/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * drawElements Quality Program OpenGL ES 3.0 Module * ------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * *//*! * \file * \brief Vertex array object tests *//*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "es3fVertexArrayObjectTests.hpp" #include "gluShaderProgram.hpp" #include "gluPixelTransfer.hpp" #include "gluRenderContext.hpp" #include "tcuTestLog.hpp" #include "tcuImageCompare.hpp" #include "tcuSurface.hpp" #include "tcuRenderTarget.hpp" #include "deRandom.hpp" #include "deString.h" #include "deMemory.h" #include <vector> #include <string> #include <memory> #include "glw.h" using std::vector; using std::string; namespace deqp { namespace gles3 { namespace Functional { namespace { struct Attribute { Attribute (void); GLboolean enabled; GLint size; GLint stride; GLenum type; GLboolean integer; GLint divisor; GLint offset; GLboolean normalized; int bufferNdx; }; struct VertexArrayState { VertexArrayState (void); vector<Attribute> attributes; int elementArrayBuffer; }; VertexArrayState::VertexArrayState (void) : elementArrayBuffer(-1) { } Attribute::Attribute (void) : enabled (GL_FALSE) , size (1) , stride (0) , type (GL_FLOAT) , integer (GL_FALSE) , divisor (0) , offset (0) , normalized (GL_FALSE) , bufferNdx (0) { } struct BufferSpec { int count; int size; int componentCount; int stride; int offset; GLenum type; int intRangeMin; int intRangeMax; float floatRangeMin; float floatRangeMax; }; struct Spec { Spec (void); int count; int instances; bool useDrawElements; GLenum indexType; int indexOffset; int indexRangeMin; int indexRangeMax; int indexCount; VertexArrayState state; VertexArrayState vao; vector<BufferSpec> buffers; }; Spec::Spec (void) : count (-1) , instances (-1) , useDrawElements (false) , indexType (GL_NONE) , indexOffset (-1) , indexRangeMin (-1) , indexRangeMax (-1) , indexCount (-1) { } } // anonymous class VertexArrayObjectTest : public TestCase { public: VertexArrayObjectTest (Context& context, const Spec& spec, const char* name, const char* description); ~VertexArrayObjectTest (void); virtual void init (void); virtual void deinit (void); virtual IterateResult iterate (void); private: Spec m_spec; tcu::TestLog& m_log; vector<GLuint> m_buffers; glu::ShaderProgram* m_vaoProgram; glu::ShaderProgram* m_stateProgram; de::Random m_random; deUint8* m_indices; void logVertexArrayState (tcu::TestLog& log, const VertexArrayState& state, const std::string& msg); deUint8* createRandomBufferData (const BufferSpec& buffer); deUint8* generateIndices (void); glu::ShaderProgram* createProgram (const VertexArrayState& state); void setState (const VertexArrayState& state); void render (tcu::Surface& vaoResult, tcu::Surface& defaultResult); void makeDrawCall (const VertexArrayState& state); void genReferences (tcu::Surface& vaoRef, tcu::Surface& defaultRef); VertexArrayObjectTest (const VertexArrayObjectTest&); VertexArrayObjectTest& operator= (const VertexArrayObjectTest&); }; VertexArrayObjectTest::VertexArrayObjectTest (Context& context, const Spec& spec, const char* name, const char* description) : TestCase (context, name, description) , m_spec (spec) , m_log (context.getTestContext().getLog()) , m_vaoProgram (NULL) , m_stateProgram (NULL) , m_random (deStringHash(name)) , m_indices (NULL) { // Makes zero to zero mapping for buffers m_buffers.push_back(0); } VertexArrayObjectTest::~VertexArrayObjectTest (void) { } void VertexArrayObjectTest::logVertexArrayState (tcu::TestLog& log, const VertexArrayState& state, const std::string& msg) { std::stringstream message; message << msg << "\n"; message << "GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : " << state.elementArrayBuffer << "\n"; for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)state.attributes.size(); attribNdx++) { message << "attribute : " << attribNdx << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED : " << (state.attributes[attribNdx].enabled ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE") << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].size << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].stride << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].type << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED : " << (state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE") << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER : " << (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE") << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].divisor << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].offset << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING : " << m_buffers[state.attributes[attribNdx].bufferNdx] << "\n"; } log << tcu::TestLog::Message << message.str() << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; } void VertexArrayObjectTest::init (void) { // \note [mika] Index 0 is reserved for 0 buffer for (int bufferNdx = 0; bufferNdx < (int)m_spec.buffers.size(); bufferNdx++) { deUint8* data = createRandomBufferData(m_spec.buffers[bufferNdx]); try { GLuint buffer; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenBuffers(1, &buffer)); m_buffers.push_back(buffer); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_spec.buffers[bufferNdx].size, data, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)); } catch (...) { delete[] data; throw; } delete[] data; } m_vaoProgram = createProgram(m_spec.vao); m_log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program used with Vertex Array Object" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; m_log << *m_vaoProgram; m_stateProgram = createProgram(m_spec.state); m_log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program used with Vertex Array State" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; m_log << *m_stateProgram; if (!m_vaoProgram->isOk() || !m_stateProgram->isOk()) TCU_FAIL("Failed to compile shaders"); if (m_spec.useDrawElements && (m_spec.vao.elementArrayBuffer == 0 || m_spec.state.elementArrayBuffer == 0)) m_indices = generateIndices(); } void VertexArrayObjectTest::deinit (void) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDeleteBuffers((GLsizei)m_buffers.size(), &(m_buffers[0]))); m_buffers.clear(); delete m_vaoProgram; delete m_stateProgram; delete[] m_indices; } deUint8* VertexArrayObjectTest::generateIndices (void) { int typeSize = 0; switch (m_spec.indexType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: typeSize = sizeof(GLuint); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: typeSize = sizeof(GLushort); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: typeSize = sizeof(GLubyte); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } deUint8* indices = new deUint8[m_spec.indexCount * typeSize]; for (int i = 0; i < m_spec.indexCount; i++) { deUint8* pos = indices + typeSize * i; switch (m_spec.indexType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: { GLuint v = (GLuint)m_random.getInt(m_spec.indexRangeMin, m_spec.indexRangeMax); deMemcpy(pos, &v, sizeof(v)); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { GLushort v = (GLushort)m_random.getInt(m_spec.indexRangeMin, m_spec.indexRangeMax); deMemcpy(pos, &v, sizeof(v)); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { GLubyte v = (GLubyte)m_random.getInt(m_spec.indexRangeMin, m_spec.indexRangeMax); deMemcpy(pos, &v, sizeof(v)); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } return indices; } deUint8* VertexArrayObjectTest::createRandomBufferData (const BufferSpec& buffer) { deUint8* data = new deUint8[buffer.size]; int stride; if (buffer.stride != 0) { stride = buffer.stride; } else { switch (buffer.type) { case GL_FLOAT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLfloat); break; case GL_INT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLint); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLuint); break; case GL_SHORT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLshort); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLushort); break; case GL_BYTE: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLbyte); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLubyte); break; default: stride = 0; DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } } deUint8* itr = data; for (int pos = 0; pos < buffer.count; pos++) { deUint8* componentItr = itr; for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < buffer.componentCount; componentNdx++) { switch (buffer.type) { case GL_FLOAT: { float v = buffer.floatRangeMin + (buffer.floatRangeMax - buffer.floatRangeMin) * m_random.getFloat(); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_INT: { GLint v = m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: { GLuint v = m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_SHORT: { GLshort v = (GLshort)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { GLushort v = (GLushort)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_BYTE: { GLbyte v = (GLbyte)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { GLubyte v = (GLubyte)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); }; } itr += stride; } return data; } glu::ShaderProgram* VertexArrayObjectTest::createProgram (const VertexArrayState& state) { std::stringstream vertexShaderStream; std::stringstream value; vertexShaderStream << "#version 300 es\n"; for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)state.attributes.size(); attribNdx++) { if (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer) vertexShaderStream << "layout(location = " << attribNdx << ") in mediump ivec4 a_attrib" << attribNdx << ";\n"; else vertexShaderStream << "layout(location = " << attribNdx << ") in mediump vec4 a_attrib" << attribNdx << ";\n"; if (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer) { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } value << (attribNdx != 0 ? " + " : "" ) << scale << " * vec4(a_attrib" << attribNdx << ")"; } else if (state.attributes[attribNdx].type != GL_FLOAT && !state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized) { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } value << (attribNdx != 0 ? " + " : "" ) << scale << " * a_attrib" << attribNdx; } else value << (attribNdx != 0 ? " + " : "" ) << "a_attrib" << attribNdx; } vertexShaderStream << "out mediump vec4 v_value;\n" << "void main (void)\n" << "{\n" << "\tv_value = " << value.str() << ";\n"; if (state.attributes[0].integer) { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } vertexShaderStream << "\tgl_Position = vec4(" << scale << " * " << "vec3(a_attrib0.xyz), 1.0);\n" << "}"; } else { if (state.attributes[0].normalized || state.attributes[0].type == GL_FLOAT) { vertexShaderStream << "\tgl_Position = vec4(a_attrib0.xyz, 1.0);\n" << "}"; } else { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } scale *= 0.5f; vertexShaderStream << "\tgl_Position = vec4(" << scale << " * " << "a_attrib0.xyz, 1.0);\n" << "}"; } } const char* fragmentShader = "#version 300 es\n" "in mediump vec4 v_value;\n" "layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;\n" "void main (void)\n" "{\n" "\tfragColor = vec4(v_value.xyz, 1.0);\n" "}"; return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::makeVtxFragSources(vertexShaderStream.str(), fragmentShader)); } void VertexArrayObjectTest::setState (const VertexArrayState& state) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_buffers[state.elementArrayBuffer])); for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)state.attributes.size(); attribNdx++) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_buffers[state.attributes[attribNdx].bufferNdx])); if (state.attributes[attribNdx].enabled) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glEnableVertexAttribArray(attribNdx)); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDisableVertexAttribArray(attribNdx)); if (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribIPointer(attribNdx, state.attributes[attribNdx].size, state.attributes[attribNdx].type, state.attributes[attribNdx].stride, (const GLvoid*)((GLintptr)state.attributes[attribNdx].offset))); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribPointer(attribNdx, state.attributes[attribNdx].size, state.attributes[attribNdx].type, state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized, state.attributes[attribNdx].stride, (const GLvoid*)((GLintptr)state.attributes[attribNdx].offset))); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribDivisor(attribNdx, state.attributes[attribNdx].divisor)); } } void VertexArrayObjectTest::makeDrawCall (const VertexArrayState& state) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); if (m_spec.useDrawElements) { if (state.elementArrayBuffer == 0) { if (m_spec.instances == 0) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, m_indices)); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, m_indices, m_spec.instances)); } else { if (m_spec.instances == 0) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_spec.indexOffset))); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_spec.indexOffset), m_spec.instances)); } } else { if (m_spec.instances == 0) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_spec.count)); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_spec.count, m_spec.instances)); } } void VertexArrayObjectTest::render (tcu::Surface& vaoResult, tcu::Surface& defaultResult) { GLuint vao = 0; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(vao)); setState(m_spec.vao); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(0)); setState(m_spec.state); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(vao)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_vaoProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.vao); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, vaoResult.getAccess()); setState(m_spec.vao); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(0)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_stateProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.state); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, defaultResult.getAccess()); } void VertexArrayObjectTest::genReferences (tcu::Surface& vaoRef, tcu::Surface& defaultRef) { setState(m_spec.vao); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_vaoProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.vao); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, vaoRef.getAccess()); setState(m_spec.state); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_stateProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.state); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, defaultRef.getAccess()); } TestCase::IterateResult VertexArrayObjectTest::iterate (void) { tcu::Surface vaoReference (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); tcu::Surface stateReference (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); tcu::Surface vaoResult (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); tcu::Surface stateResult (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); bool isOk; logVertexArrayState(m_log, m_spec.vao, "Vertex Array Object State"); logVertexArrayState(m_log, m_spec.state, "OpenGL Vertex Array State"); genReferences(stateReference, vaoReference); render(stateResult, vaoResult); isOk = tcu::pixelThresholdCompare (m_log, "Results", "Comparison result from rendering with Vertex Array State", stateReference, stateResult, tcu::RGBA(0,0,0,0), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); isOk = isOk && tcu::pixelThresholdCompare (m_log, "Results", "Comparison result from rendering with Vertex Array Object", vaoReference, vaoResult, tcu::RGBA(0,0,0,0), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); if (isOk) { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } else { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } } class MultiVertexArrayObjectTest : public TestCase { public: MultiVertexArrayObjectTest (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description); ~MultiVertexArrayObjectTest (void); virtual void init (void); virtual void deinit (void); virtual IterateResult iterate (void); private: Spec m_spec; tcu::TestLog& m_log; vector<GLuint> m_buffers; glu::ShaderProgram* m_vaoProgram; glu::ShaderProgram* m_stateProgram; de::Random m_random; deUint8* m_indices; void logVertexArrayState (tcu::TestLog& log, const VertexArrayState& state, const std::string& msg); deUint8* createRandomBufferData (const BufferSpec& buffer); deUint8* generateIndices (void); glu::ShaderProgram* createProgram (const VertexArrayState& state); void setState (const VertexArrayState& state); void render (tcu::Surface& vaoResult, tcu::Surface& defaultResult); void makeDrawCall (const VertexArrayState& state); void genReferences (tcu::Surface& vaoRef, tcu::Surface& defaultRef); MultiVertexArrayObjectTest (const MultiVertexArrayObjectTest&); MultiVertexArrayObjectTest& operator= (const MultiVertexArrayObjectTest&); }; MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::MultiVertexArrayObjectTest (Context& context, const char* name, const char* description) : TestCase (context, name, description) , m_log (context.getTestContext().getLog()) , m_vaoProgram (NULL) , m_stateProgram (NULL) , m_random (deStringHash(name)) , m_indices (NULL) { // Makes zero to zero mapping for buffers m_buffers.push_back(0); } MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::~MultiVertexArrayObjectTest (void) { } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::logVertexArrayState (tcu::TestLog& log, const VertexArrayState& state, const std::string& msg) { std::stringstream message; message << msg << "\n"; message << "GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER : " << state.elementArrayBuffer << "\n"; for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)state.attributes.size(); attribNdx++) { message << "attribute : " << attribNdx << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ENABLED : " << (state.attributes[attribNdx].enabled ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE") << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_SIZE : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].size << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_STRIDE : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].stride << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_TYPE : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].type << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_NORMALIZED : " << (state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE") << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_INTEGER : " << (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer ? "GL_TRUE" : "GL_FALSE") << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].divisor << "\n" << "\tGL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER : " << state.attributes[attribNdx].offset << "\n" << "\t GL_VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING : " << m_buffers[state.attributes[attribNdx].bufferNdx] << "\n"; } log << tcu::TestLog::Message << message.str() << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::init (void) { GLint attribCount; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &attribCount)); m_spec.useDrawElements = false; m_spec.instances = 0; m_spec.count = 24; m_spec.indexOffset = 0; m_spec.indexRangeMin = 0; m_spec.indexRangeMax = 0; m_spec.indexType = GL_NONE; m_spec.indexCount = 0; m_spec.vao.elementArrayBuffer = 0; m_spec.state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < attribCount; attribNdx++) { BufferSpec shortCoordBuffer48 = { 48, 2*384, 4, 0, 0, GL_SHORT, -32768, 32768, 0.0f, 0.0f }; m_spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); m_spec.state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].enabled = (m_random.getInt(0, 4) == 0) ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE; m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].size = m_random.getInt(2,4); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].stride = 2*m_random.getInt(1, 3); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].type = GL_SHORT; m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].integer = m_random.getBool(); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].divisor = m_random.getInt(0, 1); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].offset = 2*m_random.getInt(0, 2); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized = m_random.getBool(); m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].bufferNdx = attribNdx+1; if (attribNdx == 0) { m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].divisor = 0; m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].enabled = GL_TRUE; m_spec.state.attributes[attribNdx].size = 2; } m_spec.vao.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].enabled = (m_random.getInt(0, 4) == 0) ? GL_FALSE : GL_TRUE; m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].size = m_random.getInt(2,4); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].stride = 2*m_random.getInt(1, 3); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].type = GL_SHORT; m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].integer = m_random.getBool(); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].divisor = m_random.getInt(0, 1); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].offset = 2*m_random.getInt(0, 2); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].normalized = m_random.getBool(); m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].bufferNdx = attribCount - attribNdx; if (attribNdx == 0) { m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].divisor = 0; m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].enabled = GL_TRUE; m_spec.vao.attributes[attribNdx].size = 2; } } // \note [mika] Index 0 is reserved for 0 buffer for (int bufferNdx = 0; bufferNdx < (int)m_spec.buffers.size(); bufferNdx++) { deUint8* data = createRandomBufferData(m_spec.buffers[bufferNdx]); try { GLuint buffer; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenBuffers(1, &buffer)); m_buffers.push_back(buffer); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_spec.buffers[bufferNdx].size, data, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0)); } catch (...) { delete[] data; throw; } delete[] data; } m_vaoProgram = createProgram(m_spec.vao); m_log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program used with Vertex Array Object" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; m_log << *m_vaoProgram; m_stateProgram = createProgram(m_spec.state); m_log << tcu::TestLog::Message << "Program used with Vertex Array State" << tcu::TestLog::EndMessage; m_log << *m_stateProgram; if (!m_vaoProgram->isOk() || !m_stateProgram->isOk()) TCU_FAIL("Failed to compile shaders"); if (m_spec.useDrawElements && (m_spec.vao.elementArrayBuffer == 0 || m_spec.state.elementArrayBuffer == 0)) m_indices = generateIndices(); } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::deinit (void) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDeleteBuffers((GLsizei)m_buffers.size(), &(m_buffers[0]))); m_buffers.clear(); delete m_vaoProgram; delete m_stateProgram; delete[] m_indices; } deUint8* MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::generateIndices (void) { int typeSize = 0; switch (m_spec.indexType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: typeSize = sizeof(GLuint); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: typeSize = sizeof(GLushort); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: typeSize = sizeof(GLubyte); break; default: DE_ASSERT(false); } deUint8* indices = new deUint8[m_spec.indexCount * typeSize]; for (int i = 0; i < m_spec.indexCount; i++) { deUint8* pos = indices + typeSize * i; switch (m_spec.indexType) { case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: { GLuint v = (GLuint)m_random.getInt(m_spec.indexRangeMin, m_spec.indexRangeMax); deMemcpy(pos, &v, sizeof(v)); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { GLushort v = (GLushort)m_random.getInt(m_spec.indexRangeMin, m_spec.indexRangeMax); deMemcpy(pos, &v, sizeof(v)); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { GLubyte v = (GLubyte)m_random.getInt(m_spec.indexRangeMin, m_spec.indexRangeMax); deMemcpy(pos, &v, sizeof(v)); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); } } return indices; } deUint8* MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::createRandomBufferData (const BufferSpec& buffer) { deUint8* data = new deUint8[buffer.size]; int stride; if (buffer.stride != 0) { stride = buffer.stride; } else { switch (buffer.type) { case GL_FLOAT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLfloat); break; case GL_INT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLint); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLuint); break; case