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/***** PREVIOUSLY style.css ******************/
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/* disclosures mixin */
/* content layout */
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/* wear device frames */

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/* landing page disclosures */
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/* tooltips */
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/* video note */
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/* SDK TOS styles */

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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Code Style
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h1.api-title {

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/* remove top padding when this h3 (visibly) follows an h2.
   This accounts for the variation in structure,
   including the collapsed mobile headings */
h2+hr+a+h3.api-name {
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code.api-signature {
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.dec { color: #606; }

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Package Nav & Classes Nav */
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/* Content */
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     height: 19px;
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/* Toggle for revision notes and stuff */
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Styles for samples browser

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Styles for displaying image or video resources in samples browser.
Resources are marked as no-display if they exceed the size limit.
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div#codesample-resource.noDisplay div {
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div#codesample-resource .noDisplay-message:after {
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Styles for project structure (treeview) page
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Styles for raw formatted line numbers (not used with listformatted version)
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Misc and article typography

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table.blank th, table.blank td {
    border: 0;
  background: none
.caption {
  margin: 0.5em 0 2em 0;
  color: #000;
  font-size: 11.5px;

.nolist, .nolist ul, .nolist ol {
#tb .nolist {

dl.xml>dt {
dl.xml dl.attr {

pre.classic {

p.img-caption {
  margin: -10px 0 20px;
  font-size: 13px;

/* figures and callouts */
.figure {
  position: relative;

.figure.pad-below {
  margin-bottom: 20px;

.figure .figure-callout {
  position: absolute;
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: 500;
  font-size: 16px;
  line-height: 23px;
  text-align: center;
  background: transparent url(../images/styles/callout.png) no-repeat scroll 50% 50%;
  padding-right: 2px;
  width: 30px;
  height: 29px;
  z-index: 1000;

.figure .figure-callout.top {
  top: -9px;

.figure .figure-callout.right {
  right: -5px;

.figure-caption {
  margin: 0 10px 20px 0;
  font-size: 14px;
  line-height: 20px;
  font-style: italic;

/* rows of figures */
.figure-row {
  font-size: 0;
  line-height: 0;
  /* to prevent space between figures */

.figure-row .figure {
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: top;

.figure-row .figure + .figure {
  margin-left: 10px;
  /* reintroduce space between figures */

.border-img {
  border: 1px solid #CCC;

.center-img {
  margin: auto;
  text-align: center;
.center-img img {
  margin-bottom: 15px;

.figure img,
.figure-right img,
.figure-left img,
.figure-center img,
.border-img {
  margin-bottom: 15px;

.figure-center {
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  max-width: 100%;

.figure-right {
  clear: right;
  float: right;
  margin: 10px 0 0 0;
  padding: 0 0 0 20px;
  max-width: 50%;
  /* width must be defined w/ an inline style matching the image width */

.figure-left {
  clear: left;
  float: left;
  margin: 10px 0 0 0;
  padding: 0 20px 0 0;
  max-width: 50%;
  /* width must be defined w/ an inline style matching the image width */

@media (max-width: 719px) {
  /* Collapse on mobile. */
  .figure-left {
    float: none;
    clear: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 32px auto 24px;
    max-width: 100%;

img.frame {
  border:1px solid #DDD;

p.table-caption {
  margin: 0 0 4px 0;

p.code-caption {
  margin-bottom: 4px;
  font: 12px/1.5 monospace;

p.note, div.note,
p.caution, div.caution,
p.warning, div.warning {
  padding: 0 0 0 20px;
  border-left: 3px solid;
  margin: 16px 0;

p.note, div.note {
  border-color: #4eb9ed;
  border-color: rgba(3, 155, 229, .7); /* #039be5 * 70% */

p.caution, div.caution {
  border-color: #ffbc4c;
  border-color: rgba(255, 160, 0, .7); /* #ffa000 * 70% */

p.warning, div.warning {
  border-color: #f48684;
  border-color: rgba(239, 83, 80, .7); /* #ef5350 * 70% */

div.note.design {
  border-left: 4px solid #00bcd4;

div.note.develop {
  border-left: 4px solid #ff7043;

div.note.distribute {
  border-left: 4px solid #afb42b;

.note p, .caution p, .warning p {
  margin:0 0 5px;

.note p:last-child, .caution p:last-child, .warning p:last-child {

.summary-table {

.summary-table h5 {

body.about blockquote {
  margin:0 0 20px 30px;

div.design-announce p {
  margin:0 0 10px;

.expandable {
.expandable:before {
  content: '';
  background-image: url(../images/styles/disclosure_down.png);
  background-position: -12px -9px;
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0; }
.expandable.expanded:before {
  background-image: url(../images/styles/disclosure_up.png);

/* notice box for cross links between Design/Develop docs */
a.notice-designers {
  margin:0 0 20px 20px;
  border:1px solid #ddd;
a.notice-designers.wide {
a.notice-developers-video div,
a.notice-developers div,
a.notice-designers-video div,
a.notice-designers div {
  background:url('../images/styles/notice-developers@2x.png') no-repeat 10px 10px;
  background-size:40px 40px;
  padding:10px 10px 10px 60px;
a.notice-designers div {
  background:url('../images/styles/notice-designers@2x.png') no-repeat 10px 10px;
  background-size:40px 40px;
a.notice-designers-video div {
  background:url('../images/styles/notice-designers-video@2x.png') no-repeat 10px 10px;
  background-size:40px 40px;
a.notice-developers-video div {
  background:url('../images/styles/notice-developers-video@2x.png') no-repeat 10px 10px;
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a.notice-designers:hover {
a.notice-developers-video h3,
a.notice-developers h3,
a.notice-designers-video h3,
a.notice-designers h3 {
  color:#000 !important;
  padding:0 0 1px;
a.notice-developers-video p,
a.notice-developers p,
a.notice-designers-video p,
a.notice-designers p {
a.notice-designers.left {

/* hide nested list items; companion to hideNestedLists() */
.hide-nested li ol,
.hide-nested li ul {

a.header-toggle {
  font-size:.8em !important;

/* for IDE instruction toggle (Studio/Eclipse/Other) */
select.ide {
  background: transparent;
  border: 1px solid #bbb;
  border-left: 0;
  border-right: 0;
  margin: 10px 0;
  padding: 10px 0;
select.ide option {
  font-family: inherit;
/* hide all except studio by default */
.select-ide.other {
/* ... unless studio also includes one of the others */
.select-ide.studio.other {

/* -----------------------------------------------
good/bad example containers

div.example-block {
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position:10px 8px;
  margin:.8em auto 1.5em 2em;
/* red container */
.example-block.bad {
  background-image: url(/images/example-bad.png);
/* green container */
.example-block.good {
  background-image: url(/images/example-good.png);
/* container heading div */
#jd-content .example-block .heading {
  margin:6px 0 9px 36px;
  padding:6px auto;
/* container image (if any) */
#jd-content .example-block img {

.example-block table {

/* -----------------------------------------------
Dialog box for popup messages

div.dialog {
  margin:0 auto;

div.dialog>div {
  margin:70px 0;
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-moz-box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
-webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
/* IE6 can't position fixed */
* html div.dialog div { position:absolute; }

div#deprecatedSticker {
  border:1px solid #dddd00;
  box-shadow:-5px 5px 10px #ccc;
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div#naMessage {
  margin:0 auto;

div#naMessage div {
  margin:80px 0;
  padding:4em 4em 3em;
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  box-shadow:-10px 10px 40px #888;
  -moz-box-shadow:-10px 10px 40px #888;
  -webkit-box-shadow:-10px 10px 40px #888;
/* IE6 can't position fixed */
* html div#langMessage>div,
* html div#naMessage div { position:absolute; }

div#naMessage strong {

div#langMessage .lang {

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Slideshow Controls & Next/Prev
.slideshow-next, .slideshow-prev {
  width: 20px;
  height: 36px;
  text-indent: -1000em;
.slideshow-container {
  margin: 2em 0;
.slideshow-container:before, .slideshow-container:after {
  content: "";
  display: table;
  clear: both;
a.slideshow-next, a.slideshow-next:visited {

