/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <utils/String8.h> #include "Caches.h" #include "Dither.h" #include "ProgramCache.h" namespace android { namespace uirenderer { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defines /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MODULATE_OP_NO_MODULATE 0 #define MODULATE_OP_MODULATE 1 #define MODULATE_OP_MODULATE_A8 2 #define STR(x) STR1(x) #define STR1(x) #x /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Vertex shaders snippets /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* gVS_Header_Start = "#version 100\n" "attribute vec4 position;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Attributes_TexCoords = "attribute vec2 texCoords;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Attributes_Colors = "attribute vec4 colors;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Attributes_VertexAlphaParameters = "attribute float vtxAlpha;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Uniforms_TextureTransform = "uniform mat4 mainTextureTransform;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Uniforms = "uniform mat4 projection;\n" \ "uniform mat4 transform;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Uniforms_HasGradient = "uniform mat4 screenSpace;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Uniforms_HasBitmap = "uniform mat4 textureTransform;\n" "uniform mediump vec2 textureDimension;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Uniforms_HasRoundRectClip = "uniform mat4 roundRectInvTransform;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasTexture = "varying vec2 outTexCoords;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasColors = "varying vec4 outColors;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasVertexAlpha = "varying float alpha;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasBitmap = "varying highp vec2 outBitmapTexCoords;\n"; const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasGradient[6] = { // Linear "varying highp vec2 linear;\n" "varying vec2 ditherTexCoords;\n", "varying float linear;\n" "varying vec2 ditherTexCoords;\n", // Circular "varying highp vec2 circular;\n" "varying vec2 ditherTexCoords;\n", "varying highp vec2 circular;\n" "varying vec2 ditherTexCoords;\n", // Sweep "varying highp vec2 sweep;\n" "varying vec2 ditherTexCoords;\n", "varying highp vec2 sweep;\n" "varying vec2 ditherTexCoords;\n", }; const char* gVS_Header_Varyings_HasRoundRectClip = "varying highp vec2 roundRectPos;\n"; const char* gVS_Main = "\nvoid main(void) {\n"; const char* gVS_Main_OutTexCoords = " outTexCoords = texCoords;\n"; const char* gVS_Main_OutColors = " outColors = colors;\n"; const char* gVS_Main_OutTransformedTexCoords = " outTexCoords = (mainTextureTransform * vec4(texCoords, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;\n"; const char* gVS_Main_OutGradient[6] = { // Linear " linear = vec2((screenSpace * position).x, 0.5);\n" " ditherTexCoords = (transform * position).xy * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV) ";\n", " linear = (screenSpace * position).x;\n" " ditherTexCoords = (transform * position).xy * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV) ";\n", // Circular " circular = (screenSpace * position).xy;\n" " ditherTexCoords = (transform * position).xy * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV) ";\n", " circular = (screenSpace * position).xy;\n" " ditherTexCoords = (transform * position).xy * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV) ";\n", // Sweep " sweep = (screenSpace * position).xy;\n" " ditherTexCoords = (transform * position).xy * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV) ";\n", " sweep = (screenSpace * position).xy;\n" " ditherTexCoords = (transform * position).xy * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV) ";\n", }; const char* gVS_Main_OutBitmapTexCoords = " outBitmapTexCoords = (textureTransform * position).xy * textureDimension;\n"; const char* gVS_Main_Position = " vec4 transformedPosition = projection * transform * position;\n" " gl_Position = transformedPosition;\n"; const char* gVS_Main_VertexAlpha = " alpha = vtxAlpha;\n"; const char* gVS_Main_HasRoundRectClip = " roundRectPos = (roundRectInvTransform * transformedPosition).xy;\n"; const char* gVS_Footer = "}\n\n"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Fragment