/*--- Address space manager. pub_tool_aspacemgr.h ---*/
This file is part of Valgrind, a dynamic binary instrumentation
Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Julian Seward
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.
The GNU General Public License is contained in the file COPYING.
#include "pub_tool_basics.h" // VG_ macro
// Definition of address-space segments
/* Describes segment kinds. Enumerators are one-hot encoded so they
can be or'ed together. */
enum {
SkFree = 0x01, // unmapped space
SkAnonC = 0x02, // anonymous mapping belonging to the client
SkAnonV = 0x04, // anonymous mapping belonging to valgrind
SkFileC = 0x08, // file mapping belonging to the client
SkFileV = 0x10, // file mapping belonging to valgrind
SkShmC = 0x20, // shared memory segment belonging to the client
SkResvn = 0x40 // reservation
/* Describes how a reservation segment can be resized. */
enum {
SmLower, // lower end can move up
SmFixed, // cannot be shrunk
SmUpper // upper end can move down
/* Describes a segment. Invariants:
kind == SkFree:
// the only meaningful fields are .start and .end
kind == SkAnon{C,V}:
// smode==SmFixed
// there's no associated file:
dev==ino==foff = 0, fnidx == -1
// segment may have permissions
kind == SkFile{C,V}:
// smode==SmFixed
// there is an associated file
// segment may have permissions
kind == SkShmC:
// smode==SmFixed
// there's no associated file:
dev==ino==foff = 0, fnidx == -1
// segment may have permissions
kind == SkResvn
// the segment may be resized if required
// there's no associated file:
dev==ino==foff = 0, fnidx == -1
// segment has no permissions
hasR==hasW==hasX == False
Also: hasT==True is only allowed in SkFileC, SkAnonC, and SkShmC
(viz, not allowed to make translations from non-client areas)
struct {
SegKind kind;
/* Extent */
Addr start; // lowest address in range
Addr end; // highest address in range
/* Shrinkable? (SkResvn only) */
ShrinkMode smode;
/* Associated file (SkFile{C,V} only) */
ULong dev;
ULong ino;
Off64T offset;
UInt mode;
Int fnIdx; // file name table index, if name is known
/* Permissions (SkAnon{C,V}, SkFile{C,V} only) */
Bool hasR;
Bool hasW;
Bool hasX;
Bool hasT; // True --> translations have (or MAY have)
// been taken from this segment
Bool isCH; // True --> is client heap (SkAnonC ONLY)
/* Collect up the start addresses of segments whose kind matches one of
the kinds specified in kind_mask.
The interface is a bit strange in order to avoid potential
segment-creation races caused by dynamic allocation of the result
buffer *starts.
The function first computes how many entries in the result
buffer *starts will be needed. If this number <= nStarts,
they are placed in starts[0..], and the number is returned.
If nStarts is not large enough, nothing is written to
starts[0..], and the negation of the size is returned.
Correct use of this function may mean calling it multiple times in
order to establish a suitably-sized buffer. */
extern Int VG_(am_get_segment_starts)( UInt kind_mask, Addr* starts,
Int nStarts );
/* Finds the segment containing 'a'. Only returns file/anon/resvn
segments. This returns a 'NSegment const *' - a pointer to
readonly data. */
extern NSegment const * VG_(am_find_nsegment) ( Addr a );
/* Get the filename corresponding to this segment, if known and if it
has one. The function may return NULL if the file name is not known. */
extern const HChar* VG_(am_get_filename)( NSegment const * );
/* Is the area [start .. start+len-1] validly accessible by the
client with at least the permissions 'prot' ? To find out
simply if said area merely belongs to the client, pass
VKI_PROT_NONE as 'prot'. Will return False if any part of the
area does not belong to the client or does not have at least
the stated permissions. */
extern Bool VG_(am_is_valid_for_client) ( Addr start, SizeT len,
UInt prot );
/* Really just a wrapper around VG_(am_mmap_anon_float_valgrind). */
extern void* VG_(am_shadow_alloc)(SizeT size);
/* Unmap the given address range and update the segment array
accordingly. This fails if the range isn't valid for valgrind. */
extern SysRes VG_(am_munmap_valgrind)( Addr start, SizeT length );
/*--- end ---*/