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  background: url(../images/arrow-right.png) no-repeat 0 0


a.slideshow-prev, a.slideshow-prev:visited {

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  background: url(../images/arrow-left.png) no-repeat 0 0


.slideshow-next:hover, .slideshow-prev:hover, .slideshow-next:focus, .slideshow-prev:focus {

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.slideshow-next:active, .slideshow-prev:active {

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.slideshow-nav a:hover, .slideshow-nav a:focus {

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.slideshow-nav a:active {

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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ul.tabs {
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ul.tabs:before, ul.tabs:after {
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ul.tabs li {
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ul.tabs li a, ul.tabs li a:active, ul.tabs li a:visited {
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ul.tabs li a:hover {
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ul.tabs li a.selected {
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.tab-content {
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Feature Boxes
.feature-box {
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.dialog .box-border .top,
.dialog .box-border .bottom { width:391px; }

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.box-border .top .right { top: 1px; right: 0 }
.box-border .bottom .left { top: -8px; left: 0 }
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.box-border .bottom .right { top: -8px; right: 0 }

.feature-box h4,
.dialog h4 {
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.feature-box p,
.dialog p {
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.feature-box .link,
.dialog .link {
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.feature-box a, .feature-box h4,
.dialog a, .dialog h4 {
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.feature-box:hover {
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.feature-box:hover .box-border .top, .feature-box:hover .box-border .bottom, .feature-box:hover
.left, .feature-box:hover .right {
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.feature-box:hover h4, .feature-box:hover a {
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/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Page-Specific Styles
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  border-radius: 50%;

/* ########### REFERENCE DOCS ################## */

#packages-nav h2,
#classes-nav h2 {
  padding:0 0 0 4px;

/* not sure if this is needed in the ref docs, disabling for now
.jd-descr h2 {
  margin:16px 0;

/* First paragraph of a content pages is a bit larger
   - note the very specific selector. */
.jd-descr > p:first-child,
.jd-descr > #tb-wrapper + p,
.jd-descr > #qv-wrapper + p {
  font-size: 16px;
  margin-bottom: 16px;

/* page-top-right container for reference pages (holds
links to summary tables) */
#api-info-block {
  margin:20px 0 0;
  font-size: 12px;

#api-info-block div.api-level {

/* inheritance table */
table.inhtable>tbody>tr>td {
table.inhtable>tbody>tr>td div:first-of-type {

.jd-inheritance-table {
  margin:1em 0;
.jd-inheritance-table tr td {
  border: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
.jd-inheritance-table .jd-inheritance-space {
.jd-inheritance-table .jd-inheritance-interface-cell {
  padding-left: 17px;

/* the link inside a sumtable for "Show All/Hide All" */
.toggle-all {

/* adjustments for in/direct subclasses tables */
.jd-sumtable-subclasses {
  margin: 1em 0 0 0;

/* extra space between end of method name and open-paren */
.sympad {
  margin-right: 2px;

/* adjustments for the expando table-in-table */
.jd-sumtable-expando {
  margin:.5em 0;

/* a div that holds a short description */
.jd-descrdiv {
  padding:3px 1em 0 1em;

#jd-content img.jd-expando-trigger-img {
  padding:0 4px 4px 0;

.jd-sumtable-subclasses div#subclasses-direct,
.jd-sumtable-subclasses div#subclasses-indirect {
  /* left margin matches width of the toggle image,
     so this section aligns with the text above */
  margin:0 0 0 34px;

/********* MEMBER REF *************/

.jd-details {
/*  border:1px solid #669999;
  padding:4px; */
  margin:0 0 1em;

/* API reference: a container for the
.tagdata blocks that make up the detailed
description */
.jd-details-descr {
  margin:.5em .25em;

/* API reference: a block containing
a detailed description, a params table,
seealso list, etc */
.jd-tagdata {
  margin:.5em 1em;

.jd-tagdata p {
  margin:0 0 1em 1em;

/* API reference: adjustments to
the detailed description block */
.jd-tagdescr {
  margin:.25em 0 .75em 0;

.jd-tagdescr ol,
.jd-tagdescr ul {
  margin:0 2.5em;

.jd-tagdescr table,
.jd-tagdescr img {
  margin:.25em 1em;

.jd-tagdescr li {
margin:0 0 .25em 0;

/* API reference: heading marking
the details section for constants,
attrs, methods, etc. */
h4.jd-details-title {
  background-color: #E2E2E2;
  margin:1.5em 0 .6em;
  padding:3px 95px 3px 3px; /* room for api-level */
body.google h4.jd-details-title {
  background-color: #FFF;
  border-top: 1px solid #ccc;

h4.jd-tagtitle {

h4 .normal {

/* API reference: heading for "Parameters", "See Also", etc.,
in details sections */
h5.jd-tagtitle {
  padding:0 0 .25em 0;

.jd-tagtable {

.jd-tagtable td,
.jd-tagtable th {
  padding:2px 10px;

.jd-tagtable th {

/* Inline api level indicator for methods */
div.api-level {
  padding:0 8px 0;

table.jd-tagtable td,
table.jd-tagtable th {

table.jd-tagtable th {

/************ STICKY NAV BAR ******************/

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  padding-top: 14px;
#context .breadcrumb {
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  margin-bottom: 10px;
#context .util {
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  margin-right: 20px;

.breadcrumb {
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.breadcrumb li {
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.breadcrumb li a {
  color: #000;
.breadcrumb li:after {
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  position: relative;
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  width: 5px;
  height: 10px;
.breadcrumb li.current {
  font-weight: 700;
.breadcrumb li.current:after {
  display: none;

/* offset the <a name=""> tags to account for sticky nav */
body.reference a[name] {
  visibility: hidden;
  display: block;
  position: relative;
  top: -56px;

/* Quicknav */
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.btn-quicknav a.arrow-active {
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.btn-quicknav.active a.arrow-active {

#header-wrap.quicknav .nav-x li {

#header-wrap.quicknav li.last {

#quicknav {

#header-wrap.quicknav #quicknav {


#quicknav ul {
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#quicknav ul li.about {
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#quicknav ul li.design {
  border-top:1px solid #33b5e5;

#quicknav ul li.develop {
  border-top:1px solid #FF8800;

#quicknav ul li.distribute {
  border-top:1px solid #99cc00;

#quicknav ul li {
  margin:0 20px 0 0;

#quicknav ul li.last {

#quicknav ul li ul li {

#quicknav ul li ul li a {

#quicknav ul li li ul,
#quicknav ul li li ul li {

#quicknav ul li li ul li:before {

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.moremenu:hover #more-btn {
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.morehover {


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.morehover ul li {

.morehover ul li.active a,
.morehover ul li.active a:hover {
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.morehover ul li.active img {

.slideshow-container {
.slideshow-container .slideshow-prev {
.slideshow-container .slideshow-next {

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.slideshow-container .pagination ul li.active:hover {
.slideshow-container ul li {

#landing h1 {
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a.download-sdk {
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#searchResults.wrap {
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#searchResults.wrap #leftSearchControl {

 * CSS Styles that are needed by jScrollPane for it to operate correctly.