shaders snippets /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* gFS_Header_Start = "#version 100\n"; const char* gFS_Header_Extension_FramebufferFetch = "#extension GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch : enable\n\n"; const char* gFS_Header_Extension_ExternalTexture = "#extension GL_OES_EGL_image_external : require\n\n"; const char* gFS_Header = "precision mediump float;\n\n"; const char* gFS_Uniforms_Color = "uniform vec4 color;\n"; const char* gFS_Uniforms_TextureSampler = "uniform sampler2D baseSampler;\n"; const char* gFS_Uniforms_ExternalTextureSampler = "uniform samplerExternalOES baseSampler;\n"; const char* gFS_Uniforms_Dither = "uniform sampler2D ditherSampler;"; const char* gFS_Uniforms_GradientSampler[2] = { "%s\n" "uniform sampler2D gradientSampler;\n", "%s\n" "uniform vec4 startColor;\n" "uniform vec4 endColor;\n" }; const char* gFS_Uniforms_BitmapSampler = "uniform sampler2D bitmapSampler;\n"; const char* gFS_Uniforms_ColorOp[3] = { // None "", // Matrix "uniform mat4 colorMatrix;\n" "uniform vec4 colorMatrixVector;\n", // PorterDuff "uniform vec4 colorBlend;\n" }; const char* gFS_Uniforms_HasRoundRectClip = "uniform vec4 roundRectInnerRectLTRB;\n" "uniform float roundRectRadius;\n"; const char* gFS_Main = "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " lowp vec4 fragColor;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_Dither[2] = { // ES 2.0 "texture2D(ditherSampler, ditherTexCoords).a * " STR(DITHER_KERNEL_SIZE_INV_SQUARE), // ES 3.0 "texture2D(ditherSampler, ditherTexCoords).a" }; const char* gFS_Main_AddDitherToGradient = " gradientColor += %s;\n"; // Fast cases const char* gFS_Fast_SingleColor = "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = color;\n" "}\n\n"; const char* gFS_Fast_SingleTexture = "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords);\n" "}\n\n"; const char* gFS_Fast_SingleModulateTexture = "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = color.a * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords);\n" "}\n\n"; const char* gFS_Fast_SingleA8Texture = "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords);\n" "}\n\n"; const char* gFS_Fast_SingleModulateA8Texture = "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = color * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords).a;\n" "}\n\n"; const char* gFS_Fast_SingleGradient[2] = { "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = %s + texture2D(gradientSampler, linear);\n" "}\n\n", "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = %s + mix(startColor, endColor, clamp(linear, 0.0, 1.0));\n" "}\n\n", }; const char* gFS_Fast_SingleModulateGradient[2] = { "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = %s + color.a * texture2D(gradientSampler, linear);\n" "}\n\n", "\nvoid main(void) {\n" " gl_FragColor = %s + color.a * mix(startColor, endColor, clamp(linear, 0.0, 1.0));\n" "}\n\n" }; // General case const char* gFS_Main_FetchColor = " fragColor = color;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_ModulateColor = " fragColor *= color.a;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_ApplyVertexAlphaLinearInterp = " fragColor *= alpha;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_ApplyVertexAlphaShadowInterp = // map alpha through shadow alpha sampler " fragColor *= texture2D(baseSampler, vec2(alpha, 0.5)).a;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_FetchTexture[2] = { // Don't modulate " fragColor = texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords);\n", // Modulate " fragColor = color * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords);\n" }; const char* gFS_Main_FetchA8Texture[2] = { // Don't modulate " fragColor = texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords);\n", // Modulate " fragColor = color * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords).a;\n", }; const char* gFS_Main_FetchGradient[6] = { // Linear " vec4 gradientColor = texture2D(gradientSampler, linear);\n", " vec4 gradientColor = mix(startColor, endColor, clamp(linear, 0.0, 1.0));\n", // Circular " vec4 gradientColor = texture2D(gradientSampler, vec2(length(circular), 0.5));\n", " vec4 gradientColor = mix(startColor, endColor, clamp(length(circular), 0.0, 1.0));\n", // Sweep " highp float index = atan(sweep.y, sweep.x) * 0.15915494309; // inv(2 * PI)\n" " vec4 gradientColor = texture2D(gradientSampler, vec2(index - floor(index), 0.5));\n", " highp float index = atan(sweep.y, sweep.x) * 0.15915494309; // inv(2 * PI)\n" " vec4 gradientColor = mix(startColor, endColor, clamp(index - floor(index), 0.0, 1.0));\n" }; const char* gFS_Main_FetchBitmap = " vec4 bitmapColor = texture2D(bitmapSampler, outBitmapTexCoords);\n"; const char* gFS_Main_FetchBitmapNpot = " vec4 bitmapColor = texture2D(bitmapSampler, wrap(outBitmapTexCoords));\n"; const char* gFS_Main_BlendShadersBG = " fragColor = blendShaders(gradientColor, bitmapColor)"; const char* gFS_Main_BlendShadersGB = " fragColor = blendShaders(bitmapColor, gradientColor)"; const char* gFS_Main_BlendShaders_Modulate[3] = { // Don't modulate ";\n", // Modulate " * color.a;\n", // Modulate with alpha 8 texture " * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords).a;\n", }; const char* gFS_Main_GradientShader_Modulate[3] = { // Don't modulate " fragColor = gradientColor;\n", // Modulate " fragColor = gradientColor * color.a;\n", // Modulate with alpha 8 texture " fragColor = gradientColor * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords).a;\n", }; const char* gFS_Main_BitmapShader_Modulate[3] = { // Don't modulate " fragColor = bitmapColor;\n", // Modulate " fragColor = bitmapColor * color.a;\n", // Modulate with alpha 8 texture " fragColor = bitmapColor * texture2D(baseSampler, outTexCoords).a;\n", }; const char* gFS_Main_FragColor = " gl_FragColor = fragColor;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_FragColor_HasColors = " gl_FragColor *= outColors;\n"; const char* gFS_Main_FragColor_Blend = " gl_FragColor = blendFramebuffer(fragColor, gl_LastFragColor);\n"; const char* gFS_Main_FragColor_Blend_Swap = " gl_FragColor = blendFramebuffer(gl_LastFragColor, fragColor);\n"; const char* gFS_Main_ApplyColorOp[3] = { // None "", // Matrix " fragColor.rgb /= (fragColor.a + 0.0019);\n" // un-premultiply " fragColor *= colorMatrix;\n" " fragColor += colorMatrixVector;\n" " fragColor.rgb *= (fragColor.a + 0.0019);\n", // re-premultiply // PorterDuff " fragColor = blendColors(colorBlend, fragColor);\n" }; // Note: LTRB -> xyzw const char* gFS_Main_FragColor_HasRoundRectClip = " mediump vec2 fragToLT = roundRectInnerRectLTRB.xy - roundRectPos;\n" " mediump vec2 fragFromRB = roundRectPos - roundRectInnerRectLTRB.zw;\n" // divide + multiply by 128 to avoid falling out of range in length() function " mediump vec2 dist = max(max(fragToLT, fragFromRB), vec2(0.0, 0.0)) / 128.0;\n" " mediump float linearDist = roundRectRadius - (length(dist) * 128.0);\n" " gl_FragColor *= clamp(linearDist, 0.0, 1.0);\n"; const char* gFS_Main_DebugHighlight = " gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0, gl_FragColor.a, 0.0);\n"; const char* gFS_Footer = "}\n\n"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PorterDuff snippets /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const char* gBlendOps[18] = { // Clear "return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n", // Src "return src;\n", // Dst "return dst;\n", // SrcOver "return src + dst * (1.0 - src.a);\n", // DstOver "return dst + src * (1.0 - dst.a);\n", // SrcIn "return src * dst.a;\n", // DstIn "return dst * src.a;\n", // SrcOut "return src * (1.0 - dst.a);\n", // DstOut "return dst * (1.0 - src.a);\n", // SrcAtop "return vec4(src.rgb * dst.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb, dst.a);\n", // DstAtop "return vec4(dst.rgb * src.a + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb, src.a);\n", // Xor "return vec4(src.rgb * (1.0 - dst.a) + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb, " "src.a + dst.a - 2.0 * src.a * dst.a);\n", // Plus "return min(src + dst, 1.0);\n", // Modulate "return src * dst;\n", // Screen "return src + dst - src * dst;\n", // Overlay "return clamp(vec4(mix(" "2.0 * src.rgb * dst.rgb + src.rgb * (1.0 - dst.a) + dst.rgb * (1.0 - src.a), " "src.a * dst.a - 2.0 * (dst.a - dst.rgb) * (src.a - src.rgb) + src.rgb * (1.0 - dst.a) + dst.rgb * (1.0 - src.a), " "step(dst.a, 2.0 * dst.rgb)), " "src.a + dst.a - src.a * dst.a), 0.0, 1.0);\n", // Darken "return vec4(src.rgb * (1.0 - dst.a) + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + " "min(src.rgb * dst.a, dst.rgb * src.a), src.a + dst.a - src.a * dst.a);\n", // Lighten "return vec4(src.rgb * (1.0 - dst.a) + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb + " "max(src.rgb * dst.a, dst.rgb * src.a), src.a + dst.a - src.a * dst.a);\n", }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructors/destructors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ProgramCache::ProgramCache(Extensions& extensions) : mHasES3(extensions.getMajorGlVersion() >= 3) { } ProgramCache::~ProgramCache() { clear(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cache management /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ProgramCache::clear() { PROGRAM_LOGD("Clearing program cache"); mCache.clear(); } Program* ProgramCache::get(const ProgramDescription& description) { programid key = description.key(); if (key == (PROGRAM_KEY_TEXTURE | PROGRAM_KEY_A8_TEXTURE)) { // program for A8, unmodulated, texture w/o shader (black text/path textures) is equivalent // to standard texture program (bitmaps, patches). Consider them equivalent. key = PROGRAM_KEY_TEXTURE; } auto iter = mCache.find(key); Program* program = nullptr; if (iter == mCache.end()) { description.log("Could not find program"); program = generateProgram(description, key); mCache[key] = std::unique_ptr<Program>(program); } else { program = iter->second.get(); } return program; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Program generation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Program* ProgramCache::generateProgram(const ProgramDescription& description, programid key) { String8 vertexShader = generateVertexShader(description); String8 fragmentShader = generateFragmentShader(description); return new Program(description, vertexShader.string(), fragmentShader.string()); } static inline size_t gradientIndex(const ProgramDescription& description) { return description.gradientType * 2 + description.isSimpleGradient; } String8 ProgramCache::generateVertexShader(const ProgramDescription& description) { // Add attributes String8 shader(gVS_Header_Start); if (description.hasTexture || description.hasExternalTexture) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Attributes_TexCoords); } if (description.hasVertexAlpha) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Attributes_VertexAlphaParameters); } if (description.hasColors) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Attributes_Colors); } // Uniforms shader.append(gVS_Header_Uniforms); if (description.hasTextureTransform) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Uniforms_TextureTransform); } if (description.hasGradient) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Uniforms_HasGradient); } if (description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Uniforms_HasBitmap); } if (description.hasRoundRectClip) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Uniforms_HasRoundRectClip); } // Varyings if (description.hasTexture || description.hasExternalTexture) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasTexture); } if (description.hasVertexAlpha) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasVertexAlpha); } if (description.hasColors) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasColors); } if (description.hasGradient) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasGradient[gradientIndex(description)]); } if (description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasBitmap); } if (description.hasRoundRectClip) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasRoundRectClip); } // Begin the shader shader.append(gVS_Main); { if (description.hasTextureTransform) { shader.append(gVS_Main_OutTransformedTexCoords); } else if (description.hasTexture || description.hasExternalTexture) { shader.append(gVS_Main_OutTexCoords); } if (description.hasVertexAlpha) { shader.append(gVS_Main_VertexAlpha); } if (description.hasColors) { shader.append(gVS_Main_OutColors); } if (description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gVS_Main_OutBitmapTexCoords); } // Output transformed position shader.append(gVS_Main_Position); if (description.hasGradient) { shader.append(gVS_Main_OutGradient[gradientIndex(description)]); } if (description.hasRoundRectClip) { shader.append(gVS_Main_HasRoundRectClip); } } // End the shader shader.append(gVS_Footer); PROGRAM_LOGD("*** Generated vertex shader:\n\n%s", shader.string()); return shader; } static bool shaderOp(const ProgramDescription& description, String8& shader, const