/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import other.PublicClass; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; /* * Test field access through reflection. */ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { SubClass.main(null); try { GetNonexistent.main(null); System.err.println("Not expected to succeed"); } catch (VerifyError fe) { // dalvik System.out.println("Got expected failure"); } catch (NoSuchFieldError nsfe) { // reference System.out.println("Got expected failure"); } try { Class c = Class.forName("SubClassUsingInaccessibleField"); Object o = c.newInstance(); c.getMethod("test").invoke(o, null); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { if (ite.getCause() instanceof IllegalAccessError) { System.out.println("Got expected failure"); } else { System.out.println("Got unexpected failure " + ite.getCause()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Got unexpected failure " + e); } } /* * Get the field specified by "field" from "obj". * * "type" determines which "get" call is made, e.g. 'B' turns into * field.getByte(). * * The "expectedException" must match the class of the exception thrown, * or be null if no exception was expected. * * On success, the boxed value retrieved is returned. */ public Object getValue(Field field, Object obj, char type, Class expectedException) { Object result = null; try { switch (type) { case 'Z': result = field.getBoolean(obj); break; case 'B': result = field.getByte(obj); break; case 'S': result = field.getShort(obj); break; case 'C': result = field.getChar(obj); break; case 'I': result = field.getInt(obj); break; case 'J': result = field.getLong(obj); break; case 'F': result = field.getFloat(obj); break; case 'D': result = field.getDouble(obj); break; case 'L': result = field.get(obj); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("bad type '" + type + "'"); } /* success; expected? */ if (expectedException != null) { System.err.println("ERROR: call succeeded for field " + field + " with a read of type '" + type + "', was expecting " + expectedException); Thread.dumpStack(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (expectedException == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: call failed unexpectedly: " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); } else { if (!expectedException.equals(ex.getClass())) { System.err.println("ERROR: incorrect exception: wanted " + expectedException.getName() + ", got " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; } } /* * Local class with some fields. */ class SamePackage { public boolean samePackagePublicBooleanInstanceField = true; public byte samePackagePublicByteInstanceField = 2; public char samePackagePublicCharInstanceField = 3; public short samePackagePublicShortInstanceField = 4; public int samePackagePublicIntInstanceField = 5; public long samePackagePublicLongInstanceField = 6; public float samePackagePublicFloatInstanceField = 7.0f; public double samePackagePublicDoubleInstanceField = 8.0; public Object samePackagePublicObjectInstanceField = "9"; protected boolean samePackageProtectedBooleanInstanceField = true; protected byte samePackageProtectedByteInstanceField = 10; protected char samePackageProtectedCharInstanceField = 11; protected short samePackageProtectedShortInstanceField = 12; protected int samePackageProtectedIntInstanceField = 13; protected long samePackageProtectedLongInstanceField = 14; protected float samePackageProtectedFloatInstanceField = 15.0f; protected double samePackageProtectedDoubleInstanceField = 16.0; protected Object samePackageProtectedObjectInstanceField = "17"; private boolean samePackagePrivateBooleanInstanceField = true; private byte samePackagePrivateByteInstanceField = 18; private char samePackagePrivateCharInstanceField = 19; private short samePackagePrivateShortInstanceField = 20; private int samePackagePrivateIntInstanceField = 21; private long samePackagePrivateLongInstanceField = 22; private float samePackagePrivateFloatInstanceField = 23.0f; private double samePackagePrivateDoubleInstanceField = 24.0; private Object samePackagePrivateObjectInstanceField = "25"; /* package */ boolean samePackagePackageBooleanInstanceField = true; /* package */ byte samePackagePackageByteInstanceField = 26; /* package */ char samePackagePackageCharInstanceField = 27; /* package */ short samePackagePackageShortInstanceField = 28; /* package */ int samePackagePackageIntInstanceField = 29; /* package */ long samePackagePackageLongInstanceField = 30; /* package */ float samePackagePackageFloatInstanceField = 31.0f; /* package */ double samePackagePackageDoubleInstanceField = 32.0; /* package */ Object samePackagePackageObjectInstanceField = "33"; public static boolean samePackagePublicBooleanStaticField = true; public static byte samePackagePublicByteStaticField = 34; public static char