.jspContainer {
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;

.jspPane {
  position: absolute;
  width:100% !important; /* to avoid cut-off api names in reference in horiz scroll */

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.jspVerticalBar .jspArrow:focus {
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.jspCorner {
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/* Yuk! CSS Hack for IE6 3 pixel bug :( */
* html .jspCorner {
  margin: 0 -3px 0 0;
/******* end of jscrollpane *********/

/************ DEVELOP HOMEPAGE ******************/

/* Slideshow */
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/* Feeds */
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/* Video player */
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/************ DEVELOP TOPIC CONTAINERS ************/

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.plusone {

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/************* HOME/LANDING PAGE *****************/

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/************ DISTRIBUTE PAGES ******************/

.article-detail #body-content {
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/* A container for grid sets with uppercase h3 and rule */
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.clearfloat {
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.landing-hero-description p {
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.landing-align-left {
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.landing-section {
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@media (max-width: 719px) {
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.landing-short-section {
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.landing-red-background .landing-h1 {
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.landing-red-background .landing-subhead {
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.preview-hero {
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  min-height: 504px;
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  color: white;
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  overflow: hidden;

.tv-hero {
  height: calc(100vh - 128px);
  min-height: 504px;
  padding-top: 0;
  padding-bottom: 0;
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  background-size: cover;
  background-position: right center;
  color: white;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;

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.landing-hero-scrim {
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.landing-hero-wrap {
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.landing-section-header {
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.landing-video-link {
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  transition: .2s color ease-in-out;

.landing-video-link:before {
  height: 64px;
  width: 64px;
  display: inline-block;
  background-image: url();
  background-size: contain;
  position: absolute;
  content: "";
  opacity: .7;
  margin-top: -19px;
  margin-left: -64px;
  -webkit-transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;
     -moz-transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;
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  transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;

.landing-video-link:hover {
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.landing-video-link:hover:before {
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.landing-social-image {
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  width: 64px;

.landing-social-copy {
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.landing-scroll-down-affordance {
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.landing-down-arrow {
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  opacity: .5;
  -webkit-transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;
     -moz-transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;
       -o-transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;
  transition: .2s opacity ease-in-out;

  -webkit-animation-name: pulse-opacity;
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.landing-down-arrow:hover {
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.landing-down-arrow img {
  height: 28px;
  width: 28px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  display: block;

.landing-divider {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 2px;
  background-color: white;
  position: relative;
  margin: 10px 0;


.landing-breakout {
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  margin-bottom: 40px;

.landing-breakout img {
  margin-bottom: 20px;

.landing-partners img {
  margin-bottom: 20px;

.landing-breakout p {
  padding: 0 23px;

.landing-breakout.landing-partners img {
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@-webkit-keyframes pulse-opacity {
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Styles for d.a.c/index:

/* Generic full screen carousel styling to be used across pages. */
.fullscreen-carousel {
  margin: 0 -20px;
  overflow: hidden;
  position: relative;

.fullscreen-carousel-content {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: relative;
  display: table; /* For vertical centering */

.fullscreen-carousel .vcenter {
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
  position: relative;

.fullscreen-carousel .vcenter > div {
  margin: 10px auto;

/* Styles for the full-bleed hero image type. */
.fullscreen-carousel .hero, .fullscreen-carousel .hero h1 {
  color: #fff;

.fullscreen-carousel .hero h1 {
  font-weight: 300;
  font-size: 60px;
  line-height: 68px;
  letter-spacing: -1px;
  padding-top: 0;

.fullscreen-carousel .hero p {
  font-weight: 300;
  font-size: 18px;
  line-height: 24px;

.fullscreen-carousel .hero .hero-bg {
  background-size: cover;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  left: 0px;
  top: 0px;

/* Full screen carousel styling for the resource flow layout type of content */
.fullscreen-carousel .resource-flow-layout:after {
  height: 0; /* Dont know why this is set at 10 in default.css */

.fullscreen-carousel .resource-flow-layout {
  margin-bottom: 20px;

/* Generic Tab carousel styling to be used across multiple pages. */

.tab-carousel .tab-nav {
  list-style: none;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;

.tab-carousel .tab-nav li {
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 22px;
  font-weight: 400;
  line-height: 50px;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0 25px;
  position: relative;

.tab-carousel .tab-nav li a,
.tab-carousel .tab-nav li a:hover {
  color: #333 !important;
  padding: 10px 10px 13px 10px;
  position: relative;
  z-index: 1000;

.tab-carousel .tab-nav li:after {
  background: #ddd;
  bottom: 0;
  content: '';
  height: 4px;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 0;

.tab-carousel .tab-nav .highlight {
  position: absolute;
  height: 4px;
  width: 100px;
  bottom: 0;
  background: #33b5e5;

.tab-carousel .tab-carousel-content {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  white-space: nowrap;

.tab-carousel .tab-carousel-content [data-tab] {
  display: inline-block;
  white-space: normal;

  Resource styling for the tab carousel. The tab carousel contains either
  a 3 column layout of resources or a single full-width resource. The
  latter has the 18x12 class applied to it and can be styled differently
  that way.

.tab-carousel .resource .image {
  width: 100%;
  height: 250px;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-size: contain;
  background-position: 50% 50%;

.tab-carousel .resource .info .title {
  font-size: 18px;
  line-height: 24px;

.tab-carousel .resource .info .summary,
.tab-carousel .resource .info .cta {
  line-height: 24px;
  font-size: 16px;

.tab-carousel .resource-card-18x12 {
  position: relative;
  padding-left: 450px;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;

.tab-carousel .resource-card-18x12 .image {
  position: absolute;
  width: 420px;
  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;

.tab-carousel .resource-card-18x12 .info {
  display: inline-block;

.tab-carousel .resource-card-18x12 .info .title {
  margin-bottom: 26px;

  Specific styles for new home page layout of the carousels.

/* Big blue button */
.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .cta {
  white-space: nowrap;
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 14px 32px;
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 500;
  line-height: 24px;
  cursor: pointer;
  background: #33b5e6;
  border-radius: 4px;
  margin-top: 20px;
  color: #fff;
  transition: 0.2s background-color ease-in-out;

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .cta:after {
  display: none; /* Hide the entity for this button */

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .cta:hover {
  color: #fff !important;
  background: #2d9fca;

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .cta {
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 20px;
  left: 16px;

/* Fullscreen carousel. */
.home-new-carousel-1 {
  max-height: 700px; /* Set max height so doesn't get too long */

.home-new-carousel-1 .fullscreen-carousel-content {
  min-height: 450px;  /* Set min height for all content */

.home-new-carousel-1 .hero {
  background: #000;

.home-new-carousel-1 .hero-bg {
  background-image: url(/home-new/images/hero.jpg);
  background-position: right center;
  opacity: 0.85;

  Styling for special top card of full screen layout resource layout.
  We need to specifically style the 18x6 card to adjust its size and layout,
  since it's not a standard card, not sure if this is unique to the home page
  layout or should be namespaced within the fullscreen-carousel container.
.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-flow-layout.col-16 .resource-card-18x6 {
  height: 320px;
  border-radius: 0px;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);


.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .card-bg {
  width: 636px;
  height: 100%;

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .card-info {
  right: 0px;
  left: 636px;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0px;
  padding: 15px 22px;

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .card-info .util {
  display: none;

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .card-info .title {
  font-size: 20px;
  font-weight: 500;
  margin-top: 15px;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

.home-new-carousel-1 .resource-card-18x6 .card-info .text {
  font-size: 15px;
  line-height: 21px;

/* Tabbed carousel. */
.home-new-carousel-2 {
  margin: 35px auto 100px auto;

.home-new-carousel-2 h1 {
  font-size: 47px;
  font-weight: 100;
  line-height: 54px;
  text-align: center;

.annotation-message {
    display: block;
    font-style: italic;
    color: #F80;

/* Helpouts widget */
.resource-card-6x2.helpouts-card {
  width: 255px;
  height: 40px;

.resource-card-6x2.helpouts-card > .card-info {
  padding:4px 8px 4px 0;

.resource-card-6x2.helpouts-card > .card-info .helpouts-description {

.helpouts-description .link-color {
  text-transform: uppercase;

.resource-card-6x2 > .card-bg.helpouts-card-bg {
  margin:2px 0 0 0;
  background-image: url(../images/styles/helpouts-logo-35_2x.png);
  background-image: -webkit-image-set(url(../images/styles/helpouts-logo-35.png) 1x, url(../images/styles/helpouts-logo-35_2x.png) 2x);

.resource-card-6x2 > .card-bg.helpouts-card-bg:after {

#tb li:before, #qv li:before {
  background-position: 0px -196px;
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  content: '';
  left: -8px;
  opacity: .7;
  position: absolute;
  top: -4px;

