/* * dhcpcd - DHCP client daemon * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Roy Marples <roy@marples.name> * All rights reserved * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/utsname.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "dhcp-common.h" #include "dhcp.h" #include "if.h" #include "ipv6.h" void dhcp_print_option_encoding(const struct dhcp_opt *opt, int cols) { while (cols < 40) { putchar(' '); cols++; } putchar('\t'); if (opt->type & EMBED) printf(" embed"); if (opt->type & ENCAP) printf(" encap"); if (opt->type & INDEX) printf(" index"); if (opt->type & ARRAY) printf(" array"); if (opt->type & UINT8) printf(" byte"); else if (opt->type & UINT16) printf(" uint16"); else if (opt->type & SINT16) printf(" sint16"); else if (opt->type & UINT32) printf(" uint32"); else if (opt->type & SINT32) printf(" sint32"); else if (opt->type & ADDRIPV4) printf(" ipaddress"); else if (opt->type & ADDRIPV6) printf(" ip6address"); else if (opt->type & FLAG) printf(" flag"); else if (opt->type & RFC3397) printf(" domain"); else if (opt->type & DOMAIN) printf(" dname"); else if (opt->type & ASCII) printf(" ascii"); else if (opt->type & RAW) printf(" raw"); else if (opt->type & BINHEX) printf(" binhex"); else if (opt->type & STRING) printf(" string"); if (opt->type & RFC3361) printf(" rfc3361"); if (opt->type & RFC3442) printf(" rfc3442"); if (opt->type & RFC5969) printf(" rfc5969"); if (opt->type & REQUEST) printf(" request"); if (opt->type & NOREQ) printf(" norequest"); putchar('\n'); } struct dhcp_opt * vivso_find(uint32_t iana_en, const void *arg) { const struct interface *ifp; size_t i; struct dhcp_opt *opt; ifp = arg; for (i = 0, opt = ifp->options->vivso_override; i < ifp->options->vivso_override_len; i++, opt++) if (opt->option == iana_en) return opt; for (i = 0, opt = ifp->ctx->vivso; i < ifp->ctx->vivso_len; i++, opt++) if (opt->option == iana_en) return opt; return NULL; } ssize_t dhcp_vendor(char *str, size_t len) { struct utsname utn; char *p; int l; if (uname(&utn) != 0) return (ssize_t)snprintf(str, len, "%s-%s", PACKAGE, VERSION); p = str; l = snprintf(p, len, "%s-%s:%s-%s:%s", PACKAGE, VERSION, utn.sysname, utn.release, utn.machine); if (l == -1 || (size_t)(l + 1) > len) return -1; p += l; len -= (size_t)l; l = if_machinearch(p, len); if (l == -1 || (size_t)(l + 1) > len) return -1; p += l; return p - str; } int make_option_mask(const struct dhcp_opt *dopts, size_t dopts_len, const struct dhcp_opt *odopts, size_t odopts_len, uint8_t *mask, const char *opts, int add) { char *token, *o, *p; const struct dhcp_opt *opt; int match, e; unsigned int n; size_t i; if (opts == NULL) return -1; o = p = strdup(opts); while ((token = strsep(&p, ", "))) { if (*token == '\0') continue; match = 0; for (i = 0, opt = odopts; i < odopts_len; i++, opt++) { if (strcmp(opt->var, token) == 0) match = 1; else { n = (unsigned int)strtou(token, NULL, 0, 0, UINT_MAX, &e); if (e == 0 && opt->option == n) match = 1; } if (match) break; } if (match == 0) { for (i = 0, opt = dopts; i < dopts_len; i++, opt++) { if (strcmp(opt->var, token) == 0) match = 1; else { n = (unsigned int)strtou(token, NULL, 0, 0, UINT_MAX, &e); if (e == 0 && opt->option == n) match = 1; } if (match) break; } } if (!match || !opt->option) { free(o); errno = ENOENT; return -1; } if (add == 2 && !