/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Test Executor * ------------------------------------------ * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Command line test executor. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "xeBatchExecutor.hpp" #include "xeLocalTcpIpLink.hpp" #include "xeTcpIpLink.hpp" #include "xeTestCaseListParser.hpp" #include "xeTestLogWriter.hpp" #include "xeTestResultParser.hpp" #include "deCommandLine.hpp" #include "deDirectoryIterator.hpp" #include "deStringUtil.hpp" #include "deString.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <string> #include <vector> #if (DE_OS == DE_OS_UNIX) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_ANDROID) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32) # include <signal.h> #endif using std::vector; using std::string; namespace { // Command line arguments. namespace opt { DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(StartServer, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(Host, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(Port, int); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(CaseListDir, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(TestSet, vector<string>); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(ExcludeSet, vector<string>); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(ContinueFile, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(TestLogFile, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(InfoLogFile, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(Summary, bool); // TargetConfiguration DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(BinaryName, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(WorkingDir, string); DE_DECLARE_COMMAND_LINE_OPT(CmdLineArgs, string); void parseCommaSeparatedList (const char* src, vector<string>* dst) { std::istringstream inStr (src); string comp; while (std::getline(inStr, comp, ',')) dst->push_back(comp); } void registerOptions (de::cmdline::Parser& parser) { using de::cmdline::Option; using de::cmdline::NamedValue; static const NamedValue<bool> s_yesNo[] = { { "yes", true }, { "no", false } }; parser << Option<StartServer> ("s", "start-server", "Start local execserver. Path to the execserver binary.") << Option<Host> ("c", "connect", "Connect to host. Address of the execserver.") << Option<Port> ("p", "port", "TCP port of the execserver.", "50016") << Option<CaseListDir> ("cd", "caselistdir", "Path to the directory containing test case XML files.", ".") << Option<TestSet> ("t", "testset", "Comma-separated list of include filters.", parseCommaSeparatedList) << Option<ExcludeSet> ("e", "exclude", "Comma-separated list of exclude filters.", parseCommaSeparatedList, "") << Option<ContinueFile> (DE_NULL, "continue", "Continue execution by initializing results from existing test log.") << Option<TestLogFile> ("o", "out", "Output test log filename.", "TestLog.qpa") << Option<InfoLogFile> ("i", "info", "Output info log filename.", "InfoLog.txt") << Option<Summary> (DE_NULL, "summary", "Print summary after running tests.", s_yesNo, "yes") << Option<BinaryName> ("b", "binaryname", "Test binary path. Relative to working directory.", "<Unused>") << Option<WorkingDir> ("wd", "workdir", "Working directory for the test execution.", ".") << Option<CmdLineArgs> (DE_NULL, "cmdline", "Additional command line arguments for the test binary.", ""); } } // opt enum RunMode { RUNMODE_CONNECT, RUNMODE_START_SERVER }; struct CommandLine { CommandLine (void) : port (0) , summary (false) { } xe::TargetConfiguration targetCfg; RunMode runMode; string serverBinOrAddress; int port; string caseListDir; vector<string> testset; vector<string> exclude; string inFile; string outFile; string infoFile; bool summary; }; bool parseCommandLine (CommandLine& cmdLine, int argc, const char* const* argv) { de::cmdline::Parser parser; de::cmdline::CommandLine opts; XE_CHECK(argc >= 1); opt::registerOptions(parser); if (!parser.parse(argc-1, argv+1, &opts, std::cerr)) { std::cout << argv[0] << " [options]\n"; parser.help(std::cout); return false; } if (opts.hasOption<opt::StartServer>() && opts.hasOption<opt::Host>()) { std::cout << "Invalid command line arguments. Both --start-server and --connect defined." << std::endl; return false; } else if (!opts.hasOption<opt::StartServer>() && !opts.hasOption<opt::Host>()) { std::cout << "Invalid command line arguments. Must define either --start-server or --connect." << std::endl; return false; } if (!opts.hasOption<opt::TestSet>()) { std::cout << "Invalid command line arguments. --testset not defined." << std::endl; return false; } if (opts.hasOption<opt::StartServer>()) { cmdLine.runMode = RUNMODE_START_SERVER; cmdLine.serverBinOrAddress = opts.getOption<opt::StartServer>(); } else { cmdLine.runMode = RUNMODE_CONNECT; cmdLine.serverBinOrAddress = opts.getOption<opt::Host>(); } if (opts.hasOption<opt::ContinueFile>()) { cmdLine.inFile = opts.getOption<opt::ContinueFile>(); if (cmdLine.inFile.empty()) { std::cout << "Invalid command line arguments. --continue argument is empty." << std::endl; return false; } } cmdLine.port = opts.getOption<opt::Port>(); cmdLine.caseListDir = opts.getOption<opt::CaseListDir>(); cmdLine.testset = opts.getOption<opt::TestSet>(); cmdLine.exclude = opts.getOption<opt::ExcludeSet>(); cmdLine.outFile = opts.getOption<opt::TestLogFile>(); cmdLine.infoFile = opts.getOption<opt::InfoLogFile>(); cmdLine.summary = opts.getOption<opt::Summary>(); cmdLine.targetCfg.binaryName = opts.getOption<opt::BinaryName>(); cmdLine.targetCfg.workingDir = opts.getOption<opt::WorkingDir>(); cmdLine.targetCfg.cmdLineArgs = opts.getOption<opt::CmdLineArgs>(); return true; } bool checkCasePathPatternMatch (const char* pattern, const char* casePath, bool isTestGroup) { int ptrnPos = 0; int casePos = 0; for (;;) { char c = casePath[casePos]; char p = pattern[ptrnPos]; if (p == '*') { /* Recurse to rest of positions. */ int next = casePos; for (;;) { if (checkCasePathPatternMatch(pattern+ptrnPos+1, casePath+next, isTestGroup)) return DE_TRUE; if (casePath[next] == 0) return DE_FALSE; /* No match found. */ else next += 1; } DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } else if (c == 0 && p == 0) return true; else if (c == 0) { /* Incomplete match is ok for test groups. */ return isTestGroup; } else if (c != p) return false; casePos += 1; ptrnPos += 1; } DE_ASSERT(false); return false; } void readCaseList (xe::TestGroup* root, const char* filename) { xe::TestCaseListParser caseListParser; std::ifstream in (filename, std::ios_base::binary); deUint8 buf[1024]; XE_CHECK(in.good()); caseListParser.init(root); for (;;) { in.read((char*)&buf[0], sizeof(buf)); int numRead = (int)in.gcount(); if (numRead > 0) caseListParser.parse(&buf[0], numRead); if (numRead < (int)sizeof(buf)) break; // EOF } } void readCaseLists (xe::TestRoot& root, const char* caseListDir) { int testCaseListCount = 0; de::DirectoryIterator iter (caseListDir); for (; iter.hasItem(); iter.next()) { de::FilePath item = iter.getItem(); if (item.getType() == de::FilePath::TYPE_FILE) { string baseName = item.getBaseName(); if (baseName.find("-cases.xml") == baseName.length()-10) { string packageName = baseName.substr(0, baseName.length()-10); xe::TestGroup* package = root.createGroup(packageName.c_str(), ""); readCaseList(package, item.getPath()); testCaseListCount++; } } } if (testCaseListCount == 0) throw xe::Error("Couldn't find test case lists from test case list directory: '" + string(caseListDir) + "'"); } void addMatchingCases (const xe::TestGroup& group, xe::TestSet& testSet, const char* filter) { for (int childNdx = 0; childNdx < group.getNumChildren(); childNdx++) { const xe::TestNode* child = group.getChild(childNdx); const bool isGroup = child->getNodeType() == xe::TESTNODETYPE_GROUP; const string fullPath = child->getFullPath(); if (checkCasePathPatternMatch(filter, fullPath.c_str(), isGroup)) { if (isGroup) { // Recurse into