int modulateOp, const char** snippets) { int op = description.hasAlpha8Texture ? MODULATE_OP_MODULATE_A8 : modulateOp; shader.append(snippets[op]); return description.hasAlpha8Texture; } String8 ProgramCache::generateFragmentShader(const ProgramDescription& description) { String8 shader(gFS_Header_Start); const bool blendFramebuffer = description.framebufferMode >= SkXfermode::kPlus_Mode; if (blendFramebuffer) { shader.append(gFS_Header_Extension_FramebufferFetch); } if (description.hasExternalTexture) { shader.append(gFS_Header_Extension_ExternalTexture); } shader.append(gFS_Header); // Varyings if (description.hasTexture || description.hasExternalTexture) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasTexture); } if (description.hasVertexAlpha) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasVertexAlpha); } if (description.hasColors) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasColors); } if (description.hasGradient) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasGradient[gradientIndex(description)]); } if (description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasBitmap); } if (description.hasRoundRectClip) { shader.append(gVS_Header_Varyings_HasRoundRectClip); } // Uniforms int modulateOp = MODULATE_OP_NO_MODULATE; const bool singleColor = !description.hasTexture && !description.hasExternalTexture && !description.hasGradient && !description.hasBitmap; if (description.modulate || singleColor) { shader.append(gFS_Uniforms_Color); if (!singleColor) modulateOp = MODULATE_OP_MODULATE; } if (description.hasTexture || description.useShadowAlphaInterp) { shader.append(gFS_Uniforms_TextureSampler); } else if (description.hasExternalTexture) { shader.append(gFS_Uniforms_ExternalTextureSampler); } if (description.hasGradient) { shader.appendFormat(gFS_Uniforms_GradientSampler[description.isSimpleGradient], gFS_Uniforms_Dither); } if (description.hasRoundRectClip) { shader.append(gFS_Uniforms_HasRoundRectClip); } // Optimization for common cases if (!description.hasVertexAlpha && !blendFramebuffer && !description.hasColors && description.colorOp == ProgramDescription::ColorFilterMode::None && !description.hasDebugHighlight && !description.hasRoundRectClip) { bool fast = false; const bool noShader = !description.hasGradient && !description.hasBitmap; const bool singleTexture = (description.hasTexture || description.hasExternalTexture) && !description.hasAlpha8Texture && noShader; const bool singleA8Texture = description.hasTexture && description.hasAlpha8Texture && noShader; const bool singleGradient = !description.hasTexture && !description.hasExternalTexture && description.hasGradient && !description.hasBitmap && description.gradientType == ProgramDescription::kGradientLinear; if (singleColor) { shader.append(gFS_Fast_SingleColor); fast = true; } else if (singleTexture) { if (!description.modulate) { shader.append(gFS_Fast_SingleTexture); } else { shader.append(gFS_Fast_SingleModulateTexture); } fast = true; } else if (singleA8Texture) { if (!description.modulate) { shader.append(gFS_Fast_SingleA8Texture); } else { shader.append(gFS_Fast_SingleModulateA8Texture); } fast = true; } else if (singleGradient) { if (!description.modulate) { shader.appendFormat(gFS_Fast_SingleGradient[description.isSimpleGradient], gFS_Main_Dither[mHasES3]); } else { shader.appendFormat(gFS_Fast_SingleModulateGradient[description.isSimpleGradient], gFS_Main_Dither[mHasES3]); } fast = true; } if (fast) { #if DEBUG_PROGRAMS PROGRAM_LOGD("*** Fast case:\n"); PROGRAM_LOGD("*** Generated fragment shader:\n\n"); printLongString(shader); #endif return shader; } } if (description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gFS_Uniforms_BitmapSampler); } shader.append(gFS_Uniforms_ColorOp[static_cast<int>(description.colorOp)]); // Generate required functions if (description.hasGradient && description.hasBitmap) { generateBlend(shader, "blendShaders", description.shadersMode); } if (description.colorOp == ProgramDescription::ColorFilterMode::Blend) { generateBlend(shader, "blendColors", description.colorMode); } if (blendFramebuffer) { generateBlend(shader, "blendFramebuffer", description.framebufferMode); } if (description.isBitmapNpot) { generateTextureWrap(shader, description.bitmapWrapS, description.bitmapWrapT); } // Begin the shader