// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "elf_file.h" #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "debug.h" #include "elf_traits.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace { void GetDataFilePath(const char* name, std::string* path) { std::string data_dir; const char* bindir = getenv("bindir"); if (bindir) { data_dir = std::string(bindir); } else { char path[PATH_MAX]; memset(path, 0, sizeof(path)); ASSERT_NE(-1, readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, sizeof(path) - 1)); data_dir = std::string(path); size_t pos = data_dir.rfind('/'); ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, pos); data_dir.erase(pos); } *path = data_dir + "/" + name; } void OpenRelocsTestFile(const char* name, FILE** stream) { std::string path; GetDataFilePath(name, &path); FILE* testfile = fopen(path.c_str(), "rb"); ASSERT_FALSE(testfile == NULL) << "Error opening '" << path << "'"; FILE* temporary = tmpfile(); ASSERT_FALSE(temporary == NULL); static const size_t buffer_size = 4096; unsigned char buffer[buffer_size]; size_t bytes; do { bytes = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), testfile); ASSERT_EQ(bytes, fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, temporary)); } while (bytes > 0); ASSERT_EQ(0, fclose(testfile)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fseek(temporary, 0, SEEK_SET)); ASSERT_EQ(0, lseek(fileno(temporary), 0, SEEK_SET)); *stream = temporary; } void OpenRelocsTestFiles(const std::string& arch, FILE** relocs_so, FILE** packed_relocs_so) { const std::string base = std::string("elf_file_unittest_relocs_") + arch; const std::string relocs = base + ".so"; const std::string packed_relocs = base + "_packed.so"; OpenRelocsTestFile(relocs.c_str(), relocs_so); OpenRelocsTestFile(packed_relocs.c_str(), packed_relocs_so); } void CloseRelocsTestFile(FILE* temporary) { fclose(temporary); } void CloseRelocsTestFiles(FILE* relocs_so, FILE* packed_relocs_so) { CloseRelocsTestFile(relocs_so); CloseRelocsTestFile(packed_relocs_so); } void CheckFileContentsEqual(FILE* first, FILE* second) { ASSERT_EQ(0, fseek(first, 0, SEEK_SET)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fseek(second, 0, SEEK_SET)); static const size_t buffer_size = 4096; unsigned char first_buffer[buffer_size]; unsigned char second_buffer[buffer_size]; do { size_t first_read = fread(first_buffer, 1, sizeof(first_buffer), first); size_t second_read = fread(second_buffer, 1, sizeof(second_buffer), second); EXPECT_EQ(first_read, second_read); EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(first_buffer, second_buffer, first_read)); } while (!feof(first) && !feof(second)); EXPECT_TRUE(feof(first) && feof(second)); } template <typename ELF> static void ProcessUnpack(FILE* relocs_so, FILE* packed_relocs_so) { relocation_packer::ElfFile<ELF> elf_file(fileno(packed_relocs_so)); // Ensure packing already packed elf-file does not fail the build. EXPECT_TRUE(elf_file.PackRelocations()); // Unpack golden relocations, and check files are now identical. EXPECT_TRUE(elf_file.UnpackRelocations()); CheckFileContentsEqual(packed_relocs_so, relocs_so); CloseRelocsTestFiles(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); } static void RunUnpackRelocationsTestFor(const std::string& arch) { ASSERT_NE(static_cast<uint32_t>(EV_NONE), elf_version(EV_CURRENT)); FILE* relocs_so = NULL; FILE* packed_relocs_so = NULL; OpenRelocsTestFiles(arch, &relocs_so, &packed_relocs_so); if (relocs_so != NULL && packed_relocs_so != NULL) { // lets detect elf class ASSERT_EQ(0, fseek(relocs_so, EI_CLASS, SEEK_SET)) << "Invalid file length: " << strerror(errno); uint8_t elf_class = 0; ASSERT_EQ(1U, fread(&elf_class, 1, 1, relocs_so)); ASSERT_EQ(0, fseek(relocs_so, 0, SEEK_SET)); if (elf_class == ELFCLASS32) { ProcessUnpack<ELF32_traits>(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); } else { ProcessUnpack<ELF64_traits>(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); } } } template <typename ELF> static void ProcessPack(FILE* relocs_so, FILE* packed_relocs_so) { relocation_packer::ElfFile<ELF> elf_file(fileno(relocs_so)); // Ensure unpacking fails (not packed). EXPECT_FALSE(elf_file.UnpackRelocations()); // Pack relocations, and check files are now identical. EXPECT_TRUE(elf_file.PackRelocations()); CheckFileContentsEqual(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); CloseRelocsTestFiles(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); } static void RunPackRelocationsTestFor(const std::string& arch) { ASSERT_NE(static_cast<uint32_t>(EV_NONE), elf_version(EV_CURRENT)); FILE* relocs_so = NULL; FILE* packed_relocs_so = NULL; OpenRelocsTestFiles(arch, &relocs_so, &packed_relocs_so); if (relocs_so != NULL && packed_relocs_so != NULL) { // lets detect elf class ASSERT_EQ(0, fseek(packed_relocs_so, EI_CLASS, SEEK_SET)) << "Invalid file length: " << strerror(errno); uint8_t elf_class = 0; ASSERT_EQ(1U, fread(&elf_class, 1, 1, packed_relocs_so)); fseek(packed_relocs_so, 0, SEEK_SET); if (elf_class == ELFCLASS32) { ProcessPack<ELF32_traits>(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); } else { ProcessPack<ELF64_traits>(relocs_so, packed_relocs_so); } } } } // namespace namespace relocation_packer { TEST(ElfFile, PackRelocationsArm32) { RunPackRelocationsTestFor("arm32"); } TEST(ElfFile, PackRelocationsArm64) { RunPackRelocationsTestFor("arm64"); } TEST(ElfFile, PackRelocationsMips32) { RunPackRelocationsTestFor("mips32"); } TEST(ElfFile, PackRelocationsIa32) { RunPackRelocationsTestFor("ia32"); } TEST(ElfFile, PackRelocationsX64) { RunPackRelocationsTestFor("x64"); } TEST(ElfFile, UnpackRelocationsArm32) { RunUnpackRelocationsTestFor("arm32"); } TEST(ElfFile, UnpackRelocationsArm64) { RunUnpackRelocationsTestFor("arm64"); } TEST(ElfFile, UnpackRelocationsMips32) { RunUnpackRelocationsTestFor("mips32"); } TEST(ElfFile, UnpackRelocationsIa32) { RunUnpackRelocationsTestFor("ia32"); } TEST(ElfFile, UnpackRelocationsX64) { RunUnpackRelocationsTestFor("x64"); } } // namespace relocation_packer