group. addMatchingCases(static_cast<const xe::TestGroup&>(*child), testSet, filter); } else { DE_ASSERT(child->getNodeType() == xe::TESTNODETYPE_TEST_CASE); testSet.add(child); } } } } void removeMatchingCases (const xe::TestGroup& group, xe::TestSet& testSet, const char* filter) { for (int childNdx = 0; childNdx < group.getNumChildren(); childNdx++) { const xe::TestNode* child = group.getChild(childNdx); const bool isGroup = child->getNodeType() == xe::TESTNODETYPE_GROUP; const string fullPath = child->getFullPath(); if (checkCasePathPatternMatch(filter, fullPath.c_str(), isGroup)) { if (isGroup) { // Recurse into group. removeMatchingCases(static_cast<const xe::TestGroup&>(*child), testSet, filter); } else { DE_ASSERT(child->getNodeType() == xe::TESTNODETYPE_TEST_CASE); testSet.remove(child); } } } } class BatchResultHandler : public xe::TestLogHandler { public: BatchResultHandler (xe::BatchResult* batchResult) : m_batchResult(batchResult) { } void setSessionInfo (const xe::SessionInfo& sessionInfo) { m_batchResult->getSessionInfo() = sessionInfo; } xe::TestCaseResultPtr startTestCaseResult (const char* casePath) { // \todo [2012-11-01 pyry] What to do with duplicate results? if (m_batchResult->hasTestCaseResult(casePath)) return m_batchResult->getTestCaseResult(casePath); else return m_batchResult->createTestCaseResult(casePath); } void testCaseResultUpdated (const xe::TestCaseResultPtr&) { } void testCaseResultComplete (const xe::TestCaseResultPtr&) { } private: xe::BatchResult* m_batchResult; }; void readLogFile (xe::BatchResult* batchResult, const char* filename) { std::ifstream in (filename, std::ifstream::binary|std::ifstream::in); BatchResultHandler handler (batchResult); xe::TestLogParser parser (&handler); deUint8 buf [1024]; int numRead = 0; for (;;) { in.read((char*)&buf[0], DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(buf)); numRead = (int)in.gcount(); if (numRead <= 0) break; parser.parse(&buf[0], numRead); } in.close(); } void printBatchResultSummary (const xe::TestNode* root, const xe::TestSet& testSet, const xe::BatchResult& batchResult) { int countByStatusCode[xe::TESTSTATUSCODE_LAST]; std::fill(&countByStatusCode[0], &countByStatusCode[0]+DE_LENGTH_OF_ARRAY(countByStatusCode), 0); for (xe::ConstTestNodeIterator iter = xe::ConstTestNodeIterator::begin(root); iter != xe::ConstTestNodeIterator::end(root); ++iter) { const xe::TestNode* node = *iter; if (node->getNodeType() == xe::TESTNODETYPE_TEST_CASE && testSet.hasNode(node)) { const xe::TestCase* testCase = static_cast<const xe::TestCase*>(node); string fullPath; xe::TestStatusCode statusCode = xe::TESTSTATUSCODE_PENDING; testCase->getFullPath(fullPath); // Parse result data if such exists. if (batchResult.hasTestCaseResult(fullPath.c_str())) { xe::ConstTestCaseResultPtr resultData = batchResult.getTestCaseResult(fullPath.c_str()); xe::TestCaseResult result; xe::TestResultParser parser; xe::parseTestCaseResultFromData(&parser, &result, *resultData.get()); statusCode = result.statusCode; } countByStatusCode[statusCode] += 1; } } printf("\nTest run summary:\n"); int totalCases = 0; for (int code = 0; code < xe::TESTSTATUSCODE_LAST; code++) { if (countByStatusCode[code] > 0) printf(" %20s: %5d\n", xe::getTestStatusCodeName((xe::TestStatusCode)code), countByStatusCode[code]); totalCases += countByStatusCode[code]; } printf(" %20s: %5d\n", "Total", totalCases); } void writeInfoLog (const xe::InfoLog& log, const char* filename) { std::ofstream out(filename, std::ios_base::binary); XE_CHECK(out.good()); out.write((const char*)log.getBytes(), log.getSize()); out.close(); } xe::CommLink* createCommLink (const CommandLine& cmdLine) { if (cmdLine.runMode == RUNMODE_START_SERVER) { xe::LocalTcpIpLink* link = new xe::LocalTcpIpLink(); try { link->start(cmdLine.serverBinOrAddress.c_str(), DE_NULL, cmdLine.port); return link; } catch (...) { delete link; throw; } } else if (cmdLine.runMode == RUNMODE_CONNECT) { de::SocketAddress