.dac-hero.mprev {
  background-color: #fff;
  background-position: 50% 53%;
  background-size: cover;
  background-image: url(../../assets/images/home/android_m_hero_1200.jpg);
  box-sizing: border-box;
  font-size: 16px;
  min-height: 550px;
  padding-top: 88px;
.dac-hero.dac-darken.mprev::before {
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
  bottom: 0;
  content: '';
  display: block;
  left: 0;
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
  top: 0;

.dac-hero.dac-darken.mprev::before {
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(0, 0, 0, .05), rgba(0, 0, 0, .05), #000 950px);
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, .05), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), #000 950px);

@media (max-width: 719px) {
  .dac-hero.dac-darken.mprev {
    background-size: auto 600px;
    background-position: 55% 0;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

  .dac-hero-figure.mprev {
    height: 10px;
    margin: 15px 0;

@media (max-width: 719px) {
  .dac-hero.dac-darken.mprev {
    background-size: auto 600px;
    background-position: 55% 0;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

  .dac-hero-figure.mprev {
    height: 10px;
    margin: 15px 0;

@media (max-width: 1200px) {
  .dac-hero.dac-darken.mprev {
    background-size: auto 700px;
    background-position: 55% 0;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;

  .dac-hero-cta.mprev {

@charset "UTF-8";
 * Fades out an element.
 * Applies visibility hidden when the transition is finished.
 * Use opacity: 1; to show the element.
.dac-visible-mobile-block, .dac-mobile-only,
.dac-visible-desktop-inline-block {
  display: none !important;

@media (max-width: 719px) {
  .dac-hidden-mobile {
    display: none !important;

  .dac-visible-mobile-block, .dac-mobile-only {
    display: block !important;

  .dac-visible-mobile-inline {
    display: inline !important;

  .dac-visible-mobile-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important;

@media (min-width: 720px) and (max-width: 979px) {
  .dac-hidden-tablet {
    display: none !important;

  .dac-visible-tablet-block {
    display: block !important;

  .dac-visible-tablet-inline {
    display: inline !important;

  .dac-visible-tablet-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important;

@media (min-width: 980px) {
  .dac-hidden-desktop {
    display: none !important;

  .dac-visible-desktop-block {
    display: block !important;

  .dac-visible-desktop-inline {
    display: inline !important;

  .dac-visible-desktop-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important;

.dac-offset-parent {
  position: relative !important;

 * Hide from browsers/screenreaders on all sizes.
.dac-hidden {
  display: none !important;

 * Break strings when their length exceeds the width of their container.
.dac-text-break {
  word-wrap: break-word !important;

 * Horizontal text alignment
.dac-text-center {
  text-align: center !important;

.dac-text-left {
  text-align: left !important;

.dac-text-right {
  text-align: right !important;

 * Prevent whitespace wrapping
.dac-text-no-wrap {
  white-space: nowrap !important;

 * Prevent text from wrapping onto multiple lines, instead truncate with an ellipsis.
.dac-text-truncate {
  max-width: 100%;
  overflow: hidden !important;
  text-overflow: ellipsis !important;
  white-space: nowrap !important;
  word-wrap: normal !important;

 * Floats
.dac-float-left {
  float: left !important;

.dac-float-right {
  float: right !important;

 * New block formatting context
 * This affords some useful properties to the element. It won't wrap under
 * floats. Will also contain any floated children.
 * N.B. This will clip overflow. Use the alternative method below if this is
 * problematic.
.dac-nbfc {
  overflow: hidden !important; }

 * New block formatting context (alternative)
 * Alternative method when overflow must not be clipped.
 * N.B. This breaks down in some browsers when elements within this element
 * exceed its width.
.dac-nbfc-alt {
  display: table-cell !important;
  width: 10000px !important; }

/* New CSS */
/************ RESOURCE CARDS ******************/
/* Basic card-styling with shadow */
.resource-card {
  background: #fff;
  box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.21);
  display: block;
  position: relative; }

/* Play button is only visible on 6by6 cards */
.play-button {
  background-color: #000;
  border-radius: 50%;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  display: none;
  height: 70px;
  line-height: 65px;
  padding-left: 4px;
  position: absolute;
  opacity: .6;
  text-align: center;
  -webkit-transition: opacity .5s;
          transition: opacity .5s;
  width: 70px;
  z-index: 1; }
  .resource-card-6x2 .play-button {
    display: block;
    left: 10px;
    top: 15px;
    -webkit-transform: scale(0.73);
        -ms-transform: scale(0.73);
            transform: scale(0.73); }
  .resource-card-6x6 .play-button {
    display: block;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -35px;
    top: 50px; }

/* Styling for background image including tinting and section icons in stacks */
.card-bg {
  bottom: 131px;
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  vertical-align: top;
  width: 100%;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  background-size: cover;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center;
  background-image: url(../images/resource-card-default-android.jpg); }
  .card-bg:after {
    content: "";
    display: block;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    opacity: 1;
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
    -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s;
            transition: opacity 0.5s; }
  .static .card-bg:after {
    display: none; }
  .card-bg .card-section-icon {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    width: 100%;
    margin-top: -35px;
    text-align: center;
    padding-top: 65px;
    z-index: 100; }
    .card-bg .card-section-icon .icon {
      position: absolute;
      left: 50%;
      margin-left: -28px;
      top: 0px;
      width: 56px;
      height: 56px;
      background-repeat: no-repeat;
      background-position: 50% 50%;
      background-image: url(../images/stack-icon.png); }
    .card-bg .card-section-icon .section {
      text-transform: uppercase;
      color: white;
      font-size: 14px; }

.card-info {
  position: absolute;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  height: 131px;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  background: #fefefe;
  padding: 6px 12px; }
  .card-info .section {
    color: #898989;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-weight: 700;
    letter-spacing: .3px;
    line-height: 20px;
    text-transform: uppercase; }
  .card-info .title {
    color: #333;
    font-size: 18px;
    font-weight: 500;
    line-height: 23px;
    margin-bottom: 7px;
    max-height: 46px;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    white-space: normal; }
  .card-info .description {
    overflow: hidden; }
    .card-info .description .text {
      color: #666;
      font-size: 14px;
      height: 60px;
      line-height: 20px;
      overflow: hidden;
      width: 100%; }
    .card-info .description .util {
      position: absolute;
      right: 5px;
      bottom: 70px;
      opacity: 0;
      -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s;
              transition: opacity 0.5s; }
  .card-info.empty-desc .title {
    white-space: normal;
    overflow: visible; }
  .card-info.empty-desc .description {
    display: none; }

/* Truncate card summaries at bounding box and
 * and apply ellipsis at lower right */
.ellipsis {
  overflow: hidden;
  float: right;
  line-height: 15px;
  width: 100%; }
  .ellipsis:before {
    content: "";
    float: left;
    width: 5px;
    height: 100%; }
  .ellipsis > *:first-child.text {
    float: right;
    width: 100% !important;
    margin-left: -5px; }
  .ellipsis:after {
    content: "\02026";
    height: 17px;
    padding-bottom: 4px;
    box-sizing: content-box;
    float: right;
    position: relative;
    top: -16px;
    left: 100%;
    width: 4em;
    margin-left: -4em;
    padding-right: 5px;
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)), to(white), color-stop(65%, white));
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), white 65%, white);
    background: linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0), white 65%, white); }
  .ellipsis:after {
    font-style: normal;
    color: #aaa;
    font-size: 13px;
    text-align: right; }

.resource-card:hover {
  cursor: pointer; }
  .static .resource-card:hover {
    cursor: auto; }
  .resource-card:hover .card-bg:after {
    opacity: 0; }
  .resource-card:hover .play-button {
    opacity: .3; }
  .resource-card:hover .card-info .description .util {
    opacity: 1; }

