* Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "bcc/Compiler.h"
#include "bcc/Renderscript/RSScript.h"
#include "bcinfo/MetadataExtractor.h"
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace bcc {
class BCCContext;
class CompilerConfig;
class RSCompilerDriver;
class Source;
// Type signature for dynamically loaded initialization of an RSCompilerDriver.
typedef void (*RSCompilerDriverInit_t) (bcc::RSCompilerDriver *);
// Name of the function that we attempt to dynamically load/execute.
#define RS_COMPILER_DRIVER_INIT_FN rsCompilerDriverInit
class RSCompilerDriver {
CompilerConfig *mConfig;
Compiler mCompiler;
// Are we compiling under an RS debug context with additional checks?
bool mDebugContext;
// Callback before linking with the runtime library.
RSLinkRuntimeCallback mLinkRuntimeCallback;
// Do we merge global variables on ARM using LLVM's optimization pass?
// Disabling LLVM's global merge pass allows static globals to be correctly
// emitted to ELF. This can result in decreased performance due to increased
// register pressure, but it does make the resulting code easier to debug
// and work with.
bool mEnableGlobalMerge;
// Specifies whether we should embed global variable information in the
// code via special RS variables that can be examined later by the driver.
bool mEmbedGlobalInfo;
// Specifies whether we should skip constant (immutable) global variables
// when potentially embedding information about globals.
bool mEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant;
// Setup the compiler config for the given script. Return true if mConfig has
// been changed and false if it remains unchanged.
bool setupConfig(const RSScript &pScript);
// Compiles the provided bitcode, placing the binary at pOutputPath.
// - If pDumpIR is true, a ".ll" file will also be created.
Compiler::ErrorCode compileScript(RSScript& pScript, const char* pScriptName,
const char* pOutputPath,
const char* pRuntimePath,
const char* pBuildChecksum,
bool pDumpIR);
RSCompilerDriver(bool pUseCompilerRT = true);
Compiler *getCompiler() {
return &mCompiler;
void setConfig(CompilerConfig *config) {
mConfig = config;
void setDebugContext(bool v) {
mDebugContext = v;
void setLinkRuntimeCallback(RSLinkRuntimeCallback c) {
mLinkRuntimeCallback = c;
RSLinkRuntimeCallback getLinkRuntimeCallback() const {
return mLinkRuntimeCallback;
// This function enables/disables merging of global static variables.
// Note that it only takes effect on ARM architectures (other architectures
// do not offer this option).
void setEnableGlobalMerge(bool v) {
mEnableGlobalMerge = v;
bool getEnableGlobalMerge() const {
return mEnableGlobalMerge;
// Set to true if we should embed global variable information in the code.
void setEmbedGlobalInfo(bool v) {
mEmbedGlobalInfo = v;
// Returns true if we should embed global variable information in the code.
bool getEmbedGlobalInfo() const {
return mEmbedGlobalInfo;
// Set to true if we should skip constant (immutable) global variables when
// potentially embedding information about globals.
void setEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant(bool v) {
mEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant = v;
// Returns true if we should skip constant (immutable) global variables when
// potentially embedding information about globals.
bool getEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant() const {
return mEmbedGlobalInfoSkipConstant;
// FIXME: This method accompany with loadScript and compileScript should
// all be const-methods. They're not now because the getAddress() in
// SymbolResolverInterface is not a const-method.
// Returns true if script is successfully compiled.
bool build(BCCContext& pContext, const char* pCacheDir, const char* pResName,
const char* pBitcode, size_t pBitcodeSize,
const char *pBuildChecksum, const char* pRuntimePath,
RSLinkRuntimeCallback pLinkRuntimeCallback = nullptr,
bool pDumpIR = false);
bool buildScriptGroup(
BCCContext& Context, const char* pOutputFilepath, const char* pRuntimePath,
const char* pRuntimeRelaxedPath, bool dumpIR, const char* buildChecksum,
const std::vector<Source*>& sources,
const std::list<std::list<std::pair<int, int>>>& toFuse,
const std::list<std::string>& fused,
const std::list<std::list<std::pair<int, int>>>& invokes,
const std::list<std::string>& invokeBatchNames);
// Returns true if script is successfully compiled.
bool buildForCompatLib(RSScript &pScript, const char *pOut,
const char *pBuildChecksum, const char *pRuntimePath,
bool pDumpIR);
} // end namespace bcc