GL_SHORT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLshort); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLushort); break; case GL_BYTE: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLbyte); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: stride = buffer.componentCount * (int)sizeof(GLubyte); break; default: stride = 0; DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } } deUint8* itr = data; for (int pos = 0; pos < buffer.count; pos++) { deUint8* componentItr = itr; for (int componentNdx = 0; componentNdx < buffer.componentCount; componentNdx++) { switch (buffer.type) { case GL_FLOAT: { float v = buffer.floatRangeMin + (buffer.floatRangeMax - buffer.floatRangeMin) * m_random.getFloat(); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_INT: { GLint v = m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: { GLuint v = (GLuint)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_SHORT: { GLshort v = (GLshort)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: { GLushort v = (GLushort)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_BYTE: { GLbyte v = (GLbyte)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: { GLubyte v = (GLubyte)m_random.getInt(buffer.intRangeMin, buffer.intRangeMax); deMemcpy(componentItr, &v, sizeof(v)); componentItr += sizeof(v); break; } default: DE_ASSERT(false); }; } itr += stride; } return data; } glu::ShaderProgram* MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::createProgram (const VertexArrayState& state) { std::stringstream vertexShaderStream; std::stringstream value; vertexShaderStream << "#version 300 es\n"; for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)state.attributes.size(); attribNdx++) { if (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer) vertexShaderStream << "layout(location = " << attribNdx << ") in mediump ivec4 a_attrib" << attribNdx << ";\n"; else vertexShaderStream << "layout(location = " << attribNdx << ") in mediump vec4 a_attrib" << attribNdx << ";\n"; if (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer) { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } value << (attribNdx != 0 ? " + " : "" ) << scale << " * vec4(a_attrib" << attribNdx << ")"; } else if (state.attributes[attribNdx].type != GL_FLOAT && !state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized) { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (0.5f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } value << (attribNdx != 0 ? " + " : "" ) << scale << " * a_attrib" << attribNdx; } else value << (attribNdx != 0 ? " + " : "" ) << "a_attrib" << attribNdx; } vertexShaderStream << "out mediump vec4 v_value;\n" << "void main (void)\n" << "{\n" << "\tv_value = " << value.str() << ";\n"; if (state.attributes[0].integer) { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } vertexShaderStream << "\tgl_Position = vec4(" << scale << " * " << "a_attrib0.xyz, 1.0);\n" << "}"; } else { if (state.attributes[0].normalized || state.attributes[0].type == GL_FLOAT) { vertexShaderStream << "\tgl_Position = vec4(a_attrib0.xyz, 1.0);\n" << "}"; } else { float scale = 0.0f; switch (state.attributes[0].type) { case GL_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<14)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<15)-1u)); break; case GL_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<30)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_INT: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<31)-1u)); break; case GL_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<6)-1u)); break; case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: scale = (1.0f/float((1u<<7)-1u)); break; default: DE_ASSERT(DE_FALSE); } scale *= 0.5f; vertexShaderStream << "\tgl_Position = vec4(" << scale << " * " << "vec3(a_attrib0.xyz), 1.0);\n" << "}"; } } const char* fragmentShader = "#version 300 es\n" "in mediump vec4 v_value;\n" "layout(location = 0) out mediump vec4 fragColor;\n" "void main (void)\n" "{\n" "\tfragColor = vec4(v_value.xyz, 1.0);\n" "}"; return new glu::ShaderProgram(m_context.getRenderContext(), glu::makeVtxFragSources(vertexShaderStream.str(), fragmentShader)); } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::setState (const VertexArrayState& state) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_buffers[state.elementArrayBuffer])); for (int attribNdx = 0; attribNdx < (int)state.attributes.size(); attribNdx++) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, m_buffers[state.attributes[attribNdx].bufferNdx])); if (state.attributes[attribNdx].enabled) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glEnableVertexAttribArray(attribNdx)); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDisableVertexAttribArray(attribNdx)); if (state.attributes[attribNdx].integer) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribIPointer(attribNdx, state.attributes[attribNdx].size, state.attributes[attribNdx].type, state.attributes[attribNdx].stride, (const