empty();
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps = NULL,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps = NULL);
FX_BOOL Redo();
FX_BOOL Undo();
CPVT_WordPlace DoInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace& place, FX_LPCWSTR text, FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
FX_INT32 GetCharSetFromUnicode(FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 nOldCharset);
FX_INT32 WordPlaceToWordIndex(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const;
CPVT_WordPlace WordIndexToWordPlace(FX_INT32 index) const;
CPVT_WordPlace GetLineBeginPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const;
CPVT_WordPlace GetLineEndPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const;
CPVT_WordPlace GetSectionBeginPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const;
CPVT_WordPlace GetSectionEndPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const;
CPVT_WordPlace SearchWordPlace(const CPDF_Point& point) const;
FX_INT32 GetCaret() const;
CPVT_WordPlace GetCaretWordPlace() const;
CFX_WideString GetSelText() const;
CFX_WideString GetText() const;
FX_FLOAT GetFontSize() const;
FX_WORD GetPasswordChar() const;
CPDF_Point GetScrollPos() const;
FX_INT32 GetCharArray() const;
CPDF_Rect GetPlateRect() const;
CPDF_Rect GetContentRect() const;
CFX_WideString GetRangeText(const CPVT_WordRange & range) const;
FX_INT32 GetHorzScale() const;
FX_FLOAT GetCharSpace() const;
FX_INT32 GetTotalWords() const;
FX_INT32 GetTotalLines() const;
void SetSel(FX_INT32 nStartChar,FX_INT32 nEndChar);
void GetSel(FX_INT32 & nStartChar, FX_INT32 & nEndChar) const;
void SelectAll();
void SelectNone();
void SetSel(const CPVT_WordPlace & begin,const CPVT_WordPlace & end);
FX_BOOL IsSelected() const;
void RearrangeAll();
void RearrangePart(const CPVT_WordRange & range);
void Paint();
void ScrollToCaret();
void SetScrollInfo();
void SetScrollPosX(FX_FLOAT fx);
void SetScrollPosY(FX_FLOAT fy);
void SetScrollLimit();
void SetContentChanged();
void EnableNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify);
void SetText(FX_LPCWSTR text,FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL InsertWord(FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL InsertReturn(const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL Backspace(FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL Delete(FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL Clear(FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL InsertText(FX_LPCWSTR text, FX_INT32 charset,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps,const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps,FX_BOOL bAddUndo, FX_BOOL bPaint);
FX_BOOL SetRichTextProps(EDIT_PROPS_E eProps,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps);
FX_BOOL SetSecProps(EDIT_PROPS_E eProps, const CPVT_WordPlace & place,
const CPVT_SecProps * pSecProps, const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps, const CPVT_WordRange & wr, FX_BOOL bAddUndo);
FX_BOOL SetWordProps(EDIT_PROPS_E eProps, const CPVT_WordPlace & place,
const CPVT_WordProps * pWordProps, const CPVT_WordRange & wr, FX_BOOL bAddUndo);
void PaintSetProps(EDIT_PROPS_E eProps, const CPVT_WordRange & wr);
void PaintInsertText(const CPVT_WordPlace & wpOld, const CPVT_WordPlace & wpNew);
inline CPDF_Point VTToEdit(const CPDF_Point & point) const;
inline CPDF_Point EditToVT(const CPDF_Point & point) const;