(opt->type & ADDRIPV4)) { free(o); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (add == 1 || add == 2) add_option_mask(mask, opt->option); else del_option_mask(mask, opt->option); } free(o); return 0; } size_t encode_rfc1035(const char *src, uint8_t *dst) { uint8_t *p; uint8_t *lp; size_t len; uint8_t has_dot; if (src == NULL || *src == '\0') return 0; if (dst) { p = dst; lp = p++; } /* Silence bogus GCC warnings */ else p = lp = NULL; len = 1; has_dot = 0; for (; *src; src++) { if (*src == '\0') break; if (*src == '.') { /* Skip the trailing . */ if (src[1] == '\0') break; has_dot = 1; if (dst) { *lp = (uint8_t)(p - lp - 1); if (*lp == '\0') return len; lp = p++; } } else if (dst) *p++ = (uint8_t)*src; len++; } if (dst) { *lp = (uint8_t)(p - lp - 1); if (has_dot) *p++ = '\0'; } if (has_dot) len++; return len; } /* Decode an RFC3397 DNS search order option into a space * separated string. Returns length of string (including * terminating zero) or zero on error. out may be NULL * to just determine output length. */ ssize_t decode_rfc3397(char *out, size_t len, const uint8_t *p, size_t pl) { const char *start; size_t start_len, l, count; const uint8_t *r, *q = p, *e; int hops; uint8_t ltype; count = 0; start = out; start_len = len; q = p; e = p + pl; while (q < e) { r = NULL; hops = 0; /* Check we are inside our length again in-case * the name isn't fully qualified (ie, not terminated) */ while (q < e && (l = (size_t)*q++)) { ltype = l & 0xc0; if (ltype == 0x80 || ltype == 0x40) return -1; else if (ltype == 0xc0) { /* pointer */ if (q == e) { errno = ERANGE; return -1; } l = (l & 0x3f) << 8; l |= *q++; /* save source of first jump. */ if (!r) r = q; hops++; if (hops > 255) { errno = ERANGE; return -1; } q = p + l; if (q >= e) { errno = ERANGE; return -1; } } else { /* straightforward name segment, add with '.' */ if (q + l > e) { errno = ERANGE; return -1; } count += l + 1; if (out) { if (l + 1 > len) { errno = ENOBUFS; return -1; } memcpy(out, q, l); out += l; *out++ = '.'; len -= l; len--; } q += l; } } /* change last dot to space */ if (out && out != start) *(out - 1) = ' '; if (r) q = r; } /* change last space to zero terminator */ if (out) { if (out != start) *(out - 1) = '\0'; else if (start_len > 0) *out = '\0'; } if (count) /* Don't count the trailing NUL */ count--; return (ssize_t)count; } /* Check for a valid domain name as per RFC1123 with the exception of * allowing - and _ (but not at start or end) as they seem to be widely used. */ static int valid_domainname(char *lbl, int type) { char *slbl, *lst; unsigned char c; int start, len, errset; if (lbl == NULL || *lbl == '\0') { errno = EINVAL; return 0; } slbl = lbl; lst = NULL; start = 1; len = errset = 0; for (;;) { c = (unsigned char)*lbl++; if (c == '\0') return 1; if (c == ' ') { if (lbl - 1 == slbl) /* No space at start */ break; if (!