/* Carousel Layout */
/* Carousel styles for landing page */
.resource-carousel-layout {
  height: 531px;
  margin: 20px 0 20px 0;
  padding: 0 !important;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden; }
  .resource-carousel-layout .slideshow-prev, .resource-carousel-layout .slideshow-next {
    display: none; }
  .resource-carousel-layout .pagination {
    bottom: 97px;
    left: auto;
    padding-right: 10px;
    right: 0;
    text-align: right;
    width: 16.66666667%; }
    .resource-carousel-layout .pagination ul li {
      text-indent: 8000px; }
  .resource-carousel-layout .frame li {
    position: relative; }
    .resource-carousel-layout .frame li .card-bg {
      bottom: 131px; }
    .resource-carousel-layout .frame li .card-info {
      height: 131px;
      padding: 6px 12px;
      top: auto; }
      .resource-carousel-layout .frame li .card-info .title {
        font-size: 28px;
        font-weight: 400;
        line-height: 32px; }
      .resource-carousel-layout .frame li .card-info .description .text {
        height: 40px; }
      .resource-carousel-layout .frame li .card-info .description .util {
        bottom: 97px;
        right: 4px; }

/* Stack Layout */
.resource-stack-layout {
  display: inline-block;
  padding: 0; }
  .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu > .card-info .section, .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-info .title {
    /*text-transform: uppercase;*/
    color: #898989;
    font-size: 17px;
    line-height: 23px;
    margin-bottom: 6px; }
  .resource-stack-layout .section-card {
    height: 284px; }
    .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-bg {
      height: 192px; }
    .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-info {
      padding: 4px 12px 6px 12px;
      top: 192px; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-info .section {
        display: none; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-info .title {
        font-size: 17px;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #959595;
        padding-bottom: 0px; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-info .description {
        font-size: 13px;
        line-height: 15px; }
        .resource-stack-layout .section-card > .card-info .description .text {
          height: 30px; }
  .resource-stack-layout .related-card {
    height: 90px; }
    .resource-stack-layout .related-card > .card-bg {
      left: 0;
      top: 0;
      width: 90px;
      height: 100%;
      position: absolute;
      display: block; }
    .resource-stack-layout .related-card > .card-info {
      left: 90px;
      padding: 4px 12px 4px 12px; }
      .resource-stack-layout .related-card > .card-info .section {
        font-size: 12px;
        margin-bottom: 1px;
        display: none; }
      .resource-stack-layout .related-card > .card-info .title {
        font-size: 16px;
        margin-bottom: -2px;
        white-space: normal;
        overflow: visible;
        text-overflow: ellipsis; }
        .resource-stack-layout .related-card > .card-info .title:after {
          content: url(../images/link-out.png);
          display: block; }
      .resource-stack-layout .related-card > .card-info .description {
        display: none; }
  .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu {
    /* Flexible height */
    display: block;
    height: auto;
    width: auto; }
    .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-bg {
      height: 155px;
      /* Flexible height */
      position: relative;
      display: inline-block;
      vertical-align: top; }
    .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info {
      padding: 4px 12px 0px 12px;
      /* Flexible height */
      position: relative;
      left: auto;
      top: auto;
      right: auto;
      bottom: auto; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul {
        list-style: none;
        margin: 0; }
        .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li {
          list-style: none;
          margin: 0;
          padding: 15px 0;
          border-top-width: 1px;
          border-top-style: solid;
          border-top-color: #959595; }
          .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li a, .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li a:focus, .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li a:hover {
            color: #333 !important; }
          .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li:first-child {
            border-top: none; }
          .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li:hover .title:after {
            opacity: 1;
            -webkit-transition: opacity 0.5s;
                    transition: opacity 0.5s; }
          .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info ul li:hover .description {
            max-height: 30px;
            opacity: 1;
            -webkit-transition: max-height 0.5s, opacity 1s;
                    transition: max-height 0.5s, opacity 1s; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info .title {
        font-size: 16px;
        margin-bottom: -2px;
        position: relative; }
        .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info .title:after {
          background: url(../images/stack-arrow-right.png);
          content: '';
          opacity: 0;
          -webkit-transition: opacity 0.25s;
                  transition: opacity 0.25s;
          position: absolute;
          right: 0px;
          top: 3px;
          width: 10px;
          height: 15px; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info .title.more {
        text-transform: uppercase;
        color: #898989;
        display: inline-block; }
        .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info .title.more:after {
          background: url(../images/stack-arrow-right.png);
          content: '';
          display: block;
          position: absolute;
          right: -20px;
          top: 3px;
          width: 10px;
          height: 15px; }
      .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info .description {
        max-height: 0px;
        opacity: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        font-size: 13px;
        line-height: 15px;
        /* Hover off */
        -webkit-transition: max-height 0.5s, opacity 0.5s;
                transition: max-height 0.5s, opacity 0.5s; }
        .resource-stack-layout .section-card-menu .card-info .description .text {
          height: 30px; }
  .resource-stack-layout:after {
    content: ".";
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden; }

.resource-card, .resource-card-stack {
  margin-bottom: 20px; }

.resource-card-row-stack-last {
  margin-bottom: 0px !important; }

.resource-card-col-stack-last {
  margin-bottom: 0px !important; }

.resource-card-3x6 {
  height: 300px; }

.resource-card-3x12 {
  height: 620px; }

.resource-card-3x18 {
  height: 940px; }

.resource-card-6x6 {
  height: 300px; }

.resource-card-6x12 {
  height: 620px; }

.resource-card-6x18 {
  height: 940px; }

.resource-card-9x6 {
  height: 300px; }

.resource-card-9x12 {
  height: 620px; }

.resource-card-9x18 {
  height: 940px; }

.resource-card-12x6 {
  height: 300px; }

.resource-card-12x12 {
  height: 620px; }

.resource-card-12x18 {
  height: 940px; }

.resource-card-15x6 {
  height: 300px; }

.resource-card-15x12 {
  height: 620px; }

.resource-card-15x18 {
  height: 940px; }

.resource-card-18x6 {
  height: 300px; }

.resource-card-18x12 {
  height: 620px; }

.resource-card-18x18 {
  height: 940px; }

.resource-card-3x2 {
  height: 100px; }

.resource-card-3x2x3 {
  height: 90px;
  margin-bottom: 15px; }

.resource-card-3x3 {
  height: 150px; }

.resource-card-3x3x2 {
  height: 142px;
  margin-bottom: 16px; }

.resource-card-6x2 {
  height: 100px; }

.resource-card-6x2x3 {
  height: 90px;
  margin-bottom: 15px; }

.resource-card-6x3 {
  height: 150px; }

.resource-card-6x3x2 {
  height: 142px;
  margin-bottom: 16px; }

.resource-card-9x2 {
  height: 100px; }

.resource-card-9x2x3 {
  height: 90px;
  margin-bottom: 15px; }

.resource-card-9x3 {
  height: 150px; }

.resource-card-9x3x2 {
  height: 142px;
  margin-bottom: 16px; }

.resource-card-12x2 {
  height: 100px; }

.resource-card-12x2x3 {
  height: 90px;
  margin-bottom: 15px; }

.resource-card-12x3 {
  height: 150px; }

.resource-card-12x3x2 {
  height: 142px;
  margin-bottom: 16px; }

.resource-card-15x2 {
  height: 100px; }

.resource-card-15x2x3 {
  height: 90px;
  margin-bottom: 15px; }

.resource-card-15x3 {
  height: 150px; }

.resource-card-15x3x2 {
  height: 142px;
  margin-bottom: 16px; }

.resource-card-18x2 {
  height: 100px; }

.resource-card-18x2x3 {
  height: 90px;
  margin-bottom: 15px; }

.resource-card-18x3 {
  height: 150px; }

.resource-card-18x3x2 {
  height: 142px;
  margin-bottom: 16px; }

  The following are styles for cards in the flowlayout above, styled by the number of rows they span
/* Single row, 2 column items. */
.resource-card-9x6 {
  height: 390px; }

/* Double row, 1 column items. Eg full width video thumbnails. */
.resource-card-18x12 {
  height: 558px; }