samePackagePublicCharStaticField = 35; public static short samePackagePublicShortStaticField = 36; public static int samePackagePublicIntStaticField = 37; public static long samePackagePublicLongStaticField = 38; public static float samePackagePublicFloatStaticField = 39.0f; public static double samePackagePublicDoubleStaticField = 40.0; public static Object samePackagePublicObjectStaticField = "41"; protected static boolean samePackageProtectedBooleanStaticField = true; protected static byte samePackageProtectedByteStaticField = 42; protected static char samePackageProtectedCharStaticField = 43; protected static short samePackageProtectedShortStaticField = 44; protected static int samePackageProtectedIntStaticField = 45; protected static long samePackageProtectedLongStaticField = 46; protected static float samePackageProtectedFloatStaticField = 47.0f; protected static double samePackageProtectedDoubleStaticField = 48.0; protected static Object samePackageProtectedObjectStaticField = "49"; private static boolean samePackagePrivateBooleanStaticField = true; private static byte samePackagePrivateByteStaticField = 50; private static char samePackagePrivateCharStaticField = 51; private static short samePackagePrivateShortStaticField = 52; private static int samePackagePrivateIntStaticField = 53; private static long samePackagePrivateLongStaticField = 54; private static float samePackagePrivateFloatStaticField = 55.0f; private static double samePackagePrivateDoubleStaticField = 56.0; private static Object samePackagePrivateObjectStaticField = "57"; /* package */ static boolean samePackagePackageBooleanStaticField = true; /* package */ static byte samePackagePackageByteStaticField = 58; /* package */ static char samePackagePackageCharStaticField = 59; /* package */ static short samePackagePackageShortStaticField = 60; /* package */ static int samePackagePackageIntStaticField = 61; /* package */ static long samePackagePackageLongStaticField = 62; /* package */ static float samePackagePackageFloatStaticField = 63.0f; /* package */ static double samePackagePackageDoubleStaticField = 64.0; /* package */ static Object samePackagePackageObjectStaticField = "65"; public void samePublicMethod() { } protected void sameProtectedMethod() { } private void samePrivateMethod() { } /* package */ void samePackageMethod() { } } /* * This is a sub-class of other.PublicClass, which should be allowed to access * the various protected fields declared by other.PublicClass and its parent * other.ProtectedClass. */ class SubClass extends PublicClass { /* * Perform the various tests. * * localInst.getValue() is performed using an instance of Main as the * source of the reflection call. otherInst.getValue() uses a subclass * of OtherPackage as the source. */ public static void main(String[] args) { SubClass subOther = new SubClass(); subOther.doDirectTests(); subOther.doReflectionTests(); } private static void check(boolean b) { if (!b) { throw new Error("Test failed"); } } public void doDirectTests() { check(otherProtectedClassPublicBooleanInstanceField == true); check(otherProtectedClassPublicByteInstanceField == 2); check(otherProtectedClassPublicCharInstanceField == 3); check(otherProtectedClassPublicShortInstanceField == 4); check(otherProtectedClassPublicIntInstanceField == 5); check(otherProtectedClassPublicLongInstanceField == 6); check(otherProtectedClassPublicFloatInstanceField == 7.0f); check(otherProtectedClassPublicDoubleInstanceField == 8.0); check(otherProtectedClassPublicObjectInstanceField == "9"); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedBooleanInstanceField == true); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedByteInstanceField == 10); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedCharInstanceField == 11); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedShortInstanceField == 12); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedIntInstanceField == 13); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedLongInstanceField == 14); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedFloatInstanceField == 15.0f); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedDoubleInstanceField == 16.0); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedObjectInstanceField == "17"); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateBooleanInstanceField == true); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateByteInstanceField == 18); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateCharInstanceField == 19); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateShortInstanceField == 20); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateIntInstanceField == 21); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateLongInstanceField == 22); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateFloatInstanceField == 23.0f); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateDoubleInstanceField == 24.0); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateObjectInstanceField == "25"); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageBooleanInstanceField == true); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageByteInstanceField == 26); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageCharInstanceField == 27); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageShortInstanceField == 28); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageIntInstanceField == 29); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageLongInstanceField == 30); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageFloatInstanceField == 31.0f); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageDoubleInstanceField == 32.0); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageObjectInstanceField == "33"); check(otherProtectedClassPublicBooleanStaticField == true); check(otherProtectedClassPublicByteStaticField == 34); check(otherProtectedClassPublicCharStaticField == 35); check(otherProtectedClassPublicShortStaticField == 36); check(otherProtectedClassPublicIntStaticField == 37); check(otherProtectedClassPublicLongStaticField == 38); check(otherProtectedClassPublicFloatStaticField == 39.0f); check(otherProtectedClassPublicDoubleStaticField == 40.0); check(otherProtectedClassPublicObjectStaticField == "41"); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedBooleanStaticField == true); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedByteStaticField == 42); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedCharStaticField == 43); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedShortStaticField == 44); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedIntStaticField == 45); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedLongStaticField == 46); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedFloatStaticField == 47.0f); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedDoubleStaticField == 48.0); check(otherProtectedClassProtectedObjectStaticField == "49"); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateBooleanStaticField == true); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateByteStaticField == 50); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateCharStaticField == 51); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateShortStaticField == 52); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateIntStaticField == 53); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateLongStaticField == 54); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateFloatStaticField == 55.0f); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateDoubleStaticField == 56.0); // check(otherProtectedClassPrivateObjectStaticField == "57"); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageBooleanStaticField == true); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageByteStaticField == 58); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageCharStaticField == 59); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageShortStaticField == 60); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageIntStaticField == 61); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageLongStaticField == 62); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageFloatStaticField == 63.0f); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageDoubleStaticField == 64.0); // check(otherProtectedClassPackageObjectStaticField == "65"); check(otherPublicClassPublicBooleanInstanceField == true); check(otherPublicClassPublicByteInstanceField == -2); check(otherPublicClassPublicCharInstanceField == (char)-3); check(otherPublicClassPublicShortInstanceField == -4); check(otherPublicClassPublicIntInstanceField == -5); check(otherPublicClassPublicLongInstanceField == -6); check(otherPublicClassPublicFloatInstanceField == -7.0f); check(otherPublicClassPublicDoubleInstanceField == -8.0); check(otherPublicClassPublicObjectInstanceField == "-9"); check(otherPublicClassProtectedBooleanInstanceField == true); check(otherPublicClassProtectedByteInstanceField == -10); check(otherPublicClassProtectedCharInstanceField == (char)-11); check(otherPublicClassProtectedShortInstanceField == -12); check(otherPublicClassProtectedIntInstanceField == -13); check(otherPublicClassProtectedLongInstanceField == -14); check(otherPublicClassProtectedFloatInstanceField == -15.0f); check(otherPublicClassProtectedDoubleInstanceField == -16.0); check(otherPublicClassProtectedObjectInstanceField == "-17"); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateBooleanInstanceField == true); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateByteInstanceField == -18); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateCharInstanceField == (char)-19); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateShortInstanceField == -20); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateIntInstanceField == -21); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateLongInstanceField == -22); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateFloatInstanceField == -23.0f); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateDoubleInstanceField == -24.0); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateObjectInstanceField == "-25"); // check(otherPublicClassPackageBooleanInstanceField == true); // check(otherPublicClassPackageByteInstanceField == -26); // check(otherPublicClassPackageCharInstanceField == (char)-27); // check(otherPublicClassPackageShortInstanceField == -28); // check(otherPublicClassPackageIntInstanceField == -29); // check(otherPublicClassPackageLongInstanceField == -30); // check(otherPublicClassPackageFloatInstanceField == -31.0f); // check(otherPublicClassPackageDoubleInstanceField == -32.0); // check(otherPublicClassPackageObjectInstanceField == "-33"); check(otherPublicClassPublicBooleanStaticField == true); check(otherPublicClassPublicByteStaticField == -34); check(otherPublicClassPublicCharStaticField == (char)-35); check(otherPublicClassPublicShortStaticField == -36); check(otherPublicClassPublicIntStaticField == -37); check(otherPublicClassPublicLongStaticField == -38); check(otherPublicClassPublicFloatStaticField == -39.0f); check(otherPublicClassPublicDoubleStaticField == -40.0); check(otherPublicClassPublicObjectStaticField == "-41"); check(otherPublicClassProtectedBooleanStaticField == true); check(otherPublicClassProtectedByteStaticField == -42); check(otherPublicClassProtectedCharStaticField == (char)-43); check(otherPublicClassProtectedShortStaticField == -44); check(otherPublicClassProtectedIntStaticField == -45); check(otherPublicClassProtectedLongStaticField == -46); check(otherPublicClassProtectedFloatStaticField == -47.0f); check(otherPublicClassProtectedDoubleStaticField == -48.0); check(otherPublicClassProtectedObjectStaticField == "-49"); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateBooleanStaticField == true); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateByteStaticField == -50); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateCharStaticField == (char)-51); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateShortStaticField == -52); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateIntStaticField == -53); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateLongStaticField == -54); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateFloatStaticField == -55.0f); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateDoubleStaticField == -56.0); // check(otherPublicClassPrivateObjectStaticField == "-57"); // check(otherPublicClassPackageBooleanStaticField == true); // check(otherPublicClassPackageByteStaticField == -58); // check(otherPublicClassPackageCharStaticField == (char)-59); // check(otherPublicClassPackageShortStaticField == -60); // check(otherPublicClassPackageIntStaticField == -61); // check(otherPublicClassPackageLongStaticField == -62); // check(otherPublicClassPackageFloatStaticField == -63.0f); // check(otherPublicClassPackageDoubleStaticField == -64.0); // check(otherPublicClassPackageObjectStaticField == "-65"); SamePackage s = new SamePackage(); check(s.samePackagePublicBooleanInstanceField == true); check(s.samePackagePublicByteInstanceField == 2); check(s.samePackagePublicCharInstanceField == 3); check(s.samePackagePublicShortInstanceField == 4); check(s.samePackagePublicIntInstanceField == 5); check(s.samePackagePublicLongInstanceField == 6); check(s.samePackagePublicFloatInstanceField == 7.0f); check(s.samePackagePublicDoubleInstanceField == 8.0); check(s.samePackagePublicObjectInstanceField == "9"); check(s.samePackageProtectedBooleanInstanceField == true); check(s.samePackageProtectedByteInstanceField == 10); check(s.samePackageProtectedCharInstanceField == 11); check(s.samePackageProtectedShortInstanceField == 12); check(s.samePackageProtectedIntInstanceField == 13); check(s.samePackageProtectedLongInstanceField == 14); check(s.samePackageProtectedFloatInstanceField == 15.0f); check(s.samePackageProtectedDoubleInstanceField == 16.0); check(s.samePackageProtectedObjectInstanceField == "17"); // check(s.samePackagePrivateBooleanInstanceField == true); // check(s.samePackagePrivateByteInstanceField == 18); // check(s.samePackagePrivateCharInstanceField == 19); // check(s.samePackagePrivateShortInstanceField == 20); // check(s.samePackagePrivateIntInstanceField == 21); // check(s.samePackagePrivateLongInstanceField == 22); // check(s.samePackagePrivateFloatInstanceField == 23.0f); // check(s.samePackagePrivateDoubleInstanceField == 24.0); // check(s.samePackagePrivateObjectInstanceField == "25"); check(s.samePackagePackageBooleanInstanceField == true); check(s.samePackagePackageByteInstanceField == 26); check(s.samePackagePackageCharInstanceField == 27); check(s.samePackagePackageShortInstanceField == 28); check(s.samePackagePackageIntInstanceField == 29); check(s.samePackagePackageLongInstanceField == 30); check(s.samePackagePackageFloatInstanceField == 31.0f); check(s.samePackagePackageDoubleInstanceField == 32.0); check(s.samePackagePackageObjectInstanceField == "33"); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicBooleanStaticField == true); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicByteStaticField == 34); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicCharStaticField == 35); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicShortStaticField == 36); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicIntStaticField == 37); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicLongStaticField == 38); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicFloatStaticField == 39.0f); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicDoubleStaticField == 40.0); check(SamePackage.samePackagePublicObjectStaticField == "41"); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedBooleanStaticField == true); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedByteStaticField == 42); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedCharStaticField == 43); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedShortStaticField == 44); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedIntStaticField == 45); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedLongStaticField == 46); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedFloatStaticField == 47.0f); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedDoubleStaticField == 48.0); check(SamePackage.samePackageProtectedObjectStaticField == "49"); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateBooleanStaticField == true); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateByteStaticField == 50); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateCharStaticField == 51); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateShortStaticField == 52); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateIntStaticField == 53); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateLongStaticField == 54); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateFloatStaticField == 55.0f); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateDoubleStaticField == 56.0); // check(SamePackage.samePackagePrivateObjectStaticField == "57"); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageBooleanStaticField == true); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageByteStaticField == 58); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageCharStaticField == 59); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageShortStaticField == 60); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageIntStaticField == 61); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageLongStaticField == 62); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageFloatStaticField == 63.0f); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageDoubleStaticField == 64.0); check(SamePackage.samePackagePackageObjectStaticField == "65"); } private static boolean compatibleTypes(char srcType, char dstType) { switch (dstType) { case 'Z': case 'C': case 'B': return srcType == dstType; case 'S': return srcType == 'B' || srcType == 'S'; case 'I': return srcType == 'B' || srcType == 'C' || srcType == 'S' || srcType == 'I'; case 'J': return srcType == 'B' || srcType == 'C' || srcType == 'S' || srcType == 'I' || srcType == 'J'; case 'F': return srcType == 'B' || srcType == 'C' || srcType == 'S' || srcType == 'I' || srcType == 'J' || srcType == 'F'; case 'D': return srcType == 'B' || srcType == 'C' || srcType == 'S' || srcType == 'I' || srcType == 'J' || srcType == 'F' || srcType == 'D'; case 'L': return true; default: throw new Error("Unexpected type char " + dstType); } } public void doReflectionTests() { String typeChars = "ZBCSIJFDL"; String fieldNameForTypeChar[] = { "Boolean", "Byte", "Char", "Short", "Int", "Long", "Float", "Double", "Object" }; Main localInst = new Main(); SamePackage samePkgInst = new SamePackage(); PublicClass otherPkgInst = new PublicClass(); Object plainObj = new Object(); for (int round = 0; round < 3; round++) { Object validInst; Field[] fields; Method[] methods; boolean same_package = false; boolean protected_class = false; switch (round) { case 0: validInst = new SamePackage(); fields = SamePackage.class.getDeclaredFields(); check(fields.length == 72); methods = SamePackage.class.getDeclaredMethods(); check(methods.length == 4); same_package = true; break; case 1: validInst = new PublicClass(); fields = PublicClass.class.getDeclaredFields(); check(fields.length == 72); methods = PublicClass.class.getDeclaredMethods(); check(methods.length == 4); break; default: validInst = new PublicClass(); fields = PublicClass.class.getSuperclass().getDeclaredFields(); check(fields.length == 72); methods = PublicClass.class.getSuperclass().getDeclaredMethods(); check(methods.length == 4); protected_class = true; break; } for (Field f : fields) { char typeChar = '?'; for (int i = 0; i < fieldNameForTypeChar.length; i++) { if (f.getName().contains(fieldNameForTypeChar[i])) { typeChar = typeChars.charAt(i); break; } } // Check access or lack of to field. Class<?