GLvoid*)((GLintptr)state.attributes[attribNdx].offset))); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribPointer(attribNdx, state.attributes[attribNdx].size, state.attributes[attribNdx].type, state.attributes[attribNdx].normalized, state.attributes[attribNdx].stride, (const GLvoid*)((GLintptr)state.attributes[attribNdx].offset))); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glVertexAttribDivisor(attribNdx, state.attributes[attribNdx].divisor)); } } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::makeDrawCall (const VertexArrayState& state) { GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClearColor(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, 1.0f)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); if (m_spec.useDrawElements) { if (state.elementArrayBuffer == 0) { if (m_spec.instances == 0) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, m_indices)); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, m_indices, m_spec.instances)); } else { if (m_spec.instances == 0) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_spec.indexOffset))); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawElementsInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, m_spec.count, m_spec.indexType, (GLvoid*)((GLintptr)m_spec.indexOffset), m_spec.instances)); } } else { if (m_spec.instances == 0) GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_spec.count)); else GLU_CHECK_CALL(glDrawArraysInstanced(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, m_spec.count, m_spec.instances)); } } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::render (tcu::Surface& vaoResult, tcu::Surface& defaultResult) { GLuint vao = 0; GLU_CHECK_CALL(glGenVertexArrays(1, &vao)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(vao)); setState(m_spec.vao); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(0)); setState(m_spec.state); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(vao)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_vaoProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.vao); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, vaoResult.getAccess()); setState(m_spec.vao); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glBindVertexArray(0)); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_stateProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.state); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, defaultResult.getAccess()); } void MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::genReferences (tcu::Surface& vaoRef, tcu::Surface& defaultRef) { setState(m_spec.vao); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_vaoProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.vao); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, vaoRef.getAccess()); setState(m_spec.state); GLU_CHECK_CALL(glUseProgram(m_stateProgram->getProgram())); makeDrawCall(m_spec.state); glu::readPixels(m_context.getRenderContext(), 0, 0, defaultRef.getAccess()); } TestCase::IterateResult MultiVertexArrayObjectTest::iterate (void) { tcu::Surface vaoReference (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); tcu::Surface stateReference (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); tcu::Surface vaoResult (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); tcu::Surface stateResult (m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getWidth(), m_context.getRenderContext().getRenderTarget().getHeight()); bool isOk; logVertexArrayState(m_log, m_spec.vao, "Vertex Array Object State"); logVertexArrayState(m_log, m_spec.state, "OpenGL Vertex Array State"); genReferences(stateReference, vaoReference); render(stateResult, vaoResult); isOk = tcu::pixelThresholdCompare (m_log, "Results", "Comparison result from rendering with Vertex Array State", stateReference, stateResult, tcu::RGBA(0,0,0,0), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); isOk = isOk && tcu::pixelThresholdCompare (m_log, "Results", "Comparison result from rendering with Vertex Array Object", vaoReference, vaoResult, tcu::RGBA(0,0,0,0), tcu::COMPARE_LOG_RESULT); if (isOk) { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_PASS, "Pass"); return STOP; } else { m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, "Fail"); return STOP; } } VertexArrayObjectTestGroup::VertexArrayObjectTestGroup (Context& context) : TestCaseGroup(context, "vertex_array_objects", "Vertex array object test cases") { } VertexArrayObjectTestGroup::~VertexArrayObjectTestGroup (void) { } void VertexArrayObjectTestGroup::init (void) { BufferSpec floatCoordBuffer48_1 = { 48, 384, 2, 0, 0, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f }; BufferSpec floatCoordBuffer48_2 = { 48, 384, 2, 0, 0, GL_FLOAT, 0, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f }; BufferSpec shortCoordBuffer48 = { 48, 192, 2, 0, 0, GL_SHORT, -32768, 32768, 0.0f, 0.0f }; // Different buffer { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_FLOAT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_FALSE; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(floatCoordBuffer48_1); spec.buffers.push_back(floatCoordBuffer48_2); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 0; spec.count = 48; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; spec.vao.