<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

    <string name="intro_title">Introduction</string>

    <string name="batching_queue_title">Background sensor batching</string>
    <string name="batching_queue_description">Batching allows the sensor to report sensor events at
        a specified frequency.\n\nThe system delays calls to the SensorEventListener and deliver
        them in intervals, based on the maximum report latency specified when the listener is
        registered. Note that this only means that the call to onSensorChanged() is delayed, the
        total number of calls is identical as if no batching was used. Sensors only deliver events
        while the CPU is awake. If the CPU is asleep and a batched sensor event listener is still
        registered, the sensor will continue to collect events until it runs out of memory and
        overwrites old values. This use case is not covered by this sample. (The sensor event queue
        should be flushed using a scheduled background thread.) \n\nIn this sample app data is only
        collected while the app is running and the CPU is awake. In this case the sensor will
        deliver events before the queue fills up.

    <string name="explanation_description">The age of a sensor event describes the delay between
        when it was recorded by the sensor until it was delivered to the SensorEventListener.

    <string name="register_detector_title">Register step detector sensor</string>
    <string name="register_detector_description">Register a listener for the STEP DETECTOR
        sensor.\n\nThis sensor delivers an event when the user takes a step. One event is received
        per step.

    <string name="register_counter_title">Register step counter sensor</string>
    <string name="register_counter_description">Register a listener for the STEP COUNTER
        sensor.\n\nThis sensor triggers events when a step is detected, but applies algorithms to
        filter out false positives. Events from this sensor have higher latency than the step
        detector and contain the total number of steps taken since the sensor was first registered.

    <string name="register_0">No batching (delay=0)</string>
    <string name="register_5">5s batching (delay=5000ms)</string>
    <string name="register_10">10s batching (delay=10000ms)</string>

    <string name="counting_title">Total Steps: %1$d</string>
    <string name="sensor_counter">Step Counter</string>
    <string name="sensor_detector">Step Detector</string>
    <string name="counting_description">Sensor: %1$s\nMax sensor event delay: %2$,d \u00B5s\nAge of
        events in s:\n%3$s

    <string name="error_title">Error</string>
    <string name="error_nosensor">This sample requires at least Android KitKat (4.4) and a device
        with the step sensor.\n\nThis device does not appear to meet these requirements, as an
        alternative you may want to consider using the gyro sensor and implement your own step
        recognition as a fallback.
    <string name="warning_nobatching">The listener has been registered, but batch mode could not be
        enabled.\n\nIt is likely that it is not supported by this device.\n\nSensor events will be
        delivered in continuous mode.

    <string name="action_notagain">Do not show again</string>