// Copyright 2006-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
// accordance with the terms of the Adobe license agreement accompanying it.

/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_host.h#2 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/06/14 20:24:41 $ */
/* $Change: 835078 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */

/** \file
 * Class definition for dng_host, initial point of contact and control between
 * host application and DNG SDK.


#ifndef __dng_host__
#define __dng_host__


#include "dng_auto_ptr.h"
#include "dng_classes.h"
#include "dng_errors.h"
#include "dng_types.h"


/// \brief The main class for communication between the application and the 
/// DNG SDK. Used to customize memory allocation and other behaviors.
/// dng_host allows setting parameters for the DNG conversion, mediates callback
/// style interactions between the host application and the DNG SDK, and allows
/// controlling certain internal behavior of the SDK such as memory allocation.
/// Many applications will be able to use the default implementation of dng_host
/// by just setting the dng_memory_allocator and dng_abort_sniffer in the 
/// constructor. More complex interactions will require deriving a class from
/// dng_host.
/// Multiple dng_host objects can be allocated in a single process. This may
/// be useful for DNG processing on separate threads. (Distinct dng_host objects
/// are completely threadsafe for read/write. The application is responsible for
/// establishing mutual exclusion for read/write access to a single dng_host 
/// object if it is used in multiple threads.)

class dng_host
		dng_memory_allocator *fAllocator;
		dng_abort_sniffer *fSniffer;
		// Does the host require all the image metadata (vs. just checking
		// to see if the file is readable)?
		bool fNeedsMeta;
		// Does the host require actual image data (vs. just getting metadata
		// or just checking to see if the file is readable)?
		bool fNeedsImage;
		// If we need the image data, can it be read at preview quality?
		bool fForPreview;
		// If non-zero, the minimum size (longer of the two pixel dimensions)
		// image to read.  If zero, or if the full size image is smaller than
		// this, read the full size image.
		uint32 fMinimumSize;
		// What is the preferred size for a preview image?  This can
		// be slightly larger than the minimum size.  Zero if we want
		// the full resolution image.
		uint32 fPreferredSize;
		// What is the maximum size for a preview image?  Zero if there
		// is no maximum size limit.
		uint32 fMaximumSize;
		// The fraction of the image kept after a crop.  This is used to
		// adjust the sizes to take into account the cropping that
		// will be peformed.
		real64 fCropFactor;
		// What DNG version should we keep enough data to save?
		uint32 fSaveDNGVersion;
		// Do we want to force saving to a linear DNG?
		bool fSaveLinearDNG;
		// Keep the original raw file data block?
		bool fKeepOriginalFile;
		/// Allocate a dng_host object, possiblly with custom allocator and sniffer.
		/// \param allocator Allows controlling all memory allocation done via this
		/// dng_host. Defaults to singleton global dng_memory_allocator, which calls
		/// new/delete dng_malloc_block for appropriate size.
		/// \param sniffer Used to periodically check if pending DNG conversions 
		/// should be aborted and to communicate progress updates. Defaults to singleton
		/// global dng_abort_sniffer, which never aborts and ignores progress updated.

		dng_host (dng_memory_allocator *allocator = NULL,
				  dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer = NULL);
		/// Clean up direct memory for dng_host. Memory allocator and abort sniffer 
		/// are not deleted. Objects such as dng_image and others returned from
		/// host can still be used after host is deleted.

		virtual ~dng_host ();
		/// Getter for host's memory allocator.

		dng_memory_allocator & Allocator ();
		/// Alocate a new dng_memory_block using the host's memory allocator.
		/// Uses the Allocator() property of host to allocate a new block of memory. 
		/// Will call ThrowMemoryFull if block cannot be allocated.
		/// \param logicalSize Number of usable bytes returned dng_memory_block
		/// must contain.

		virtual dng_memory_block * Allocate (uint32 logicalSize);
		/// Setter for host's abort sniffer.
		void SetSniffer (dng_abort_sniffer *sniffer)
			fSniffer = sniffer;
		/// Getter for host's abort sniffer.

		dng_abort_sniffer * Sniffer ()
			return fSniffer;
		/// Check for pending abort. Should call ThrowUserCanceled if an abort
		/// is pending.

		virtual void SniffForAbort ();
		/// Setter for flag determining whether all XMP metadata should be parsed. 
		/// Defaults to true. One might not want metadata when doing a quick check
		/// to see if a file is readable.
		/// \param needs If true, metadata is needed.

		void SetNeedsMeta (bool needs)
			fNeedsMeta = needs;

		/// Getter for flag determining whether all XMP metadata should be parsed. 

		bool NeedsMeta () const
			return fNeedsMeta;

		/// Setter for flag determining whether DNG image data is needed. Defaults 
		/// to true. Image data might not be needed for applications which only
		/// manipulate metadata.
		/// \param needs If true, image data is needed.

		void SetNeedsImage (bool needs)
			fNeedsImage = needs;

		/// Setter for flag determining whether DNG image data is needed. 

		bool NeedsImage () const
			return fNeedsImage;

		/// Setter for flag determining whether	image should be preview quality, 
		/// or full quality. 
		/// \param preview If true, rendered images are for preview.

		void SetForPreview (bool preview)
			fForPreview = preview;

		/// Getter for flag determining whether image should be preview quality.
		/// Preview quality images may be rendered more quickly. Current DNG SDK
		/// does not change rendering behavior based on this flag, but derived
		/// versions may use this getter to choose between a slower more accurate path
		/// and a faster "good enough for preview" one. Data produce with ForPreview set
		/// to true should not be written back to a DNG file, except as a preview image. 