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 2; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_buffer", "diff_buffer")); } // Different size { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_FLOAT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(floatCoordBuffer48_1); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 0; spec.count = 24; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.state.attributes[0].size = 2; spec.vao.attributes[0].size = 3; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_size", "diff_size")); } // Different stride { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_SHORT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 0; spec.count = 24; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.vao.attributes[0].stride = 2; spec.state.attributes[0].stride = 4; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_stride", "diff_stride")); } // Different types { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_SHORT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 0; spec.count = 24; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.vao.attributes[0].type = GL_SHORT; spec.state.attributes[0].type = GL_BYTE; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_type", "diff_type")); } // Different "integer" { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_BYTE; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.count = 24; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.instances = 0; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; spec.vao.attributes[0].integer = GL_TRUE; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_integer", "diff_integer")); } // Different divisor { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_SHORT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.attributes[1].enabled = true; state.attributes[1].size = 4; state.attributes[1].stride = 0; state.attributes[1].type = GL_FLOAT; state.attributes[1].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[1].divisor = 0; state.attributes[1].offset = 0; state.attributes[1].normalized = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[1].bufferNdx = 2; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); spec.buffers.push_back(floatCoordBuffer48_1); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 10; spec.count = 12; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.vao.attributes[1].divisor = 3; spec.state.attributes[1].divisor = 2; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_divisor", "diff_divisor")); } // Different offset { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_SHORT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 0; spec.count = 24; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.vao.attributes[0].offset = 2; spec.state.attributes[0].offset = 4; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_offset", "diff_offset")); } // Different normalize { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_SHORT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(shortCoordBuffer48); spec.useDrawElements = false; spec.instances = 0; spec.count = 48; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 0; spec.indexType = GL_NONE; spec.indexCount = 0; spec.vao.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; spec.state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_FALSE;; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_normalize", "diff_normalize")); } // DrawElements with buffer / Pointer { Spec spec; VertexArrayState state; state.attributes.push_back(Attribute()); state.attributes[0].enabled = true; state.attributes[0].size = 2; state.attributes[0].stride = 0; state.attributes[0].type = GL_FLOAT; state.attributes[0].integer = GL_FALSE; state.attributes[0].divisor = 0; state.attributes[0].offset = 0; state.attributes[0].normalized = GL_TRUE; state.attributes[0].bufferNdx = 1; state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.buffers.push_back(floatCoordBuffer48_1); BufferSpec indexBuffer = { 24, 192, 1, 0, 0, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0, 48, 0.0f, 0.0f }; spec.buffers.push_back(indexBuffer); spec.useDrawElements = true; spec.count = 24; spec.vao = state; spec.state = state; spec.instances = 0; spec.indexOffset = 0; spec.indexRangeMin = 0; spec.indexRangeMax = 48; spec.indexType = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT; spec.indexCount = 24; spec.state.elementArrayBuffer = 0; spec.vao.elementArrayBuffer = 2; addChild(new VertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, spec, "diff_indices", "diff_indices")); } // Use all attributes addChild(new MultiVertexArrayObjectTest(m_context, "all_attributes", "all_attributes")); } } // Functional } // gles3 } // deqp