address; address.setFamily(DE_SOCKETFAMILY_INET4); address.setProtocol(DE_SOCKETPROTOCOL_TCP); address.setHost(cmdLine.serverBinOrAddress.c_str()); address.setPort(cmdLine.port); xe::TcpIpLink* link = new xe::TcpIpLink(); try { std::string error; link->connect(address); return link; } catch (const std::exception& error) { delete link; throw xe::Error("Failed to connect to ExecServer at: " + cmdLine.serverBinOrAddress + ":" + de::toString(cmdLine.port) + ", " + error.what()); } catch (...) { delete link; throw; } } else { DE_ASSERT(false); return DE_NULL; } } #if (DE_OS == DE_OS_UNIX) || (DE_OS == DE_OS_ANDROID) static xe::BatchExecutor* s_executor = DE_NULL; void signalHandler (int, siginfo_t*, void*) { if (s_executor) s_executor->cancel(); } void setupSignalHandler (xe::BatchExecutor* executor) { s_executor = executor; struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_sigaction = signalHandler; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART; sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, DE_NULL); } void resetSignalHandler (void) { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, DE_NULL); s_executor = DE_NULL; } #elif (DE_OS == DE_OS_WIN32) static xe::BatchExecutor* s_executor = DE_NULL; void signalHandler (int) { if (s_executor) s_executor->cancel(); } void setupSignalHandler (xe::BatchExecutor* executor) { s_executor = executor; signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); } void resetSignalHandler (void) { signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); s_executor = DE_NULL; } #else void setupSignalHandler (xe::BatchExecutor*) { } void resetSignalHandler (void) { } #endif void runExecutor (const CommandLine& cmdLine) { xe::TestRoot root; // Read case list definitions. readCaseLists(root, cmdLine.caseListDir.c_str()); // Build test set. xe::TestSet testSet; // Build test set. for (vector<string>::const_iterator filterIter = cmdLine.testset.begin(); filterIter != cmdLine.testset.end(); ++filterIter) addMatchingCases(root, testSet, filterIter->c_str()); if (testSet.empty()) throw xe::Error("None of the test case lists contains tests matching any of the test sets."); // Remove excluded cases. for (vector<string>::const_iterator filterIter = cmdLine.exclude.begin(); filterIter != cmdLine.exclude.end(); ++filterIter) removeMatchingCases(root, testSet, filterIter->c_str()); // Initialize batch result. xe::BatchResult batchResult; xe::InfoLog infoLog; // Read existing results from input file (if supplied). if (!cmdLine.inFile.empty()) readLogFile(&batchResult, cmdLine.inFile.c_str()); // Initialize commLink. std::auto_ptr<xe::CommLink> commLink(createCommLink(cmdLine)); xe::BatchExecutor executor(cmdLine.targetCfg, commLink.get(), &root, testSet, &batchResult, &infoLog); try { setupSignalHandler(&executor); executor.run(); resetSignalHandler(); } catch (...) { resetSignalHandler(); if (!cmdLine.outFile.empty()) { xe::writeBatchResultToFile(batchResult, cmdLine.outFile.c_str()); printf("Test log written to %s\n", cmdLine.outFile.c_str()); } if (!cmdLine.infoFile.empty()) { writeInfoLog(infoLog, cmdLine.infoFile.c_str()); printf("Info log written to %s\n", cmdLine.infoFile.c_str()); } if (cmdLine.summary) printBatchResultSummary(&root, testSet, batchResult); throw; } if (!cmdLine.outFile.empty()) { xe::writeBatchResultToFile(batchResult, cmdLine.outFile.c_str()); printf("Test log written to %s\n", cmdLine.outFile.c_str()); } if (!cmdLine.infoFile.empty()) { writeInfoLog(infoLog, cmdLine.infoFile.c_str()); printf("Info log written to %s\n", cmdLine.infoFile.c_str()); } if (cmdLine.summary) printBatchResultSummary(&root, testSet, batchResult); { string err; if (commLink->getState(err) == xe::COMMLINKSTATE_ERROR) throw xe::Error(err); } } } // anonymous int main (int argc, const char* const* argv) { CommandLine cmdLine; if (!parseCommandLine(cmdLine, argc, argv)) return -1; try { runExecutor(cmdLine); } catch (const std::exception& e) { printf("%s\n", e.what()); return -1; } return 0; }