(type & ARRAY)) break; /* Skip to the next label */ if (!start) { start = 1; lst = lbl - 1; } if (len) len = 0; continue; } if (c == '.') { if (*lbl == '.') break; len = 0; continue; } if (((c == '-' || c == '_') && !start && *lbl != ' ' && *lbl != '\0') || isalnum(c)) { if (++len > 63) { errno = ERANGE; errset = 1; break; } } else break; if (start) start = 0; } if (!errset) errno = EINVAL; if (lst) { /* At least one valid domain, return it */ *lst = '\0'; return 1; } return 0; } /* * Prints a chunk of data to a string. * PS_SHELL goes as it is these days, it's upto the target to validate it. * PS_SAFE has all non ascii and non printables changes to escaped octal. */ static const char hexchrs[] = "0123456789abcdef"; ssize_t print_string(char *dst, size_t len, int type, const uint8_t *data, size_t dl) { char *odst; uint8_t c; const uint8_t *e; size_t bytes; odst = dst; bytes = 0; e = data + dl; while (data < e) { c = *data++; if (type & BINHEX) { if (dst) { if (len == 0 || len == 1) { errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } *dst++ = hexchrs[(c & 0xF0) >> 4]; *dst++ = hexchrs[(c & 0x0F)]; len -= 2; } bytes += 2; continue; } if (type & ASCII && (!isascii(c))) { errno = EINVAL; break; } if (!(type & (ASCII | RAW | ESCSTRING | ESCFILE)) /* plain */ && (!isascii(c) && !isprint(c))) { errno = EINVAL; break; } if ((type & (ESCSTRING | ESCFILE) && (c == '\\' || !isascii(c) || !isprint(c))) || (type & ESCFILE && (c == '/' || c == ' '))) { errno = EINVAL; if (c == '\\') { if (dst) { if (len == 0 || len == 1) { errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = '\\'; len -= 2; } bytes += 2; continue; } if (dst) { if (len < 5) { errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } *dst++ = '\\'; *dst++ = (char)(((c >> 6) & 03) + '0'); *dst++ = (char)(((c >> 3) & 07) + '0'); *dst++ = (char)(( c & 07) + '0'); len -= 4; } bytes += 4; } else { if (dst) { if (len == 0) { errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } *dst++ = (char)c; len--; } bytes++; } } /* NULL */ if (dst) { if (len == 0) { errno = ENOSPC; return -1; } *dst = '\0'; /* Now we've printed it, validate the domain */ if (type & DOMAIN && !valid_domainname(odst, type)) { *odst = '\0'; return 1; } } return (ssize_t)bytes; } #define ADDR6SZ 16 static size_t dhcp_optlen(const struct dhcp_opt *opt, size_t dl) { size_t sz; if (opt->type & ADDRIPV6) sz = ADDR6SZ; else if (opt->type & (UINT32 | ADDRIPV4)) sz = sizeof(uint32_t); else if (opt->type & UINT16) sz = sizeof(uint16_t); else if (opt->type & (UINT8 | BITFLAG)) sz = sizeof(uint8_t); else if (opt->type & FLAG) return 0; else { /* All other types are variable length */ if (opt->len) { if ((size_t)opt->len > dl) { errno = ENODATA; return -1; } return (ssize_t)opt->len; } return (ssize_t)dl; } if (dl < sz) { errno = ENODATA; return -1; } /* Trim any extra data. * Maybe we need a settng to reject DHCP options with extra data? */ if (opt->type & ARRAY) return (ssize_t)(dl - (dl % sz)); return (ssize_t)sz; } #ifdef INET6 #define PO_IFNAME #else #define PO_IFNAME __unused #endif ssize_t print_option(char *s, size_t len, int type, const uint8_t *data, size_t dl, PO_IFNAME const char *ifname) { const uint8_t *e, *t; uint16_t u16; int16_t s16; uint32_t u32; int32_t s32; struct in_addr addr; ssize_t bytes = 0, sl; size_t l; char *tmp; if (type & RFC3397) { sl = decode_rfc3397(NULL, 0, data, dl); if (sl == 0 || sl == -1) return sl; l = (size_t)sl + 1; tmp = malloc(l); if (tmp == NULL) return -1; decode_rfc3397(tmp, l, data, dl); sl = print_string(s, len, type, (uint8_t *)tmp, l - 1); free(tmp); return sl; } #ifdef INET if (type & RFC3361) { if ((tmp = decode_rfc3361(data, dl)) == NULL) return -1; l = strlen(tmp); sl = print_string(s, len, type, (uint8_t *)tmp, l); free(tmp); return sl; } if (type & RFC3442) return decode_rfc3442(s, len, data, dl); if (type & RFC5969) return decode_rfc5969(s, len, data, dl); #endif if (type & STRING) return print_string(s, len, type, data, dl); if (type & FLAG) { if (s) { *s++ = '1'; *s = '\0'; } return 1; } if (!s) { if (type & UINT8) l = 3; else if (type & UINT16) { l = 5; dl /= 2; } else if (type & SINT16) { l = 6; dl /= 2; } else if (type & UINT32) { l = 10; dl /= 4; } else if (type & SINT32) { l = 11; dl /= 4; } else if (type & ADDRIPV4) { l = 16; dl /= 4; } #ifdef INET6 else if (type & ADDRIPV6) { e = data + dl; l = 0; while (data < e) { if (l) l++; /* space */ sl = ipv6_printaddr(NULL, 0, data, ifname); if (sl != -1) l += (size_t)sl; data += 16; } return (ssize_t)l; } #endif else { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } return (ssize_t)(l * dl); } t = data; e = data + dl; while (data < e) { if (data != t) { *s++ = ' '; bytes++; len--; } if (type & UINT8) { sl = snprintf(s, len, "%u", *data); data++; } else if (type & UINT16) { memcpy(&u16, data, sizeof(u16)); u16 = ntohs(u16); sl = snprintf(s, len, "%u", u16); data += sizeof(u16); } else if (type & SINT16) { memcpy(&u16, data, sizeof(u16)); s16 = (int16_t)ntohs(u16); sl = snprintf(s, len, "%d", s16); data += sizeof(u16); } else if (type & UINT32) { memcpy(&u32, data, sizeof(u32)); u32 = ntohl(u32); sl = snprintf(s, len, "%u", u32); data += sizeof(u32); } else if (type & SINT32) { memcpy(&u32, data, sizeof(u32)); s32 = (int32_t)ntohl(u32); sl = snprintf(s, len, "%d", s32); data += sizeof(u32); } else if (type & ADDRIPV4) { memcpy(&addr.s_addr, data, sizeof(addr.s_addr)); sl = snprintf(s, len, "%s", inet_ntoa(addr)); data += sizeof(addr.s_addr); } #ifdef INET6 else if (type & ADDRIPV6) { ssize_t r; r = ipv6_printaddr(s, len, data, ifname); if (r != -1) sl = r; else sl = 0; data += 16; } #endif else sl = 0; if (len <= sl) { bytes += len; break; } len -= (size_t)sl; bytes += sl; s += sl; } return bytes; } /* Lease file name is formatted according to the expectation of the ChromiumOS's * connection manager (shill). */ int dhcp_set_leasefile(char *leasefile, size_t len, int family, const struct interface *ifp, const char *extra) { char ssid[len]; if (ifp->name[0] == '\0') { strlcpy(leasefile, ifp->ctx->pidfile, len); return 0; } if (strlen(ifp->lease_identifier) > 0) { return snprintf(leasefile, len, family == AF_INET ? LEASEFILE : LEASEFILE6, ifp->lease_identifier, "", extra); } return snprintf(leasefile, len, family == AF_INET ? LEASEFILE : LEASEFILE6, ifp->name, "", extra); } static size_t dhcp_envoption1(struct dhcpcd_ctx *ctx, char **env, const char *prefix, const struct dhcp_opt *opt, int vname, const uint8_t *od, size_t ol, const char *ifname) { ssize_t len; size_t e; char *v, *val; /* Ensure a valid length */ ol = (size_t)dhcp_optlen(opt, ol); if ((ssize_t)ol == -1) return 0; len = print_option(NULL, 0, opt->type, od, ol, ifname); if (len < 0) return 0; if (vname) e = strlen(opt->var) + 1; else e = 0; if (prefix) e += strlen(prefix); e += (size_t)len + 2; if (env == NULL) return e; v = val = *env = malloc(e); if (v == NULL) { logger(ctx, LOG_ERR, "%s: %m", __func__); return 0; } if (vname) v += snprintf(val, e, "%s_%s=", prefix, opt->var); else v += snprintf(val, e, "%s=", prefix); if (len != 0) print_option(v, (size_t)len + 1, opt->type, od, ol, ifname); return e; } size_t dhcp_envoption(struct dhcpcd_ctx *ctx, char **env, const char *prefix, const char *ifname, struct dhcp_opt *opt, const uint8_t *(*dgetopt)(struct dhcpcd_ctx *, size_t *, unsigned int *, size_t *, const uint8_t *, size_t, struct dhcp_opt **), const uint8_t *od, size_t ol) { size_t e, i, n, eos, eol; unsigned int eoc; const uint8_t *eod; int ov; struct dhcp_opt *eopt, *oopt; char *pfx; /* If no embedded or encapsulated options, it's easy */ if (opt->embopts_len == 0 && opt->encopts_len == 0) { if (dhcp_envoption1(ctx, env == NULL ? NULL : &env[0], prefix, opt, 1, od, ol, ifname)) return 1; return 0; } /* Create a new prefix based on the option */ if (env) { if (opt->type & INDEX) { if (opt->index > 999) { errno = ENOBUFS; logger(ctx, LOG_ERR, "%s: %m", __func__); return 0; } } e = strlen(prefix) + strlen(opt->var) + 2 + (opt->type & INDEX ? 3 : 0); pfx = malloc(e); if (pfx == NULL) { logger(ctx, LOG_ERR, "%s: %m", __func__); return 0; } if (opt->type & INDEX) snprintf(pfx, e, "%s_%s%d", prefix, opt->var, ++opt->index); else snprintf(pfx, e, "%s_%s", prefix, opt->var); } else pfx = NULL; /* Embedded options are always processed first as that * is a fixed layout */ n = 0; for (i = 0, eopt = opt->embopts; i < opt->embopts_len; i++, eopt++) { e = dhcp_optlen(eopt, ol); if (e == 0) { /* An option was expected, but there is not enough * data for it. * This may not be an error as some options like * DHCP FQDN in RFC4702 have a string as the last * option which is optional. * FIXME: Add an flag to the options to indicate * wether this is allowable or not. */ if (ol != 0 || i + 1 < opt->embopts_len) logger(ctx, LOG_WARNING, "%s: %s: malformed option %d", ifname, __func__, opt->option); goto out; } /* Use the option prefix if the embedded option * name is different. * This avoids new_fqdn_fqdn which would be silly. */ ov = strcmp(opt->var, eopt->var); if (dhcp_envoption1(ctx, env == NULL ? NULL : &env[n], pfx, eopt, ov, od, e, ifname)) n++; od += e; ol -= e; } /* Enumerate our encapsulated options */ if (opt->encopts_len && ol > 0) { /* Zero any option indexes * We assume that referenced encapsulated options are NEVER * recursive as the index order could break. */ for (i = 0, eopt = opt->encopts; i < opt->encopts_len; i++, eopt++) { eoc = opt->option; if (eopt->type & OPTION) { dgetopt(ctx, NULL, &eoc, NULL, NULL, 0, &oopt); if (oopt) oopt->index = 0; } } while ((eod = dgetopt(ctx, &eos, &eoc, &eol, od, ol, &oopt))) { for (i = 0, eopt = opt->encopts; i < opt->encopts_len; i++, eopt++) { if (eopt->option == eoc) { if (eopt->type & OPTION) { if (oopt == NULL) /* Report error? */ continue; } n += dhcp_envoption(ctx, env == NULL ? NULL : &env[n], pfx, ifname, eopt->type & OPTION ? oopt : eopt, dgetopt, eod, eol); break; } } od += eos + eol; ol -= eos + eol; } } out: if (env) free(pfx); /* Return number of options found */ return n; } void dhcp_zero_index(struct dhcp_opt *opt) { size_t i; struct dhcp_opt *o; opt->index = 0; for (i = 0, o = opt->embopts; i < opt->embopts_len; i++, o++) dhcp_zero_index(o); for (i = 0, o = opt->encopts; i < opt->encopts_len; i++, o++) dhcp_zero_index(o); }