		bool ForPreview () const
			return fForPreview;

		/// Setter for the minimum preview size.
		/// \param size Minimum pixel size (long side of image).
		void SetMinimumSize (uint32 size)
			fMinimumSize = size;

		/// Getter for the minimum preview size.

		uint32 MinimumSize () const
			return fMinimumSize;

		/// Setter for the preferred preview size.
		/// \param size Preferred pixel size (long side of image).
		void SetPreferredSize (uint32 size)
			fPreferredSize = size;
		/// Getter for the preferred preview size.

		uint32 PreferredSize () const
			return fPreferredSize;
		/// Setter for the maximum preview size.
		/// \param size Maximum pixel size (long side of image).
		void SetMaximumSize (uint32 size)
			fMaximumSize = size;
		/// Getter for the maximum preview size.
		uint32 MaximumSize () const
			return fMaximumSize;
		/// Setter for the cropping factor.
		/// \param cropFactor Fraction of image to be used after crop.
		void SetCropFactor (real64 cropFactor)
			fCropFactor = cropFactor;
		/// Getter for the cropping factor.
		real64 CropFactor () const
			return fCropFactor;
		/// Makes sures minimum, preferred, and maximum sizes are reasonable.
		void ValidateSizes ();
		/// Setter for what version to save DNG file compatible with.	
		/// \param version What version to save DNG file compatible with.

		void SetSaveDNGVersion (uint32 version)
			fSaveDNGVersion = version;
		/// Getter for what version to save DNG file compatible with.	

		virtual uint32 SaveDNGVersion () const;

		/// Setter for flag determining whether to force saving a linear DNG file.	
		/// \param linear If true, we should force saving a linear DNG file.

		void SetSaveLinearDNG (bool linear)
			fSaveLinearDNG = linear;
		/// Getter for flag determining whether to save a linear DNG file.	

		virtual bool SaveLinearDNG (const dng_negative &negative) const;
		/// Setter for flag determining whether to keep original RAW file data.	
		/// \param keep If true, origianl RAW data will be kept.

		void SetKeepOriginalFile (bool keep)
			fKeepOriginalFile = keep;

		/// Getter for flag determining whether to keep original RAW file data.	

		bool KeepOriginalFile ()
			return fKeepOriginalFile;

		/// Determine if an error is the result of a temporary, but planned-for
		/// occurence such as user cancellation or memory exhaustion. This method is
		/// sometimes used to determine whether to try and continue processing a DNG
		/// file despite errors in the file format, etc. In such cases, processing will 
		/// be continued if IsTransientError returns false. This is so that user cancellation
		/// and memory exhaustion always terminate processing.
		/// \param code Error to test for transience.

		virtual bool IsTransientError (dng_error_code code);

		/// General top-level botttleneck for image processing tasks.
		/// Default implementation calls dng_area_task::PerformAreaTask method on 
		/// task. Can be overridden in derived classes to support multiprocessing, 
		/// for example.
		/// \param task Image processing task to perform on area.
		/// \param area Rectangle over which to perform image processing task.

		virtual void PerformAreaTask (dng_area_task &task,
									  const dng_rect &area);
		/// How many multiprocessing threads does PerformAreaTask use?
		/// Default implementation always returns 1 since it is single threaded.
		virtual uint32 PerformAreaTaskThreads ();

		/// Factory method for dng_exif class. Can be used to customize allocation or 
		/// to ensure a derived class is used instead of dng_exif.

		virtual dng_exif * Make_dng_exif ();

		/// Factory method for dng_xmp class. Can be used to customize allocation or 
		/// to ensure a derived class is used instead of dng_xmp.

		#if qDNGUseXMP
		virtual dng_xmp * Make_dng_xmp ();

		/// Factory method for dng_shared class. Can be used to customize allocation 
		/// or to ensure a derived class is used instead of dng_shared.

		virtual dng_shared * Make_dng_shared ();

		/// Factory method for dng_ifd class. Can be used to customize allocation or
		/// to ensure a derived class is used instead of dng_ifd.

		virtual dng_ifd * Make_dng_ifd ();
		/// Factory method for dng_negative class. Can be used to customize allocation
		/// or to ensure a derived class is used instead of dng_negative.

		virtual dng_negative * Make_dng_negative ();
		/// Factory method for dng_image class. Can be used to customize allocation
		/// or to ensure a derived class is used instead of dng_simple_image.
		virtual dng_image * Make_dng_image (const dng_rect &bounds,
											uint32 planes,
											uint32 pixelType);
		/// Factory method for parsing dng_opcode based classs. Can be used to 
		/// override opcode implementations.
		virtual dng_opcode * Make_dng_opcode (uint32 opcodeID,
											  dng_stream &stream);
		/// Factory method to apply a dng_opcode_list. Can be used to override
		/// opcode list applications.
		virtual void ApplyOpcodeList (dng_opcode_list &list,
									  dng_negative &negative,
									  AutoPtr<dng_image> &image);
		/// Factory method to resample an image.  Can be used to override
		/// image method used to resample images.
		virtual void ResampleImage (const dng_image &srcImage,
									dng_image &dstImage);
		// Hidden copy constructor and assignment operator.
		dng_host (const dng_host &host);
		dng_host & operator= (const dng_host &host);