> subClassAccessExceptionClass = null; if ((f.getName().contains("Private") || (!same_package && f.getName().contains("Package")) || (!same_package && f.getName().contains("Protected"))) && !(protected_class && f.getName().contains("Public"))) { subClassAccessExceptionClass = IllegalAccessException.class; } Class<?> mainClassAccessExceptionClass = null; if ((f.getName().contains("Private") || (!same_package && f.getName().contains("Package")) || (!same_package && f.getName().contains("Protected"))) && !(protected_class && f.getName().contains("Public"))) { mainClassAccessExceptionClass = IllegalAccessException.class; } this.getValue(f, validInst, typeChar, subClassAccessExceptionClass); localInst.getValue(f, validInst, typeChar, mainClassAccessExceptionClass); // Check things that can get beyond the IllegalAccessException. if (subClassAccessExceptionClass == null) { // Check NPE. Class<?> npeClass = null; if (!f.getName().contains("Static")) { npeClass = NullPointerException.class; } this.getValue(f, null, typeChar, npeClass); if (mainClassAccessExceptionClass == null) { localInst.getValue(f, null, typeChar, npeClass); } // Check access of wrong field type for valid instance. for (int i = 0; i < typeChars.length(); i++) { char otherChar = typeChars.charAt(i); Class<?> illArgClass = compatibleTypes(typeChar, otherChar) ? null : IllegalArgumentException.class; this.getValue(f, validInst, otherChar, illArgClass); if (mainClassAccessExceptionClass == null) { localInst.getValue(f, validInst, otherChar, illArgClass); } } if (!f.getName().contains("Static")) { // Wrong object. this.getValue(f, plainObj, typeChar, IllegalArgumentException.class); if (mainClassAccessExceptionClass == null) { localInst.getValue(f, plainObj, typeChar, IllegalArgumentException.class); } } } } for (Method m : methods) { Class<?> subClassAccessExceptionClass = null; if (m.getName().contains("Private") || (!same_package && m.getName().contains("Package")) || (!same_package && m.getName().contains("Protected"))) { subClassAccessExceptionClass = IllegalAccessException.class; } this.invoke(m, validInst, subClassAccessExceptionClass); } } System.out.println("good"); } /* * [this is a clone of Main.getValue() -- the class issuing the * reflection call is significant] */ public Object getValue(Field field, Object obj, char type, Class expectedException) { Object result = null; try { switch (type) { case 'Z': result = field.getBoolean(obj); break; case 'B': result = field.getByte(obj); break; case 'S': result = field.getShort(obj); break; case 'C': result = field.getChar(obj); break; case 'I': result = field.getInt(obj); break; case 'J': result = field.getLong(obj); break; case 'F': result = field.getFloat(obj); break; case 'D': result = field.getDouble(obj); break; case 'L': result = field.get(obj); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("bad type '" + type + "'"); } /* success; expected? */ if (expectedException != null) { System.err.println("ERROR: call succeeded for field " + field + " with a read of type '" + type + "', was expecting " + expectedException); Thread.dumpStack(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (expectedException == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: call failed unexpectedly: " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); } else { if (!expectedException.equals(ex.getClass())) { System.err.println("ERROR: incorrect exception: wanted " + expectedException.getName() + ", got " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; } public Object invoke(Method method, Object obj, Class expectedException) { Object result = null; try { result = method.invoke(obj); /* success; expected? */ if (expectedException != null) { System.err.println("ERROR: call succeeded for method " + method + "', was expecting " + expectedException); Thread.dumpStack(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (expectedException == null) { System.err.println("ERROR: call failed unexpectedly: " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); } else { if (!expectedException.equals(ex.getClass())) { System.err.println("ERROR: incorrect exception: wanted " + expectedException.getName() + ", got " + ex.getClass()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return result; } }