/* 1/3 row items */
.resource-card-3x2 > .card-bg, .resource-card-6x2 > .card-bg, .resource-card-9x2 > .card-bg, .resource-card-12x2 > .card-bg, .resource-card-15x2 > .card-bg, .resource-card-18x2 > .card-bg {
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  width: 90px;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  display: block; }

.resource-card-3x2 > .card-info, .resource-card-6x2 > .card-info, .resource-card-9x2 > .card-info, .resource-card-12x2 > .card-info, .resource-card-15x2 > .card-info, .resource-card-18x2 > .card-info {
  height: 100%;
  left: 90px;
  padding: 6px 12px;
  overflow: hidden; }
  .resource-card-3x2 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-6x2 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-9x2 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-12x2 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-15x2 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-18x2 > .card-info .title {
    max-height: 69px;
    white-space: normal; }
  .resource-card-3x2 > .card-info .description, .resource-card-6x2 > .card-info .description, .resource-card-9x2 > .card-info .description, .resource-card-12x2 > .card-info .description, .resource-card-15x2 > .card-info .description, .resource-card-18x2 > .card-info .description {
    display: none; }
  .resource-card-3x2 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-6x2 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-9x2 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-12x2 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-15x2 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-18x2 > .card-info .text {
    height: auto; }

/* Override to show the description instead of the content section */
.no-section .resource-card-3x2 > .card-info .section,
.no-section .resource-card-6x2 > .card-info .section {
  display: none; }

.no-section .resource-card-3x2 > .card-info .description,
.no-section .resource-card-6x2 > .card-info .description {
  display: block; }

/* 1/2 row items */
.resource-card-3x3, .resource-card-6x3, .resource-card-9x3, .resource-card-12x3, .resource-card-15x3, .resource-card-18x3 {
  height: 160px; }
  .resource-card-3x3 > .card-bg, .resource-card-6x3 > .card-bg, .resource-card-9x3 > .card-bg, .resource-card-12x3 > .card-bg, .resource-card-15x3 > .card-bg, .resource-card-18x3 > .card-bg {
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 90px;
    height: 100%;
    position: absolute;
    display: block; }
  .resource-card-3x3 > .card-info, .resource-card-6x3 > .card-info, .resource-card-9x3 > .card-info, .resource-card-12x3 > .card-info, .resource-card-15x3 > .card-info, .resource-card-18x3 > .card-info {
    height: 100%;
    left: 90px;
    padding: 6px 12px; }
    .resource-card-3x3 > .card-info .section, .resource-card-6x3 > .card-info .section, .resource-card-9x3 > .card-info .section, .resource-card-12x3 > .card-info .section, .resource-card-15x3 > .card-info .section, .resource-card-18x3 > .card-info .section {
      display: none; }
    .resource-card-3x3 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-6x3 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-9x3 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-12x3 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-15x3 > .card-info .title, .resource-card-18x3 > .card-info .title {
      max-height: 92px;
      white-space: normal; }
    .resource-card-3x3 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-6x3 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-9x3 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-12x3 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-15x3 > .card-info .text, .resource-card-18x3 > .card-info .text {
      height: auto; }
    .resource-card-3x3 > .card-info .util, .resource-card-6x3 > .card-info .util, .resource-card-9x3 > .card-info .util, .resource-card-12x3 > .card-info .util, .resource-card-15x3 > .card-info .util, .resource-card-18x3 > .card-info .util {
      display: none; }

/* placement of plusone */
.resource-card-6x12 > .card-info .description .util, .resource-card-9x12 > .card-info .description .util, .resource-card-12x12 > .card-info .description .util, .resource-card-15x12 > .card-info .description .util {
  bottom: 2px; }

.resource-card-18x12 > .card-info .description .util {
  bottom: 2px; }

/* Overrides for col-16 6x6 cards linking to local content on landing pages.
   Suppresses "section". */
.landing .card-info .section {
  display: none; }

  Generate a resource stack layout for a 3 column widget spanning 16 grid cols
.resource-stack-layout.col-16 {
  margin: 0 -14px 0 0;
  width: 954px; }
  .resource-stack-layout.col-16 .resource-card-stack {
    margin: 0 14px 0 0;
    width: 304px; }

/* Example of card menu tinting */
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  .col-tablet-push-4of5, .col-tablet-push-8of10 {
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.col-3-wide {
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@media (max-width: 719px) {
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} }

 * Fades out an element.
 * Applies visibility hidden when the transition is finished.
 * Use opacity: 1; to show the element.
/* Header component */
.dac-header {
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  height: 64px;
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.dac-ndk {
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.dac-studio {
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.dac-search-mode .dac-header {
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.dac-search-mode .dac-header-logo,
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  transition: visibility 0s linear 200ms, opacity 200ms linear;

.dac-header-logo {
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.dac-header-logo, .dac-header-logo:hover, .dac-header-logo:focus {
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@media (min-width: 980px) {
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@media (min-width: 720px) and (max-width: 979px) {
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.dac-header-logo-image {
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@media (min-width: 720px) {
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  /* Do not show nav toggle and up-nav button for left nav
     in Studio docs, when header tabs are visible */
  body.studio .dac-nav-back-button {
  body.studio .dac-nav-sub {
    top: 0 !important;

.dac-header-tabs li {
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.dac-header-tab {
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.dac-header-tab:hover {
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.dac-header-tab.selected {
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.dac-search-mode .dac-header-tabs {
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.dac-header-console-btn {
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  opacity: 1;
  padding: 4px 10px;
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  text-transform: uppercase;
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  transition: box-shadow .2s;
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@media (min-width: 720px) and (max-width: 979px) {
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.dac-header-console-btn > .dac-sprite, .dac-header-console-btn > .dac-modal-header-close:before, .paging-links .dac-header-console-btn > .prev-page-link:before, .paging-links .dac-header-console-btn > .next-page-link:before, .paging-links .dac-header-console-btn > .next-class-link:before, .paging-links .dac-header-console-btn > .start-class-link:after {
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.dac-header-console-btn, .dac-header-console-btn:hover, .dac-header-console-btn:focus {
  color: #fff;

.dac-header-console-btn:hover {
  box-shadow: 0 2px 8px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

.dac-header-console-btn:focus {
  background: rgba(63, 81, 181, 0.1);
  outline: 0;

.dac-studio .dac-header-console-btn {
  background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
.dac-studio .dac-header-console-btn:hover {
  background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
.dac-studio .dac-header-console-btn:focus {
  background:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);

@media (max-width: 719px) {
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    text-align: center;

  .dac-header-logo {
    border-right: 0;
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 0;
    float: none;
    padding-left: 0;
    padding-right: 0;

  .dac-header-console-btn {
    display: none;

/* Header Breadcrumbs component */
.dac-header-crumbs {
  list-style-type: none;
  margin: 23px 0 -13px 0;
  display: inline-block;

body.studio .dac-header-crumbs {

.dac-header-crumbs.dac-has-content {
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.dac-header-crumbs-item {
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.dac-header-crumbs-item i, .dac-header-crumbs-item .dac-nav-link-forward {
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.dac-header-crumbs-item:before {
  content: '';
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  width: 10px;
  height: 10px;
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 12px;
  left: -15px;

.dac-header-crumbs-item:first-child:before {
  content: none;

.dac-header-crumbs-link {
  display: block;
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.dac-header-crumbs-link, .dac-header-crumbs-link:hover, .dac-header-crumbs-link:focus {
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.dac-header-crumbs-link:focus {
  outline: 0;
  text-decoration: underline;

.dac-header-crumbs-link.current {
  font-weight: 400;

/* Header site search component */
.dac-header-search {
  bottom: 64px;
  position: absolute;
  right: 220px;
  top: 0;
  width: 238px;
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  transition: width 300ms, right 100ms, margin 100ms;

.dac-header-search-inner {
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  width: 100%;

