/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program Test Executor * ------------------------------------------ * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Tcp/Ip link that manages execserver process. *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "xeLocalTcpIpLink.hpp" #include "deClock.h" #include "deThread.h" #include <sstream> enum { SERVER_START_TIMEOUT = 1000, SERVER_START_IDLE_SLEEP = 50 }; namespace xe { LocalTcpIpLink::LocalTcpIpLink (void) : m_process(DE_NULL) { } LocalTcpIpLink::~LocalTcpIpLink (void) { stop(); } void LocalTcpIpLink::start (const char* execServerPath, const char* workDir, int port) { XE_CHECK(!m_process); std::ostringstream cmdLine; cmdLine << execServerPath << " --single --port=" << port; m_process = deProcess_create(); XE_CHECK(m_process); if (deProcess_start(m_process, cmdLine.str().c_str(), workDir) != DE_TRUE) { std::string err = deProcess_getLastError(m_process); deProcess_destroy(m_process); m_process = DE_NULL; XE_FAIL((std::string("Failed to start ExecServer '") + execServerPath + "' : " + err).c_str()); } try { de::SocketAddress address; address.setFamily (DE_SOCKETFAMILY_INET4); address.setProtocol (DE_SOCKETPROTOCOL_TCP); address.setHost (""); address.setPort (port); // Wait until server has started - \todo [2012-07-19 pyry] This could be improved by having server to signal when it is ready. deUint64 waitStart = deGetMicroseconds(); for (;;) { if (!deProcess_isRunning(m_process)) XE_FAIL("ExecServer died"); try { m_link.connect(address); break; } catch (const de::SocketError&) { if (deGetMicroseconds()-waitStart > SERVER_START_TIMEOUT*1000) XE_FAIL("Server start timeout"); deSleep(SERVER_START_IDLE_SLEEP); } } // Close stdout/stderr or otherwise process will hang once OS pipe buffers are full. // \todo [2012-07-19 pyry] Read and store stdout/stderr from execserver. XE_CHECK(deProcess_closeStdOut(m_process)); XE_CHECK(deProcess_closeStdErr(m_process)); } catch (const std::exception&) { stop(); throw; } } void LocalTcpIpLink::stop (void) { if (m_process) { try { m_link.disconnect(); } catch (...) { // Silently ignore since this is called in destructor. } // \note --single flag is used so execserver should kill itself once one connection is handled. // This is here to make sure it dies even in case of hang. deProcess_terminate (m_process); deProcess_waitForFinish (m_process); deProcess_destroy (m_process); m_process = DE_NULL; } } void LocalTcpIpLink::reset (void) { m_link.reset(); } CommLinkState LocalTcpIpLink::getState (void) const { if (!m_process) return COMMLINKSTATE_ERROR; else return m_link.getState(); } CommLinkState LocalTcpIpLink::getState (std::string& error) const { if (!m_process) { error = "Not started"; return COMMLINKSTATE_ERROR; } else return m_link.getState(); } void LocalTcpIpLink::setCallbacks (StateChangedFunc stateChangedCallback, LogDataFunc testLogDataCallback, LogDataFunc infoLogDataCallback, void* userPtr) { m_link.setCallbacks(stateChangedCallback, testLogDataCallback, infoLogDataCallback, userPtr); } void LocalTcpIpLink::startTestProcess (const char* name, const char* params, const char* workingDir, const char* caseList) { if (m_process) m_link.startTestProcess(name, params, workingDir, caseList); else XE_FAIL("Not started"); } void LocalTcpIpLink::stopTestProcess (void) { if (m_process) m_link.stopTestProcess(); else XE_FAIL("Not started"); } } // xe