* Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef GrPrimitiveProcessor_DEFINED
#define GrPrimitiveProcessor_DEFINED
#include "GrColor.h"
#include "GrProcessor.h"
#include "GrShaderVar.h"
* The GrPrimitiveProcessor represents some kind of geometric primitive. This includes the shape
* of the primitive and the inherent color of the primitive. The GrPrimitiveProcessor is
* responsible for providing a color and coverage input into the Ganesh rendering pipeline. Through
* optimization, Ganesh may decide a different color, no color, and / or no coverage are required
* from the GrPrimitiveProcessor, so the GrPrimitiveProcessor must be able to support this
* functionality. We also use the GrPrimitiveProcessor to make batching decisions.
* There are two feedback loops between the GrFragmentProcessors, the GrXferProcessor, and the
* GrPrimitiveProcessor. These loops run on the CPU and compute any invariant components which
* might be useful for correctness / optimization decisions. The GrPrimitiveProcessor seeds these
* loops, one with initial color and one with initial coverage, in its
* onComputeInvariantColor / Coverage calls. These seed values are processed by the subsequent
* stages of the rendering pipeline and the output is then fed back into the GrPrimitiveProcessor in
* the initBatchTracker call, where the GrPrimitiveProcessor can then initialize the GrBatchTracker
* struct with the appropriate values.
* We are evolving this system to move towards generating geometric meshes and their associated
* vertex data after we have batched and reordered draws. This system, known as 'deferred geometry'
* will allow the GrPrimitiveProcessor much greater control over how data is transmitted to shaders.
* In a deferred geometry world, the GrPrimitiveProcessor can always 'batch' To do this, each
* primitive type is associated with one GrPrimitiveProcessor, who has complete control of how
* it draws. Each primitive draw will bundle all required data to perform the draw, and these
* bundles of data will be owned by an instance of the associated GrPrimitiveProcessor. Bundles
* can be updated alongside the GrBatchTracker struct itself, ultimately allowing the
* GrPrimitiveProcessor complete control of how it gets data into the fragment shader as long as
* it emits the appropriate color, or none at all, as directed.
* A struct for tracking batching decisions. While this lives on GrOptState, it is managed
* entirely by the derived classes of the GP.
* // TODO this was an early attempt at handling out of order batching. It should be
* used carefully as it is being replaced by GrBatch
class GrBatchTracker {
template <typename T> const T& cast() const {
SkASSERT(sizeof(T) <= kMaxSize);
return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(fData.get());
template <typename T> T* cast() {
SkASSERT(sizeof(T) <= kMaxSize);
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(fData.get());
static const size_t kMaxSize = 32;
SkAlignedSStorage<kMaxSize> fData;
class GrGLSLCaps;
class GrGLPrimitiveProcessor;
struct GrInitInvariantOutput;
* This struct allows the GrPipeline to communicate information about the pipeline. Most of this
* is overrides, but some of it is general information. Logically it should live in GrPipeline.h,
* but this is problematic due to circular dependencies.
struct GrPipelineInfo {
bool fColorIgnored;
bool fCoverageIgnored;
GrColor fOverrideColor;
bool fUsesLocalCoords;
bool fCanTweakAlphaForCoverage;
* This enum is shared by GrPrimitiveProcessors and GrGLPrimitiveProcessors to coordinate shaders
* with vertex attributes / uniforms.
enum GrGPInput {
* GrPrimitiveProcessor defines an interface which all subclasses must implement. All
* GrPrimitiveProcessors must proivide seed color and coverage for the Ganesh color / coverage
* pipelines, and they must provide some notion of equality
class GrPrimitiveProcessor : public GrProcessor {
virtual void initBatchTracker(GrBatchTracker*, const GrPipelineInfo&) const = 0;
virtual bool canMakeEqual(const GrBatchTracker& mine,
const GrPrimitiveProcessor& that,
const GrBatchTracker& theirs) const = 0;
virtual void getInvariantOutputColor(GrInitInvariantOutput* out) const = 0;
virtual void getInvariantOutputCoverage(GrInitInvariantOutput* out) const = 0;
// Only the GrGeometryProcessor subclass actually has a geo shader or vertex attributes, but
// we put these calls on the base class to prevent having to cast
virtual bool willUseGeoShader() const = 0;
* This is a safeguard to prevent GrPrimitiveProcessor's from going beyond platform specific
* attribute limits. This number can almost certainly be raised if required.
static const int kMaxVertexAttribs = 6;
struct Attribute {
: fName(NULL)
, fType(kFloat_GrVertexAttribType)
, fOffset(0) {}
Attribute(const char* name, GrVertexAttribType type,
GrSLPrecision precision = kDefault_GrSLPrecision)
: fName(name)
, fType(type)
, fOffset(SkAlign4(GrVertexAttribTypeSize(type)))
, fPrecision(precision) {}
const char* fName;
GrVertexAttribType fType;
size_t fOffset;
GrSLPrecision fPrecision;
int numAttribs() const { return fNumAttribs; }
const Attribute& getAttrib(int index) const {
SkASSERT(index < fNumAttribs);
return fAttribs[index];
// Returns the vertex stride of the GP. A common use case is to request geometry from a
// drawtarget based off of the stride, and to populate this memory using an implicit array of
// structs. In this case, it is best to assert the vertexstride == sizeof(VertexStruct).
size_t getVertexStride() const { return fVertexStride; }
* Gets a transformKey from an array of coord transforms
uint32_t getTransformKey(const SkTArray<const GrCoordTransform*, true>&) const;
* Sets a unique key on the GrProcessorKeyBuilder that is directly associated with this geometry
* processor's GL backend implementation.
virtual void getGLProcessorKey(const GrBatchTracker& bt,
const GrGLSLCaps& caps,
GrProcessorKeyBuilder* b) const = 0;
/** Returns a new instance of the appropriate *GL* implementation class
for the given GrProcessor; caller is responsible for deleting
the object. */
virtual GrGLPrimitiveProcessor* createGLInstance(const GrBatchTracker& bt,
const GrGLSLCaps& caps) const = 0;
bool isPathRendering() const { return fIsPathRendering; }
GrPrimitiveProcessor(bool isPathRendering)
: fNumAttribs(0)
, fVertexStride(0)
, fIsPathRendering(isPathRendering) {}
Attribute fAttribs[kMaxVertexAttribs];
int fNumAttribs;
size_t fVertexStride;
virtual bool hasExplicitLocalCoords() const = 0;
bool fIsPathRendering;
typedef GrProcessor INHERITED;