@media (min-width: 980px) {
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    content: '';
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    right: 100%;
    top: 0;
    -webkit-transition: opacity 200ms, -webkit-transform 300ms;
    transition: opacity 200ms, transform 300ms;
    -webkit-transform-origin: right center;
    -ms-transform-origin: right center;
    transform-origin: right center;
    width: 64px;
  .dac-studio .dac-header-search-inner::after {
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #424242, rgba(66, 66, 66, 0));
    background: linear-gradient(to left, #424242, rgba(66, 66, 66, 0));

  .dac-search-mode .dac-header-search-inner::after {
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.dac-header-search-icon {
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  top: 18px;

.dac-header-search-input {
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  margin: 13px 0;
  padding: 9px 36px 10px;
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  transition: background 200ms, color 200ms;
  width: 100%;

.dac-studio .dac-header-search {
.dac-studio .dac-header-search-input {
  background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);

.dac-header-search-close, .dac-header-search-clear {
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.dac-header-search-clear {
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.dac-header-search-clear:hover, .dac-header-search-clear:focus {
  opacity: .8;

.dac-header-search-close {
  left: -45px;
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  transform: translateX(45px);
  visibility: hidden;

.dac-header-search ::-webkit-input-placeholder {
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  transition: color 200ms;

.dac-header-search :-moz-placeholder {
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  font-weight: 300;
  transition: color 200ms;

.dac-header-search ::-moz-placeholder {
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  transition: color 200ms;

.dac-header-search :-ms-input-placeholder {
  color: #fff;
  font-weight: 300;
  transition: color 200ms;

.dac-header-search-input:focus {
  outline: 0;

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search {
  width: 940px;
  right: 50%;
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.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-input::after {
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(right, #b0bec5, rgba(176, 190, 197, 0));
  background: linear-gradient(to left, #b0bec5, rgba(176, 190, 197, 0));

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-close {
  -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 200ms ease-out 300ms;
  transition: transform 200ms ease-out 300ms;
  -webkit-transform: translateX(0);
  -ms-transform: translateX(0);
  transform: translateX(0);
  visibility: visible;

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-icon {
  left: 23px;

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-input {
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 0;
  font-size: 18px;
  color: #666;
  padding-left: 55px;
  margin-top: 11px;

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search ::-webkit-input-placeholder {
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.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search :-moz-placeholder {
  color: #505050;

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search ::-moz-placeholder {
  color: #505050;

.dac-search-mode .dac-header-search :-ms-input-placeholder {
  color: #505050;

@media (min-width: 720px) and (max-width: 979px) {
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    right: 20px;
    width: 200px;
    -webkit-transition: left 200ms, right 200ms, width 200ms;
    transition: left 200ms, right 200ms, width 200ms;

  .dac-search-mode .dac-header-search {
    left: 60px;
    right: 0;
    width: 100%;

  .dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-inner {
    margin: 0;
    width: calc(100% - 60px - 10px);

  .dac-header-search-close {
    left: -42px;

@media (max-width: 719px) {
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    bottom: 0;
    border-radius: 0;
    border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    cursor: pointer;
    left: calc(100% - 64px);
    margin: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding-left: 10px;
    padding-right: 10px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    top: 0;

  .dac-header-search-input {
    background: none;
    cursor: pointer;
    opacity: 0;

  .dac-search-mode .dac-header-search {
    background: #b0bec5;
    cursor: default;
    overflow: visible;
    left: 60px;
    right: 0;
    width: 100%;
    -webkit-transition: left 200ms, right 200ms, width 200ms;
    transition: left 200ms, right 200ms, width 200ms;
    padding: 0;
    border: none;

  .dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-inner {
    margin: 0;
    width: calc(100% - 60px - 10px);

  .dac-search-mode .dac-header-search .dac-header-search-input {
    opacity: 1;

.highlighted em {
  color: #333;
  font-style: normal;
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.card-info .title.highlighted {
  color: #666;

/* Main navigation component */
.dac-nav-sidebar {
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  top: 64px;
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.dac-nav-animating .dac-nav-sidebar {
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.dac-nav-open .dac-nav-sidebar {
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.dac-search-mode .dac-nav-sidebar {
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.dac-nav .dac-swap-section {
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.dac-nav-back {
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.dac-nav-fullscreen {
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@media (min-width: 980px) {
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.dac-nav-fullscreen:hover {
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.dac-nav-sub-slider {
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.dac-nav-back-button {
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/* Android Studio download page */
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/* Form component */
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/* Filter Resources Component*/
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/* Media component */
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/* Modal component */
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SCSS variables are information about icon's compiled state, stored under its original file name

.icon-home {
  width: $icon-home-width;

The large array-like variables contain all information about a single icon
$icon-home: x y offset_x offset_y width height total_width total_height image_path;

At the bottom of this section, we provide information about the spritesheet itself
$spritesheet: width height image $spritesheet-sprites;
.dac-sprite, .dac-modal-header-close:before, .paging-links .prev-page-link:before, .paging-links .next-page-link:before, .paging-links .next-class-link:before, .paging-links .start-class-link:after, .Video-button--picture-in-picture, .Video-button--close, a.video-shadowbox-button.white::after, #tb li:before,
#qv li:before {
  background-image: url(/assets/images/sprite.png);
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: middle; }
  @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 1.5dppx), (min-resolution: 144px) {
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    #qv li:before {
      background-image: url(/assets/images/sprite@2x.png);
      background-size: 36px 883px; } }

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    background-position: 0px -771px;
    height: 36px;
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    background-position: 0px -565px;
    height: 24px;
    width: 24px; }

.dac-sprite.dac-auto-unfold-more, .dac-auto-unfold-more.dac-modal-header-close:before, .paging-links .dac-auto-unfold-more.prev-page-link:before, .paging-links .dac-auto-unfold-more.next-page-link:before, .paging-links .dac-auto-unfold-more.next-class-link:before, .paging-links .dac-auto-unfold-more.start-class-link:after {
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  vertical-align: -6px; }
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  background-position: 0px -57px;
  height: 14px;
  width: 18px; }

/* Toast Component */
.dac-toast {
  background: #ffebc3;
  border-top: 1px solid #e5d4a1;
  display: none;
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);
  line-height: 1.4;
  padding: 10px; }
  .dac-toast.dac-visible {
    display: block; }
  .dac-toast-wrap {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    margin: 0 auto;
    max-width: 940px;
    padding-right: 20px;
    position: relative; }
  .dac-toast-close-btn {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: none;
    border-radius: 0;
    cursor: pointer;
    opacity: .4;
    padding: 0;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;
    top: 1px; }
    .dac-toast-close-btn:hover, .dac-toast-close-btn:focus, .dac-toast-close-btn:active {
      outline: none;
      opacity: 1; }
  .dac-toast-group {
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
    position: fixed;
    right: 0;
    z-index: 60; }
  .dac-toast.dac-danger {
    background-color: #ffccbc;
    border-top-color: #e5b7a9; }
  .dac-toast.dac-success {
    background-color: #cdedc8;
    border-top-color: #c6d5b4; }

.dac-tab-item {
  box-sizing: border-box;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: table-cell;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 8px 12px;
  position: relative;
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  @media (max-width: 719px) {
    .dac-tab-item {
      padding-right: 12px;
      text-align: center;
      width: 33.33333333%; } }

.dac-tab-title {
  color: #333;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 16px;
  font-weight: 500;
  margin: 0; }

.dac-tab-arrow {
  margin-top: -2px; }
  @media (max-width: 719px) {
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      position: absolute;
      visibility: hidden; } }

.dac-tab-bar {
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  margin: 0 0 0 12px;
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      margin-left: 0;
      width: 100%; } }

.dac-tab-views {
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.dac-tab-view {
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  display: none;
  overflow: hidden;
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  text-align: left; }

.dac-tab-item.dac-active {
  background: #fff; }

.dac-tab-item.dac-active .dac-tab-arrow {
  -webkit-transform: scaleY(-1);
      -ms-transform: scaleY(-1);
          transform: scaleY(-1); }

