// Copyright 2006-2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE:  Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in
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/* $Id: //mondo/dng_sdk_1_4/dng_sdk/source/dng_ref_counted_block.h#2 $ */ 
/* $DateTime: 2012/07/31 22:04:34 $ */
/* $Change: 840853 $ */
/* $Author: tknoll $ */

/** Support for a refcounted block, with optional copy-on-write


#ifndef __dng_ref_counted_block__
#define __dng_ref_counted_block__


#include "dng_types.h"
#include "dng_mutex.h"


/// \brief Class to provide resource acquisition is instantiation discipline
/// for small memory allocations.
/// This class does not use dng_memory_allocator for memory allocation.

class dng_ref_counted_block
		struct header

			dng_mutex fMutex;

			uint32 fRefCount;
			uint32 fSize;

			header (uint32 size)
				: fMutex ("dng_ref_counted_block")
				, fRefCount (1)
				, fSize (size)

			~header ()


		void *fBuffer;
		/// Construct an empty memory buffer using malloc.
		/// \exception dng_memory_full with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_memory.

		dng_ref_counted_block ();
		/// Construct memory buffer of size bytes using malloc.
		/// \param size Number of bytes of memory needed.
		/// \exception dng_memory_full with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_memory.

		dng_ref_counted_block (uint32 size);
		/// Release memory buffer using free.

		~dng_ref_counted_block ();

		/// Copy constructore, which takes a reference to data and does not copy the block.

		dng_ref_counted_block (const dng_ref_counted_block &data);
		/// Assignment operatore takes a reference to right hand side and does not copy the data.
		dng_ref_counted_block & operator= (const dng_ref_counted_block &data);

		/// Clear existing memory buffer and allocate new memory of size bytes.
		/// \param size Number of bytes of memory needed.
		/// \exception dng_memory_full with fErrorCode equal to dng_error_memory.

		void Allocate (uint32 size);

		/// Release any allocated memory using free. Object is still valid and
		/// Allocate can be called again.
		void Clear ();
		/// If there is only one reference, do nothing, otherwise copy the data into a new block and return an object with that block as the data.

		void EnsureWriteable ();

		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a void *..
		/// \retval void * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		uint32 LogicalSize ()
			return ((header *)fBuffer)->fSize;

		void * Buffer ()
			return (void *)((char *)fBuffer + sizeof (header));
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const void *.
		/// \retval const void * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const void * Buffer () const
			return (const void *)((char *)fBuffer + sizeof (header));
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a char *.
		/// \retval char * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		char * Buffer_char ()
			return (char *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const char *.
		/// \retval const char * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const char * Buffer_char () const
			return (const char *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a uint8 *.
		/// \retval uint8 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		uint8 * Buffer_uint8 ()
			return (uint8 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const uint8 *.
		/// \retval const uint8 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const uint8 * Buffer_uint8 () const
			return (const uint8 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a uint16 *.
		/// \retval uint16 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		uint16 * Buffer_uint16 ()
			return (uint16 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const uint16 *.
		/// \retval const uint16 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const uint16 * Buffer_uint16 () const
			return (const uint16 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a int16 *.
		/// \retval int16 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		int16 * Buffer_int16 ()
			return (int16 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const int16 *.
		/// \retval const int16 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const int16 * Buffer_int16 () const
			return (const int16 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a uint32 *.
		/// \retval uint32 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		uint32 * Buffer_uint32 ()
			return (uint32 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a uint32 *.
		/// \retval uint32 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const uint32 * Buffer_uint32 () const
			return (const uint32 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const int32 *.
		/// \retval const int32 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		int32 * Buffer_int32 ()
			return (int32 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const int32 *.
		/// \retval const int32 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const int32 * Buffer_int32 () const
			return (const int32 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a uint64 *.
		/// \retval uint64 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		uint64 * Buffer_uint64 ()
			return (uint64 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a uint64 *.
		/// \retval uint64 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const uint64 * Buffer_uint64 () const
			return (const uint64 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const int64 *.
		/// \retval const int64 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		int64 * Buffer_int64 ()
			return (int64 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const int64 *.
		/// \retval const int64 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const int64 * Buffer_int64 () const
			return (const int64 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a real32 *.
		/// \retval real32 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		real32 * Buffer_real32 ()
			return (real32 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const real32 *.
		/// \retval const real32 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const real32 * Buffer_real32 () const
			return (const real32 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a real64 *.
		/// \retval real64 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		real64 * Buffer_real64 ()
			return (real64 *) Buffer ();
		/// Return pointer to allocated memory as a const real64 *.
		/// \retval const real64 * valid for as many bytes as were allocated.

		const real64 * Buffer_real64 () const
			return (const real64 *) Buffer ();

