page.title=Stream Your Content with Google Cast
page.metaDescription=Let users stream your video and audio content to their TVs and speakers.
page.tags=cast, video, chromecast

With Google Cast you make it easy for users to include your content as part of
their viewing on TV and listening on audio systems. All they need is a TV with a
Chromecast plugged in, an Android TV or a Cast for audio device connected to their
audio system.</p>

<p>Cast Remote Display lets you cast a second display directly to the TV while running
a primary display on the sender. Native games can provide real-time interaction on
the TV and user control on the hand-held device. Graphics-intensive apps can now
take full advantage of multiscreen experiences via Cast.

<img src="{@docRoot}images/distribute/cast.jpg">

  Google Cast is a great way to add value and convenience to your content
  consumption apps, and extend their engagement with your users.

  <a href="">Find out how to get your app Google

<h2 id="tips">Tips</h2>
  <li>Cast devices can be low-power devices with memory, CPU, and GPU limitations,
  so the receiver application should be as lightweight as possible.</li>
  <li>User interaction should only take place on the Cast sender (phone, tablet,
  or Chrome browser), not the Cast receiver.</li>
  <li>While content is loading, provide animated loading indicators and use transitions
  to help make things feel faster on the Cast sender interface.</li>
  <li>Let users know your app is “Google Card-enabled” in your store listing and use
  the <a href="">Google
  Cast badge</a> on your website and marketing materials.</li>

<h2 style="clear:both" id="related-resources">Related Resources</h2>

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