inline CPDF_Rect VTToEdit(const CPDF_Rect & rect) const;
inline CPDF_Rect EditToVT(const CPDF_Rect & rect) const;
void EnableRefresh(FX_BOOL bRefresh);
void Refresh(REFRESH_PLAN_E ePlan,const CPVT_WordRange * pRange1 = NULL,const CPVT_WordRange * pRange2 = NULL);
void RefreshPushLineRects(const CPVT_WordRange & wr);
void RefreshPushRandomRects(const CPVT_WordRange & wr);
void RefreshWordRange(const CPVT_WordRange& wr);
void SetCaret(FX_INT32 nPos);
void SetCaret(const CPVT_WordPlace & place);
void SetCaretInfo();
void SetCaretOrigin();
void SetCaretChange();
CPVT_WordRange GetWholeWordRange() const;
CPVT_WordRange GetVisibleWordRange() const;
CPVT_WordRange GetLatinWordsRange(const CPVT_WordPlace & place) const;
CPVT_WordRange CombineWordRange(const CPVT_WordRange & wr1, const CPVT_WordRange & wr2);
CPVT_WordRange GetSelectWordRange() const;
void EnableUndo(FX_BOOL bUndo);
void EnableOprNotify(FX_BOOL bNotify);
FX_BOOL IsTextFull() const;
FX_BOOL IsTextOverflow() const;
FX_BOOL CanUndo() const;
FX_BOOL CanRedo() const;
FX_BOOL IsModified() const;
void BeginGroupUndo(const CFX_WideString& sTitle);
void EndGroupUndo();
void AddEditUndoItem(CFX_Edit_UndoItem* pEditUndoItem);
void AddUndoItem(IFX_Edit_UndoItem* pUndoItem);
void SetPageInfo(const CPVT_WordPlace& place);
CPVT_WordPlace SearchPageEndPlace(const CPVT_WordPlace& wpPageBegin, const CPDF_Point& point) const;
FX_FLOAT GetLineTop(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const;
FX_FLOAT GetLineBottom(const CPVT_WordPlace& place) const;
IPDF_VariableText* m_pVT;
IFX_Edit_Notify* m_pNotify;
IFX_Edit_OprNotify* m_pOprNotify;
CFX_Edit_Provider* m_pVTProvide;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpCaret;
CPVT_WordPlace m_wpOldCaret;
CFX_Edit_Select m_SelState;
CPDF_Point m_ptScrollPos;
CPDF_Point m_ptRefreshScrollPos;
FX_BOOL m_bEnableScroll;
IFX_Edit_Iterator * m_pIterator;
CFX_Edit_Refresh m_Refresh;
CPDF_Point m_ptCaret;
CFX_Edit_Undo m_Undo;
FX_INT32 m_nAlignment;
FX_BOOL m_bNotifyFlag;
FX_BOOL m_bEnableOverflow;
FX_BOOL m_bEnableRefresh;
CPDF_Rect m_rcOldContent;
FX_BOOL m_bEnableUndo;
FX_BOOL m_bNotify;
FX_BOOL m_bOprNotify;
CFX_Edit_GroupUndoItem* m_pGroupUndoItem;
/* ------------------------- CFX_Edit_Iterator ---------------------------- */
class CFX_Edit_Iterator : public IFX_Edit_Iterator
CFX_Edit_Iterator(CFX_Edit * pEdit,IPDF_VariableText_Iterator * pVTIterator);
virtual ~CFX_Edit_Iterator();
FX_BOOL NextWord();
FX_BOOL NextLine();
FX_BOOL NextSection();
FX_BOOL PrevWord();
FX_BOOL PrevLine();
FX_BOOL PrevSection();
FX_BOOL GetWord(CPVT_Word & word) const;
FX_BOOL GetLine(CPVT_Line & line) const;
FX_BOOL GetSection(CPVT_Section & section) const;
void SetAt(FX_INT32 nWordIndex);
void SetAt(const CPVT_WordPlace & place);
const CPVT_WordPlace & GetAt() const;
IFX_Edit* GetEdit() const;
CFX_Edit * m_pEdit;
IPDF_VariableText_Iterator* m_pVTIterator;
class CFX_Edit_Provider : public IPDF_VariableText_Provider
CFX_Edit_Provider(IFX_Edit_FontMap* pFontMap);
virtual ~CFX_Edit_Provider();
IFX_Edit_FontMap* GetFontMap();
FX_INT32 GetCharWidth(FX_INT32 nFontIndex, FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 nWordStyle);
FX_INT32 GetTypeAscent(FX_INT32 nFontIndex);
FX_INT32 GetTypeDescent(FX_INT32 nFontIndex);
FX_INT32 GetWordFontIndex(FX_WORD word, FX_INT32 charset, FX_INT32 nFontIndex);
FX_INT32 GetDefaultFontIndex();
FX_BOOL IsLatinWord(FX_WORD word);
IFX_Edit_FontMap* m_pFontMap;