shader.append(gFS_Main); { // Stores the result in fragColor directly if (description.hasTexture || description.hasExternalTexture) { if (description.hasAlpha8Texture) { if (!description.hasGradient && !description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FetchA8Texture[modulateOp]); } } else { shader.append(gFS_Main_FetchTexture[modulateOp]); } } else { if (!description.hasGradient && !description.hasBitmap) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FetchColor); } } if (description.hasGradient) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FetchGradient[gradientIndex(description)]); shader.appendFormat(gFS_Main_AddDitherToGradient, gFS_Main_Dither[mHasES3]); } if (description.hasBitmap) { if (!description.isBitmapNpot) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FetchBitmap); } else { shader.append(gFS_Main_FetchBitmapNpot); } } bool applyModulate = false; // Case when we have two shaders set if (description.hasGradient && description.hasBitmap) { if (description.isBitmapFirst) { shader.append(gFS_Main_BlendShadersBG); } else { shader.append(gFS_Main_BlendShadersGB); } applyModulate = shaderOp(description, shader, modulateOp, gFS_Main_BlendShaders_Modulate); } else { if (description.hasGradient) { applyModulate = shaderOp(description, shader, modulateOp, gFS_Main_GradientShader_Modulate); } else if (description.hasBitmap) { applyModulate = shaderOp(description, shader, modulateOp, gFS_Main_BitmapShader_Modulate); } } if (description.modulate && applyModulate) { shader.append(gFS_Main_ModulateColor); } // Apply the color op if needed shader.append(gFS_Main_ApplyColorOp[static_cast<int>(description.colorOp)]); if (description.hasVertexAlpha) { if (description.useShadowAlphaInterp) { shader.append(gFS_Main_ApplyVertexAlphaShadowInterp); } else { shader.append(gFS_Main_ApplyVertexAlphaLinearInterp); } } // Output the fragment if (!blendFramebuffer) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FragColor); } else { shader.append(!description.swapSrcDst ? gFS_Main_FragColor_Blend : gFS_Main_FragColor_Blend_Swap); } if (description.hasColors) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FragColor_HasColors); } if (description.hasRoundRectClip) { shader.append(gFS_Main_FragColor_HasRoundRectClip); } if (description.hasDebugHighlight) { shader.append(gFS_Main_DebugHighlight); } } // End the shader shader.append(gFS_Footer); #if DEBUG_PROGRAMS PROGRAM_LOGD("*** Generated fragment shader:\n\n"); printLongString(shader); #endif return shader; } void ProgramCache::generateBlend(String8& shader, const char* name, SkXfermode::Mode mode) { shader.append("\nvec4 "); shader.append(name); shader.append("(vec4 src, vec4 dst) {\n"); shader.append(" "); shader.append(gBlendOps[mode]); shader.append("}\n"); } void ProgramCache::generateTextureWrap(String8& shader, GLenum wrapS, GLenum wrapT) { shader.append("\nhighp vec2 wrap(highp vec2 texCoords) {\n"); if (wrapS == GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT) { shader.append(" highp float xMod2 = mod(texCoords.x, 2.0);\n"); shader.append(" if (xMod2 > 1.0) xMod2 = 2.0 - xMod2;\n"); } if (wrapT == GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT) { shader.append(" highp float yMod2 = mod(texCoords.y, 2.0);\n"); shader.append(" if (yMod2 > 1.0) yMod2 = 2.0 - yMod2;\n"); } shader.append(" return vec2("); switch (wrapS) { case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: shader.append("texCoords.x"); break; case GL_REPEAT: shader.append("mod(texCoords.x, 1.0)"); break; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: shader.append("xMod2"); break; } shader.append(", "); switch (wrapT) { case GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE: shader.append("texCoords.y"); break; case GL_REPEAT: shader.append("mod(texCoords.y, 1.0)"); break; case GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT: shader.append("yMod2"); break; } shader.append(");\n"); shader.append("}\n"); } void ProgramCache::printLongString(const String8& shader) const { ssize_t index = 0; ssize_t lastIndex = 0; const char* str = shader.string(); while ((index = shader.find("\n", index)) > -1) { String8 line(str, index - lastIndex); if (line.length() == 0) line.append("\n"); ALOGD("%s", line.string()); index++; str += (index - lastIndex); lastIndex = index; } } }; // namespace uirenderer }; // namespace android