page.title=Earn section.landing=true nonavpage=true @jd:body <p> There are many ways to make money with your apps on Google Play, and we offer a variety of tools to make it easy. Take advantage of Google Play’s phenomenal growth by using one or more of the business models available. </p> <p> To get started, set up your <a href= "{@docRoot}distribute/googleplay/start.html#merchant-account">Merchant Account</a> from your Developer Console. This will not only help you get paid, but also help you track where your money is coming from. </p> <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout landing col-16" data-query="collection:distribute/monetize" data-cardSizes="6x6" data-maxResults="9"> </div> <!-- <h2>Related resources</h2> <div class="resource-widget resource-flow-layout col-16" data-query="tag:monetizing" data-cardSizes="6x2" data-sortOrder="random" data-maxResults="3"> </div> -->