.dac-tab-view.dac-active {
  display: block; }

.dac-toggle-expand {
  cursor: pointer;
  display: inline-block; }

.dac-toggle-collapse {
  cursor: pointer;
  display: none; }

.dac-toggle.is-expanded .dac-toggle-expand {
  display: none; }

.dac-toggle.is-expanded .dac-toggle-collapse {
  display: inline-block; }

.dac-toggle-content {
  clear: left;
  overflow: hidden;
  max-height: 0;
  -webkit-transition: .3s max-height;
          transition: .3s max-height; }

.dac-toggle.is-expanded .dac-toggle-content {
  max-height: none; }

.dac-toggle.dac-mobile .dac-toggle-content {
  max-height: none; }

@media (max-width: 719px) {
  .dac-toggle.dac-mobile .dac-toggle-content {
    max-height: 0; }
  .dac-toggle.is-expanded .dac-toggle-content {
    max-height: none; } }

 * Fades out an element.
 * Applies visibility hidden when the transition is finished.
 * Use opacity: 1; to show the element.
.dac-visible-mobile-block, .dac-mobile-only,
.dac-visible-desktop-inline-block {
  display: none !important; }

@media (max-width: 719px) {
  .dac-hidden-mobile {
    display: none !important; }
  .dac-visible-mobile-block, .dac-mobile-only {
    display: block !important; }
  .dac-visible-mobile-inline {
    display: inline !important; }
  .dac-visible-mobile-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important; } }

@media (min-width: 720px) and (max-width: 979px) {
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    display: none !important; }
  .dac-visible-tablet-block {
    display: block !important; }
  .dac-visible-tablet-inline {
    display: inline !important; }
  .dac-visible-tablet-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important; } }

@media (min-width: 980px) {
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    display: none !important; }
  .dac-visible-desktop-block {
    display: block !important; }
  .dac-visible-desktop-inline {
    display: inline !important; }
  .dac-visible-desktop-inline-block {
    display: inline-block !important; } }

.dac-offset-parent {
  position: relative !important; }

 * Hide from browsers/screenreaders on all sizes.
.dac-hidden {
  display: none !important; }

 * Break strings when their length exceeds the width of their container.
.dac-text-break {
  word-wrap: break-word !important; }

 * Horizontal text alignment
.dac-text-center {
  text-align: center !important; }

.dac-text-left {
  text-align: left !important; }

.dac-text-right {
  text-align: right !important; }

 * Prevent whitespace wrapping
.dac-text-no-wrap {
  white-space: nowrap !important; }

 * Prevent text from wrapping onto multiple lines, instead truncate with an ellipsis.
.dac-text-truncate {
  max-width: 100%;
  overflow: hidden !important;
  text-overflow: ellipsis !important;
  white-space: nowrap !important;
  word-wrap: normal !important; }

 * Floats
.dac-float-left {
  float: left !important; }

.dac-float-right {
  float: right !important; }

 * New block formatting context
 * This affords some useful properties to the element. It won't wrap under
 * floats. Will also contain any floated children.
 * N.B. This will clip overflow. Use the alternative method below if this is
 * problematic.
.dac-nbfc {
  overflow: hidden !important;

 * New block formatting context (alternative)
 * Alternative method when overflow must not be clipped.
 * N.B. This breaks down in some browsers when elements within this element
 * exceed its width.
.dac-nbfc-alt {
  display: table-cell !important;
  width: 10000px !important;

.Video {
  display: none;

.Video-overlay {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 9999;

.Video-container {
  width: 90vw;
  height: 50.625vw;
  max-height: calc(90vh - 29.25px);
  max-width: calc(160vh - 52px);
  margin: auto;
  position: fixed;
  top: -52px;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  z-index: 9999;

@media (min-width: 1422.22222222px) and (min-height: 800px) {
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    height: 720px;

.Video-controls {
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  height: 52px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  position: relative;
  box-shadow: 2px 3px 12px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

.Video-frame {
  position: relative;
  height: 100%;
  background: black;
  box-shadow: 2px 3px 12px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

.Video-loading {
  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35);
  font-size: 16px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

#youTubePlayer {
  max-height: 720px;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.Video-button {
  background-color: transparent;
  border: none;
  display: inline-block;
  height: 100%;
  width: 52px;
  outline: none;
  cursor: pointer;
  -webkit-transition: opacity 200ms;
  transition: opacity 200ms;

.Video-button:hover {
  opacity: 0.8;

.Video-button--picture-in-picture {
  background-position: 0px -461px;
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  display: none;
  position: absolute;
  right: 64px;
  top: 14px;

.Video-button--close {
  background-position: 0px -435px;
  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  position: absolute;
  right: 14px;
  top: 14px;

@media (min-width: 720px) {
  .Video--picture-in-picture .Video-overlay {
    display: none;

  .Video--picture-in-picture .Video-container {
    top: auto;
    left: auto;
    bottom: 20px;
    right: 20px;
    width: 40%;
    max-width: 420px;
    height: auto;

  .Video--picture-in-picture .Video-button--picture-in-picture {
    background-position: 0px -409px;
    height: 24px;
    width: 24px;

  .Video--picture-in-picture .Video-frame {
    padding-bottom: 56.25%;

  .Video-button--picture-in-picture {
    display: inline-block;

a.video-shadowbox-button.white {
  padding: 16px 42px 16px 8px;
  font-size: 18px;
  font-weight: 500;
  line-height: 24px;
  color: #fff;
  text-decoration: none;

a.video-shadowbox-button.white::after {
  content: '';
  background-position: 0px -847px;
  height: 36px;
  width: 36px;

a.video-shadowbox-button.white:hover {
  color: #bababa !important;

a.video-shadowbox-button.white:hover::after {
  background-position: 0px -733px;
  height: 36px;
  width: 36px;

#video-frame, #video-container {
  display: none;

@media (max-width: 720px) {
  .wide-table {
    overflow-x: auto;

  .wide-table table {
    display: inline-table;
    margin-right: 0;

/* New CSS that isn't part of a component */
.paging-links {
  box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
  margin: 30px 0;
  padding: 0 40px;
  /* Start class link doesn't have a caption */ }

.paging-links .start-class-link, .paging-links .next-class-link, .paging-links .prev-page-link, .paging-links .next-page-link {
  font-size: 20px;
  font-weight: 500;
  display: inline-block;
  width: calc(50% - 2px);
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  padding: 46px 0 36px 0;

@media (max-width: 719px) {
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    width: 100%;

.paging-links .start-class-link {
  padding: 36px 0;

.paging-links .start-class-link, .paging-links .next-class-link {
  text-align: center;
  width: 100%;

.paging-links .prev-page-link .page-link-caption {
  left: 0;

.paging-links .prev-page-link:before {
  content: '';
  left: -24px;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 41px;

@media (max-width: 719px) {
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    display: none;

.paging-links .next-page-link, .paging-links .next-class-link {
  text-align: right;

.paging-links .next-page-link .page-link-caption, .paging-links .next-class-link .page-link-caption {
  right: 0;

.paging-links .next-page-link:before, .paging-links .next-class-link:before {
  content: '';
  right: -24px;
  position: absolute;
  bottom: 41px;

.paging-links .start-class-link:after {
  content: '';
  right: -12px;
  position: relative;
  bottom: 3px;

.paging-links .page-link-caption {
  position: absolute;
  top: 26px;
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#tb li:before,
#qv li:before {
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  height: 24px;
  width: 24px;
  content: '';
  left: -8px;
  opacity: .7;
  position: absolute;
  top: -4px;

/** CSS Fixes for DevSite (akassay@) */
.dac-fab:not('.dac-scroll-button') {
  position: relative;

.dac-button-social .dac-sprite,
.dac-fab .dac-sprite,
.play-button .dac-sprite {
  margin-top: -7px;
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;

.dac-fab .dac-sprite.dac-arrow-down-gray {
  margin-top: -3px;

.dac-button-social .dac-sprite.dac-gplus {
  margin-top: -17px;

.play-button .dac-sprite {
  margin-top: -10px;

.dac-nav-link-forward {
  padding: 9px 0;